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Heart  problems  .The left  arm  acid  ,hemp  ,pain  .When the liver have problems  .When going to bed in the evening  to cramps  calf  .Kidney  problems  .The sound will  not come  ,would be  hoarse  .<br>The spleen and stomach  problems  .Migraine  .Attached to  :the most simple and effective  method of  detoxifying  organs  ,heart problems  in 1  .Breath  is not smooth  ,chest  stuffy  will  sting  sting  ,the  time is short  ,a  few seconds  after  seizures  ,for up to a minute  .<br>2  .Severe  chest pain to  back  again  Gao-Huang  scapular  place  ,ten and a half  months  will  come first,  three  ,five months of  onset time  ,the shorter the time  more serious  .3  .The heart is not good  will involve  left  arm  acid  ,hemp  ,pain  ,because we  cardiac nerve  and  the left arm of the  nerve is  the same  ,so  the left side of the heart  will have problems  involved the  left arm  .<br>4  .The heart  may also  involve  a stiff neck  ,the rotation is not flexible  ,get out of bed in the morning  neck often  twisted  ;because of  heart problems  ,carotid artery  stenosis  ,blood supply  is not smooth  ,next to the  band  after  natural  stiffness  .<br>5  .Have a heart problem  ,the fire  (  fire  )  will rise  ,burn  slowly rise to  the  forehead  is here to stay  ,not from the  forehead  ran out  ,stay  for a long time,  it  will  sore  ,many people  will dizziness  ,arrived  here  after two  cheek  ,through the  eye  ,so  a heart  problem  ,two  cheek  scarlet  .<br>6  .In addition  ,the burn  to the top  will  go down  ,down  from the  forehead  two  eyebrow  Ling  bone  around the  temple  through our  brain  ,along the  neck  into the  throat  ,and into my intestines  ,from the anus  out  ;so  the burn  down  ,two  eyebrow  Ling  bone  will  ache  ;some friends  hyperfunction  ,slow  slow  eye  pressure will be greater  ,eyes  and  storm out  ,the so-called  convex  eye  .<br>7  .Burn  down  ,down the  two  temple  ,temple  on both sides  is called  migraine  ,vascular  will expand  ,expansion  stimulus  to the next  nerve  ,can not stand the pain  .8  .The burn  from the  brain  down  slowly  ,it  begins to  swell  ,the strange feeling  ,then put  into the neck  ,neck  lymph  will  stay too long  ,swollen  ;slowly into the  throat  ,throat  is  susceptible to inflammation  ,often feel  a lump  inside  not swallow  ,swallow  and  spit  ,and the  spit it out  .<br>The fire  will  come  into my intestines  ,intestines  will  dry into  ,more and more  heat  ,the temperature is too high  to moderate  water  ,water to  more than a  quick  ,intestines  feces  will  rot away,  we  will be diarrhea  ;moisture  to  deficiencies  ,the excrement can be  dry  ,not line  .<br>9  .Heart problems  will cause  our  stomach  spleen  injuries  ,injuries  ,digestion and absorption capacity  is reduced  ,you eat  food is not  digested  ,finally  will  bloating  ,those things will  recoil  back,  called  acid  .<br>10  .Heart problems  ,nutrients  can not transport  ,always feel  physical strength is not enough  ,eating more  will complement,  too much food will  bring  a lot of sugar  ,sugar is  excluded  by  liver  ,kidney  ,too  much sugar  can lead to  liver  ,kidney failure  ,it is easy to  diabetes  .<br>11  .Have a heart problem  ,the nerve  will decline  ,something  will get nervous  ,be  frightened,  go to bed in the evening not  easily fall asleep  ,fall asleep  after  nightmares,  nightmare  continues  ,the so-called  nightmares  .<br>In two  ,liver  problems  got hepatitis particularly  ,following the  4 phenomenon canany  phenomenon  recurring  episode  1.A dull pain in  the right upper quadrant  .2  .Right  lower back pain  .3  .<br>Right shoulder  feel acid  ,hemp  ,pain  ,and even cause  the right hand  to lift  .4  .When going to bed in the evening  to cramps  calf  .Liver problems  in our  body will produce the  phenomenon will  have  :1.<br>The liver is like a fist  ,having front  ,back  ,front  there  if hardening  enlargement  ,can squeeze  into our  intercostal nerve  ,intercostal nerve  will be  pain  ;if at the back  ,will cause the  right waist  ache 2  .<br>The liver  is not good,  sleep  quality  is not good,  not easy to  toss about  sleep  ;after getting  dry mouth,  bitter taste,  halitosis  ,brushing teeth,  the gums bleed  .Usually for  no interest in  food  ,do not eat  not hungry  ,eat a little bit of  a  satiety  ;walk  a step two  legs will be  very sour  ,will  feel  more and more  fatigue  ,and  also  less  force  .<br>3  .The liver is not  good,  the foot will often  twisted  ,twisted  and  not  ;cut  ,wound  healing  is not  easy  .4  .Like  drinking friends  ,suddenly  can  reduce  .Or  is  repeated skin diseases  go round and begin again  ,okay  ,should pay attention to  liver  .<br>In three  ,when the kidney  problems arise when  our  body will produce the  phenomenon will  have  :1.The kidney  has two  pathway  ,from  the soles of the feet of the  springs  up  ,walk to the  foot root  inside  ,and then along  the  inner side of  the leg  to  walk  .<br>The first  from the rear  to  walk to the  waist  and bladder  ,and then along  the spine on both sides  to  go  when we  kidney is not good,  the gas  will be insufficient,  blood  is  not  ;therefore  the waist will be  acid  ,back ache  ,go  on  to the neck  ,the neck  will feel  stiff  ;to  the back of the head  will feel  faint  bulge is not  comfortable  ,to the top of his head  will feel  fullness  ,above his head  down to the  two    point  between  the eyebrows  ,eyes  not  to  feel  dry  gas  .<br>Second  from the front  ,after  thigh with  our  genital  and liver  combined  along  both sides of the body  ,the last  into his chest  and lungs  with  .Kidney problem  ,thigh both sides  will  acid  ,soft  ,weak  ,often itches  .<br>Unable to  put the  gas to the  chest  and lungs  with  ,our breathing  slowly  is not smooth  ,for a long time  inside the  trachea  will  lock  ,a locking  air  is not easy to  come  ,people  will feel  suffocated,  must be    to  slow it down  .<br>2  .Gas  bladder  with  insufficient  ,causing  bladder  sphincter  cells  susceptible to metabolic  death  caused  relaxation  ,urination  situation is not good,  urinary frequency  ,for a long time  the cells slowly  necrosis  ,finally on  urinary incontinence  .<br>3  .See things  pupil  part  called  vision  ,is the  direct control  by the  kidney  ,kidney problems  ,not  the  renal water  sent to the  eyes  ,eyes  feel  dry  ,acid  ,astringent  ,slowly  vision  will be blurred  ,serious  will appear  dark  ,called  floaters  ,for a long time  there will be more and more  big  ,cause  glaucoma  .<br>4  .Get up in the morning  ,the heel  can  not  comfortable because  ,while at rest  ,blood  in  liver  ,kidney  and temporarily  ischemia  ,up  to  pumps blood into the  systemic  ,because the  kidney is not good,  too  weak  ,blood    joint  bleeding  nature will be  stiff  ,activity  ,blood circulation to the  joint  will be  relaxed  .<br>5  .People  alive will be  speech  ,speech  waste strength  ,itself  kidney  aerobic  too weak  ,then the  gas  is consumed  will  not want to speak  ,because the job  can  speak,  the voice will  not come  ,would be  hoarse  .<br>6  .Like  deep breathing  always feel that  not enough air  ,natural  breathing will  soon  ,breathing in a  short  ,nasal  will  ischemia  ,the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity  because of ischemia,  resistance will be  reduced  ,air in the  dust  will  destroy it  ,destroyed the  will of course  sensitive  ,wet weather  ,changes  ,cannot sustain  will attack  ,known as the  allergic rhinitis  7.<br>A male friend  of  prostate  ,ovary  ,uterus are  indirect  women  ,directly with the  kidney  ,thus  ,kidney  problems  ,to a certain age  ,prostate  will  mast  ;women  because the  kidney is not good,  ovary  ,uterus  will be  weak  ,cold  ,cold  is no strength  each  month  should be  discharged  blood  drained  ,row  not clean  are  stranded  in the womb,  each menstrual  blood is to be  drained  out  ,cannot  stay in  the womb,  for a long time  may cause  blood clots  accumulation  ,the formation of tumor  ,called  uterine myoma  .<br>8  .Each  menstrual blood  out  ,inside  back and forth  impingement  ,uterine  endometrium  could not stand  the  menstrual blood  can not bear  these  menstrual blood  on the inside of the  push,  to be deformed  ,ectopic  ,called  endometriosis  ;slowly  endocrine  would be chaos  ,excessive secretions  ,vaginal discharge  can form  .<br>9  .For a long time,  the kidney  is getting bad  ,gas  more and more weak  ,and will be  started cold  ,especially in winter  is particularly  cold  .Slowly  for a long time,  sit  not  ,nor  go  station  ,nor  ,will certainly  cause  nerve injury,  go to bed in the evening not  good  sleep  ,not easy to  fall asleep  ,a little voice  will be woken up  ,even when  asleep  ,dreaming  sleep  all night  ,with  no sleep  ,every day  is very tired  .<br>In four  ,the spleen and stomach  problems arise when  our  body will produce the  phenomenon will  have  :1.Shoulder  pain may be  symptoms  :right shoulder  pain often  have problems  when  liver  .Left shoulder  aches  heart  and  stomach  problem  .<br>The two shoulder  and  feel uncomfortable  ,often feel  stiff  neck  ,that is  digestive organs  out of the question  .2  .Migraine  :do you often  feel  temple  on both sides of the  pain phenomena  ,although long-term  attendances  .<br>Medicine is  invalid  ,you may  also  accompanied by constipation  .Constipation  or  diarrhea  ,flatulence  and other phenomena  .The  only  cure  digestive  problems,  natural  cure  for a long time problem of  migraine  .<br>3  .Most people think that  constipation  and  diarrhea  are two separate things,  but  some people have  constipation and  diarrhea  also  appear in turn  ,often  feel that  appetite  .Abdominal flatulence  .<br>A constriction in the chest  and  heart palpitations  .Dyspnea and  insomnia  phenomenon  ,but  feel  physically  weakened  day by day  .Muscle wasting  ,and check to see reason  ,the above phenomenon  ,you  may have been  suffering from  chronic enteritis  ,don  treatment  may result in fatal  peritonitis in 4  .<br>The small intestine  and  the lymphatic system  :unexplained pain  often  haunt us  ,if your  throat without  inflammation  ,but  often  discomfort or  pain  ,the sides of the neck  often  ache  ,shoulder  and  arm lateral  also have  discomfort  and  pain,  but  unable to reason  ,after  massage  .<br>Massage  can  relieve  this phenomenon  when the station  ,please pay more attention to  small  and  the lymphatic system  has been  on red  .5  .E  :when you  often  feel dry  .Bitter taste in the mouth  ,want to  drink plenty of water  ,and prone to  nasal obstruction  .<br>Runny nose  ;usually  no cavities  ,but  tooth pain  .The sides of the neck  will swell  .Uncomfortable  .Not  to mention heavy things  ,above  tells us that  e  has  a red light  .In five  ,diabetes  1.<br>Diabetes  is  insulin deficiency  ,but  the kidney  ,liver  ,heart  is not very  healthy  situation  of the form,  so it is not easy to  heal  .But also easy to  cause other  lesions  such as  :renal failure  ,stroke  ,blindness  ,amputation  .<br>..  ...  2  .Diabetes  develops to a certain stage  will  appear  a little  obvious  symptoms  .More than three  (  eat  ,drink  ,urine)  a  little  (  weight loss  )  .Patients with diabetes  may occur in  the following  symptoms  :1.<br>Vision abnormalities  :due to  diabetes  can cause eye  peripheral  microvascular  obstruction,  causing eye  fatigue  ,blurred vision  ,small  words are not clear  ,serious will cause  blindness  .2  .<br>Fatigue  :due to  in vivo glucose  can  enter the cell  ,leading to  general weakness  .3  .Skin  resistance is poor  :Constitution  usually presents with  acidification  ,peripheral vascular  blockage  ,wound healing is not easy  ,easy  fester  ,also easy to cause  periodontal  disease  ,athlete  .<br>4  .Neurological disorders  :muscle and nerve tissue  can  nourish  ,therefore blocking  circulation  ,fingertip  appear  numb pain  ,or  even  lose the feeling  .5  .Wound healing is not easy  :late  due to  diabetes  ,peripheral vascular  necrosis  ,wound  blackening  ,ulceration  healing is not easy  ,sometimes even  amputation  to  extend life  .<br>In six  ,the headache  is not a disease  ,pain,  and to human life  ,according to a survey  ,over  at least 600000 people  have a headache  ,a headache  medicine to  eat,  but  eat more  ineffective  ,headache  situation worse  ,there are some  people  at least monthly  headache  for more than 15 days  ,3 into abovebecause  of abuse of  headache  ,headache  still  ,but  develop  medication  addiction  habit  .<br>In fact,  there is a certain relationship between  headache  and visceral  .In  position  :forehead reflectance  heart  ,both sides  temple vicinity  stomach  ,heart  and  head  afterbrain  is  abnormal renal function  ,ear  sides  reflecting  liver  ,dizziness  for  kidney-qi deficiency,  but the  head  will be dizzy  should  pay more attention to  the liver  ,especially men  .<br>In seven  ,the busy life of  modern  people  with constipation  ,often  edible  low  fiber  instant  ,not  drink  ,do not  exercise  ,often have  constipation  ,but not  normal defecation  ,and  emotional instability  ,taking medication or  improper use of  nutritional supplements  ,can also cause  constipation  .<br>Long term constipation  person  ,because feces  accumulation  in Escherichia  time is too long  ,often have  bad temper  or  endocrine disorders and other  sequelae  .In fact  ,the real reason  to  cause constipation  ,fire  is  a great relationship,  burn  down the  drive  to  the stomach,  causing  the intestine peristalsis  too slow  ,moisture is absorbed  ,time to  discharge  stool  ,constipation  .<br>If the  fast peristalsis  ,water  can  be absorbed,  it would become the  diarrhea  .Even  more  down to the  rectum  and the formation of  hemorrhoids  .Constipation  time is too long  ,there may be  irritable bowel syndrome  ,colon cancer  ,diabetes,  warning  .<br>Eight  shoulders  or neck pain  ,general pain  ,pain is unreasonable  .The main  factor that  is composed of visceral  blood  does not run  along  ,and the  internal  mechanism is not sound  caused by  .<br>In general  ,the shoulder  or neck pain  is very knowledgeable,  not the so-called  sports injuries  ,fifty  shoulder  tendinitis  ...Such as the  simple  reason  .So  ,why do  people spend  time and money  ,long-term  rehabilitation  ,pain point  injection of steroids  ,or  taking painkillers  ,fail to effect  ,mental torment  more  suffering  ,pain  location  may be reflecting  visceral  problems  ,like  long  left neck  and  shoulder pain  ,mainly because  the heart is  the body  on the left side  ,long  life  rise  ,or cardiac function  is a problem  naturally there will be  blood  obstruction  ,there will be  left neck  or  shoulder stiffness  ,soreness  ,rotation is not flexible  ,or  used to  stiff neck  .<br>..To  be  extended to the  left scapula  pain  .Similarly,  liver in the  human  right,  when  liver yang hyperactivity,  anger rise  ,just  mentioned  ache phenomenon  will appear on the  right side of the body  .<br>Sometimes the  pain  position  will run  ,from  unilateral  to  both sides,  because long-term  sweetheart  got  did not eliminate,  the fire  down the  drive  ,can cause  gastrointestinal motility  disorders  ,and  both sides at the shoulder  is the  reflection  of gastrointestinal  .<br>If the day to  use  a  method  ,put  inside the body  heat  and toxin to  in vitro  excreted,  maintain  blood smooth  ,sore  trouble  elimination of natural  !&nbsp  ;relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;relationresultIt seems that in Chinese medicine,our  body has  many toxins,  who cannot  promptly excreted  ,on  our body and mind  will have adverse effects  of  substances can be called  poison  ,such as  blood  ,phlegm  ,chill  ,indigestion  ,gas  stagnation  ,lit  .<br>These toxins accumulate  in within the five internal organs  ,it will speed up the  five internal organs of the aging  ,and then from the five internal organs  to support the skin  ,bones  ,muscles  ,nerves also followed  with  aging  .<br>Although  toxins deep  ,but they are in the  body surface  or  leaving  traces  ,the appearance of representatives of different  toxins hidden in where  ,now  ,we must find out  the toxins hiding place  ,as soon as possible and put  it out of the body  .<br>If the liver  with the toxin  in 1  nail surfacewith protruding ridge  ,or down to depression  .TCM believes that  liver  main bar  ,the nail is  ribs    ,so the  accumulation of  toxins in the liver  ,the nail  will have a clear  signal  .<br>2  breasthyperplasia  ,premenstrual breast  pain increased significantly  .Breast  belongs to the liver  meridian  of the  fortress  ,once the liver  via  a  exists  ,then produce breast hyperplasia  ,especially  in the blood  is  discharged,  because  blood  is filled  and become  pain  obviously  .<br>3  emotionally vulnerable todepression  .The liver is the  organ  in vivo regulation of  emotions  ,once the liver toxicity  can be discharged in time  ,blocking  gas  operation  ,will cause obvious  bad mood  .<br>The 4  sides of themigraine  ,facial  acne  ,also  appearing dysmenorrhea  .On both sides of the face  and  the lower abdomen  ,are  liver and  its partner,  the gallbladder meridian  a mu 3 distribute land  ,once the liver detoxification is not carefree  ,own backyard  would be the first fire  .<br>How to  detox smoother  1eatgreen  food  .According to traditional Chinese medicine  theory of the five elements,  green  food can  access  the liver-qi,  played a very good  Shugan  Jieyu  ,alleviate  ,emotional role  ,to  help  the liver detoxification  food  .<br>TCM experts recommended  blue  orange or lemon  peel and  orange  juice  ,made of  green  or  blue lemonade  ,direct drinking  .2  Chinese wolfberryenhance  liver  tolerance  .In addition to detoxification  ,liver should also enhance  the ability to  resist  toxins  .<br>This kind of food  most Chinese wolfberry  ,it has very good  effect of protecting liver  ,can  enhance the tolerance of the liver toxin  .When eating  to chew the  best  day to eat a little to  eat  .<br>3  pointpress  liver detox  .This refers to the  Taichong  ,location  in the dorsal foot  first  ,two  metatarsal combined with  depression before the  Department of  .Thumb  massage for 3~5 minutes  ,feel a slight  soreness  can  .<br>Do not use too much effort  ,two feet alternately pressing  .4  tears detoxification method.Compared to  never  cry of man  ,woman,  longer life  ,it can not  have a relationship  and  tears  .Traditional Chinese medicine  has  the  knowledge  ,but also  be  confirmed by  Western  medicine  .<br>As  the tear fluid excretion  ,with  sweat and  urine  ,which  does have  some harmful chemical and biological toxins  .So  ,sorry  ,grievance  ,depressed when  he  cried out  .If  the heart with the toxin  in 1  tongue ulcer.<br>TCM believes that  the relationship between the tongue and heart  is most close  ,so long on the tongue ulcer  ,is usually considered  a fire inside the heart  ,or  burn  .2  long foreheadsmallpox  .Forehead is the heart  of the jurisdiction of a dependency  ,firelight strong poison into the fire  ,this dependency will be boiling  ,so the  as one falls  to  appear  a lot of acne  .<br>3 insomnia  ,palpitations  .Heart in a non-stop work  ,when  the fire  stay in the heart  and  can not be excluded,  the sleep is not stable  .4  chest tightness orpain  .Heart  in  stasis  is a  toxin  ,like traffic jams on the highway  ,light some of the  chest  ,the heavier  it will appear  .<br>How to  detox smoother  1sweatdetox  .The first  lotus core  ,it  is bitter to the taste  ,can  spread  fire,  although  the cold,  but  does not damage the  body of the Yang  ,so it  has always been considered the best  resolve  cardiac  toxic  food  .<br>Can use  lotus core  tea,  may wish to  add some  bamboo or  raw licorice,  can enhance  the  detoxification  effect of  lotus seed core  .2  heart pressingDetox  points  .This refers to the  government  cave  ,located in  the palm,  fourth  ,5 metacarpal bonebetween  the little finger and the  ring finger  ,fist  at the  end  .<br>Press this point  may wish to  use some  force  ,right hand  alternate  .3  beandiuretic detoxification  .Mung bean can be  through diuretic  ,heat  approach  ,to solve and to discharge the  heart of toxins  ,but when you eat green beans to  liquid  form  ,for example green  soybean milk  or the mung bean soup  ,bean paste cake  will be the effect of some difference  .<br>Heart best Detox time  :at 11  --13 pointsis the heart of  the strongest  time  ,can eat some  Baoxin  ,help detoxification  food  ,such as  nuts  ,tuckahoe  ,soy  ,black sesame seeds  ,jujube  ,lotus seed  .<br>If  the spleen with the toxin  in  1 facialmottled  .Women are usually spotted long  weak ability of  some  digestive system  .2  leukorrhagia.Spleen in charge of the body  moisture  moisture  ,if  excessive  ,beyond  the ability of the spleen  ,excessive moisture  will appear  in vivo  ,leucorrhea  is  an embodiment wherein the  .