Crowd Sourced Video

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Rough Idea

It's difficult to capture good footage of boater cross races. Footage from one camera isn't that good, as it misses lots of the action. The only solution would be for a few people to video.

A group could meet in the car park before the race and agree what areas will covered. It also agreed what aspect ratio to use (16:9) etc. If needed, more experienced members could give some pointers (ex. video boaters) on how to video white water properly.

Then at the end of the race one person collects the footage on a hard drive or get the tapes from you, then captures the video together. The raw (semi edited down footage, with the footage all put together in chronological order) would then be put on DVD(s) and sent to as many people as possible so they could try their hand at editing it. This would be available a few days after the race.

The result would hopefully be a few good videos of the race.

Clare Glens Race

Saturday, January 30th 2010


Meeting in the car park at the get out before the race. Please drop an email to [email protected] if you are interested in helping out.

See the forum thread for more details: