River Corrib

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Hygeia Wave

On high water the Hygia wave start to work (best between 12 and 14 gates, flow dependent, on mid to low tide) this wave is a fast surgie green wave, where you must use a long oldschool playboat to stay on (prozone, forplay, slice etc) Spins and blunts are possible. it is a tricky wave, it take some time to get uset to. When you get washed off the back of the wave you must paddle really hard to catch the eddy. There is a tree overhanging the water which marks the end of the eddy. Be careful not to get stuck in the tree.

Obrien's Wave

On very high water O'Briens wave works (best when the tide is in). This is a pure old skool long boat wave. Super sports and Jives go great, a prozone being the shortest to surf it (not very well). again its a very surgie wave. From the river right eddy (very boily and thrashy on high water) You must time your entry onto the wave as you must surf a feeder wave which leads onto the main wave, when the main wave surges towards you. Once on, a long ride ensues, with paddle spins and shudder rudders the name of the game. Spins are possible, with blunts being very rare. Once flushed off the back of the wave, you must hurry into the eddy or you will be washed down stream very quickly.

Top Hole of the Rapids

Main Wave of the Rapids