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Boston Globe

The Forum at HSPH
March 6 webcast: Sleep Deprivation and Health

A news digest from HSPH's Center for Health Communication

Copyright © 2012 The President and Fellows of Harvard College

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This Department of Nutrition site offers tips for healthy eating

World Health News 


Support HSPH Our Mission HSPH Milestones History of the School Make a Gift Volunteer Commencement 2012 Congratulations graduates! HSPH Students Why public health? Nutrition HSPH honors Jamie Oliver Environmental Health Toxic mercury in Arctic News and Features Modeling gene-gene and gene-environment interaction may not substantially improve disease risk prediction (HSPH release) Melissa Begg to receive inaugural Lagakos Distinguished Alumni Award (HSPH feature) Poll: Many sick Americans experience significant financial problems, report care not well-managed (HSPH release) Some HDL, or "good" cholesterol, may not protect against heart disease 
(HSPH release) New research explores role of genetics in smoking and lung cancer (HSPH feature) Study from HSPH, World Health Organization finds simple, low-cost checklist improves childbirth care (HSPH release) While Americans debate universal health, other nations adopt coverage for all (Los Angeles Times) HSPH Healthy Pyramid helps guide offerings at Google café (Los Angeles Times) Obesity prevention website launched (HSPH press release) Aid for health simulation conference teaches students about negotiations (HSPH feature) TREC Center at HSPH tackles obesity, cancer prevention (HSPH feature) Video: K. Sujatha Rao reflects on leading India's national health organizations (Voices from the Field) For both bullies and their victims, victimization plays a role (HSPH feature) Franziska Michor honored at Alice Hamilton lecture (HSPH feature) William Foege, MPH '65, legendary for his work to eradicate smallpox, awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom (HSPH feature) Earth Week at HSPH: handprinting, stairwalking, cleaning (HSPH feature) FDA should continue to monitor approved drugs (Institute of Medicine) In memorium: Endang Sedyaningsih, MPH '92, SD '97 High-fructose corn syrup or sugar? For better health, avoid too much of either (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) Two hundred years of surgery (New England Journal of Medicine) HIV may increase risk of malaria infection in children (HSPH feature) Hollywood and health: Harnessing the power of storytelling (HSPH feature) Harsh immigration policies may undermine public safety (HSPH feature) Inaugural HSPH Leadership Fellows share real-world public health policymaking expertise (HSPH feature) Assoc. Prof. Ashish Jha talks about the problem of uninsured, "permanent" patients in hospitals (NBC's Rock Center with Brian Williams) HSPH programs seek to spread knowledge to global decision-makers
(Harvard Gazette) Long-term exposure to air pollution may increase older adults' risk of lung, heart disease (HSPH release) HSPH researchers assess effect on health of proposed fare hikes in Boston area public transportation system (HSPH feature) YMCA/HSPH initiative in afterschool programs increases physical activity levels in youth (HSPH feature) Study shows school-based life skills tobacco control program can lower smoking rates in youth (HSPH feature) HSPH and Culinary Institute of America host healthy eating conference (New York Times) Report: Countries must address needs of world's aging population (World Economic Forum) Research team corroborates Darfur abuse allegations (Voice of America) Global health focus transitions to the elderly, chronic disease (Harvard Gazette) Foods, drinks with flavonoids may reduce risk of Parkinson's disease (U.S. News & World Report) "One Harvard: Lectures that Last" event features HSPH speakers discussing climate change (Harvard Gazette) Two studies look at eating patterns and risk of type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer (HSPH feature) Cancer patients at increased risk for suicide, cardiac deaths (ABC News) Dean Frenk, visiting fellow de Ferranti list key elements of successful health reform in op-ed (New York Times) Benefits of eating fish outweigh risks for most people
(Washington Post) No improvement in patient outcomes seen in hospitals with pay-for-performance programs (HSPH release) Moderate drinking may help men live longer after heart attack
(U.S. News & World Report) HSPH experts weigh in as Supreme Court debates Affordable Care Act Affordable Care Act "friend of the court" brief generating Supreme Court buzz (Reuters) Questioning the safety, necessity of flame retardants (HSPH feature) Researchers eye relationship of hospital funding to outcomes (JAMA) White rice consumption linked to risk of type 2 diabetes (Time) Excess weight may reduce fertility in men (Reuters) In Senate committee testimony, George Clooney discusses violence in Sudan, praises Harvard Humanitarian Initiative students (Satellite Sentinel Project) Examining racial disparities in cancer and mortality rates (HSPH feature) 'Orphan' drugs for children need closer monitoring (Reuters) Sugar-sweetened beverages linked to higher risk of heart disease in men (Web MD) Hispanics born abroad face lower stroke risk than U.S.-born Hispanics and whites (Reuters) HSPH, other Harvard researchers target obesity, diabetes (Harvard Gazette) Study finds benefits of rotavirus vaccine outweigh potential risks (Voice of America) Youth angry with global economic crisis insist on change (Finance and Development) Rosenthal, Brennan named to national commission on physician payment reform Prolonged stress during childhood can be toxic for developing brains (Boston Globe) Health care reform will change individual health insurance, but won't be a death knell for insurance companies (Boston) Use lessons from "AIDS Decade" in fight against global epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (HSPH feature) Video: Lord Nigel Crisp on his experiences leading health organizations (Decision-making: Voices from the Field) HSPH researchers help boost public health in India
(Harvard Magazine) HSPH's Celebration with the Stars honors employee service milestones (HSPH slideshow) Working healthy snacks into after-school programs (HSPH feature) Video: David Blumenthal on changing healthcare through IT innovation (Decision-making: Voices from the Field) Most Americans support reducing nicotine levels in cigarettes (US News & World Report) HSPH researchers led pivotal breakthroughs against polio, AIDS (Harvard Gazette) Improving access to psychotropic medicines in low- and middle-income countries (PLoS Medicine) Mindful eating,, rooted in Buddhist teachings, could be antidote to overeating (New York Times) New standard helps bioscience researchers overcome data-sharing obstacles (ISA, Nature Genetics) Omega-3 fatty acids linked to lower risk of irregular hearbeat (Reuters) Searching for answers to causes of childhood depression (HSPH feature) Funding knowledge gaps, increasing patient involvement top comparative effectiveness research agenda (Kaiser Health News) Dean's Distinguished Lecture speaker says design public health initiatives with users in mind (HSPH feature) Prof. John Briscoe tackles water problems around the world (Harvard Magazine) La Niña weather patterns linked to flu pandemics (Toronto Star) Red meat linked to higher stroke risk (Reuters) Lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress (New York Times) Recent bereavement may increase heart attack risk (Time, BBC) North Carolina task force, headed by HSPH alumna, recommends compensation for sterilization victims (Associated Press) Use anti-smoking tactics to improve American diet, combat obesity (Voice of America) Survey: Public view of comparative effectiveness research and health care cost-cutting (HSPH release) E-cigarette health risks; declines in Greek smoking rates (Reuters Health, SETimes) Nan Laird, Robert Blendon, Sarah Fortune appointed to named professorships (HSPH feature) Dean Julio Frenk featured in story on family planning in Mexico
(ABC, 20/20) Many uninsured in Mass. likely eligible for public health insurance programs (CommonHealth) Coffee may reduce women's risk of endometrial cancer (Time Magazine) Why no Vermont-style health system transformation in Massachusetts? (Boston) Indian Health Service director and HSPH alumna Yvette Roubideaux on challenges of doing more with less (HSPH feature) Harnessing the power of crowds for cancer prevention (New York Times) HSPH Center promotes health, safety in the workplace (HSPH feature) All foods not equal: Factors linked to long-term weight gain (WUNC Radio) Cutter Lecture: Health care expert says now is the time to focus on prevention (HSPH feature) Conference addresses quantitative challenges of using complex genomic data in medical research (HSPH feature) In memorium: Mary Ellen Avery, pioneer in medicine and public health (HSPH feature) Expert panel releases report on environmental links to breast cancer (Bloomberg News) Preventing auto-pedestrian crashes (HSPH feature) William Hsiao helps Vermont reform its health care system (Harvard Crimson) Depression in nursing home workers linked to work-family stress (HSPH feature) USDA's MyPlate doesn't go far enough (WBUR/Radio Boston) David Hemenway honored for violence prevention work (Harvard Crimson) Harvard ministerial leadership in health program launches (HSPH feature) Why the Mediterranean diet is good for health (Los Angeles Times) Novel malaria research wins Gates funding (HSPH feature) Treating trauma patients in Libya, advancing health care in Nepal; HSPH alumni share experiences (The Takeaway) Patient safety expert on adverse events in healthcare (Boston) How media affect youth (Harvard Magazine) HSPH research on benefits of treating AIDS patients cited by Sec. of State Clinton Alumnus Nathan Wolfe hunts for the next pandemic (PBS Newshour) Building trust and collaboration in health care (HSPH feature) Mounting evidence links Epstein-Barr virus, multiple sclerosis (HSPH feature) Prof. John McDonough launches "Health Stew," new blog for Boston HSPH researchers contribute five papers to Health Affairs issue on community development and health Poll: Majority of Americans favor more government spending on health services (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/HSPH) Three HSPH faculty honored for research achievements (HSPH feature) In developing nations, rich get heavier, poor stay thin (Reuters) Tackling the U.S. obesity epidemic (New England Journal of Medicine) HHS official stresses importance of public health work (HSPH feature) Health care in China: progress made, more needed (New York Times) Much can be done to ease cancer burden in developing nations (Lancet) Ensuring universal health insurance a moral issue (Boston Globe) Why civilian war deaths need our attention (HSPH feature) Greenhouse gases and the threat to public health (HSPH feature) Policy makers should prepare for major uncertainties with Medicaid expansion (HSPH release) Prof. Walter Willett discusses "Could Vitamins Do More Harm Than Good?" (NPR, On Point) Poll: More than three-fourths of Mass. residents see health care costs as serious problem (Boston Globe, WBUR) Harvard TREC Center, NCI-funded research center focused on relationship between obesity and cancer, launches new website Hairdressers, barbers could play role in detecting skin cancer (HealthDay, NPR) UN Population Fund director says population growth demands response (Harvard Gazette) Mother's trans fat consumption linked to baby's size (Reuters) Three HSPH faculty elected to Institute of Medicine (HSPH news) Energized, global effort needed to combat noncommunicable diseases (HSPH feature) "Do we shrink as we grow older?" HSPH alum pens book on middle-aged health issues (HSPH feature) HSPH partners with Mass. on childhood obesity prevention in New Bedford, Fitchburg (Boston Globe) Researchers shed light on how tobacco use leads to lung cancer tumors (HSPH feature) A neurosurgeon, MPH degree in hand, returns to Louisiana focused on public health (HSPH feature) International symposium in Boston targets drug resistance (HSPH feature) Surgery common among elderly Medicare patients at end of life (New York Times) So-called "worst" hospitals treat twice as many elderly, poor, minority patients as "best" hospitals (U.S. News & World Report) Vigorous exercise linked to higher vitamin D levels, lower heart disease risk (USA Today) Pioneering research by HSPH's Goldie on cost-effectiveness of inexpensive cervical cancer treatment cited (Harvard Magazine) Minimizing the risk of infections at the gym (Boston Globe) In memorium: Dade Moeller, former Chair, HSPH Department of Environmental Health Sciences Dean Frenk inducted into Academy of Arts and Sciences (HSPH feature) Wages decrease as employers pay more for health care (Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel) Should health professionals have coaches? (New Yorker) Poll: Pre-retirees may underestimate health, financial challenges of retirement (HSPH/NPR/RWJF release) Dean Frenk steps up efforts to keep global health issues center stage (HSPH feature) Drinking coffee may decrease risk of depression in women (New York Times) Health advocate urges countries to move prevention to top of health care agenda (HSPH feature) Eating fish may lower stroke risk (Reuters) HSPH faculty Kane, Miller, Gelber, Hide receive awards (HSPH feature) Low-income countries committed to improving health of mothers, children (Guardian) Electronic health records, other technologies, critical to providing patient "medical homes" (HSPH feature) Pursuing risk factors for chronic fatigue syndrome (Wall St. Journal) Healthy Eating Plate launched (HSPH release) HSPH researchers call Florida gun law unconstitutional (HSPH feature) Student team documents health conditions on isolated Idjwi island (Initiative for Idjwi) Daily drink for middle-aged women may promote health in later years (PLoS Medicine) VA hospital patients readmitted at similar rates as private hospitals (Washington Post) City of Boston launches ad campaign to curb consumption of sugary drinks (Boston Globe) Journal special series celebrates 50 years of universal health coverage in Japan (Lancet) Vitamin A supplement programs improve child survival (BBC) U.S. must focus health resources on high-value care to control health spending (Bloomberg, NPR) New computer model system shown effective in toxicology testing (Environmental Health Perspectives) Check out the latest news from the HSPH AIDS Initiative (HAI Spotlight) Lowered "time-price" of food to blame for rising obesity (HSPH Hot Topics series) Pinpointing health risk factors is tricky business (Harvard Magazine) Malaria resurgence in Senegal raises concerns (NPR) Population explosion demands thoughtful response (CNN) Protecting children from adversity key to healthy development (HSPH Hot Topics series) Positive emotions may be good for health (HSPH Hot Topics series) Depression linked to stroke risk in women (Huffington Post) School obesity-prevention program may reduce medical costs (Boston Globe) Foods helpful in preventing weight gain (NPR) Heart disease: A little exercise goes a long way (HealthDay) World population to surpass 7 billion in 2011 (HSPH release) World Health Organization needs 'major reform,' says HSPH's Barry Bloom (HSPH feature)
Where you live can affect your health (HSPH feature) Stiffer air pollution regulations crucial, HSPH's Schwartz tells congressional committee (HSPH feature) Read the latest issue of the journal Health and Human Rights
Video: Atul Gawande interviews doctor trying to lower health care costs in Camden, N.J. (PBS Frontline) HSPH researchers honored at national epidemiology conference (HSPH feature) Secondhand smoke may cause mental health problems in children (Huffington Post) International survey: Most respondents would seek early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (HSPH/Alzheimer Europe release) Fawzi, Williams appointed HSPH department chairs (HSPH feature) Mediterraneans abandoning their famous diet (NPR) Hold the salt, pass the potassium (Reuters) Night shift work may raise women's diabetes risk (U.S. News & World Report) Mass graves documented in Sudan (Satellite Sentinel Project) Evidence of autism risk factors at birth elusive (Reuters) Indonesian prime minister discusses challenges of implementing health reform (HSPH feature) Healthy lifestyle may lower risk of sudden cardiac death among women (Reuters) Report finds dramatic increases in US obesity rates (Bloomberg) Satisfaction with daily life may protect against heart disease (European Society of Cardiology release) Inequalities in consumer health spending essential in controlling Mass. health care costs (WBUR's CommonHealth) Patient safety experts call for shorter resident physician shifts (Reuters) Smoking may increase risk of prostate cancer recurrence, death (HSPH release) Costly noncommunicable diseases on rise in developing world (New York Times) Prolonged TV-viewing linked with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, premature death (HSPH release) HSPH alum freed from Iranian prison thanks supporters (Boston Globe) Energy-efficient buildings can be hazardous to health (Institute of Medicine) Boys who bully may grow up to abuse women (USA Today) Poll: Support for Mass. landmark health reform law rises in 2011 (HSPH release) HSPH alumna/professor celebrates 60-year connection to Harvard Stress not linked to increased risk of multiple sclerosis (Neurology) Emissions from traffic congestion may shorten lives (USA Today) Selective abortion of girls