<br>3  fat accumulation.Fat  in the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine  has  a name:  phlegm  ,is due to  spleen  poor digestion  ,not in time to  waste  toxins from your body  produces  .Effective weight loss  must focus on  recovery  and  normal metabolism of  phlegm  theme to  do  ,otherwise it will  rebound  .<br>4 tone  ,lip  perimeter  pox or  ulcer  .Lips around  all belong to the  spleen  ,the  spleen  of toxins  can be excreted  ,accumulation of toxins to find  opportunity from  these places  out  .How to  detox smoother  1sourhelp  spleen  detox  .<br>For example  ,black plum  vinegar  ,which is used to  resolve  food  toxins in the  best food  ,can strengthen  the digestive function of the stomach  ,so that  food toxins  in the shortest possible time  discharge in vitro  .<br>At the same time  also has  the  functions of  invigorating the spleen and  sour food  ,can  play a good  antitoxic  food  .2 pressing  spleen  Detox  points  .This refers to the  Shangqiu  cave  ,located in  the medial anterior malleolus  beneath the recessed  ,the acupuncture points with your fingers Anrou  ,maintaining  a sense of acid can be heavy  ,every 3 minutes or so  ,alternating feet to do  .<br>3  a walk after dinner.Exercise can help  the spleen and stomach digestion  ,accelerate  the rate of toxic emissions,  but  need to  insist for a long time  ,the effect can be better  .Spleen best Detox time  :after the meal is the most  susceptible to toxins  ,food  if not  timely digestion  or  absorption  ,toxins will  accumulate a lot of  .<br>In addition to  a walk after dinner  ,because  out of  the spleen,  can also be  in the meal  1 hours to eat1 fruits,help the  spleen  ,detox  .If  the lungs with the toxin  in 1  skin wasrusty  ,dark  .<br>Chinese medicine  pulmonary administration of  the skin of the body  ,the skin  is  moist  ,white  ,will depend on the  pulmonary  function  of good  .When the  lung in  comparison  with  a  toxin  ,toxin  lung  deposition  to the skin  ,make skin  look  dull  .<br>2 constipation  .Chinese medicine,  lung and colon is a system  ,when the lungs are toxic above  ,the following  will also have abnormal intestinal  siltation  ,appeared  constipation  .3  always melancholy and moody,easy to grief  .<br>Toxins in the lungs  ,can interfere with  lung  qi and blood circulation  ,makes the lungs can not be normal  and comfortable  chest  sulk  ,repressed  must  always melancholy and moody  .Method  how to  detox smoother  1radishis a lung detoxification of food  .<br>In the eyes of Chinese medicine  ,colorectal  and lung  are most closely related to  the lung  ,discharge toxins  depends on the degree of  E.  is smooth  ,can  help  excrete Supian  radish  large intestine  ,raw or  mixed into salad  can be  .<br>2  Lilyimprove lung  poisoning  .Lung  always  don  dry gas  ,in  dry  conditions,  easily lead to the  accumulation of toxins  .Mushroom  ,Lily  has good  nourishing lung  yin nourishing  effect,  can help  the lungs  against  toxins  ,food  processing  time not too long  ,otherwise  the  juice  will  decrease  in lily  ,anti-virus  effect  will be greatly reduced  .<br>3 pressing  lungs  Detox  points  .The  point  is  beneficial to the lungs  of Hegu Point  ,located  at the back of the hand,  first  ,2 metacarpal,when the second  metacarpal radial side of the  midpoint  ,can  pinch the thumb and index finger  position  ,press  .<br>A 4 wicking  detoxification  .Pulmonary administration of  the skin  ,so  cheerfully  out in a sweat  ,let the  sweat  away  toxins from the body,  will let  our lungs  clear  up  .In addition to  exercise  outside  ,sweating method  can also be a  hot bath,  bath before  water with some  ginger and peppermint  oil  ,make the  sweat secretion  more  carefree  ,from  deep inside the body  toxins  .<br>5  deep breaths.With each breath,  intrapulmonary  have  residual  gas  can not be discharged  ,the gas  relative to those of  fresh  ,oxygen-rich air  ,is also a kind of  poison  .Only  a few deep breaths  ,can  reduce body  waste  residue  .<br>Lung  lung  best Detox time  :time is the strongest  as early as 7  points to 9 points,the best time  to  exercise  detox  .In the lungs of the most powerful  when  jogging and other aerobic exercise  ,can strengthen  the  function  of pulmonary  toxins  .<br>If  the kidney with the toxin  in 1  menstruation,or menstrual period is short  ,dark colors  .Menstrual generation  and disappearance of  renal function  ,is  whether  the strong performance  ,if  the kidney has many toxins  ,blood will be reduced  .<br>2  edema.Body fluid management of renal  operation  ,renal accumulation of toxins  ,removing excess  liquid  capacity is reduced  ,will appear  edema  .3  jawacne  .The mandibular facial  areas by  renal  jurisdiction  ,kidney detoxification  deficiency  ,excess toxins  will be reflected in the  mandibular  position  .<br>4  tired easily.The body of toxins  consumed the  kidney  energy  ,kidney  with  less energy  ,so  the body tired  ,weary  drowsiness  ,weakness in the limbs  .How to  detox smoother  1 kidneydetoxification of food  :wax gourd  .<br>Wax gourd  juicy  ,into the human body  ,will stimulate the kidneys  increase  urine  ,from the body of toxins  .When edible  wax gourd  soup  or  fried  available  ,as  some of the light  .2 kidney  antitoxic  food  :yam  .<br>Although  many  organs  while nourishing  yam  ,but ultimately  to  invigorate the kidney  ,often eat  yam  can enhance  the  detoxification function of  kidney  .Toffee yam  is a good  edible method  ,with caramel  processing  yam  ,antitoxic  effect  will  increase accordingly  .<br>3 pressing  Liver Detox  points  :Yongquan point  .This is  the lowest  point  of human body  ,if  the human body is a  building  ,this point  is the  sewage  sewer  outlet  ,often  pressing and kneading  it  ,detoxification  effect  .<br>Location of  plantar  Yongquan point  in  1/3(calculated  excluding  toe  )  ,this point  is quite sensitive,  do not use too much  force  ,a slight feeling  can,  with  side-by-side  rubbed  for good,  lasting about 5 minutes  .<br>Best time for kidney detoxification  :kidney  best  Detox  time is early morning 5 to  7 points,repair of the body through the night  ,in the morning  toxins are  gathered in the  kidney  ,so the morning is best to drink  a cup of  water,  wash  kidney , relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;relationresultThe black eye socket,chapped lips  may not be a  lack of sleep  or lack of  water  caused by  .<br>Japan medical  home  ,70% health problemsface  are the embodiment of  .To understand the  physical condition?  Have a look  your face will  know  !The eyes  tell  you the password of 6  black rim of the eye: the  first thing in the morning  ,found  around the eyes,  dull  ,black eye  ?Look out.<br>  This may be  blood  deposited too much  waste  .Lower eyelid  skin  is thinner than other spots  ,most likely to  reflect the blood  color  .Think of the last  ever feel  pressure is too big or  too  tired  ?Innervation of  the urinary and reproductive  organs  of renal disorders,  also  can let eye week  becomes  dark  .<br>The Australian medical  experts say  ,less late at night  ,eat more wholegrain  foods is  the best way to  eliminate  the black eye socket  !Eyelid edema  :even if  not  how much water to drink  before going to bed  ,get up in the morning and  the eyelids  are  swollen  ?You may be  humoral disorders  !Water metabolism  disorders  caused by  many reasons  ,in addition to  eyelid dropsy  ,also  feel  his  weakness  ,mouth parched and tongue scorched  ,may be  your kidney  in  .<br>Healthy kidney  excess  water  can be  smoothly discharged,  water shortage  ,it will  slow down the  metabolism  rate  ,the  water  accumulation in the  body  ,resulting in  mild  edema  .Don  ,to  drink a few  cups of water,  soon returned to  a pair of  eyes  !Fat granule  :beautician  is often recommended  by some  oil-free  cream  ,with  eyes following  fat granule  .<br>But medical  experts say  ,fat particles  is  high cholesterol  warning  .Delete  from the  recipe for  fried food  and animal offal  ,eat fresh  vegetable & fruit  ,annoying little  particles  will soon  disappear  !Red blood  :eyes  marked hyperemia  ,circulating blood may be  due to the unsmooth  .<br>Don  with  eye drops,  head  ,neck  ,shoulder  activity  ,dredge the  upper limb blood flow  ,and then  have a good sleep  ,let the eyes  get rest adequately,  can be in the  posterior neck and shoulders  with  vitamin C  emulsion  ,vitamin C helps  ease  the circulation of the blood  ,red blood wire  can quickly  reduce  .<br>The eye of the needle:  don  long  needle  users  !Japan  medical experts found that the  long  needle  ,show your  immunity  is declining  ,bacteria  easily from  eyelash root  into the eyes  ,causing inflammation  .<br>If  repeated  long  needle  ,the best to the hospital to be  a comprehensive  health examination  .Often drink  Buzhong Yiqi Decoction  ,improve their immunity,  ability and  a  break up  completely  .<br>White  yellow  :if the  white  color is not  clear  ,may be the  liver  ,bile  is out of the question  .Bile  is a  yellow  green liquid  ,it  from the liver  cells  secreted  ,stored in the  gallbladder  ,when the gallbladder  or  liver disorders  ,bile  flow toward the  blood  ,let  white  yellow  .<br>Fortunately,  the bile can  decompose  excess body fat  ,with  sufficient  bile  ,short-term inside  do not have to  worry about  weight  !Your mouth to tell  you the password of 6  lipwhite  :the lips and  lower eyelid  ,which belongs to the  mucosa  ,thin skin,  thus  can fully  reflect the blood  color  ,this is  the reason  the lips are  red  .<br>If  your lips  pale  red blood cells  ,may be  insufficient  ,suggested a change in  diet  ,eat animal liver  and tofu  ,thereby alleviating the  symptoms of anemia  .Lips  :red  rosy lips and pretty white teeth  also must have a limit  !If your lips  are  red,  do not first  cheers  ,may be  you  are  the red represents  the  fever  distress  .<br>Chinese  fever  is divided into  real hot  and  ,empty is hot  is a  body of water  reduction induced by  .When the  temperature rises  ,the body  regulating  function is weakened  ,the cheeks and  lips  ,tongue  only  local  red  .<br>Eat more fresh fruits  ,drink plenty of  water  ,can help you  resolve  excess body  heat  ,let  your  resume normal  .Mouth  :if you feel  tingling  rupture  mouth  ,even  swelling and  rupture  ,is likely to be  early  gastritis  warning  .<br>When the  gastric  mucosa  in a state of fatigue  ,can cause  heat,  resulting in  swollen  lips  .Don  ,80%early  gastritis  can  be cured  .Recommendations  to eat  more chew  a few,  to the  stomach  a little time  ,the full absorption and  digestion of food  .<br>Gastric wall  temperature decreases  ,mouth  redness  will soon vanish  .Dry  lips  lips  :Although  mucosal  and  skin  ,but the  biggest difference is  no  sweat glands  .Want lips to  secrete sweat  and  regulate body temperature,  is absolutely  mission impossible  .<br>The lips  are unable to  secrete oil  ,save  water  ,need  from the oral cavity  mucus  moisturizing  ,mucus  is insufficient,  the lips  to dry  ,the resistance  will also weaken  ,bacteria and viruses  just  took the opportunity to  invade  .<br>In addition to  drink plenty of water to maintain  oral mucous  enough outside  ,suggested  use  salt water gargle  ,because the salt  is the promotion  of oral mucous  generated  a  great power  .  Breath  big  :Mirror  screaming  breath  ,if the smell  is  tone  ,should note  !Six into above  breath  by tooth  diseases  .<br>When the  bacteria invade the  root  and  gingival  gap  ,after breeding  will  lead to gingivitis  ,give birth to  the    hate  .In addition  ,if the oral  cleaning is not thorough  ,the food residue  forming  tartar  ,will also allow you to  exhale  fumes  .<br>Recommend a thorough  wash a tooth  .Slobber  : wake up the morning after the  mouth  ,is it right?  Always hung with  slobber  ?Slobber  is composed of  salivary secretion  caused by too much,  you may be the  gastrointestinal function  is weak ,  unable to  fully absorb water  ,causing  water retention,  saliva  is diluted,  and it  flows to the  mouth  .<br>If you still  feel  bowel  ,stomach cry  ,you  doctor  . Department of gastroenterology  .The tongue  to tell you the password of 6  tongueflutter  :Mirror  tongue  ,if the tongue  quiver  ,is likely to be  mental stress  ,physical  decline  .<br>Japan medical  specialists in a  survey  found  ,more than 70 percent of the  people are not  aware of  the  vibration  period  ,and  when found  ,often  late  .Advise you to  adjust the  time of work and rest,  do not stay up late  ,reasonable diet  ,otherwise  will soon face  the  danger  of neurasthenia  !The tongue Purple  :when  the blood contains large amounts  of waste  ,water  supply shortage  ,deoxygenated blood  and oxygenated blood  can mix  together  ,causes blood vessels to  become purple  .<br>If in addition the tongue purple  ,you will feel stiff shoulders  and low back pain  ,can only show you the body of  toxins  have been deposited too much  !To  adhere to a week  light diet,  do  sauna  ,maintaining the law  ,mild  aerobic exercise  ,toxins  can quickly  discharge  .<br>The tongue  is too thick:  tongue furs  like  bean curd  slag  as  easily be  removed,  may be the  function of intestines and stomach  bad  or  excessive eating  .If  the  tongue  has been,  should go to the  Department of Gastroenterology  ,allow doctors to help  you  drop  the stomach fire  .<br>The tongue  is too thin  :not clear  off the  tongue  ,tongue  color  mottled  surface  uneven  ,medical  ,this is called a  tongue map  .The Korean medical  experts  pointed out  ,allergies are  most  prone to this,  especially in the  spring  ,autumn two season  relatively common  .<br>  Tongue map  sign  your resistance  is on the decline  ,I suggest you  during this time  away from the  pollen  ,seafood  ,insect  allergens  ,avoid    .Yellow  tongue fur  fur  :Yellow  may very well be  the flu virus  invading  signal  !Be sure to keep warm  ,eat pumpkin  ,beef  and other hot foods  ,a cup of  hot milk  before going to sleep at night  ,it can  form a layer of  membrane proteins  in the stomach  ,to prevent bacterial invasion  .<br>Coating  pan  Black  :tongue  was  black,  very likely  that elevated body temperature  !Elevated body temperature  does not  necessarily  have a fever  ,intense exercise  ,burst into anger  can make  extensive  black  tongue  .<br>A hot bath  ,do some  slow motion  ,can  effectively reduce  the temperature  .To tell you the password of 6  nosenose  nose  size  :size  and respiratory  status  in it  !Alar is  wide  ,high nose bridge  is  ,your  breathing organs  developed  ,physiological  structure is good,  can breathe  enough air  ;but in a  polluted place  ,you  will be  inhaled  too much waste gas  .<br>If the alar  petite  ,show your  respiratory  function is weak  ,not  ventilated  place  will let you  shortness of breath  ,chest tightness  .In the office for  1-2 hours,you should go to  the corridor  or  window  breathing  5 minutesof fresh air  ,to prevent  sudden hypoxia  .<br>Nasal flaring  : normal  breathing  nasal flaring  ,may be  too low to cause  the  vital capacity  !Don  let down  ,spirometry  is too low  will  affect your normal  metabolic function  .The daily 5 minutes exercise  abdominal breathing  --  inspiratory  rise  belly  ,expiratory when  tightening the  belly  ,soon  you  can improve  a lot  !Nose  :the nose  on the  appearance of acne  ,acne  is most likely  a problem  of digestive  system  .<br>Eat a  banana  ,sweet potato  foods  ,to maintain  patency of digestive tract  ,can  avoid  indigestion  .Nose  :nose  red  sudden redness  ?Your liver  overloaded  !Excessive drinking  ,the body in order to  decomposition  of alcohol,  the  stagnation of blood  in the liver  ,thus resulting in  vasodilation,  will let you  have  the red  nose  ,so control of  alcohol consumption  is very  important  .<br>Sometimes  epistaxis  :stomach  weak  people can not absorb  enough nutrition  ,muscle and vascular tissues  are very  fragile  ,a  collision  is easy to  rupture  .In winter,  large energy consumption  ,if the  diet adjustment  ,the body heat  supply  ,will  lead to occasional  nosebleeds  .<br>Nose  :the nose not ventilation  can make your brain  activity becomes  dull  .If you are allergic  rhinitis-induced nasal congestion  ,but  may cause  breathing difficulties  ,will let the  lack of oxygen to the brain  .<br>Nasal congestion  heralding your  respiratory mucosa  function weak  ,Japanese medical experts  think  ,this most and  poor  gastrointestinal function  relationship  ,do not patronize their  patency  nose    maintain  intestinal  are important too  !Cheek to tell  you the password of 6  red cheeks:I do not know when to play  ,climb the two groups face  be rather baffling  plateau red  ,which may be a  WM  said  unexplained  fever  ,main reason is the  excessive physical  consumption  ,body moisture  disturbance  .<br>If  you  will be  flushed  ,excessive sweating  ,frequent wheezing  ,it  may be due to  hyperthermia  induced  flow obstacle  .A nice hot bath  ,eat two pieces of  antipyretics  ,again  good  to  sleep  ,very quick can be  alleviated,  make the face  normal  .<br>
Heart  problems  .The left  arm  acid  ,hemp  ,pain  .When the liver have problems  .When going to bed in the evening  to cramps  calf  .Kidney  problems  .The sound will  not come  ,would be  hoarse  .<br>The spleen and stomach  problems  .Migraine  .Attached to  :the most simple and effective  method of  detoxifying  organs  ,heart problems  in 1  .Breath  is not smooth  ,chest  stuffy  will  sting  sting  ,the  time is short  ,a  few seconds  after  seizures  ,for up to a minute  .<br>2  .Severe  chest pain to  back  again  Gao-Huang  scapular  place  ,ten and a half  months  will  come first,  three  ,five months of  onset time  ,the shorter the time  more serious  .3  .The heart is not good  will involve  left  arm  acid  ,hemp  ,pain  ,because we  cardiac nerve  and  the left arm of the  nerve is  the same  ,so  the left side of the heart  will have problems  involved the  left arm  .<br>4  .The heart  may also  involve  a stiff neck  ,the rotation is not flexible  ,get out of bed in the morning  neck often  twisted  ;because of  heart problems  ,carotid artery  stenosis  ,blood supply  is not smooth  ,next to the  band  after  natural  stiffness  .<br>5  .Have a heart problem  ,the fire  (  fire  )  will rise  ,burn  slowly rise to  the  forehead  is here to stay  ,not from the  forehead  ran out  ,stay  for a long time,  it  will  sore  ,many people  will dizziness  ,arrived  here  after two  cheek  ,through the  eye  ,so  a heart  problem  ,two  cheek  scarlet  .<br>6  .In addition  ,the burn  to the top  will  go down  ,down  from the  forehead  two  eyebrow  Ling  bone  around the  temple  through our  brain  ,along the  neck  into the  throat  ,and into my intestines  ,from the anus  out  ;so  the burn  down  ,two  eyebrow  Ling  bone  will  ache  ;some friends  hyperfunction  ,slow  slow  eye  pressure will be greater  ,eyes  and  storm out  ,the so-called  convex  eye  .<br>7  .Burn  down  ,down the  two  temple  ,temple  on both sides  is called  migraine  ,vascular  will expand  ,expansion  stimulus  to the next  nerve  ,can not stand the pain  .8  .The burn  from the  brain  down  slowly  ,it  begins to  swell  ,the strange feeling  ,then put  into the neck  ,neck  lymph  will  stay too long  ,swollen  ;slowly into the  throat  ,throat  is  susceptible to inflammation  ,often feel  a lump  inside  not swallow  ,swallow  and  spit  ,and the  spit it out  .<br>The fire  will  come  into my intestines  ,intestines  will  dry into  ,more and more  heat  ,the temperature is too high  to moderate  water  ,water to  more than a  quick  ,intestines  feces  will  rot away,  we  will be diarrhea  ;moisture  to  deficiencies  ,the excrement can be  dry  ,not line  .<br>9  .Heart problems  will cause  our  stomach  spleen  injuries  ,injuries  ,digestion and absorption capacity  is reduced  ,you eat  food is not  digested  ,finally  will  bloating  ,those things will  recoil  back,  called  acid  .<br>10  .Heart problems  ,nutrients  can not transport  ,always feel  physical strength is not enough  ,eating more  will complement,  too much food will  bring  a lot of sugar  ,sugar is  excluded  by  liver  ,kidney  ,too  much sugar  can lead to  liver  ,kidney failure  ,it is easy to  diabetes  .<br>11  .Have a heart problem  ,the nerve  will decline  ,something  will get nervous  ,be  frightened,  go to bed in the evening not  easily fall asleep  ,fall asleep  after  nightmares,  nightmare  continues  ,the so-called  nightmares  .<br>In two  ,liver  problems  got hepatitis particularly  ,following the  4 phenomenon canany  phenomenon  recurring  episode  1.A dull pain in  the right upper quadrant  .2  .Right  lower back pain  .3  .<br>Right shoulder  feel acid  ,hemp  ,pain  ,and even cause  the right hand  to lift  .4  .When going to bed in the evening  to cramps  calf  .Liver problems  in our  body will produce the  phenomenon will  have  :1.<br>The liver is like a fist  ,having front  ,back  ,front  there  if hardening  enlargement  ,can squeeze  into our  intercostal nerve  ,intercostal nerve  will be  pain  ;if at the back  ,will cause the  right waist  ache 2  .<br>The liver  is not good,  sleep  quality  is not good,  not easy to  toss about  sleep  ;after getting  dry mouth,  bitter taste,  halitosis  ,brushing teeth,  the gums bleed  .Usually for  no interest in  food  ,do not eat  not hungry  ,eat a little bit of  a  satiety  ;walk  a step two  legs will be  very sour  ,will  feel  more and more  fatigue  ,and  also  less  force  .<br>3  .The liver is not  good,  the foot will often  twisted  ,twisted  and  not  ;cut  ,wound  healing  is not  easy  .4  .Like  drinking friends  ,suddenly  can  reduce  .Or  is  repeated skin diseases  go round and begin again  ,okay  ,should pay attention to  liver  .<br>In three  ,when the kidney  problems arise when  our  body will produce the  phenomenon will  have  :1.The kidney  has two  pathway  ,from  the soles of the feet of the  springs  up  ,walk to the  foot root  inside  ,and then along  the  inner side of  the leg  to  walk  .<br>The first  from the rear  to  walk to the  waist  and bladder  ,and then along  the spine on both sides  to  go  when we  kidney is not good,  the gas  will be insufficient,  blood  is  not  ;therefore  the waist will be  acid  ,back ache  ,go  on  to the neck  ,the neck  will feel  stiff  ;to  the back of the head  will feel  faint  bulge is not  comfortable  ,to the top of his head  will feel  fullness  ,above his head  down to the  two    point  between  the eyebrows  ,eyes  not  to  feel  dry  gas  .<br>Second  from the front  ,after  thigh with  our  genital  and liver  combined  along  both sides of the body  ,the last  into his chest  and lungs  with  .Kidney problem  ,thigh both sides  will  acid  ,soft  ,weak  ,often itches  .<br>Unable to  put the  gas to the  chest  and lungs  with  ,our breathing  slowly  is not smooth  ,for a long time  inside the  trachea  will  lock  ,a locking  air  is not easy to  come  ,people  will feel  suffocated,  must be    to  slow it down  .<br>2  .Gas  bladder  with  insufficient  ,causing  bladder  sphincter  cells  susceptible to metabolic  death  caused  relaxation  ,urination  situation is not good,  urinary frequency  ,for a long time  the cells slowly  necrosis  ,finally on  urinary incontinence  .<br>3  .See things  pupil  part  called  vision  ,is the  direct control  by the  kidney  ,kidney problems  ,not  the  renal water  sent to the  eyes  ,eyes  feel  dry  ,acid  ,astringent  ,slowly  vision  will be blurred  ,serious  will appear  dark  ,called  floaters  ,for a long time  there will be more and more  big  ,cause  glaucoma  .<br>4  .Get up in the morning  ,the heel  can  not  comfortable because  ,while at rest  ,blood  in  liver  ,kidney  and temporarily  ischemia  ,up  to  pumps blood into the  systemic  ,because the  kidney is not good,  too  weak  ,blood    joint  bleeding  nature will be  stiff  ,activity  ,blood circulation to the  joint  will be  relaxed  .<br>5  .People  alive will be  speech  ,speech  waste strength  ,itself  kidney  aerobic  too weak  ,then the  gas  is consumed  will  not want to speak  ,because the job  can  speak,  the voice will  not come  ,would be  hoarse  .<br>6  .Like  deep breathing  always feel that  not enough air  ,natural  breathing will  soon  ,breathing in a  short  ,nasal  will  ischemia  ,the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity  because of ischemia,  resistance will be  reduced  ,air in the  dust  will  destroy it  ,destroyed the  will of course  sensitive  ,wet weather  ,changes  ,cannot sustain  will attack  ,known as the  allergic rhinitis  7.<br>A male friend  of  prostate  ,ovary  ,uterus are  indirect  women  ,directly with the  kidney  ,thus  ,kidney  problems  ,to a certain age  ,prostate  will  mast  ;women  because the  kidney is not good,  ovary  ,uterus  will be  weak  ,cold  ,cold  is no strength  each  month  should be  discharged  blood  drained  ,row  not clean  are  stranded  in the womb,  each menstrual  blood is to be  drained  out  ,cannot  stay in  the womb,  for a long time  may cause  blood clots  accumulation  ,the formation of tumor  ,called  uterine myoma  .<br>8  .Each  menstrual blood  out  ,inside  back and forth  impingement  ,uterine  endometrium  could not stand  the  menstrual blood  can not bear  these  menstrual blood  on the inside of the  push,  to be deformed  ,ectopic  ,called  endometriosis  ;slowly  endocrine  would be chaos  ,excessive secretions  ,vaginal discharge  can form  .<br>9  .For a long time,  the kidney  is getting bad  ,gas  more and more weak  ,and will be  started cold  ,especially in winter  is particularly  cold  .Slowly  for a long time,  sit  not  ,nor  go  station  ,nor  ,will certainly  cause  nerve injury,  go to bed in the evening not  good  sleep  ,not easy to  fall asleep  ,a little voice  will be woken up  ,even when  asleep  ,dreaming  sleep  all night  ,with  no sleep  ,every day  is very tired  .<br>In four  ,the spleen and stomach  problems arise when  our  body will produce the  phenomenon will  have  :1.Shoulder  pain may be  symptoms  :right shoulder  pain often  have problems  when  liver  .Left shoulder  aches  heart  and  stomach  problem  .<br>The two shoulder  and  feel uncomfortable  ,often feel  stiff  neck  ,that is  digestive organs  out of the question  .2  .Migraine  :do you often  feel  temple  on both sides of the  pain phenomena  ,although long-term  attendances  .<br>Medicine is  invalid  ,you may  also  accompanied by constipation  .Constipation  or  diarrhea  ,flatulence  and other phenomena  .The  only  cure  digestive  problems,  natural  cure  for a long time problem of  migraine  .<br>3  .Most people think that  constipation  and  diarrhea  are two separate things,  but  some people have  constipation and  diarrhea  also  appear in turn  ,often  feel that  appetite  .Abdominal flatulence  .<br>A constriction in the chest  and  heart palpitations  .Dyspnea and  insomnia  phenomenon  ,but  feel  physically  weakened  day by day  .Muscle wasting  ,and check to see reason  ,the above phenomenon  ,you  may have been  suffering from  chronic enteritis  ,don  treatment  may result in fatal  peritonitis in 4  .<br>The small intestine  and  the lymphatic system  :unexplained pain  often  haunt us  ,if your  throat without  inflammation  ,but  often  discomfort or  pain  ,the sides of the neck  often  ache  ,shoulder  and  arm lateral  also have  discomfort  and  pain,  but  unable to reason  ,after  massage  .<br>Massage  can  relieve  this phenomenon  when the station  ,please pay more attention to  small  and  the lymphatic system  has been  on red  .5  .E  :when you  often  feel dry  .Bitter taste in the mouth  ,want to  drink plenty of water  ,and prone to  nasal obstruction  .<br>Runny nose  ;usually  no cavities  ,but  tooth pain  .The sides of the neck  will swell  .Uncomfortable  .Not  to mention heavy things  ,above  tells us that  e  has  a red light  .In five  ,diabetes  1.<br>Diabetes  is  insulin deficiency  ,but  the kidney  ,liver  ,heart  is not very  healthy  situation  of the form,  so it is not easy to  heal  .But also easy to  cause other  lesions  such as  :renal failure  ,stroke  ,blindness  ,amputation  .<br>..  ...  2  .Diabetes  develops to a certain stage  will  appear  a little  obvious  symptoms  .More than three  (  eat  ,drink  ,urine)  a  little  (  weight loss  )  .Patients with diabetes  may occur in  the following  symptoms  :1.<br>Vision abnormalities  :due to  diabetes  can cause eye  peripheral  microvascular  obstruction,  causing eye  fatigue  ,blurred vision  ,small  words are not clear  ,serious will cause  blindness  .2  .<br>Fatigue  :due to  in vivo glucose  can  enter the cell  ,leading to  general weakness  .3  .Skin  resistance is poor  :Constitution  usually presents with  acidification  ,peripheral vascular  blockage  ,wound healing is not easy  ,easy  fester  ,also easy to cause  periodontal  disease  ,athlete  .<br>4  .Neurological disorders  :muscle and nerve tissue  can  nourish  ,therefore blocking  circulation  ,fingertip  appear  numb pain  ,or  even  lose the feeling  .5  .Wound healing is not easy  :late  due to  diabetes  ,peripheral vascular  necrosis  ,wound  blackening  ,ulceration  healing is not easy  ,sometimes even  amputation  to  extend life  .<br>In six  ,the headache  is not a disease  ,pain,  and to human life  ,according to a survey  ,over  at least 600000 people  have a headache  ,a headache  medicine to  eat,  but  eat more  ineffective  ,headache  situation worse  ,there are some  people  at least monthly  headache  for more than 15 days  ,3 into abovebecause  of abuse of  headache  ,headache  still  ,but  develop  medication  addiction  habit  .<br>In fact,  there is a certain relationship between  headache  and visceral  .In  position  :forehead reflectance  heart  ,both sides  temple vicinity  stomach  ,heart  and  head  afterbrain  is  abnormal renal function  ,ear  sides  reflecting  liver  ,dizziness  for  kidney-qi deficiency,  but the  head  will be dizzy  should  pay more attention to  the liver  ,especially men  .<br>In seven  ,the busy life of  modern  people  with constipation  ,often  edible  low  fiber  instant  ,not  drink  ,do not  exercise  ,often have  constipation  ,but not  normal defecation  ,and  emotional instability  ,taking medication or  improper use of  nutritional supplements  ,can also cause  constipation  .<br>Long term constipation  person  ,because feces  accumulation  in Escherichia  time is too long  ,often have  bad temper  or  endocrine disorders and other  sequelae  .In fact  ,the real reason  to  cause constipation  ,fire  is  a great relationship,  burn  down the  drive  to  the stomach,  causing  the intestine peristalsis  too slow  ,moisture is absorbed  ,time to  discharge  stool  ,constipation  .<br>If the  fast peristalsis  ,water  can  be absorbed,  it would become the  diarrhea  .Even  more  down to the  rectum  and the formation of  hemorrhoids  .Constipation  time is too long  ,there may be  irritable bowel syndrome  ,colon cancer  ,diabetes,  warning  .<br>Eight  shoulders  or neck pain  ,general pain  ,pain is unreasonable  .The main  factor that  is composed of visceral  blood  does not run  along  ,and the  internal  mechanism is not sound  caused by  .<br>In general  ,the shoulder  or neck pain  is very knowledgeable,  not the so-called  sports injuries  ,fifty  shoulder  tendinitis  ...Such as the  simple  reason  .So  ,why do  people spend  time and money  ,long-term  rehabilitation  ,pain point  injection of steroids  ,or  taking painkillers  ,fail to effect  ,mental torment  more  suffering  ,pain  location  may be reflecting  visceral  problems  ,like  long  left neck  and  shoulder pain  ,mainly because  the heart is  the body  on the left side  ,long  life  rise  ,or cardiac function  is a problem  naturally there will be  blood  obstruction  ,there will be  left neck  or  shoulder stiffness  ,soreness  ,rotation is not flexible  ,or  used to  stiff neck  .<br>..To  be  extended to the  left scapula  pain  .Similarly,  liver in the  human  right,  when  liver yang hyperactivity,  anger rise  ,just  mentioned  ache phenomenon  will appear on the  right side of the body  .<br>Sometimes the  pain  position  will run  ,from  unilateral  to  both sides,  because long-term  sweetheart  got  did not eliminate,  the fire  down the  drive  ,can cause  gastrointestinal motility  disorders  ,and  both sides at the shoulder  is the  reflection  of gastrointestinal  .<br>If the day to  use  a  method  ,put  inside the body  heat  and toxin to  in vitro  excreted,  maintain  blood smooth  ,sore  trouble  elimination of natural  !&nbsp  ;relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;relationresultIt seems that in Chinese medicine,our  body has  many toxins,  who cannot  promptly excreted  ,on  our body and mind  will have adverse effects  of  substances can be called  poison  ,such as  blood  ,phlegm  ,chill  ,indigestion  ,gas  stagnation  ,lit  .<br>These toxins accumulate  in within the five internal organs  ,it will speed up the  five internal organs of the aging  ,and then from the five internal organs  to support the skin  ,bones  ,muscles  ,nerves also followed  with  aging  .<br>Although  toxins deep  ,but they are in the  body surface  or  leaving  traces  ,the appearance of representatives of different  toxins hidden in where  ,now  ,we must find out  the toxins hiding place  ,as soon as possible and put  it out of the body  .<br>If the liver  with the toxin  in 1  nail surfacewith protruding ridge  ,or down to depression  .TCM believes that  liver  main bar  ,the nail is  ribs    ,so the  accumulation of  toxins in the liver  ,the nail  will have a clear  signal  .<br>2  breasthyperplasia  ,premenstrual breast  pain increased significantly  .Breast  belongs to the liver  meridian  of the  fortress  ,once the liver  via  a  exists  ,then produce breast hyperplasia  ,especially  in the blood  is  discharged,  because  blood  is filled  and become  pain  obviously  .<br>3  emotionally vulnerable todepression  .The liver is the  organ  in vivo regulation of  emotions  ,once the liver toxicity  can be discharged in time  ,blocking  gas  operation  ,will cause obvious  bad mood  .<br>The 4  sides of themigraine  ,facial  acne  ,also  appearing dysmenorrhea  .On both sides of the face  and  the lower abdomen  ,are  liver and  its partner,  the gallbladder meridian  a mu 3 distribute land  ,once the liver detoxification is not carefree  ,own backyard  would be the first fire  .<br>How to  detox smoother  1eatgreen  food  .According to traditional Chinese medicine  theory of the five elements,  green  food can  access  the liver-qi,  played a very good  Shugan  Jieyu  ,alleviate  ,emotional role  ,to  help  the liver detoxification  food  .<br>TCM experts recommended  blue  orange or lemon  peel and  orange  juice  ,made of  green  or  blue lemonade  ,direct drinking  .2  Chinese wolfberryenhance  liver  tolerance  .In addition to detoxification  ,liver should also enhance  the ability to  resist  toxins  .<br>This kind of food  most Chinese wolfberry  ,it has very good  effect of protecting liver  ,can  enhance the tolerance of the liver toxin  .When eating  to chew the  best  day to eat a little to  eat  .<br>3  pointpress  liver detox  .This refers to the  Taichong  ,location  in the dorsal foot  first  ,two  metatarsal combined with  depression before the  Department of  .Thumb  massage for 3~5 minutes  ,feel a slight  soreness  can  .<br>Do not use too much effort  ,two feet alternately pressing  .4  tears detoxification method.Compared to  never  cry of man  ,woman,  longer life  ,it can not  have a relationship  and  tears  .Traditional Chinese medicine  has  the  knowledge  ,but also  be  confirmed by  Western  medicine  .<br>As  the tear fluid excretion  ,with  sweat and  urine  ,which  does have  some harmful chemical and biological toxins  .So  ,sorry  ,grievance  ,depressed when  he  cried out  .If  the heart with the toxin  in 1  tongue ulcer.<br>TCM believes that  the relationship between the tongue and heart  is most close  ,so long on the tongue ulcer  ,is usually considered  a fire inside the heart  ,or  burn  .2  long foreheadsmallpox  .Forehead is the heart  of the jurisdiction of a dependency  ,firelight strong poison into the fire  ,this dependency will be boiling  ,so the  as one falls  to  appear  a lot of acne  .<br>3 insomnia  ,palpitations  .Heart in a non-stop work  ,when  the fire  stay in the heart  and  can not be excluded,  the sleep is not stable  .4  chest tightness orpain  .Heart  in  stasis  is a  toxin  ,like traffic jams on the highway  ,light some of the  chest  ,the heavier  it will appear  .<br>How to  detox smoother  1sweatdetox  .The first  lotus core  ,it  is bitter to the taste  ,can  spread  fire,  although  the cold,  but  does not damage the  body of the Yang  ,so it  has always been considered the best  resolve  cardiac  toxic  food  .<br>Can use  lotus core  tea,  may wish to  add some  bamboo or  raw licorice,  can enhance  the  detoxification  effect of  lotus seed core  .2  heart pressingDetox  points  .This refers to the  government  cave  ,located in  the palm,  fourth  ,5 metacarpal bonebetween  the little finger and the  ring finger  ,fist  at the  end  .<br>Press this point  may wish to  use some  force  ,right hand  alternate  .3  beandiuretic detoxification  .Mung bean can be  through diuretic  ,heat  approach  ,to solve and to discharge the  heart of toxins  ,but when you eat green beans to  liquid  form  ,for example green  soybean milk  or the mung bean soup  ,bean paste cake  will be the effect of some difference  .<br>Heart best Detox time  :at 11  --13 pointsis the heart of  the strongest  time  ,can eat some  Baoxin  ,help detoxification  food  ,such as  nuts  ,tuckahoe  ,soy  ,black sesame seeds  ,jujube  ,lotus seed  .<br>If  the spleen with the toxin  in  1 facialmottled  .Women are usually spotted long  weak ability of  some  digestive system  .2  leukorrhagia.Spleen in charge of the body  moisture  moisture  ,if  excessive  ,beyond  the ability of the spleen  ,excessive moisture  will appear  in vivo  ,leucorrhea  is  an embodiment wherein the  .<br>3  fat accumulation.Fat  in the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine  has  a name:  phlegm  ,is due to  spleen  poor digestion  ,not in time to  waste  toxins from your body  produces  .Effective weight loss  must focus on  recovery  and  normal metabolism of  phlegm  theme to  do  ,otherwise it will  rebound  .<br>4 tone  ,lip  perimeter  pox or  ulcer  .Lips around  all belong to the  spleen  ,the  spleen  of toxins  can be excreted  ,accumulation of toxins to find  opportunity from  these places  out  .How to  detox smoother  1sourhelp  spleen  detox  .<br>For example  ,black plum  vinegar  ,which is used to  resolve  food  toxins in the  best food  ,can strengthen  the digestive function of the stomach  ,so that  food toxins  in the shortest possible time  discharge in vitro  .<br>At the same time  also has  the  functions of  invigorating the spleen and  sour food  ,can  play a good  antitoxic  food  .2 pressing  spleen  Detox  points  .This refers to the  Shangqiu  cave  ,located in  the medial anterior malleolus  beneath the recessed  ,the acupuncture points with your fingers Anrou  ,maintaining  a sense of acid can be heavy  ,every 3 minutes or so  ,alternating feet to do  .<br>3  a walk after dinner.Exercise can help  the spleen and stomach digestion  ,accelerate  the rate of toxic emissions,  but  need to  insist for a long time  ,the effect can be better  .Spleen best Detox time  :after the meal is the most  susceptible to toxins  ,food  if not  timely digestion  or  absorption  ,toxins will  accumulate a lot of  .<br>In addition to  a walk after dinner  ,because  out of  the spleen,  can also be  in the meal  1 hours to eat1 fruits,help the  spleen  ,detox  .If  the lungs with the toxin  in 1  skin wasrusty  ,dark  .<br>Chinese medicine  pulmonary administration of  the skin of the body  ,the skin  is  moist  ,white  ,will depend on the  pulmonary  function  of good  .When the  lung in  comparison  with  a  toxin  ,toxin  lung  deposition  to the skin  ,make skin  look  dull  .<br>2 constipation  .Chinese medicine,  lung and colon is a system  ,when the lungs are toxic above  ,the following  will also have abnormal intestinal  siltation  ,appeared  constipation  .3  always melancholy and moody,easy to grief  .<br>Toxins in the lungs  ,can interfere with  lung  qi and blood circulation  ,makes the lungs can not be normal  and comfortable  chest  sulk  ,repressed  must  always melancholy and moody  .Method  how to  detox smoother  1radishis a lung detoxification of food  .<br>In the eyes of Chinese medicine  ,colorectal  and lung  are most closely related to  the lung  ,discharge toxins  depends on the degree of  E.  is smooth  ,can  help  excrete Supian  radish  large intestine  ,raw or  mixed into salad  can be  .<br>2  Lilyimprove lung  poisoning  .Lung  always  don  dry gas  ,in  dry  conditions,  easily lead to the  accumulation of toxins  .Mushroom  ,Lily  has good  nourishing lung  yin nourishing  effect,  can help  the lungs  against  toxins  ,food  processing  time not too long  ,otherwise  the  juice  will  decrease  in lily  ,anti-virus  effect  will be greatly reduced  .<br>3 pressing  lungs  Detox  points  .The  point  is  beneficial to the lungs  of Hegu Point  ,located  at the back of the hand,  first  ,2 metacarpal,when the second  metacarpal radial side of the  midpoint  ,can  pinch the thumb and index finger  position  ,press  .<br>A 4 wicking  detoxification  .Pulmonary administration of  the skin  ,so  cheerfully  out in a sweat  ,let the  sweat  away  toxins from the body,  will let  our lungs  clear  up  .In addition to  exercise  outside  ,sweating method  can also be a  hot bath,  bath before  water with some  ginger and peppermint  oil  ,make the  sweat secretion  more  carefree  ,from  deep inside the body  toxins  .<br>5  deep breaths.With each breath,  intrapulmonary  have  residual  gas  can not be discharged  ,the gas  relative to those of  fresh  ,oxygen-rich air  ,is also a kind of  poison  .Only  a few deep breaths  ,can  reduce body  waste  residue  .<br>Lung  lung  best Detox time  :time is the strongest  as early as 7  points to 9 points,the best time  to  exercise  detox  .In the lungs of the most powerful  when  jogging and other aerobic exercise  ,can strengthen  the  function  of pulmonary  toxins  .