appears common throughout India (Lancet) Leadership crucial for U.S. emergency preparedness (Washington Post) New HSPH building wins environmental award (HSPH feature) HSPH researcher Mike Wolfson participated in the Freedom Ride, which fought segregation in 1961 (PBS, "American Experience") Students, researchers display study findings at 25th annual Poster & Exhibit Day (HSPH feature) Atul Gawande wins National Magazine Award for New Yorker article on end-of-life care (HSPH feature) Heat waves tied to climate change could increase urban deaths (HSPH feature) Rapid population growth poses daunting challenges for Africa (New York Times) Electronic health records, other technologies discussed at 3rd annual Public Health and Technology Conference (HSPH feature) Yerby diversity lecture highlights lack of access to medical care,, health insurance among urban youth of color (HSPH feature) Video: Expert panel discusses business models for delivery of medical technologies in developing countries Stress plays key role in racial disparities in health (HSPH feature) Study finds early treatment may delay onset of AIDS (Annals of Internal Medicine) Report: Protein, calories may help lessen effect of traumatic brain injury (Institute of Medicine) Video: Former U.S. Senate aide on pushing healthcare decisions through Congress Women's height declining in many low-income countries (HSPH feature) Dean Julio Frenk elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Gazette) Diet soda may not boost type 2 diabetes risk (Reuters) Poll: Americans believe quality of U.S. health care average at best (HSPH/RWJF press release) Panel addresses smoking in developing world (Harvard Crimson) Report recommends new UN Population Fund head focus on sexual and reproductive health (Center for Global Development) South African health minister describes plan to stem tide of HIV/AIDS (HSPH feature) Boston to phase out sugary drinks on city property Health risks from estrogen pills fade after women stop taking them (JAMA) National Public Health Week 2011 focuses on injury prevention (HSPH feature) 10 reasons for optimism about health reform legislation (Kaiser Health News) New report outlines ways aid workers can use technology during humanitarian emergencies (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative) Public officials convene for disaster leadership workshop (HSPH feature) Concept of "demographic dividend," pioneered by Prof. David Bloom and colleagues, included as one of Time's "10 ideas that will change the world" Overweight adults who do not recognize excess pounds less likely to eat healthy, be active Prof. Nancy Krieger authors new book tracing history of--and debates over--epidemiologic theories (HSPH feature) WHO's Flavia Bustreo inspires students to join fight for women's and children's health (HSPH feature) Risk to U.S. from Japan radiation low, expert says Panelists discuss response to Japan disasters at HSPH Forum event Conference addresses burden of non-communicable diseases of world's poorest billion (HSPH feature) Dean Frenk on health reform lessons from Mexico (Harvard Business Review) New understanding of cell migration may have implications for cancer treatment research (Harvard Crimson) Economic growth in India not associated with reduction in child undernutrition (PLoS Medicine) Prof. John McDonough on President Obama’s support for legislation to give states more flexibility to implement health reform (Kaiser Health News) Asking patients to pay more for health care may not reduce costs (Robert Wood Johnson report) Mass. Governor Deval Patrick releases new health care payment reform proposal (CommonHealth) Ibuprofen may reduce risk of developing Parkinson's disease (HSPH release) Traffic, air pollution most significant triggers of heart attacks (Lancet) Prof. Gregory Connolly aims to curb smoking in the U.S. and abroad (Harvard Magazine) Little historical evidence to support cutting global health aid during recessions (HSPH release) Poll: Whites without college degrees pessimistic about economy’s future (The Washington Post) Podcast: Repealing health care reform law would damage potential to address racial and ethnic health inequalities (Conversations in Public Health) Eating berries may protect against Parkinson's disease (Foxnews) Time to stop talking about low-fat, say HSPH nutrition experts Aging light fixtures in New York City schools may be leaking PCBs (Wall