<br>If  the kidney with the toxin  in 1  menstruation,or menstrual period is short  ,dark colors  .Menstrual generation  and disappearance of  renal function  ,is  whether  the strong performance  ,if  the kidney has many toxins  ,blood will be reduced  .<br>2  edema.Body fluid management of renal  operation  ,renal accumulation of toxins  ,removing excess  liquid  capacity is reduced  ,will appear  edema  .3  jawacne  .The mandibular facial  areas by  renal  jurisdiction  ,kidney detoxification  deficiency  ,excess toxins  will be reflected in the  mandibular  position  .<br>4  tired easily.The body of toxins  consumed the  kidney  energy  ,kidney  with  less energy  ,so  the body tired  ,weary  drowsiness  ,weakness in the limbs  .How to  detox smoother  1 kidneydetoxification of food  :wax gourd  .<br>Wax gourd  juicy  ,into the human body  ,will stimulate the kidneys  increase  urine  ,from the body of toxins  .When edible  wax gourd  soup  or  fried  available  ,as  some of the light  .2 kidney  antitoxic  food  :yam  .<br>Although  many  organs  while nourishing  yam  ,but ultimately  to  invigorate the kidney  ,often eat  yam  can enhance  the  detoxification function of  kidney  .Toffee yam  is a good  edible method  ,with caramel  processing  yam  ,antitoxic  effect  will  increase accordingly  .<br>3 pressing  Liver Detox  points  :Yongquan point  .This is  the lowest  point  of human body  ,if  the human body is a  building  ,this point  is the  sewage  sewer  outlet  ,often  pressing and kneading  it  ,detoxification  effect  .<br>Location of  plantar  Yongquan point  in  1/3(calculated  excluding  toe  )  ,this point  is quite sensitive,  do not use too much  force  ,a slight feeling  can,  with  side-by-side  rubbed  for good,  lasting about 5 minutes  .<br>Best time for kidney detoxification  :kidney  best  Detox  time is early morning 5 to  7 points,repair of the body through the night  ,in the morning  toxins are  gathered in the  kidney  ,so the morning is best to drink  a cup of  water,  wash  kidney , relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;relationresultThe black eye socket,chapped lips  may not be a  lack of sleep  or lack of  water  caused by  .<br>Japan medical  home  ,70% health problemsface  are the embodiment of  .To understand the  physical condition?  Have a look  your face will  know  !The eyes  tell  you the password of 6  black rim of the eye: the  first thing in the morning  ,found  around the eyes,  dull  ,black eye  ?Look out.<br>  This may be  blood  deposited too much  waste  .Lower eyelid  skin  is thinner than other spots  ,most likely to  reflect the blood  color  .Think of the last  ever feel  pressure is too big or  too  tired  ?Innervation of  the urinary and reproductive  organs  of renal disorders,  also  can let eye week  becomes  dark  .<br>The Australian medical  experts say  ,less late at night  ,eat more wholegrain  foods is  the best way to  eliminate  the black eye socket  !Eyelid edema  :even if  not  how much water to drink  before going to bed  ,get up in the morning and  the eyelids  are  swollen  ?You may be  humoral disorders  !Water metabolism  disorders  caused by  many reasons  ,in addition to  eyelid dropsy  ,also  feel  his  weakness  ,mouth parched and tongue scorched  ,may be  your kidney  in  .<br>Healthy kidney  excess  water  can be  smoothly discharged,  water shortage  ,it will  slow down the  metabolism  rate  ,the  water  accumulation in the  body  ,resulting in  mild  edema  .Don  ,to  drink a few  cups of water,  soon returned to  a pair of  eyes  !Fat granule  :beautician  is often recommended  by some  oil-free  cream  ,with  eyes following  fat granule  .<br>But medical  experts say  ,fat particles  is  high cholesterol  warning  .Delete  from the  recipe for  fried food  and animal offal  ,eat fresh  vegetable & fruit  ,annoying little  particles  will soon  disappear  !Red blood  :eyes  marked hyperemia  ,circulating blood may be  due to the unsmooth  .<br>Don  with  eye drops,  head  ,neck  ,shoulder  activity  ,dredge the  upper limb blood flow  ,and then  have a good sleep  ,let the eyes  get rest adequately,  can be in the  posterior neck and shoulders  with  vitamin C  emulsion  ,vitamin C helps  ease  the circulation of the blood  ,red blood wire  can quickly  reduce  .<br>The eye of the needle:  don  long  needle  users  !Japan  medical experts found that the  long  needle  ,show your  immunity  is declining  ,bacteria  easily from  eyelash root  into the eyes  ,causing inflammation  .<br>If  repeated  long  needle  ,the best to the hospital to be  a comprehensive  health examination  .Often drink  Buzhong Yiqi Decoction  ,improve their immunity,  ability and  a  break up  completely  .<br>White  yellow  :if the  white  color is not  clear  ,may be the  liver  ,bile  is out of the question  .Bile  is a  yellow  green liquid  ,it  from the liver  cells  secreted  ,stored in the  gallbladder  ,when the gallbladder  or  liver disorders  ,bile  flow toward the  blood  ,let  white  yellow  .<br>Fortunately,  the bile can  decompose  excess body fat  ,with  sufficient  bile  ,short-term inside  do not have to  worry about  weight  !Your mouth to tell  you the password of 6  lipwhite  :the lips and  lower eyelid  ,which belongs to the  mucosa  ,thin skin,  thus  can fully  reflect the blood  color  ,this is  the reason  the lips are  red  .<br>If  your lips  pale  red blood cells  ,may be  insufficient  ,suggested a change in  diet  ,eat animal liver  and tofu  ,thereby alleviating the  symptoms of anemia  .Lips  :red  rosy lips and pretty white teeth  also must have a limit  !If your lips  are  red,  do not first  cheers  ,may be  you  are  the red represents  the  fever  distress  .<br>Chinese  fever  is divided into  real hot  and  ,empty is hot  is a  body of water  reduction induced by  .When the  temperature rises  ,the body  regulating  function is weakened  ,the cheeks and  lips  ,tongue  only  local  red  .<br>Eat more fresh fruits  ,drink plenty of  water  ,can help you  resolve  excess body  heat  ,let  your  resume normal  .Mouth  :if you feel  tingling  rupture  mouth  ,even  swelling and  rupture  ,is likely to be  early  gastritis  warning  .<br>When the  gastric  mucosa  in a state of fatigue  ,can cause  heat,  resulting in  swollen  lips  .Don  ,80%early  gastritis  can  be cured  .Recommendations  to eat  more chew  a few,  to the  stomach  a little time  ,the full absorption and  digestion of food  .<br>Gastric wall  temperature decreases  ,mouth  redness  will soon vanish  .Dry  lips  lips  :Although  mucosal  and  skin  ,but the  biggest difference is  no  sweat glands  .Want lips to  secrete sweat  and  regulate body temperature,  is absolutely  mission impossible  .<br>The lips  are unable to  secrete oil  ,save  water  ,need  from the oral cavity  mucus  moisturizing  ,mucus  is insufficient,  the lips  to dry  ,the resistance  will also weaken  ,bacteria and viruses  just  took the opportunity to  invade  .<br>In addition to  drink plenty of water to maintain  oral mucous  enough outside  ,suggested  use  salt water gargle  ,because the salt  is the promotion  of oral mucous  generated  a  great power  .  Breath  big  :Mirror  screaming  breath  ,if the smell  is  tone  ,should note  !Six into above  breath  by tooth  diseases  .<br>When the  bacteria invade the  root  and  gingival  gap  ,after breeding  will  lead to gingivitis  ,give birth to  the    hate  .In addition  ,if the oral  cleaning is not thorough  ,the food residue  forming  tartar  ,will also allow you to  exhale  fumes  .<br>Recommend a thorough  wash a tooth  .Slobber  : wake up the morning after the  mouth  ,is it right?  Always hung with  slobber  ?Slobber  is composed of  salivary secretion  caused by too much,  you may be the  gastrointestinal function  is weak ,  unable to  fully absorb water  ,causing  water retention,  saliva  is diluted,  and it  flows to the  mouth  .<br>If you still  feel  bowel  ,stomach cry  ,you  doctor  . Department of gastroenterology  .The tongue  to tell you the password of 6  tongueflutter  :Mirror  tongue  ,if the tongue  quiver  ,is likely to be  mental stress  ,physical  decline  .<br>Japan medical  specialists in a  survey  found  ,more than 70 percent of the  people are not  aware of  the  vibration  period  ,and  when found  ,often  late  .Advise you to  adjust the  time of work and rest,  do not stay up late  ,reasonable diet  ,otherwise  will soon face  the  danger  of neurasthenia  !The tongue Purple  :when  the blood contains large amounts  of waste  ,water  supply shortage  ,deoxygenated blood  and oxygenated blood  can mix  together  ,causes blood vessels to  become purple  .<br>If in addition the tongue purple  ,you will feel stiff shoulders  and low back pain  ,can only show you the body of  toxins  have been deposited too much  !To  adhere to a week  light diet,  do  sauna  ,maintaining the law  ,mild  aerobic exercise  ,toxins  can quickly  discharge  .<br>The tongue  is too thick:  tongue furs  like  bean curd  slag  as  easily be  removed,  may be the  function of intestines and stomach  bad  or  excessive eating  .If  the  tongue  has been,  should go to the  Department of Gastroenterology  ,allow doctors to help  you  drop  the stomach fire  .<br>The tongue  is too thin  :not clear  off the  tongue  ,tongue  color  mottled  surface  uneven  ,medical  ,this is called a  tongue map  .The Korean medical  experts  pointed out  ,allergies are  most  prone to this,  especially in the  spring  ,autumn two season  relatively common  .<br>  Tongue map  sign  your resistance  is on the decline  ,I suggest you  during this time  away from the  pollen  ,seafood  ,insect  allergens  ,avoid    .Yellow  tongue fur  fur  :Yellow  may very well be  the flu virus  invading  signal  !Be sure to keep warm  ,eat pumpkin  ,beef  and other hot foods  ,a cup of  hot milk  before going to sleep at night  ,it can  form a layer of  membrane proteins  in the stomach  ,to prevent bacterial invasion  .<br>Coating  pan  Black  :tongue  was  black,  very likely  that elevated body temperature  !Elevated body temperature  does not  necessarily  have a fever  ,intense exercise  ,burst into anger  can make  extensive  black  tongue  .<br>A hot bath  ,do some  slow motion  ,can  effectively reduce  the temperature  .To tell you the password of 6  nosenose  nose  size  :size  and respiratory  status  in it  !Alar is  wide  ,high nose bridge  is  ,your  breathing organs  developed  ,physiological  structure is good,  can breathe  enough air  ;but in a  polluted place  ,you  will be  inhaled  too much waste gas  .<br>If the alar  petite  ,show your  respiratory  function is weak  ,not  ventilated  place  will let you  shortness of breath  ,chest tightness  .In the office for  1-2 hours,you should go to  the corridor  or  window  breathing  5 minutesof fresh air  ,to prevent  sudden hypoxia  .<br>Nasal flaring  : normal  breathing  nasal flaring  ,may be  too low to cause  the  vital capacity  !Don  let down  ,spirometry  is too low  will  affect your normal  metabolic function  .The daily 5 minutes exercise  abdominal breathing  --  inspiratory  rise  belly  ,expiratory when  tightening the  belly  ,soon  you  can improve  a lot  !Nose  :the nose  on the  appearance of acne  ,acne  is most likely  a problem  of digestive  system  .<br>Eat a  banana  ,sweet potato  foods  ,to maintain  patency of digestive tract  ,can  avoid  indigestion  .Nose  :nose  red  sudden redness  ?Your liver  overloaded  !Excessive drinking  ,the body in order to  decomposition  of alcohol,  the  stagnation of blood  in the liver  ,thus resulting in  vasodilation,  will let you  have  the red  nose  ,so control of  alcohol consumption  is very  important  .<br>Sometimes  epistaxis  :stomach  weak  people can not absorb  enough nutrition  ,muscle and vascular tissues  are very  fragile  ,a  collision  is easy to  rupture  .In winter,  large energy consumption  ,if the  diet adjustment  ,the body heat  supply  ,will  lead to occasional  nosebleeds  .<br>Nose  :the nose not ventilation  can make your brain  activity becomes  dull  .If you are allergic  rhinitis-induced nasal congestion  ,but  may cause  breathing difficulties  ,will let the  lack of oxygen to the brain  .<br>Nasal congestion  heralding your  respiratory mucosa  function weak  ,Japanese medical experts  think  ,this most and  poor  gastrointestinal function  relationship  ,do not patronize their  patency  nose    maintain  intestinal  are important too  !Cheek to tell  you the password of 6  red cheeks:I do not know when to play  ,climb the two groups face  be rather baffling  plateau red  ,which may be a  WM  said  unexplained  fever  ,main reason is the  excessive physical  consumption  ,body moisture  disturbance  .<br>If  you  will be  flushed  ,excessive sweating  ,frequent wheezing  ,it  may be due to  hyperthermia  induced  flow obstacle  .A nice hot bath  ,eat two pieces of  antipyretics  ,again  good  to  sleep  ,very quick can be  alleviated,  make the face  normal  .<br>
== Wedding night, I deliberately put their fingers cut, dyed sh ==
There is a  girl named  Daisy  ,she  was not born  when her  father  died  ,she and her mother  ,grandmother  ,and  stepfather  live together  ,but  doesn  her  grandmother and  stepfather were  .Then  ,in her  high school when  her mother  was sent to  a private school  .<br>Private schools  are  the children of the rich  ,in  which  a group of  wealthy  ,she  seemed so  offbeat  ,her  monthly living  costs  only 123.5  ,these  had only enough money to  her for a month  to eat  spending  ,so  every day  ,her  classmates  after dinner  ,hiding in  a corner  to eat steamed bread  and  salted vegetable  .<br>But the girl  from  one  character  to let her  in learning  is very serious,  she  every time the examination  is the  grade  first,  many  wealthy  parents hope that  she can  give their children  to make up a missed lesson,  however  ,she  could not  rich people  like  children  ,so  ,she turned them all down  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;before long  ,the class  a  boy  named  Gong  to  Qian  said  :you  help me with my  lessons  ?She  disdained  to smile,  said  :why should I give  you  ?Be in the right and self-confident  Gong  said:  because of my  poor grades  !This sentence  makes  Qian  see  his one eye,  is the  eye  let  Qian  feel  gong  out of the ordinary  ,because the  gong  and  other  rich kids  ,he  is always wearing  an old coat  ,but also  not of noble  people  ,and  promised  to give him extra lessons  .<br>For  every  Qian  Gong  lessons  ,also increase the  income  .Gradually,  they are familiar with  ,that  Gong  birthday is December 31st,  the last day of the year  ,and  her  birthday is January 1st  the first day of the year  ,Gong  make fun of  the  said:  I  bigger than you  for a whole year  !She  coldly  answered:  just  for one day  !The day  school,  the school gate  to stop  a BMW  ,many  children from rich families  are not seen,  that is the  Gong  family  coming for him  ,Qian  Gong  to  at  the direction of the car,  I thought:  why they  can be  so rich  ?Why  they can  drive a BMW  ?At this moment  ,Gong  back  to  Bessie,  a smile  on the  car  .<br>Qian  had answered a God to come  to  :why should I  envy him  ?He is not  my  study  !Days  before,  although  Qian  Gong  classes  every day for  lessons  ,can  consolidate  achievement  has no  obvious progress  ,away from the entrance  to the  more recent days  ,they all  take care of one  general review  ,also no longer  a tutorial  .<br>Qian  heart  want to  go to Qinghua  ,because she does not want  to be looked down upon by others  .The examination results came out  ,she  made it  to be admitted to Tsinghua University  ,and  is a high  school  in second  for  outstanding achievement of 50 minutes  and was admitted to the  Tsinghua University  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;because the school  no  school  ,want to  go home to see  her  mother  ,and her mother to  have for many years not  met  .She  first entered the  house  ,his stepfather  saw  her and  beat  and scold  ,mother  put her  support  behind  ,but  she  left home  ,and when she  went downstairs to  look at  their own  home balcony  ,she  hope  before  goodbye  mother  eye  ,but  instead  she  put all her  luggage  down  ,she is  sad to leave  home  ,and  back to Beijing  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;she  returned to Beijing  ,where  the house  is  ready to die  ,when she  saw a grandmother  in  picking up  a storehouse,  she  stepped forward to ask  :grandma  ,you  hired the house  ?Granny  smiled and said:  little girl  ,you want to rent a house  ?She  nodded  ,it is  100 yuan!Grandma  said to her  .<br>She  is  cleaning the house  when,  see  long time no see  Gong  ,Qian  did not want to  let others see their  rags  ,angrily asked  :what are you doing here  ?Gong  is still the same as before  dressed  casually  ,look  strange  to say:  see my  aunt  !Qian  is  penetrated  ,has been  silent  .<br>Gong  asked  :I heard you  went to  Qinghua  ,congratulations  ah  !She  is not the kind of  person  who  price  ,he said  :thank you  !What about you  .Gong  says grouchily:  my father  want me to go abroad  !She  watched him coldly,  ruthlessly say  :hum  !You are  the children of the rich  is such  !Gong  then  on  Qian  said:  would you do me  a favor  ?Bessie,  puzzled and asked:  what is it?  Gong  said  :willing  to  my  company  as a typist  ?She  immediately  said angrily  :are you feeling sorry for me  ?Gong  quickly explained  :  my mother  company recently  benefit is not  good  ,many employees  are gone  ,now  just missing  people  ,you should  help  me,  okay?  She  agreed,  every day to  Gong  mother  work  ,a month  of 600 yuan  of  salary  ,which  she is content  .<br>Gong  is going abroad  ,before leaving  in  Gong  Qian  invited  him  to dinner  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Gong  abroad,  Qian  still  every  side of the school  work  ,and now  each  Gong  salary  can reach  2000 YuanGong  ,and  afraid of her mother  to run  is not convenient  ,give her  a  notebook  computer  ,in others it seems  to  her  very  money,  of course  ,Qian  did not admit  ,nor  denied  .<br>&lt  ;/P&gt  ;&lt  ;P&gt  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;in  her  bedroom  with  a Beijing girl  ,personality more  unruly  ,but  never  bully  .Bessie,  or  with the previous  one  ,others  by  not  learning  better than themselves  ,but this time  she  encountered opponent  .<br>There is a  forest  boy  ,every  achievement  to be taller than she is  ,she  is not convinced  to  more than  he  .In a  review lesson  ,she  thought  :the next exam.  I must be more than him  !At this point  ,the teacher asked a question  and  answer  that  Qian  ,can be the result of  Qian  spirit has  concentration to connect  all  don  therefore  ,shook his head  .<br>The teacher asked  :does anyone  have  this problem  ?...  ...  Forest  initiative to  stand up  to answer this  question  and  was praised  .She  hate  hate  to  :do you think I  won  ?Are you with me  ?After class,  Qian  Lin  stopped  said:  I will  exceed your  exam  !The  students  are surprised  .<br>The examination results  ,Qian  was  made first  ,Qian  on the report card  for  forest  name  ,but found the  forest  each subject  is zero  ,she was angry  :do not want me  than  just  say  !The  girl told  her  dormitory  on campus  ,forest  lake  waiting for her  ,she  angrily  run over to say  :what do you mean  ?What is this  ?Lin  didn  just  put in the hands of  the paper to  the  Qian  Qian  ,puzzled and asked:  how do you have  the papers  ?Lin said  :my aunt  is the registry  .<br>..  ...  Before he could  finish  her  interrupted  :you  are  such a  rich man  !No wonder  every time the  results are  so high  !Lin  unhurried  explained:  I  have never  used  this relationship  ,the papers  I have  finished  ,you can close  a  fraction  !Qian  with  paper  calculated  score  is  better than her  ,she  was very puzzled  .<br>..  ...  Lin  suddenly  hugged her  ,said to her  :I  love  you  !A girl is boy  in his arms  ,all her pride  is gone,  and they  started dating  .Before long  they  had sex,  and every time  out  to give  money  Qian  Lin  ,because two people  out man  pay  always  face  ,for a long time,  but she always gave  forest  allowance  ,which  between them  has become a  very common thing  .<br>Qian    ,Qian  fantasy  forest  will  what gift to give her  ,I thought:  to his  pocket money  is enough  to buy me  a  necklace  or  ring  .She  think  feel very happy  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Qian  birthday,  forest  day  did not contact  her  ,she  thought it was  Lin  deliberately  ,in order to give  her a surprise  .<br>When the phone rang  ,she  picked up the phone and said  :where the hell have you been?  Just to hear  them  surprised and  said  :ah  ?She asked  :who are you?    I am  gong  !She said angrily  :how could it be you?  ?Gong  Ding  said:    !Thank you.<br>  No  prior  to hang  !Gong  said:  !Bye.  Gong  Qian  did not wait for the  answer  ,but they  came over the  beep  beep sound  ...  ...  The telephone rang again  ,Lin is  called  ,after receiving a telephone call  ,she  hastily  ran downstairs  ,but  ,Lin  looked very unhappy  .<br>She  thought  ,he may  want to give  me a  surprise  !Forest  Wenqian  :  can not  go back  ?With me  !She  hesitated or  promise  !To the hotel,  she  know that  sadness  ,pain expression  can  disguise  .<br>Forest  Duiqian  told a  she  never wants to hear a  story  :forest  had a  girlfriend  named  Rui,  in a  film school  ,he wanted his girlfriend  and  the other girls  do not like  ,hope she won  be secular  infection  ,but when  he went to  the core of the  time  ,she and  a rich  people  walk together,  and  belittle  yourself,  Lin  did not resign  .<br>Morning,  Lin  collected  pocket money to the  pistil  bought a diamond ring,  but the results of  core  lost  back  .Qian  holding the  ring  ,watch  engraved with  a  core  word  ,this moment  ,Qian  hate  myself,  hate  myself  why  to study hard  ?Why must we know  the word  ?If she  does not know the  word  ,she  may think that the  character is her name  ,but  her  ,holding back tears  ,comforted  Lin  said:  ,fine  !Before long  ,she  is not in the  Gong  mother  company  ,because  she learned the  marketing  management is  Gong  dad company  lacks,  so  ,she  went to the  Gong  dad  .<br>Is about to  graduate,  we  are going to go their separate ways  ,and  also  broke up  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Qian  with  Gong  father  came to Shenzhen  development  ,the efforts of recent years  has been  very good performance  .<br>After  all  ,now  already  is the British  company    China  branch  manager  in  .She  bought herself  a house  ,buy a car  ,she  just to prove  others some of the things  they would have  ,but  it is only a matter of time  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Gong  abroad  come back  ,ask  the family to eat together  also included  .Qian  saw  Gong  is still the same as before  without any changes  ,or the kind of  Lalila  awry  ,no  progress  .<br>After dinner  ,she  asked  :where are you going  ?Gong  replied:  the white swan  !Qian  and  irony  :  rich people  always  live the kind of  Stars Hotel  .Gong  and did not answer  .Problems  ,but  asked her  :can you  accompany  me up?  Why.<br>  Gong  beg  said:  I beg of you  ,to accompany  me out,  okay?  She  wanted to  agree to accompany  him  ,had just entered the room  door  ,Gong  said  :close your eyes  !The last 5  numbers!When  she  opened her eyes  when,  at  the corner of the room  out of the  many  clowns for  her play  ,sing  .<br>At this time,  Gong  launched  a  five  layer  cake  go  to  Qian  before:  happy birthday  !She  moved,  because she  never got  a birthday  .Gong  holding a  diamond ring  and knelt  on the ground  and carefully to  Qian  said  :marry me  ,OK  ?Qian  said  :give me a reason  !I  love  you  !Gong  answer  .<br>She  nodded  ,but  she did not know  it  is right or wrong  ,because  she  can  Lin  Gong  ,however  ,she  is also very good  for  the  parents  .Before long  ,Gong  Heqian  married  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;after the wedding  is  the same  day    busy work  ,and  Gong  is  in domestic  pisciculture  ,raise a  flower  ,on the Internet,  which makes  her  very  bad,  a  Ciqian  unfair to say:  why do  I spend  on the road  ,and you  stay at home  idle  !Gong  grinning,  said:  we are at home  !Anyway  ,my parents  earn  enough money  we  spend  the rest of his life  !The voice just fell  ,she  angrily  shouted  :why spend  the  money  your parents  ?Don  ability  to earn  ?Gong  see  wife  is angry  ,and  even  laugh with  mercy  coax  .<br>Every time it  .One day,  she is  QQ is a  strange man  with  her  ,she  vaguely  feel  that man is  forest  ,but she  still added  .It  is a  forest  ,they had a long chat  ,Qian  that  forest  in the northwest of the  company  when the manager  ,she felt  her husband  too silly  .<br>After returning the home  ,she  saw  a  fish  bowl  upside down  ,she went  out  to throw  .Gong  back  later  found a small  fish  ,ask wife  :my    two  aunts    ?Qian  said coldly  :I saw  it  abdominal  upwards  away  .<br>  No,  it is  that every day  to rest for a while  !  After listening to  the short of breath  :you  all will know  of staying in the house  ,would not  like the others  ?Gong  heard,  no expression to  ask:  you say    others    is  he  ?She  reached out  to  secure  a big mouth  ,Gong  without saying a word  ,the door  gently  away from  home  .<br>Already two day  ,Gong  did not  go home,  she  knew he had  something  ,but  feel shy  call actively  ,she  suddenly thought of  Gong    ,Gong  has not  let her watch  ,this time she  may  have a look  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;open diary,  the first page  :&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;X month  X day,  our class had  a girl she  wasn  ,each student  after dinner  ,she would  hide in the corner  to eat steamed bread  ,pickle  ,I really want to  help her,  however,  she  seems to  hate  the rich  kids  ,I had to think of  a good way  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;today I  let my father  made me a  shabby old overcoat  ,I think  it is easy to  get close to her  ,she  will  hate  me  .<br>She has decided  to give me lessons  ,in order to  stay with her  a little longer  ,I  mean  every time  the exam,  although  every time she  said me stupid  ,but I  was still very happy  .But I can  explain  to  parents  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...    Happy Birthday to me  ,dad  to come and pick me up  ,I  not happy  ,because I was afraid she  would  alienate me  .Tomorrow is her birthday  ,I hope  that  she  get in the car  ,but  I knew she  would not  ,so  ,I just  gave her a  helpless  smile  .<br>On  the bus,  I pulled off my  old coat  ,change  a new dress  ,dad said I  is it right?  Wrong  ,always love to wear  this  shabby old overcoat  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;I think  I have  loved  her  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;.<br>..  ...    Mom and dad know  I  love  her,  but his father  said if I  admitted to Tsinghua  will  agree with us in  one  ,so  ,I began to  study hard  ,but  ,she is  so hard,  I can  exceed  her  scores  ,so  ,I put  each section are  less  answer  a few  questions  ,so  ,I more than  she  lost  the entire 50 points  ,do  all  second  .<br>The father  let me  go abroad  ,if I don  he would take me  to help  her  to tell her  the truth  of all  ,so  ,I promise  !&lt  ;BR&gt  ;...  ...  &lt  ;BR&gt  ;  before  I met her  ,I  invite her to  my mother  company  as a typist  ,I  she knew I was  deliberately  to help her  ,so he  and his mother  talked about  that  company  benefit is not  good  .<br>Before I go,  she said she was going to  ask me out to dinner  ,I said I  eat beef noodles  ,she does not agree with  ,I would  say I most  like  to eat beef noodles  ,because I know that  if we  two people  eat only  needs 3 yuan,  so this  month  she had  597 moneypocket money  .<br>After dinner  ,she  returned to school  ,did not go  how far I  vomited,  because  I have never  had such a horrible meal  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...    !Her dorm  has a girl is  my junior middle school schoolmate  ,I told  my students  not to bully  her  ,otherwise  ,I would not  hesitate  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;.<br>..  ...    The  students  heard  she had a boyfriend  ,I would like to  ask her  recently  okay?  But  ,I can  the  reason to  call  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...    Today  is her birthday  ,I got a  call  reasons  ,however  ,listen to  her business  feel  anxious  ,seemed to be waiting for someone  ,so  hastily  hung up  .<br>The students told me  tonight  ,she  didn  return to the dormitory,  I  am afraid,  I really can  what will happen  !I  love you  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...    In foreign countries,  I  struggled  ,however  ,I can  tell her my  achievement  ,I  was afraid she would  therefore  ignore me  .<br>I  passed through a  hard  finally  make their own  companies in  China  have  a  branch  ,and the  general manager is to  her  ,I  felt relieved  !I  will return,  but I  couldn  all these years that my  efforts  .<br>However  ,whether she  still  doesn  ,I  would ask her to marry him  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...    I  asked her to marry him  ,she promised me  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;.<br>..  ...    Wedding night  ,I deliberately  put their  fingers cut  sheets  ,red  ,though I  and  her heart  was clear that she  was not the first time,  but  ,in my heart,  she  is always the  one  whom I want to cherish  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...    After marriage,  she is still  busy at work all day  ,and I  couldn  without seeing her  ,so every day  with  computer  and the corporation  manager  contact  ,although  in her eyes I  have no future  ,but  so long as you don  her  more than anything else  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...    I feel that  she  talked to him  ,I am afraid  I will lose her  ,because  I really  can not do without her  ,I want it that way  and she had a lifetime  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;.<br>..  ...    Wife  ,I really don  want to lose you  ,because I  really can not do without  you  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;...  ...  She  was in tears,  the man beside me  in order to help her  is how  have cudgeled one  ,to pay so much  !She  also  does not scruple to  face  ,to  consolidate  a call  ,said  :husband  ,I know I was wrong  ,and come back to me  !  Give me a reason  !Gong  asked  .<br>
== & drinking woman heart & ==
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;women and  wine  ,a good woman  is like  wine  .<br>Wine  can raise people  ,can also be  kind  ;wine can be  pleasant  ,but also  to  hurt  &nbsp  .Women also  need to understand  and care ,  to know  the  interpretation of  women  ,women  is a powerful  &nbsp  ;arm  ;conversely  ,a woman  will also  constitute a strong  hurt  for you  .<br>&shy  ;wine  in the wine  as a woman  ,the same &nbsp  ;also has the  life  loss  .A successful woman  ,can  toast each other  ,life  will never let the  man  .Frustrated  woman &nbsp  ;people  ,sweet  cheeks  of tears,  raised his glass  to a drunk  .<br>&shy  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;drinking  woman  know how to cherish  ,drinking  woman  understands  .<br>Drinking  woman know how to  give up  .Drinking  woman can use  wine  to express their  feelings  ,dares to love and  hate  ,drinking  woman  with wine  to interpret their own  life  ,dare to dare  .Drinking  woman  ,get up,  put it down  .<br>Bold  and  shy  ,not  a  state  ,not  artificial and stylized  .&shy  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;a drunken  woman  is also the  confidante  as jade  ,flowery  .<br>A drunken  woman  without  modification and  cover  .Most of the time  ,a  woman is  a woman  .Drunk  ,need courage  ,drunk  ,bold  ;drunk  ,can be  exaggerated  ,drunk  ,can  lose  .Alcohol  anesthesia  woman  like  Trueman  as  address each other as brothers  ,guess wine  finger-guessing game  .<br>Laugh  too  straightforward  ,cry to  cry out  .&shy  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;wine  was used goods  ,a woman is used to  love  the  .<br>Understand  wine  not necessarily know how  to love a woman  who  knew how to love  a woman  ,the  man  is  not necessarily  good at  tasting  .Good wine  is not much,  this is  the people will be drinking  truth  ;a good woman  is not much,  this  is to  understand a woman    feelings  .<br>So  ,should  cherish  .Life  with  a good woman  ,enough  to enjoy  a lifetime  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp <br> ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  <br>;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  & nbsp  ;;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  <br>;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp <br>
== The words of Xia Lin classic heartbreaking ==
1 I love you, so you shine, I don't love you, you are nothing.2 one side position only so much, you can give only so many, in this narrow and small circle, some people must come in, some people have to leave 3 if you know where to go, all the world � you � road.<br>4 I love you, for a long time, waiting for you, also a long time, now , I'm leaving, longer than for a long time... 5 a person has only one heart, but there are two atrial.A living happy; a live in sorrow.<br>Do not laugh too loud, or will wake up next to grief.6 The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between trees but with the root growth of the branches in the wind could not dependent 7 Apple's most shining moment was falling on Newton's head!8 AV to the world maybe there are several, not jealous woman but not even one.<br>The 9 part is don't love, those highfalutin reasons, do not want to make each other better, but to make ourselves better!10 tired of life, a smaller part from the survival, a small source from the competition.<br>11 do not let too much yesterday occupy your today!12 if we say that beauty is a letter of recommendation, then kindness is credit card!<br>13 I'm sorry is a good faith, never mind is a kind of manner.If you pay a sincere, but not grace, it only shows the ignorance of each other and vulgar !14 lose things, actually never truly belong to you, also don't regret.<br>15 No matter how luxurious wedding ceremony does not mean a happy marriage, two people together life-long harmonious or not and the bamboo mat open several, many jewelry no association.16 love, can match youth passes as a fleeting wave.<br> 17 advertising is to tell others, money can also spend 18 mistress, only a remainder of division 19 in the most time of our life, the promise is binding synonyms , but we yearn binding.The 20 force is mutual, except the power of love.<br>21 many people in restructuring its bias, that he was thinking about.22 life has too much feel helpless choice.Society is like rivers and lakes , always make people involuntarily, talk insincerely.23 we are hyperopic eyes, blurred the nearest us happiness.<br>24 so you love me and I love you so are stuck in a time when, love is over.25 If you go first , and do not blame me when you are back to your face 26 If your feet on the ground, they don't consider themselves too lightly; as long as you live on the earth , is not to take yourself too big.<br>27 If you want to test my patience, please get ready your patience.28 everyone is... To... To... 29 in our love, I always play the role of love you, don't ask me why break up break up, ask yourself.30 life - school.<br> School.. holiday.. graduation.. mixed enough.. old. Regret.. dead... 31 cannot in together can not be together, but never so long... 32 ancient times have alien records, because be all at sea feel at a loss of 33 of their good point, because life is not long; the people around him better, because next can not meet!<br>34 a lot of people, as a lonely and indulgence, but more people, because of wrong love one person, and the lonely life 35 you know that God is not fair, can you ��� me or not, I and my only ��� you or you 36 everyone felt always far away from it possible short you see 37 mom said you'd better not miss two things, the last bus to home and the person who loves you deeply.<br>
== This is what I want happiness ==
1, I want to buy pair of sweethearts ring. I put the left hand, right hand , take you when we hand the time, let the ring buckle.2, I want to be with you to buy us like the couples dress, wearing it on the street for pedestrians, the envy of vision.<br>3 , I want to sit next to you, listen to you say you ago, would you speak, I listen, this is happiness.4 , I want to be with you in the evening watching the horror film, when I am afraid , you can nest in your arms, 5, I want you to go to the seaside, like little children playing with sand.<br>6 , I want to cry on your shoulder, then slowly fall asleep.7, I think when I have dinner, you will trample on my hair, ask me why I didn't eat , and then took me to eat.8, I want you to sit in a quiet corner, nothing to say, can also be very happy.<br>I think you like to walk on my back when I don't complain, I very heavy, I am willing to rely on your back.I think every night that you can tell me goodnight, I go to bed because you said good night.I <br>
== [] QQ farm two anniversary reviewing my farm ==
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; by the end of May 19, 2011 , I've planted 163 kinds of crops , the harvest of 60594 fruit, also lost a lot of fruit.Period to a friend's house "help" won 31061 fruit, dog bites by friends many times, at the time of escape loss is not small.<br>[i] QQ farm those things that pull you play the Ta farm , now okay:.. farm friends , who is your "dish":.. QQ farm you most unforgettable experience:.. [check my QQ farm] "hurt" I very deep: Feng Jiao, brother my vulnerable ah!!!Yes or no.<br>Just mature you just come !!!Yes or no.Pick me the most is you!!!Yes or no."Love" I deeply love you people: &amp; baby, don't tell me you're in a good experience for me, for me every day, weeding, pest.<br>"I hate" deep one: No, no dog food, dog go-slow , paid leave, a recent to pick food did not catch."Temptation" I very deep: the water mark, look at you like me hard copy, "pick" to you.Back to my farm &gt; <br>
== Don't spend the potherb treatment [] how do you know ==
1,Portulaca oleracea L  to the treatment of diabetes  , relationresult&nbsp;relationresult&nbsp;&nbsp  ;relationresult&nbsp;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;relationresult&nbsp;Portulaca oleracea L  ,also known as  longevity food  of Portulaca oleracea L  .<br>The general  is red-brown  ,blade fleshy  ,long  obovate  ,because  looks like  Portulaca  named  .It contains protein  ,fat  ,amino acid  ,riboflavin  ,ascorbic acid,  sulfur  and other  nutrients  .Because contain acid among them more  ,so the time to eat  feel  slightly  sour  .<br>Portulaca oleracea L  medicinal  function of  heat-clearing and detoxifying  ,cooling blood to stop bleeding  .Because of its abundant  norepinephrine  ,can promote the  secretion of insulin in  pancreatic islet  gland  ,regulating human  glucose metabolism  ,reduce blood glucose concentrations  ,maintain  glucose homeostasis  ,so for  the treatment of diabetes has certain effect  .<br>In addition  ,it also contains  a  called  3 -W  unsaturated  fatty acid  ,can inhibit  cholesterol and triglyceride  formation  ,has a protective effect on cardiovascular  .Eat it  there are many ,  blanch  fried  food  cold  ,after  filling  can be  .<br>For example,  in Portulaca oleracea L  scrambled eggs  ,steamed  stuffed bun  in Portulaca oleracea L  ,or boiling  point heat  treating dysentery  purslane  garlic  porridge  .relationresult2,eating dandelion  is good for the liver , relationresult&nbsp;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;dandelion  ,also called  yellow  Viola yedoensis  ,mother-in-law Ding  ,yellow  three seven  ,a lot of people  in the field  see  .<br>Its pollen  contains vitamin  ,linoleic acid  ,leaves  contain  choline  ,amino acids and trace elements  .Dandelion  main function is to  Qingrejiedu  ,swelling  and diuretic  .It  has broad-spectrum antibacterial  effect,  but also can stimulate  immune function  ,achieve the  gallbladder and  liver  function  .<br>It is  eaten raw  ,fried  or  boiled  after the  soup  can  ,for example,  jellyfish  with  dandelion  ,dandelion  shredded pork  with  green tea  ;also  ,licorice  ,honey  ,tune into  a cup can  Qingrejiedu  ,swelling of the  dandelion  green tea  .<br>3  ,bitter herbs  can inhibit  leukemia  sowthistle  name  take  hemp dish  or  chicory  .Stems  are yellow-white  ;blade  oblong-lanceolate  ,surface green  ,abaxially grayish green  ;flowers  yellow  ,tongue  .<br>Dried  bitter  is rich in potassium  ,calcium  ,magnesium  ,phosphorus  ,sodium  ,iron  ,manganese  ,zinc  ,copper and other elements  .Sowthistle  can  heat dampness  ,blood stasis  ,detumescence discharges pus  detoxifying  ,cooling blood to stop bleeding  .<br>Chinensis  Decoction concentrated  ethanol extract  ,for acute lymphoblastic leukemia  ,acute  and chronic myelogenous leukemia  are inhibited  .The more common  to eat are  mixed with  bitter herbs  ,garlic  sauce  ,roast  pork liver  chinensis  chinensis  .<br>In 4  ,bracken  has sedative effects  of &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;bracken  fern infant food  ,also known as  leading food  ,more common  in  wild vegetables in  .<br>Fern  leaf is  curly  ,makes it  fresh,  old  leaves  will  unfold  .Eat  bracken  can play the functions of clearing heat  ,eliminating phlegm  ,slippery bowel  to  diuretic  tranquilizing function  .<br>But the dry  bracken  or  salted  bracken  before eating  the best  water  dip  ,to bring it back  .Common  to eat are  fried  silk  fern  ,bracken  ridge  ,such as bracken  pork  salad  .5  ,Platycodon grandiflorum  can  anti ulcer  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Platycodon grandiflorum  is also called  Ming  leafy  ,monk  hat  ,Koreans  said  road lackey  is  it  .<br>Its  branch end  out  blue flowers  .We usually  eat are  the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum  ,it has  expectorant  ,analgesic  ,antipyretic  ,sedative  ,hypoglycemic  ,inflammation  ,ulcer,  antitumor and  antibacterial  effect  .<br>6  ,tonifying  spleen  to eat  mustard  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;shepherd  flowering  in 4 - June  ,the edge of the field  in the ground,  people often  can see the  tiny spots  of  white  hirsute  cauliflower  .<br>It is the main  therapeutic effect  is  cooling blood to stop bleeding  ,tonifying  spleen  ,clearing heat  and water  .Spring  to pick some  mustard  tender bine leaf  or wintering  bud  after Cheuk  ,cold  ,sauce  ,soup  ,do stuffing  ,fry food  can  ,can also be  boiled  fresh  beautiful  Capsella bursa-pastoris  porridge  .<br>7  ,hot  days  eat  amaranth  amaranth  roots  usually  purple or lilac  ;different regions,  color varies slightly  ,the north than  green or  purplish,  lighter  stems  few  branched,  green  or pale  purple stripes  ;leaves  ovate  .<br>We  eat are generally  more  tender  amaranth  stems and leaves,  they have a  diuresis  ,detoxification  ,Ziyin Runzao  effect  .In addition to  fry  food  ,soup  and  salad  ,amaranth  is also commonly used  to make the filling  .<br>For example,  cold  amaranth  ,chicken  ,dumplings and other  Amaranthus  amaranth  .In 8  ,thorn tender bud  of replenishing kidney essence , relationresultAralia elatais also called  Aralia elata  ,Liaodong  wood  ,growing mainly  in the bushes  and  hollow  .<br>Unlike other  vegetables  belonging to the same  herb  ,but  woody plants  .Its  bark is  grey  ,it  is full of  thick hard  prickles  ;flowers are  yellowish white  ;fruit  is a  berry  ,globose  ,black  .<br>Aralia elata  is  edible  part  ,mainly  its buds  ,Qi  ,activating blood circulation  to  wind  ,dampness  ,relieving pain  ,function  ,kidney essence  .9  ,Allium macrostemon  can prevent  arteriosclerosis  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Allium  macrostem onion  root  vegetables  ,also known as  .<br>Its  stems and leaves  looks like  garlic  ,onion  ,and garlic.  There  .Its role is to  Yang  gas  ,thoracotomy  Sanjie  ,qi  stagnation  ,the treatment of dysentery  and suppression of  high blood lipids  in blood of patients with  elevated  peroxide  ester  ,prevention of atherosclerosis  .<br>