St. Journal) Moderate alcohol intake may decrease men's risk for type 2 diabetes (HSPH feature) Biking on cycle tracks safer than biking on roads (Injury Prevention) Millions of Americans may churn in and out of health coverage under Affordable Care Act (Health Affairs) New findings that young men may also benefit from human papillomavirus vaccine may warrant reconsideration of vaccination guidelines (New England Journal of Medicine) WEBCAST: Walter Willett discusses the new USDA dietary guidelines on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show (WGBH Radio) Accountable care organizations offer promise for cost-savings, greater efficiency (New York Times) HSPH health policy experts weigh in on proposed Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts health plan merger (WBZ, Boston Globe, WBUR) Poll: Americans remain divided over health reform (HSPH release) Hsiao recommends single-payer system for Vermont (Vermont Public Radio) Can health care costs be lowered by providing the neediest patients with better care? (New Yorker) HSPH faculty, alumni reflect on recovery efforts in Haiti (Harvard Gazette) Former HSPH Dean Barry Bloom named AAAS Fellow (Harvard Gazette) President Obama calls on Americans to volunteer as mentors (Harvard Mentoring Project at HSPH) Arizona shooting spree casts light on gun violence in U.S. (WBUR) Exposure to PCBs, dioxin, appears to stunt growth in Russian boys (Reuters Health) Violence against mothers linked to 1.8 million female infant and child deaths in India (HSPH release) HSPH alum explores role of stress in heart health disparities (Boston Globe) Marc Lipsitch discusses challenges and lessons learned from the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic (HSPH video) The good and bad of carbohydrates (Los Angeles Times) Ethicist Daniel Wikler on health care rationing (Public Radio International) Study finds intensive care cost-effective for newborns in Mexico (PLoS Medicine) New York City deals with PCBs in schools (WNYC Radio) No link found between HIV and intimate partner violence among women in developing countries (PLoS One) Podcast: Sodium intake of U.S. adult population has not increased over time--but it's still high (Conversations on Public Health) Reforming Vermont's health care system won't be cheap (Vermont Public Radio) Some experts question utility of government food pyramid (Boston Globe) Scientists discover molecular "switch" that contributes to cellular aging process (HSPH release) Report: 20th century medical education and training will not work in the 21st century (Lancet) Diabetes linked to higher risk of depression and vice-versa (CNNHealth) Drinking alcohol in midlife appears to improve health for older women (Wall St. Journal) Overweight primarily a problem among wealthier women in developing countries (HSPH release) Killing deer not the answer to reducing Lyme disease (HSPH feature) Sugary beverages may increase gout risk for women (Journal of the American Medical Association) Institutional changes needed to accommodate longer life spans (Harvard Gazette) Poll: Economic downturn takes toll on health of Americans with chronic illnesses (HSPH release) Must cholera join other endemic diseases in Haiti? Join the discussion (HSPH Forum) Heavy smoking during pregnancy boosts odds of criminal activity among adult children (BBC Radio) Dean Julio Frenk discusses universal access to health care at mobile technology and health conference (RTTNews) HPV vaccine may be cost-effective way to prevent anal cancer (Lancet) Nanoparticles could be used to develop therapeutic agents to treat pulmonary disease, understand health effects of air pollution (Boston Globe) Poll analysis finds Americans have conflicting views on spending on public health system (HSPH release) Podcast: New study measures levels of BPA, a chemical used in consumer products, in pregnant women (Conversations in Public Health) HSPH key partner in program to improve medical education, research capacity in Africa (HSPH feature) Understanding sexual violence in the Congo (Public Radio International) Poll: Prospective Democratic, Republican voters hold starkly different views on new health care law (HSPH press release) David Bloom edits journal issue on social security and the challenge of demographic change (International Social Security Review) Mass. gubernatorial candidates debate health care (CommonHealth, WBUR) HSPH water expert says