== Teach you to make the dinner on New Year's Eve ==
1  peacockfish , relationresultMaterial:mullet  1,dry  Xianggu mushroom 3  ,red hot chili peppers  2,garlic  ,ginger 1  pieces,3grain ofspring onion  2 trees,Guangxiang  Thai  steamed fish  soy sauce 1  bags,white pepper  ,cooking wine 1  bottleby  a little  .<br>Practice: 1  ,will  slice garlic  ,ginger  slices  ,chopped pepper,  white  segment  ,the remaining part  chopped green onion  ,mushroom  after the bubble hair  slice  .2  ,go to the fish  scales  after  cut off the head  ,tail  ,and then  from the  cut-out in the  gut  after  cleaned,  the  body portion  from the back  of  the knife  cut into slices  ,but  keep the  stomach  part  do not cut off the  .<br>3  ,chopped  garlic  ,ginger  ,onion  ,mushroom pieces  spread it on the plate  ,and then the fish  placed in the tray  ,sprinkle with  pepper  and pour into  Guangxiang  Thai  steamed fish  soy sauce  ,cooking wine and  a little white  pepper  powder  .<br>4  ,put dishes in the  steamer  ,steam  for 10 minutes  . , relationresultTips:1,the general production  steamed  fish  suggested the use of  fresh fish  ,immediately  after the killing  ,it can guarantee  the meat fresh  fresh  smell  ,but  also  relatively light  .<br>In 2  ,Thai  steamed fish  with soya sauce  Guangxiang  Singapore is  very famous  local  seasoning  ,personal feel good  ,if  is the  words  ,recommended  Lee Kum Kee  steamed fish  in soy sauce  .In 3  ,according to the  size of the fish  ,may  the steaming  time  corresponding  increases or decreases by 2  ,3 minutes,but  not  too long  so that the  fish  steamed  over the old,  taste  taste  is not good  .<br>2  PhoenixZ , relationresultMaterial:1/3dateplum persimmonwine  bottle  ,spring chicken  1,dry  longan  10,octagonal  1 grains,4 slices ginger,red pepper 1  ,20 grams of crystal sugar,spring  onions 2  tree,garlic  6 grains,10tablets ofchestnut  .<br>Seasoning  :2 tbsp light soya sauce,1/2 tsp salt,pepper  ,1/2TSPchicken broth  ,soy sauce  150 gramsamount  .Practice: 1  ,boil a pot of  boiling water  ,then  add to wash the  spring chicken  boiled  bleeding  after water  remove and wash  and  drain water  .<br>In 2  ,the  spring chicken  from abdomen  incision after  dark soy sauce  color after the  brush  into the pan  and fry until golden brown  out,  then  pan  fried  garlic  until golden brown  .In 3  ,a  bowl of  fried  spring chicken  ,will be  to  skin down  into the bowl,  then put  the rest of the  material and seasoning  inside chicken  .<br>4  ,use the film retaining freshness  will  bowl  sealing  ,and then into the  steam for about  an hour  later  ,pour the  soup  first  ,and then  removed  with wood  impurities  ,chestnut  branch  open  .<br> , relationresultTips:1,dateplum persimmon  wine  can also be used in Shaoxing  wine  ,rice  wine  .In 2  ,chestnut  available dry  chestnut  ,but  prior to the use of  soaked with hot water  before use  .<br>relationresult3 Angelicachicken  rolls of material  : the big  chicken  2,salt 2 teaspoon  ,angelica 5 grams  ,medlar 10 grams  ,clear water 500 milliliter  ,the ancient Yue Lungshan  wine sauce  gel 300 ml  .<br>Practice: 1  ,angelica  ,medlar  flushing  after adding  water  after the  fire to boil  and cook for 15 minutes  .Cool  .In 2  ,the  chicken  ,skin  down on the  tinfoil paper paper  ,with  a little salt  roll up  ,and  using the foil  wrapped in  a  candy  shape  ,into  the steamer  steam  20 minutes.<br>In 3  ,the  ancient Yue Lungshan  wine sauce  gel  into the  cool  water  of  juice  ,then add  remove  the tinfoil paper  chicken rolls  ,add ice  cabinet  after 1 days soaking  out  section can  .Tips  :1,spare  gel  can also use  any Shaoxing  wine  .<br>2  rollschicken rolls  ,as far as possible when  volume  closer  ,at both ends  sealed  ,steaming  after  not scattered  .4  honeybarbecued meat  :Pork Tenderloin  1,remember the  BBQ sauce  1 bottles,ginger 1  pieces,green  2,honey 4 tablespoon  of rice wine  ,20ml.<br>Practice: 1  ,will  come back to buy  pork loin  and  wipe dry  cutting  into strips  ,and  cut with scissors  to  surface white  fascia  ;ginger  peeled and  cut into pieces  ,onion cut into  standby  .<br>In 2  ,a  large  seal box  ,place the pork  strips  placed in the box  ,add the  ginger and spring onion  ,add  pork sauce  and rice wine  grasping uniform  ,preferably  so that the  meat  is  dipped into the sauce  .<br>In 3  ,covers the sealing  box lid  ,put into the refrigerator for 1  days,halfway out  open  flip  cutlet  ,make  tasty  uniform  and  drain onion  away  .4  ,well preserved  after the removal,  in the  pan  with a  foil  ,then  put the meat on the  grill  online  ,will  roast  rack in the  tray on the  air  for 15 minutes to make  sauce  drop  back brush  a layer of honey  ,and then to the  tray  for  a clean  aluminum foil  .<br>In 5  ,the pan  into the oven  bottom  ,a meat  roasting net  put  middle  ,bake at 180 ℃  for 20 minutes,brush a layer of  cured meat  sauce  ,slightly dry  after the  6 brush,brush  the meat  over  again  into the  oven at 180  degreesto  bake for 20 minutes  ,then  brush  out repeatedly  2 timeshoney  ,the best  and cook for 10  minutes.<br>Tips  :1,do  pork meat  to use  thinner  ,no  skin and  too much  fat  plum  production,  if you are buying  a  large posterior  rump  ,then from  5cmon the right  place  to  cut one knife,  then turn  left 5  centimetersto  cut one knife  .<br>..  ...  In turn  this  cut  down  ,so that the meat  after  can be a  long  ,it can make  meat  more rapid  tasty  .After  if  too large  ,then  separated from the intermediate  cut into  appropriate  size  .<br>1  ,raw onions  can not be  preserved  for long  ,or will form  scorodite  flavor  ,aroma  of meat  .2  ,remember the  BBQ sauce  is Singapore  old brand  ,most domestic  supermarkets also  sell  ,I think this  is my most  loving  barbecue  ,taste  it  ,nor does it have a very  exaggerated  red pigment,  using a commercially available  BBQ sauce  is a simple  approach  ,can be their own  deployment,  over period of time I put  your own deployment  also  put  up  .<br>3  ,if you want to make the  meat looks  more  bright,  more appetite  ,the secret is  repeated  several times  in honey  .5  pickled fishrelationresultMaterial: freshwaterfish 1  ,1 bags of6 grains,pickle  sauerkraut  ,3 cloves garlic,ginger 1  pieces,1 capsules,1 smallaniseed  pepper  ,chili  ,coriander  root 1  10.<br>Souse fish  material  :egg 1  ,starch  grains  ,cooking wine 1  spoons,1 tbspsugar  1/2spoon,1/2 tsp salt,white pepper,  1/3tsp.Practice: 1  ,the fish flat  on the board  ,take a sharp  Kuaidao flat  sheet into the office from the fish-tail  fish  ,fish bones will be  close to the middle of  the  fish pieces down  ,and then  upside down the other  side of the fish pieces down  ;the  pieces down  the  large fish  flat  on the board  ,knife and chopping board was  the angle of 45 degrees  under the knife  ,fish slice  standby  ;2,in the  cut fish  fish  mixed with  the  material  ,with his hand gently grasping uniform  ,pickled for 15 minutes;  3,the pickled cabbage  washed and  cut into small strips  ,garlic and ginger cut into pieces  ,dried chili  into sections  ;4,than the  cooking  pot and pour  a little  much of the  oil fired  7 into heat,and then into the  1 halfof pepper and dried  chili  choking pot  ,to  smell  out  after add  garlic  ,ginger and  pepper  ,anise  and  chopped pickled vegetable  stir together  ;5,to be fried sauerkraut smell came out  ,add about 1 liter of water  and then placed  into the  before  tick  the fish bones under the head  cover and the fire to  boil  the transposition of  the fire  and cook for 15 minutes  to thicken soup  ;6,falling gently boiled fish  will be cooked immediately after flameout  poured into a bowl of pickled fish  or  casserole in  (  recommended casserole  ,please see  attached  Tips  )  ;7,the pan clean,  then pour a little oil  till the 7 into the heat,  add the other half of  pepper  and chili  until fragrant and pour  the cooked pickled fish  ,the best  you can  put 2  rootparsley  .<br>Tips  :1,making sauerkraut  fish  the best selection of  fresh water fish  ,meat  taste  better  ;2,slices of  fish when  the knife  must quickly,  advance the best  first  knife,  twice the result with half the effort  ;3,pickled  fish when  add egg white  will make the  meat tastes  more  tender  ,but  also has a small  drawback is that will  the soup  slightly  turbid  ,if you have a good way  ,please speak  out  and  I  sharing  ;and  add a little sugar  ,I feel  makes meat  tastes more  delicious  ;4,hot  fish  time must not  press  too long  ,see  change  about  almost,  a long time  meat  old  also do not  delicious  ;5,and suggested the use of  pot  to contain the  advantage is that  :after eating  soup  and sauerkraut  tend to  rest,  the very next day  buy a piece of tofu  and put back  into  a  cooking  ,is a  delicious  dish  Oh  ;6,the best  oil  poured in  pickled fish  will make the  dish more  incense  ,if you  don  too much oil  ,also  can omit this  step  ,but I still  recommend this  step  yo  ,very sweet  !6  carrotbeef stew , relationresultMaterial:2 kg4beefcarrot  root ginger  1 smallgreen  1leaf5cinnamon1tangerine peel1ft1octagonal 2graindry pepper  510grain ofsoy sauce  2 tablespoonssugar  2 tbspcoriander  .<br>Proper  practices: 1  ,ginger  peeled  crushed  after  cut small pieces  ,onion  sliced  beef  cut into blocks  ;the cold water  and cook for  20 minutesand foaming hemorrhage  poured  drain well  ;2,more  than  cooking  wok  pour  hot oil,  then add  ginger  ,green onions and  spices  with  bean  ,fry  ,to  smell  out  into the beef  ,soy sauce  .<br> Stir  evenly  ;3,fried  beef into  the pressure cooker  ,and then  add rock sugar  ,add 1  cup water,do not cover the  upper  cover of pressure cooker  used in the fire  for about  half an hour  ,half-way  to  stir  up  ;4,beef  stew  in  opening the cover  at the same time  ,the carrot  scrub clean  with  hob  cut into large pieces  ;5,the carrot  into  the pressure cooker  ,the safety  cover  fire  stew  to  exhaust  after the  minimum  fire to simmer  15 minutes;6,Sheng  into the bowl  after  sprinkle a little  parsley  can  titian  .<br>Tips  :1,if  not to eat spicy  ,dry hot pepper and  bean  can be  removed,  but  add  1 tablespoonssoy sauce  ,the taste  is great  ;2,beef stew,  preferably  with a little  orange  or  tea  stew  beef  ,so  soft  quickly,  and the meat  flavor  ;3,Hu Luo  puff  stewing time  does not need  too long  ,so the  beef  to  stew  almost  after add  carrot  ,carrot  not peeled  ,just need to  scrub  clean  skin  ;4,if not in  a pressure cooker,  but also  can use the  cooking pot  or  casserole  ,but time  is  longer  ,with a pressure cooker  will  save  gas  .<br>Braised pork  with skin  of 7  materials:pork  1piece of soy sauce2 tbsp cooking wine2 tablespoons of sugar2 tbsponion 2  period ofginger 2  octagonal 2grain oftangerine peel  1cinnamon1leaves2water a littleYan Shaoxu  practices: 1  ,to  wash the meat  into the pot ,  add water before  opening fire boil pork after 15  minutes ofhemorrhage  remove and  cool  foam  ,put  cool after  the  pork  cut into small pieces  ;2,the wok  pour some  oil heat,  add pork  stir fry 5 minutes  ,the oil fry  out  Sheng out  ;3,put the pot  are washed  in 2 tbsp of  water  ,boiled water  is poured into the  white  sugar  ,when the  sugar  into the bubble  when placed in the  fried  pork  stir fry  two,  then pour  soy sauce  ,cooking wine with  stir 2 minutes  ;4,put the  meat into the casserole  (  also can use the meat  into the  wok  )  ,Welsh onion,  ginger  ,star anise  ,orange peel  ,cinnamon and bay leaf  pour cup water makes a part  of meat  soaked in  soup  ,salt into  ,cover a  small  fire stew  1hours.<br>Tips  :1 ,production of pork  must choose belt leather  pork  yo  ,the most delicious  is skin and fat  ;2,because of prior  fried  meat  oil  fired  out  a lot,  so do  the braised pork  is not a bit  tired  ;3,because the  pig  is very  easy to stick pan  fried  meat  ,so  when the best  selection of  non-stick cookware  ;4,I think  the  casserole  dish is  spicy  ,of course,  can also use the  wok  cover  stew  or  use a pressure cooker  to save time  ,if  use a pressure cooker  stew meat,  exhaust  after the  minimum  fire about  15 minutes.<br>8  ants on thetree  :sweet potato fans  1to100 grams of minced meatsauce:  Pixian bean  1 tbspginger 3  garlic1 tablespoonschopped 1  tablespoonssoup  4 tablespoons(50 ml  )  1 smallchili  pepper  3(cut)  soy sauce  1 tablespoons ofmonosodium glutamate little  pepper powder  1 teaspoonspractices: 1  ,first with  hot water to  soak  vermicelli  (  about 15 minutes  )  ,and then  use the scissors  blade  to make it  shorter  ,drain well  ;2,pour some  hot  wok  cooking oil  ,oil heat  put pepper  ,pepper  ,garlic  ,ginger  was the  scent  ,then add  minced meat  fried  powder  to  change  ;3,minced meat  color  will  pushed to the  side  ,so that the pot  is slightly tilted  ,the  oil  side  into the  bean  stir a few  before  the  mixture  ,then  pour  soup  (  bone  soup  or  broth  can)  ;4,into the  stock  ,in the  prior  maceration  fans  .<br> Stir  until the sauce  to dry land,  finally  transferred to  sprinkle  pepper  sauce  powder  ,monosodium glutamate and  scrambled  evenly  .Tips  :1,making the dish  fans  suggested the use of  sweet potato fans  ,more  somersault  taste good  ;2,in addition  ,bean  and  garlic  pepper  this dish is the  essence,  can not be  lost  ;3,because the bean  itself is very  salty  ,also  adding  soy sauce  ,so  this dish doesn  need  extra  salt  !Put soy sauce  not only  sweet  ,and  nice color  !4  ,this  is a  very Xiafan  Sichuan cuisine  ,so  also remind  the sentence -- the  control of  appetite  !9 spicy  explosion  ,gizzard  materials  :duck  or  chicken gizzards  300 gramspepper  5red chili5spices:garlic 2  grain(  slice  )  of ginger 1  pieces(  slice  )  onion 1  short(  section  )  1 smallchili  pepper  3roots(cut  )  soy sauce,  a little starch  1 tbspcooking wine  or  cooking wine 1  spoonsof sugar  1/2 teaspoonpepper 1/2  teaspoonwhite pepper  powder 1/3  teaspoon MSGlittle  Yan Shaoxu  practices: 1  ,duck gizzard  with salt  scrub  ,tear  film  surface  yellow  and  white bars  ,drain  and cut into strips  ;2,cut into pieces  of  duck  into the bowl,  transferred to  Huadiao wine  ,1 halfamount of  ginger,  soy sauce  ,sugar  ,pepper  ,pepper  ,salt  ,starch  ,grasping evenly  pickled for 10 minutes;  3,green pepper  ,red pepper  to  wash  to  pedicle  cut into 1  cmlong  ;4,frying  pan heat  ,pour oil  ,oil heat,  add  pepper  ,pepper  ,ginger  ,garlic,  another half amount of  fry  ;5,into the  duck gizzard pieces15  fry quicklyto  have a bit of  color  ,and then pour  in  hot  chili  stir-fry for about 1 minutes  ,transferred  some  soy sauce  and monosodium glutamate  and fry  after flameout  flameout  ,add onion  Piece  fry evenly  .<br>Tips  :1,in the cleaning of  animal organs  when adding a little  salt  scrub  can  effectively remove  odor  and  sterilization  ;2,duck gizzard  gizzard  is larger  than  ,but in  before making  recommendations  to remove surface  white  band  ,if your tooth  stiffness  good enough  is not required  ;3,if the special  actually,  can  put the red  pepper  in  a  small pepper  ,but  does not need too much,  or else it would be  spicy  stomachache  ;4,the dish  need to fire  quickly  stir  fried  ,if time  long  ,duck gizzard  can become very  chewy,  guarantee  the very next day  cheek  aches  ;5,this dish  is especially  special  meal,  so  when cooking  do not pay attention to  cook too much  food  ,or  supporting  broken  !The 10  Secretspicy  dried beef  materials  :1 kg ofbeef  chili powder  60 gramspepper  20 grams30 grams of sugarsoy sauce  2 tbspsalt 2 teaspoon MSG  little cooked  white sesame  1 tablespoons ofspices  (  pepper  ,star anise  2 grains,1 smallfennel  ,cinnamon  ,geraniol  1little2,Tsaoko  1 grains,cloves 4  ,nutmeg  ,tangerine peel  1,1 grains)  practices: 1  ,a pot of boiling water,  add  the cleaned  beef  boiled  foaming hemorrhage  remove  to soak in ice water  ,drained of  blood  ;2,in  casserole  (  also  available  in  no  other pot  )  pour some water  ,add all  spices and  salt  to boiling  ,then add  beef  ,if there is no water  had the  beef  ,add  boiling water  to completely  failed  ,and simmer for  about 50  minutes,remove and drain  water  and cool  ;3,will  put the cooler  sideways  cut  beef  texture  of finger size  ;4,wok  pour  more  oil to burn to  micro  heat  ,add in sugar  small fire  to stir the  sugar  babies  into  beef  stir fry  1 minutesinto the  soy sauce  and fry  ;5,has been used to  stir a small fire  to  beef  is dry  ,add  chili powder and  pepper  stir evenly  ,final  before the pot  into the  white  sesame  Linen  and a little  MSG  fry  evenly  .<br>Tips  :1,1 kg of beefdo finally  out  only about 1/3 of  weight of the  dried beef  ,beef jerky  and  making  the best choice of  unreinforced  lean beef  ,beef  boiled  water  ;2bleedingafter  remove  to soak in ice water  can make the  beef  meat  becomes  tighter  ,and added  with spices  cooking  the  beef  taste better  ;3,the last  fried  beef  process  has been the use of  a small fire,  fried  sugar  when the attention of  not  fried  coke  on the line  ;4,it  not only can be used as a  table of  dishes  ,as  usually the  snack  is also very good  .<br>11 Chinese cabbage  cabbage  Bacon  materials  :2longBacon  a bag of  dried shrimps  a  clear chicken soup  1 bowls of2 pieces of gingerscallion  a short  white pepper,  1/3 TSPwater  thickening  some  practices: 1  ,the  doll  food  gently  pry  leaves each  clean  (  not  every  Ye Zibo  down  yo  !)  In 2  ,a  Bacon in  each piece of  cabbage  leaves  ,and then  fill it  baby vegetables  cut  into four sections  and remove to the  plate  ,the  plate  into the  steamer  ,after the water is boiled,  turn a small fire  and then steamed for  15minutes and take out;3 ,another  pot  pour  a little oil  heat  ,add dried shrimps  ,ginger and  miter  patches of  white  out  fragrance  ,then pour the  broth  boil  ,into  white pepper powder  and water  mixed  thickener  ;4,will  hook  cooked  soup  poured on  the steamed  cabbage  can be  .<br>Tips  :1,the dish  can also be used  to replace  the  smaller  tree  cabbage  cabbage  soup  ,can choose  canned  can also use  their own home  cooked  ;3,Bacon  itself is very  salty  ,but canned  chicken soup  also have  salty  ,so  when cooking  without adding  extra  salt  .<br>11  material:fried beef  rump  1coriander1onion 1section of2 pieces of gingerseasoning  :1/3 tsp saltmonosodium glutamate  1/3 teaspoonsugar  1/3 teaspoonwhite pepper powder  1/3 teaspoonsoy sauce  1 tablespoon ofrice wine,  1 tbspsesame oil  1 tablespoonsvinegar  1 tbspstarch  1/2 tablespoonspractices: 1  ,beef  with  sliced,  namely  blade  perpendicular to  meat texture  put meat  sliced into transverse  section  ;2,green onions  ,ginger  cut silk  ,shredded  coriander  into four sections  ;3,in addition to  all the other  seasonings  vinegar  pours into the beef  piece  ,plus  a few  ginger  ,grasping  mix  pickled for 15 minutes;  4,wok  pour  hot oil,  add ginger  blast  out  into the  marinated  beef slices  quickly  stir-loose  ;5,when the meat  color  ,add  vinegar  quickly stir well  after flameout  and then put into the  coriander  and  leek  ,using waste heat  to  coriander and  scallions  fried soft  can  .