universities can help Pakistan rebuild water management system HSPH awarded $10.5 million grant for research on genetic risk for breast cancer Audio slideshow: Hilarie Cranmer talks about her experience running a field hospital in earthquake-ravaged Haiti Robert Wright is principal investigator for $11 million grant to HSPH to establish Superfund Research Program Survey: What Americans really think of government (HSPH/Kaiser/Washington Post) Dean Frenk joins world leaders in Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group HSPH paper on inflammation and metabolic disorders widely cited Video: Meredith Rosenthal talks about the new health care regulations (Fox25 Boston) Global health leaders advocate for expanding cancer care in developing countries (Lancet) HSPH alum Suraya Dalil on the challenges of leading Afghanistan's public health efforts (NPR) Recent HSPH faculty awards and honors Arnold Epstein named to Board of Governors for new Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Podcast: The need to cut health costs and slow the rate of health cost growth (Conversations in Public Health) HSPH hosts TEDx event tied to Millennium Development Goals HSPH lecturer helps lead disaster-preparedness exercise in Milwaukee (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel) Mammography screening may be less effective in reducing death rates from breast cancer than previously estimated (HSPH press release) PCBs in older buildings a source of concern (Fox 25, Boston) Mexican health care leader on improving global health systems in future (HSPH feature) Photo exhibit records tragic results of remote conflicts (Harvard Gazette) Surgical checklists can improve care and save money (press release) Controlling water key to preventing future disasters in Pakistan (Harvard Gazette) Dean Frenk letter to HSPH community: "Opportunities and the New School Year" Report: Healthy, educated youths key to Nigeria's future Cutting carbs? Replace them with proteins from plant-based foods (USA Today) Poll: Most Americans aware of egg recall (press release) Tobacco signs target poor neighborhoods (Boston Globe) Philosopher-author discusses the meaning of happiness in new book (NPR) Harvard and Australia join together to make water a priority (press release) Shifting protein sources away from red meats may reduce risk of heart disease in women (press release) Study finds Mediterranean diet may lower breast cancer risk for some women (Reuters) Missouri voters express displeasure with mandatory health insurance (Associated Press) Cranberries, marketed as a "superfruit," often used in high-sugar products (Boston Globe) Head lice not a reason to keep kids home from school (Time) Adults born in famine may have higher pre-diabetes risk (Reuters) Dean Julio Frenk elected to board of Commonwealth Fund (press release) Harvard continues to aid rebuilding efforts in Haiti (Harvard Crimson) Op-ed: Four misconceptions about the global HIV/AIDS epidemic (Reuters) Can cash payments encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles? (Reuters) HSPH alum Suraya Dalil leads Afghanistan's Ministry of Public Health (HSPH News) Report proposes new research agenda to address the pregnancy intentions of HIV-positive women (HSPH release) Brigham and Women's Hospital to recruit patients for gene study (Boston Globe) Is milk good or bad for us? The answer is unclear (LA Times) Movies and television linked to increased tobacco consumption in India (PLoS ONE) Handguns shouldn't be a household staple (Chicago Tribune) Walter Willett discusses the benefits of Vitamin D (CNN video) Sarah Fortune receives clinical scientist development award (Doris Duke Charitable Foundation) Emergency room visits grow in Massachusetts (Boston Globe) William Hsiao chosen to design new models for Vermont health care system (Times Argus) Early-life exposure to PCBs may reduce immune response to vaccination (Environmental Health Perspectives) Dean Julio Frenk joins Bill Gates, Ted Turner, others on new United Nations advocacy group formed to combat poverty (UN News) Massachusetts may find U.S. health care changes costly (Boston Globe) Frank Hu receives diabetes epidemiology award (HSPH feature) Press Releases RSS Feed Events HSPH COMMENCEMENT
coverage of May 24 ceremony The Future of Human Longevity: Medical Advancements, Lifestyle Adjustments
May 31, 8:30 AM-5:15 PM

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