<br>Tips  :1,buy meat  when  the best selection of  excluding  rib  rump  ,and  perpendicular to the  beef  texture  is cut out of the  meat  eaten  will be relatively  smooth  ;2,the dish  requires the use of  fire stir  frying  ,and  the  time should not be too long  ,all  can be  born out of  discoloration  after  flameout  ,long  beef  color is  cotton  ,the taste  is not good  ;3,use of waste heat  and cook until soft  vanilla  can  maximize the retention of  aroma  ,but also can make the  dishes  look more  bright  .<br>13  porkwith skin  material  :pork  1,plum dish  1,lobster sauce 1  spoon,red bean curd  1block,octagonal  2 grains,5 slice ginger,5 cloves of garlic,Sugar  Spoon L.  wine  l tablespoons  dark soy sauce  ,light soy sauce  ,l scoop  a little  ,some cornstarch  practices: 1  ,will  soak into the  molded dried vegetable  the water repeatedly  washed several times  ,drain  and cut into pieces  for standby;  2,the pork will be washed  after  and star  together  is placed into water  and cook until just  cooked fish out  (  about 10 minutes  )  ,while it is hot in the  pig  with a spoon  is coated with a layer of  dark soy sauce  ;3,lobster sauce  ,garlic  ,crushed into  mud  into the  red bean curd  in a bowl  ,add  cooking wine  ,sugar  ,ginger  ,soy sauce,  to make a  sauce  ;4,frying pan  into the  more  heat the oil till 7 minutes  ,then the  pork skin down  into  the pan  ,cover the pan  fried  a few minutes  ,midway  through  to the meat  ,to avoid  skin  fried paste  ,be  fried  remove and  let cool  meat  cut into thick pieces  ;5,the  pork  skin down  into the  bowl  on the floor  of each edge  ,in the meat  with  a  vinaigrette  and then  insert  molded dried vegetable  ,with hand  pressing  some  and then  poured  the remaining  sauce  ;6,will be installed  Filled with meat  bowl in the  steamer steam for 35 minutes  ,then the  dish  soup  to filter out the  spare  ,the dishes will be  inverted  into a  plate  ;7,the  powder  into  water  thickener  ,will  filter out the  soup  into the pot  ,then pour  hot  water  thickener  ,Qian will be a good hook  with  pork  can  .<br>Tips  :1,making  this dish  of  meat must choose belt leather  pork  ;2,because  plum dish  ,bean  ,bean curd  ,black  soy sauce  is very  salty  ,so  do the  dishes  do not need to  be a salt  ;3,the  meat shop  into the bowl  must be time to  skin down  Oh  ,so out of  will be  good  .<br>14  scallopgourd  pot  duck soup  materials  :Duck  1,Conpoy  20 grains,dried salted fish  1block,wax gourd 500 grams  ,1 cups ofwine  ,1 pieces of ginger,salt  practices: 1,  ginger  peeled and  cut into thick slices  ,fish and  Conpoy  water  gently  wash  ;wax gourd  carefully  washed  rind  after  seeded  with  skin  piece  ;2,the ducks  into the  cold water  in the pot  the fire  and cook for about 10 minutes  after the fish out  rushed  the duck  blood  powder  ,put into the soup  pot  ,pour enough  water before  duck  fire to boil  ;3,after the water is boiled,  add rice wine  ,a  ginger  ,dried salted fish  ,scallops  ,slightly  rear lid  lid  to  stir  slow fire burning 3 hours  ,10 minutesinto the  gourd  cooked  before eating  soft  and  salt into  seasoning  .<br>Tips  :1,Conpoy  is  scallop  meat  ,have  nourishing Yin  ,fatigue  effect,  in the  dry cargo  shop  ;2,wax gourd  very low heat  ,its  low fat content  and  a heat  and drainage effect,  is the  best weight loss  ingredients  ,and  hypertension and  diabetes  patients with the best  vegetables  ;but  Benincasa  cold food  ,gastrointestinal  bad  people should  consume less  .<br>Selection of  wax gourd  by  epidermal  fresh  with cream  as well  .15  winterbarley  boiled pork ribs with  materials  :wax gourd 500 grams  ,300 grams,1ribbone  ,barley  100 grams,1,Welsh onion  ginger 1  pieces,2 drops ofvinegar  ,salt and a little  practice: 1  ,rice  sieve  clean  ,wax gourd  peeled and  cut into chunks  ,ginger slices,  onion  cut into  small pieces  ;2,pork ribs  and  cavity  flushing  into a casserole  ,one-time  add enough water  ,about 5 litres  ,fire to boil  boil  foaming hemorrhage  with spoon  scoop  foaming hemorrhage  carefully  until the soup  clean  without debris  ;3,put fire  to  simmer  ,2 drops ofvinegar  to make  the bone  calcium in  effective  absorption  was  soup  ,and then  add ginger  and spring onion  to  meat  fishy  ;4,wash the  rice  into the pot  ,cover the pot  to boil for about  2-3 hours,the last  half an hour before  the amount of salt  can  add melon  ,coordinator  .<br>Tips  :1,the seed of job  often  some  small stones  ,in the  washing process  carefully  pick out  ;2,stew  soup bones  it with  as little as 2  drops of vinegarhelps  calcium  available  to be absorbed by the human body  ;3,barley  stew  longer to  soft  rot  ;4,cooking time  don  wax gourd  too long  ,otherwise  it becomes  white gourd  mud  .<br>16  double lotuslotus root  amount of  bone  material  stew  :bone  3rootlotus seed 100 grams  ginger 1  pieces ofwhite pepper  vinegar  3 drops ofsalt  water amount  practices: 1  ,lotus  to clean  the bowl,  pour warm water  soak  1 hourslater remove  standby  ;2,cavity  bone  rinse with water after clean  into the pot,  pour some  water before  ,after the  fire to boil  with a spoon  scoop  bleeding  foam  away  to make soup  clear  ;the  cavity  and  broth into the  soup  casserole  ,add  ginger  ,peeled and  crushed  3drops of vinegarand  white pepper  ,slow fire burning 1  hours;3,lotus root  with a knife scrape  skin  after removing  spectrometry  ,cut hob  into  block  ,cut  lotus root  into the soup  pot  stew  30 minutesinto the  bubble hair  good  seeds  and then a small  fire to simmer  for 30 minutes  ,before  the amount of salt  can be  transferred  .<br>Tips  :1,buy  the best choice when the  color is  red  lotus  lotus  lotus root starch  ,such  content is higher  than  cotton  ,taste  ,suitable for  stewing  ;and the  color is white  lotus  ,taste  more brittle,  suitable for  cold or  fried  ;2,lotus seeds  in  after the bubble hair  have a look  intermediate  green  Rhizoma Coptidis  have  removed,  if not  should  remove it  ,or  taste  bitter  ;3,stew  soup bones  when adding  a few  drops of vinegar  can help  calcium  dissolved in  the soup  ,helps  the body  .<br>Material  :17broth spinachspinach 1  to1grains,eggs  ,salted egg  1,3 pieces of ginger,chicken soup  100 ml,white pepper  ,salt and a little  practice: 1  ,will be preserved  and  salted egg steamed  15 minutes,after cooling  shell  into tablets  ;spinach  washed and  drain water;  2,wok  pour  some oil  after the heat put  ginger  until fragrant  ,then add  egg  and  salted egg  grain  stir fry a few  ;3,the spinach  into  the pot and stir fry  after the redeployment of  white pepper  and salt  ,and pour the  soup  with fried  1 and a halfor so can  .<br>Tips  :1,egg  steamed about  after more  easily  cut  ,if  not  with  words  ,but also can be used  to  cut  the line  .2  ,spinach  to be cooked  ,or will  have  astringent  taste  .In 3  ,transferred to  white pepper  can  raise fresh  .<br>18  bloodtwo filling  pot  material  :mother  hen  1 chickenXianggu mushroom 6  red dates6wolfberry 1to1to6 pieces ofPolygonatum  Angelica  Astragalus  3 commonsmall ginseng  root  Radix Rehmanniae Preparata  316 pieces of gingerwine 1  spoonpractices: 1  ,the  mushroom  hair with warm water,  cut off the  base  ,after the bubble hair  .<br>Water  after precipitation  with a clean  portion of  standby  ;2,to gently cleanse  the herbal medicine  ,Chinese herbal medicines in the  drying  process will be  stained with  dust  sediment  ;3,carried her  into the pot,  pour enough  water before  the chicken  ,the fire boil  and then  spoon  foaming hemorrhage  drained  ;4,put the  wine  into the pot  ,and then put into the  cleaning  of  medicine  ;open water  after add  bubble  over  mushrooms  ,then  before  Shitake water  into the pot  ,cover and  simmer  cooked  2 -3 hours,before eating  salt into  it  .<br>Tips  :1,because it is the  supplement qi and blood  soup  ,so don  use the  Welsh onion  ,if the fear of  a  fishy,  use  wine  to taste  ;2,these  medicines  in  Chinese herbal medicine  shop  also can be in  supermarket  buy  dry cargo  area  ;3,the old hen  nutritional value than ordinary  hen  is much higher  ,but is difficult to  buy  boiling  the soup  ,can also use  chicken  instead of  .<br>19  celerybeef  materials  :Parsley  1(thin  celery  celery  ,not  Yo  )  beef  200 grams ofdry hot  pepper  1or5rootginger 3  Yan Shaoxumonosodium glutamate little  practices: 1  ,celery  leaves  off  old  after  abluent cut  grains  ,dried chili  into sections  ;2,wok  pour some  oil  ,burn to  7 into the hotpepper  ,chilli  and ginger  into  fragrant  ;3,pours into the  beef  fire to stir  away  ,then  pour celery  seed  .<br> Stir  2 minutes,season with salt  and monosodium glutamate can  wok  .Tips  :1,this dish is  very  simple and  the meal,  but  fry  when  fire  with  fire  stir-fry  fry  ,if  time is too long  ,celery and stir fry  must  fade fade  is not very good  .<br>Mapo Tofu  :Tofu 1  box20materialpiece  minced meat  (  beef  ,pork  will be  )  1 small bowls ofspices  :Pixian bean  1 tablespoons ofpepper  ,1 small,1small spoonginger  ,garlic  ,pepper  grains of  1small spoon,1 tablespoonschopped 1  tablespoons,pepper  powder 1 tsp  practices: 1  ,the wok  pour suitable  heating oil  ,oil  heat  (  the hand  above the  pot  ,can feel  warm)  into the  minced meat  ,fried  powder  ,born out of  containing the backup  ;2,back into the  oil  pan  ,after heating  will  pepper  ,garlic  ,ginger  into  burst  fragrance;  3,into the  Pixian bean  fried  oil  ,add  pepper  fry  evenly,  then pour  diced  tofu  stir-fry  ,burned for approximately 3  minutes,4,prior to  the fried pork  into the pot  ,stir fry  into the  MSG  number,  then  pour in the  liquid starch  thicken soup  ,sauce  pot  after  sprinkle with scallions and  pepper powder  can  .<br>Tips  :1,take  boxed tofu  ,in  the  four corners of the bottom  box  are respectively  cut it with the scissors  that allow air to enter  ,and then ripped  the  plastic  film  can  not  broken ground  whole  bean curd  poured out  .<br>
== There is a girl crying for you ==
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;if your life has such  a girl  ,she is neither pretty  ,nor gentle  ,but she was very cute  ,and  her days with you very  happy  .I am sorry she is not  the kind of girl you like  ,she can not always give  you the feeling that heartbeat  .<br>In your life ,  just as she was a  guest role,  to then come  ,take the left does not give you  any emotional entanglement  .The girl  is very naughty sometimes  ,about  to ride a bike together  ,see  but it turned out that she  wanted you to  take  her away  .<br>I  go to the movies,  the  theater,  she said she forgot to bring  a ticket  ,and then  let you  walk on the streets with her until  midnight  .She will be  asking you  not  ,secretly  a  card  and put it in your  pocket  ,the very next day  call again to  let you  put the  card  sent her  .<br>..  ...  Girls  sometimes Henguai  ,she will  listen  to you,  look in your eyes  in a daze  ,such as  gaze at  a beautiful statue  .Sometimes you will  tell her  :actually,  you are  very cute  .  Is  ?The girl  smiled  .<br>Then a look of regret  :what a lovely,  I love people who  don  me  .  who  ?You look  puzzled  .The girl  only smiled but did not reply  .You think your friendship as  be secure against assault  as the Great Wall of steel  ,you have to do a  confidante  and  secretly glad that  .<br>She takes good care of you  ,and you have her  as your buddy  ,she  .Girls sometimes annoying  ,she always  not to mind taking the trouble  to call you  ,let  you to accompany her  to go  ,and  no matter how bad your heart  .<br>She always let you  eat it with her to eat it  ,regardless of  how bad your appetite  .She  always makes  you many strange eating  food  ,let you act as her  experiments  ,for her  seemingly  delicious  taste  ,but I don  how the taste  of  street food  .<br>But the girl  is also very  good  ,every trip  you never forget to bring  some small gifts  ,or  a string of  beads  ,or a conch  ,is  beautiful and intricate,  although they are  in your hand  will always  disappear without a trace  .<br>She  will be  sick when you  put on a few boxes of  good medicinal  white handkerchief  wrapped  on your desk  ,do not  forget  in time  to call you,  to remind you  to take medicine  .Time passed  ,girls  care  more and more  meticulous  ,there seems to be  little  beyond  as friends  and  its proper bounds  .<br>You gradually began to  worry about  ,worry about  some  shouldn  will happen  ...  ...  .One day  ,the girl you asked  :if one day I leave  you  ,you will be sad  ?You  firmly  replied:  not  !Why.    Because  you are my girlfriend  .<br>  That  I  be your girlfriend  ?You replied sincerely  :I  think we still  do  a better friend,  if you choose to leave  ,I  .&quot  ;girls are still happy as ever  ,it seems that only the eyes of  more than a hint of  melancholy  .<br>She call you  less  .You meet  with her  phone  number  is proportional to the number  .She will never become  the theme of your life,  so you never give her  a call  .Not even a very long time to  meet,  you do not think there is  anything wrong  .<br>You have used her own initiative  .On that Christmas day  ,the girl gave you  a white scarf  ,she tells you that  she is  woven into the  first  product,  costs a lot of effort  .You refused  .The girl said  :take it  ,it  .<br>On Valentine  ,the girl  gave  you a belt,  you  would not accept  ,the girl says:  I don  want to  hold  you  ,I will not  love  ,just see  all you  friends with  belt  is afraid that the family  was  not willing,  mouth  and  feel shy  ,you  buy  one for your  ,you are  don  oversensitive  .<br>The day after  .More and more girls  looking in your eye  .Each will split the time  and unable to part from  ,as if each  was  to  break up  ,he did not forget to  ask you  :&quot  ;I do not want to say something  ?&quot  ;&quot  ;dark,  be careful on the way  .<br>&quot  ;your face  concerns  .Thank you,  &quot  ;&quot  ;smiling girl,  a little bitter voice  .She looked away in  the night in the background  ,you  automatic speaking  :&quot  ;you are silly  .&quot  ;she  already exist in your life for  a long time  ,when she gradually away from you  ,you will  not care about  ,because you  don  her  .<br>You are friends  ,just friends  .Until one  day she  around you again  ,said to have  something to tell you  .She met  a change in the past of  chatter without stop  ,seeing you do not speak  .Then  ,you will be  a  walk in  the street is not very bright  ,far away  .<br>&quot  ;we  are happy with the day  not  ?&quot  ;&quot  ;yes  ,very happy  .&quot  ;&quot  ;did you  bother  me  ?&quot  ;&quot  ;to tell the truth  ,there have been  .&quot  ;&quot  ;can  feel  my love for you  over  as  friends  ?&quot  ;&quot  ;no,  I think  we are  a  good friend  .<br>You lie  to  &quot  .The girl  stopped  ,waiting for you  .You  shake  for a long time  to get  her  .  Oh  ,I am  worried that things finally happened  ,how her self-control is so bad  ,we can be very good  friends  .<br>A  friend of the opposite sex  is not  easy  .It seems that our  friendship will  go so far  .At this point,  you have complicated feelings  .The girl suddenly  turned around  ,looked at  you  .After a while  ,said  :&quot  ;I  love  you  .<br>&quot  ;&quot  ;Oh  ,we are not  a  good friend  .&quot  ;your  voice  to say  .I  love  your  &quot  ;&quot  ;stubborn girl  again  .&quot  ;so what  ?&quot  ;you lift  up  the  eyes for a long time,  the girls open burning eyes  .<br>The girl  turned round  ,half did not say a word  .&quot  ;you love me  ?&quot  ;girls began to press ahead  .&quot  doesn  .&quot  ;refused to you this  already  is a piece of cake  .&quot  ;you  will love  me  ?Quot  ;&quot  ;not  .<br>&quot  ;&quot  ;why  ?&quot  ;&quot  ;we get along  day  is not short ,  if I  love  you  .Early  love  ,do not  wait until now  .&quot  ;you,  say  .&quot  ;if you  love  me,  can you  tell me  ?&quot  ;&quot  ;of course  ,if  I  love you  ,not  till noon.<br>    to these three words,  I would have  told you  it 100 times  .&quot  ;girls stopped,  you can  stop at  not far from her  a  flower bed  side  ,took out  a cigarette  ,point  ...  ...  .The girl always  did not speak  ,nor continue to move forward  .<br>You know she was crying  .She gradually  increasing the voice of crying  .She cried  ,saying  :&quot  ;I  know it  ,I know it  .&quot  ;she  choke with sobs  to tell you  ,she once love you so much  .But dare not tell you  ,she did not expect to be your  love  ,she just want to tell you  ,love you love her  for a long time  .<br>And  you in the together day  happy and sad  .Every time  looking at  you,  feel  you  be close by.  But  so far,  love love you for so long  ,but can not understand  you  .You are always  on  my  no mention of the incident  ,let her feel  your heart away from her so much  ,they are unable enough  .<br>While  you are on her side  .She said  she love you so hard  ,all the  time you  is the root of her pain  ,no  thinking  ,no time  to  ,even the dream  is  not at peace,  her mind  is full of  your shadow  ,lingering  .<br>When thinking of you  ,two hands  crazy  pat  his head  ,but you can not miss out on  the  bitter  .She cried  for a long time  ,cry  very painful  ,that every  word is mixed with  her sobs  .It is  a kind of emotional catharsis  ,it  can  tears like  love  like torrential river water  bursting its banks  and  .<br>
== Reprint funny poetic couplet in a basket ==
Funny poetic couplet a dozen belated happy together: love has already stop referring, fate is not in service area the second line of a couplet: Revised unresponsiveness to busy feeling cannot recharge horizontal batch: if the heart moves Unicom: how a false name address; the second line of a couplet: Pianchipianhe feeling cheated; a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription: take the bait.<br>Top allied: wind, rain the next, I am waiting for you to call back; the second line of a couplet: for you, die for you , wait for you for a lifetime; the second line of a couplet: the wrong person.Top allied: patriotic love love love!The second line of a couplet: fire alarm against brother!The second line of a couplet: free love ! A couplet: look back hurry brake a powerful army; the second line of a couplet: turned off a million bold warriors; the second line of a couplet: Oh my God! The couplet: line you say you will do also; the second line of a couplet: you say no no good line; the second line of a couplet: refuse to obey a couplet: recalling the past, red rice, pumpkin soup, a wife, a child to help.<br>The second line of a couplet: see, white rice, bastard soup, a child, his wife a help.The second line of a couplet: advancing with the times together: for you are crazy for you tired for all your sins; the second line of a couplet: Die for you crazy for you as you rattle rattle big hit the wall; the second line of a couplet: crazy for love.<br>Top allied: to love and to be loved is difficult; the second line of a couplet: love coming to time; the second line of a couplet: priceless friendship.Some older men in the park to meet an older woman.<br>It has a strong alliance: air, land on the second line of a couplet: in vain; female leisure two mus of fertile land to plow, et al.The second line of a couplet: Waste shameful acts: love has been suspended zhancang also love , fate, sliding into the daily limit; the second line of a couplet: revised is bull, to bear , feeling cannot cast long term; horizontal batch: quickly cover.<br> A: boys, girls, poor scholar , life and growth in nature!The second line of a couplet: the first love , love, love, and unable to part from!The second line of a couplet: there is no love couplet: I love who you are; the second line of a couplet: the people who love me too horrible to look at; the second line of a couplet: bitter.<br>
== Sorry, I really love!But I do not do the third.Next life I w ==
Girl 16  years oldto read the second day  ,boys of 18 years old  have not read  ,all day in the  outside  ,the boy  is very handsome  ,home  is also very rich,  also good  girl  home  ,parents are very  fond of her,  her performance  in  class is  the first  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;girl  table is the  boy  girlfriend  ,originally  she and he  do not intersect  ,because the girl is  a  good  student,  how could she  know him  the  bully  ,but girl  you  day and night  to tell her  they are  how sweet  ,how  fun  ,a  beginning girl  do not bother  ,just  let  her  speak  for a long time  ,but  her heart  began  restless ,  she  also want to  find  a  boyfriend  .<br>The girl is very beautiful  and lovely,  too many to count  the people who chase her  ,but no  one she  had  ,she  is a little  jealous  classmate  ,on the  table  without her  beautiful  appearance  ,the  figure  has  her figure is good  ,learning  not to mention,  of every time  of homework and exams  are copied  her  ,she did not really  convinced,  why the boy  will watch  her  deskmate  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;her  deskmate  give her the  photo to see  the boy  ,handsome,  cool  ,than  to recover her  will be  more handsome  ,the first time she  got that  want  impulse  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;strange  god  seem to hear  her  voice  .<br>A  girl  table  occupied  looking for  boy  ,just the  mobile phone  is dead  ,so she found a  girl  by  mobile phone  ,the girls  want to also did not want to  lend  you  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;after the  night the  girl  back home,  wash  after  went to bed for  sleeping,  lying in bed  with her  but also how  who don  ,she looked at her  mobile phone  screen  ,above the  boy  ,are at the same table  today  lend her  mobile phone  calling,  hesitate  ,she picked up her  home  phone  call  that  the number  of  .<br>..  Du  ...  A phone call from  a busy,  her heart beat  it up  ,she was afraid of  the boy  is not connected,  and fear  him  ,very contradictory  .  Hello  ,who is it?  The boy  answered  ,the sound is very pleasant to hear  .<br>  Hello  ,please  look for  XX  sorry  ,I don  ,you have the wrong number  ?  Oh  ,sorry  ah  .That  The boy  said to hang a phone  .The girl looked at  his  phone  ,that  like  his  feel more  strongly  ,she just  deliberately  looking for  XX  ,she  knew the boy  don  because  it was her own  made up  a name  ,she  just want to hear  the boy  .<br>&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;the next few days  ,the boy always  received some  wrong number  ,and some  ,  who are you?      can we make friends  ?  SMS  ,the boy  is very vexed,  for once  he asked  out  ,he asked  who the girl is  ,why  always calling him  ,though  each time  the  caller ID  is different  numbers  ,but he  could hear the  same  voice  ,the girl knew the boy  must be angry  ,so she tells  the boy  is because  like  him  to do so  ,she said  she knew the boy  has a girlfriend  ,but she still  loves  him,  she doesn  expect anything,  she only  want the boy  to  associate with her  one day  is enough  ,as long as the  day of  his girlfriend  ,she  was content  .<br>The boys  listened to  ,was very impressed,  so he  promised  ,tomorrow is Saturday  ,there is no class  ,they are  about  to  meet  at nine in the morning  ,the girl  was surprised  boy  promise  her  request,  but  he is very happy  ,tomorrow you can  see  the boy,  she first  thought  the day  was  so slow  .<br>..  ...  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;the very next day  arrived,  the girl  got up earlier  ,she  dressed  ,she does not want to  let the boy  saw her  disappointment  ,she  left him  a  deep impression  .The boy came to  them about  good  locations,  see  not far from  the white  figure  ,holding  a bottle of  black tea  ,waiting for  people  like,  he didn  hesitate to  go  past  ,last night they  would  say,  girls  will be wearing a  white T-shirt and  a pair of shorts  ,holding  a bottle of  black tea  ,so  easy to identify  some  .<br>  Hey  ,you are  the girl.    heard people talking  ,turned around and saw  the boy  ,the boy wearing  a black T-shirt  and  a loose  Korean  pants  ,forehead  bangs  slightly less  ,was  streaked  with purple  ,left ear  earring  in the light of the sun  flashing  ,the handsome face  with  a smile  ,he  than on the photo  to  much beautiful  .<br>  Well  ,thank you for your coming.  girl  smiled  .The boy  stared  ,the girl  is really beautiful  ,especially  the smile,  is more charming  .She  is a very  gentle girl  .The boy  thought that  we go shopping  ,OK  ?The girl  asked  to  tender  .<br>The boy nodded  ...  ...  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;after a day  after exposure  ,girls  like more and more  like  the boy  ,but  she is very clear  the boy  is the  only  boyfriend  ,although she is very  jealous of  you  also like the  boy  ,but she does not want to  do a third  ,also  do not want to undermine  the feelings of others  ,so  today after  she  decided not to  to disturb  the boy,  can make  his day  girlfriend  ,and satisfied  .<br>But  things are not  the way she wants  is simple  ,the boy began to  give her a call  or  SMS  ,the table  also  began to complain about the  boy  is not,  the girl know  is  their emotional  problems,  she also  know  some  about her  .<br>Once  again  ,the girl  about  the boy  ,or  the last  about  the  place  where  .Eight o  ,the boy  appeared on time  ,boys will be boys  ,is still handsome  ,girl  is also a  girl  ,just  the eyes,  but more of a  sad  ,because the night  ,so the  boys  with and without attention  .<br>  How to think  about  me  today  ,is it right?  Want me  ?The boy  teases  the girls looked at  him,  eyes filled with  dismay  .  the last time we met  .what  ,why  ?The boy  was surprised at first  ,and then  excitedly  grabbed her  arm  to ask  .<br>Girl  tears  in  eyes  ,sorry  ,everything is  my fault  ,I should not  love  you  ,knowing that you  are my  friend  ,but  also  try various devices to  close to you  ,I  do not  see you  ,let you do  my  boyfriend  .<br>The more I  should not be  a  third  to destroy  your feelings  ,I was too selfish  ,too bad  ,everything is  my fault  ,really  sorry  ,so I would not  appear in front of you  ,I hope you  and  she  can fix  .<br>Girl  with  eyes finally  could not help but  fell  .The boy  hold  a  girl was  crying and  shaking body  ,gently  in her ear,  said  ,  ,this is not  your  fault  ,I also have the wrong  ah  ,when I  have a girlfriend,  but  promised  to your request,  I should not  after our meeting  for you  I  forget  ,I  should not  be  in love with  you  .<br>So  ,don  blame yourself  well  ?It is  ,we were wrong  ,but we  are really in love,  ah  ,is not  ?Let  face it  ,Ill  forgive us  .  I won  you  .The boy  just then  ,a sharp  voice rang out,  that person is  a girl  friend  ,the boy  .<br>  Why are you here?  The boy  first  reaction  over,  asked  well,  why am I here  ,if I had not  come  ,how would I know  my dear  boyfriend was  dating another girl  ,but my  friend  ?Girl  friend  adds,  staring at the  boy  was still around  girls  ,she  hates  them  when her  idiot  like  cheating  ,more  hate  boys  .<br>She wants to  go  out  ,the girl from the  boy  arms  pull over  ,and then  gave her  a slap in the face  .Sorry  ,I  didn  mean it  .Girl tears  apology to  .But  her deskmate  does not  appreciate,  prepare  and give her  a slap in the face  ,but  the boy  stopped  ,I loved her first  ,but also  I  hard  pestering her  ,you blame  me  ,please don  hurt  her  .<br>Boys as girls,  argues that  ,the girl is  so weak  so kind,  he really  could not bear to  look at her  hurt  .Why.  We  ,two years of emotional  change  ?You are too  cruel  it  ...  I  hate  you  ,girl  friend  talking excitedly  ,nobody  noticed her  hands and that the  fruit knife  ,I hate  you  she  yelled  out  ,taking a knife to  stab  hand like a  boy  .<br>Killing.  People around the  scared to  shout  .Sorry.  All  this  ...  It is  me  ...  Wrong.  Then  ...  I  one  to take  ...  The girl  at the  table  ,and  said  ,to  stop the flow of  blood  ,don  .<br>..  Sorry  ,I promise  ...  Certain.  To  honor  ...  Fu  ...  The girl  to  touch  the boy  .  Don  ,why should  I  when  the  knife  ,fool  ,I don  ,you must  never die  boys  inconsolable  screaming  to  .<br>The  fruit knife  to  stab the  boy,  girl  fling caution to the winds  pushed  the boy  ,but he  was stabbed  .Blood  or  disobedient  to  the  flow  ,the boy  put his hand over the  wound,  but they were of no use  ,insist on it,  an ambulance is on the way  ,you  would be all right  .<br>The boy  drops  down  ,but  also quiet  comfort  girl  .The girl looked at  the  boy  very distressed  ,if  ...  Under the  ...  Lifetime  ...  Must be  ...  And so on  ...  Yes,  I am.  Appear.  Call  girl  .<br>..  Friend.  Good  ...  What  ...  The girl  with all  the  strength  .Well  ,my next life  ,I  will wait for you  .The  only  boy  holding  a girl  tightened  ,so he is  so afraid of losing  the girl  .<br>The girl laughed  ,and  when they met  the same smile  .Ambulances and  the girl  arrived,  the girl  has  closed its eyes  ,so  people  are silent  ,girl  is  lying in the  arms of the boy,  white dress  was  stained in  red  ,closed eyes  ,and  the tears flow down  ,the mouth  is  to  rise  up  ,she is like  a fairy tale  in the  sleep did not  like people,  sleeping  ,always  fall asleep  .<br>..  ...  Finally,  the girl  friend  was caught,  the girl  because  bear  bereavement  female  pain  ,left the  city  .And the boy also  changed  ,becoming  doesn  laugh  don  to talk,  sometimes  see him standing on a  girl    place  ,stay for that day  ,sometimes  to see him in  a  tomb  monument  ,look at  photos  ,a  smile  will  cry  ,people  will not help  the tombstone  a glimpse of  ,and  a  sixteen  seven year old girl  ,his face full of  smiles,  what a nice girl  you  ,alas  ,alas,  died so young  .<br>Those who  look  after  to  lament  .Half a year later  ,they found  the girl    was  a new tomb  .The original  long ago  ,because  too sad  boy  also  died  ,he  asked the parents  be buried  next to the girl  ,so he can  forever  and girls  together  .<br>
== Her latest MV first kiss, enclosing the welfare... + first d ==
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; the more wonderful.<br>
== After reading you will she do to you ==
The boy fell in love witha girl  ,the girl  also  likes him very much  ,is  two people  together  ,together  ,when  the boy  first kiss  to the  girl  lips,  the girls  decide this  life  with  him  ,and the  girl  asked:  how long will you love me  ?the boy grabbed the girl  nose gently said  :how long do you want it  ?the girl thinks  innocently said  :it  all his life,  this  life you  are not  like  other girls  !  laughed and said  :well  ,well  !  also wanted to  toot has small mouth  :no!  I don  ,we pull hook  ,if you back words I    kill you  !!!  answer  :well  ,if one day  I  betrayed you  ,you    me.<br>  ...  .so  boys and girls  together  for almost three years  ,and they both  love each other  ,but it  is not as good as people  would like  ,doom  has finally come to  the happy  lovers  body,  gradually of  boys to girls  began to escape  ,cold.<br>  No longer as  she was spoiled  ,girls seem to  perceive  what  ,so he  began to ask  the boy  ,but the boy  no  reason  ,finally one day  ,the boy  came  back to  a  fashionable and  sexy  Beautiful woman  came back,  when the  girls  want to  deceive ourselves ,  I  asked  :baby,  this is your friend  ???  said:  it is  cool  !And  girlfriend  .<br>  didn  do any reaction  ,just  sitting there  ,girl dared not  lift  head  look at the  boy  ,because she was afraid of  tears  can  falling  ;she didn  the boy  to see their  cry  ,because she  still believe that the  boy  still love her  .<br>Then the boy  said coldly  :today  you here tonight  ,tomorrow  you move  it,  today we have the two of two  out  of two individuals  .want to  go outside  .Wait a minute.  the girl  finally said,  you  can  go  ,I want to  talk to him.<br>  the woman  nodded and  went out.  The boy still  back to her  ,nobody spoke  ;why  the first girl to break the silence  . The boy  said  :cold  desert  don  ,do not  need any reason  !then  turned away  ;don  any  chance to  the girl  .<br>The girl cried  ,she told  myself not to  shed a tear  ,but that  the tear  is not  tractable  down  ...  .after a long time,  the girl again and  saw  a boy  ,in the hospital ,  are two different  people  thin  is not like  ,female  The child  is  sad  ,think he  gastritis  ,whereas boys  how  in the hospital  there  ??girl  because I  still love him  ,worried,  so he  quietly  followed  .<br>..  .. &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;if the patient  could not find  suitable  heart  transplantation  ,the  we  can no longer  sustain his life  .  said to the woman  ,then the  girl  was shocked  ,I  stand there  ,a woman cry  ,the girl  cried,  the girls once  the boy  tears  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;,but this  time  a  more painful  ,more hysterical  ,girl  I  sit at my window  tears run  down  ,suddenly she  stood up  ,went to the table  to pick up the  pen on the paper  write  something  ,and then she  smiled picking up  mobile phone  called the  boy on the phone,  hello  answered the phone was a woman  ,  well  I want to meet  him  ???Please  give me this  chance?    is blunt  blunt  said  :all right.<br>  Where  ,I  tell him  .when we  met for the first time  in the park,  thanks.  hangs up  hurried  out.  Boy  who went to  their  first meeting  in the  park  ,but after  for a long time  the girl still  does not appear  ,the boy  waiting  ,the last  woman  The child  does not appear,  the boy  lost  away  ,the girl looked at the boy  backs away  ,saying to himself  ,not  hesitate  .<br>..  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;a few days later  the boy  to  a heart transplant  ,he excitedly  said to the woman  :if successful  ,I will  do  the first thing to look for  her  ,telling her the truth.<br>  the woman smiled  I wish  she will not  reject you.  ...  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;boy  heart  really  successful transplantation  ,he  woke up and  busy  to the  girl at the telephone  ,but  no one answered  ,twice,  two times  ,three  .<br>..  Boy so  always play ,  but has  no answer  ,the boy  said in frustration  :she was really angry  .  say  ;no,  she may  have something  ...  Then doctors  came in and  said with a smile  ;your life  can be good  ,yesterday  the girl  no will  named  to  heart  to  you.<br>  She seems to  have anticipated that  he was dying  ,also wrote  a will  .how she died  .The boy replied  .the accident  ,but  it is a pity that  ,the  girl  with  a  crystal doll  like,  don  this happened  ,listen  the driver  said  she  rammed it  @!  Then the boy  said  :I want to go to  have a look  to save  me.<br>  The doctor  later  Doubt  about  nodded  ,this is the one.  You see  .She died  like  is not terrible  ,and  fell asleep  .  gently  lifted the  deceased  head  cloth  ,in the  face  of  the dead  the moment  ,boys  and women  stood  there,  between trance  boy  distressed  .<br>Like crazy  ,he  pulled  the dead  white  ,cried out    ,no!  You  up  .Don  scare me  !!!Impossible.  I  dreaming  right?  ??You tell me  !!!I  have  not.  You  wake up  baby  !  pulled the  boy  gave him a  slap in the face  ,said with tears  :  !you  why  ,you  killed her  !She is using  her life to  love  you  !.<br>..  the boy  stared at the  girl with eyes  become very  gentle  ,he  saw the girl  the corners of the mouth  with a smile  ,laugh so  easy  ,once again the boy  crying.  Watching the girls  there are  stains  clothes  ,looking at her  white as snow  hand  ,suddenly the boy  found the girl  was holding  a  paper  ,what we can see is the  girl writes  his  letter: dear  ,sorry  ,please don  blame me  ?I really love  you  ,you  wait for me  in the park  ,I  go  ,just don  Appearances  ,I  I want to put  you all  firmly  in mind  ,because  I think  the next life we  can be together  in this life  ,though you  have  promise  ,but I don  ,because I  really love you  ,even if you  do not love me  ,but my heart will  in your  body  for a lifetime,  this position is  anyone  not occupy  .<br>Dear  ,must be happy  .I give my  happiness  to you,  but you  next life  let me  happy  ,okay  ?Promise me  dear  ,next life  don  abandon  me  I  promise  we will  again  ?Perform  .Dear  ,good bye  ,wish you happiness  .<br>..  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;no,  baby  ,without you  !You  wake up  ?We  start from the beginning  ,I was wrong  ,sorry  ,I never  don  you  ,baby  !I  ..  wrong  !...  you  come back    crying  was  a soul  sitting beside him  in tears  ,happy to say  :you  also  love  me,  you  love  me.<br>  the soul  trying to  hold  the boy  ,but  in his body  through the  ...  It began to  rain,  the boy  crying  ,crying  soul  ,God  also  cry...  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&  Nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp <br> &nbsp  ;I  ;it  is  to be reproduced  !&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp <br>
== Read ordinary world, miss yao! ==
&nbsp;relationresultLu Yaorelationresult&nbsp;relationresultYao(  December 3, 1949  - November 17, 1992),formerly known as Wang Weiguo  ,the Han nationality,  Chinese  contemporary writers  .Born in December 3, 1949 in Shaanxi  city of Yulin  Qingjian County,  a poor peasant family  ,at the age of 7  because of familydifficulties were  passed to  Yanchuan County Rural  uncle  .<br>Once in Yanchuan  County  high school  in 1969  ,back to farming  .This time  he has had a number of  temporary  work  ,and in the rural  primary school  to teach in  a  year  book  .In 1973 to enter the  Chinese Department of Yan  ,which  began literary creation  .<br>After graduation from the University  ,served as the  Shaanxi literature  (now  Yan  )  edit  .1980  be struck with frightScene  ,won the first session of  national excellent  novella  .1982  publishednovella  life  depicts  a  rural  educated youth    and  tortuous experience  ,caused great repercussions  ,won the  second  best  novella  ,adapted into a  film of the same name  ,won the eighth  session of the  popular movie hundred-flowers award  best feature film award  ,national sensation  .<br>  In the  difficult days  won the  1982literature  in the  Contemporary  Novel  Award  ,the same year joined the  Chinese  writers association  .1988  complete millionwords  long book  ordinary world  ,this is a  panoramic  representation of contemporary  urban and rural social  life novel  .<br>It consists of three volumes  .The authors  in the recent ten years  on the broad background  ,through the complex contradictory entanglement  ,portrays the  social various social strata numerous  common  people image  .<br>Labor of love,  and the pursuit of setbacks  ,suffering and joy  ,everyday life and  great social conflict  ,the complex and interwoven  ,profoundly  ordinary people demonstrated in the great  era in the historical process through  arduous and tortuous  road  .<br>The novel  with its  magnificent and  epic  character  ,panoramic  performance  reform era of  Chinese  urban and rural  social life and people  emotion  in the great change of  Luyao  ,therefore  won the Mao Dun prize for literature  .<br>The book  is not complete  in  the Central People  Broadcasting station  .Eight twenty in the morning of November 17, 1992  ,Yao  for  ascites due to cirrhosis  treatment ineffective  in  Xi  died  ,only 42 years old  .<br>relationresultLu YaorelationresultYaois a  rural theme,  depicting a rural  and  city  occurs between the  people and things  .Works with the  novella  the  scene  be struck with fright  (  1980,won the first  prize  of national excellent  Novella  )  ,life  (  the second edition of the national outstanding  novelette  prize  ,and  was adapted into a  film of the same name  )  ,short story  sister  ,snow  plum  ,and  the novel  ordinary world  (  1991,won the third  Mao Dun  prize for literature)  .<br>All his works  were collected in  his  essays  volume five  .relationresultNovel.relationresultOrdinary world  relationresultLife.relationresultIn the  difficult days  relationresultI  remember  the  six encounter  relationresultAnd yellow leaves ofautumn  in the  fall , relationresultBe struck with frightScene  relationresultshort stories    &nbsp  ;relationresultThe night  is quiet  relationresultLife is the most  happy day  relationresultSummer  relationresultSister  relationresultSnow  wintersweet , relationresultThe pines and  little red flower  relationresultPasserby  relationresultPain.<br>relationresult  essay collection , relationresultMorning  since noon.  relationresultSelect  preface  in Lu Yao , relationresultAbout &lt  &gt  ;life  ;dialogue  relationresultLand  search  relationresultWriter  labor  relationresultLiu Qing  relationresultThesilent  relationresultAria  life , relationresultLife  be evergreen  tree  relationresult&lt  &gt  ;life  ;French  Edition order  relationresultThis beam  thin  refractive  relationresultFoundation  of art criticism , relationresultAboutordinary world  relationresultThe realpower  of  novels  do not depend on the  plot  .<br>Be struck with fright  plot  may not  be struck with fright  fiction  written in  .Author Max  talents  should be  able to  daily  fine  life  interpretation of  one  mind.  Great  content  .And this kind of  intelligence  not only  to build on the  life extremely  well  foundation,  also  should be  built on the  life  deep insight and  thorough  understanding on the basis of  .<br>(  Yao  )  , relationresultIntroductionrelationresultOrdinary world  is  his  most  known  and  the  Ministry of works  .The authors  in the recent ten years  on the broad background  ,through the complex contradictory entanglement  ,portrays the  social various social strata numerous  common  people image  .<br>Labor of love,  and the pursuit of setbacks  ,suffering and joy  ,everyday life and  great social conflict  ,the complex and interwoven  ,profoundly  ordinary people demonstrated in the great  era in the historical process through  arduous and tortuous  road  .<br>The  novel,  with its  magnificent and  epic  character  ,panoramic  performance  reform era of  Chinese  urban and rural  social life and people  emotion  in the great change of  Luyao  ,and therefore  won the Mao Dun prize for literature  .<br>relationresultWriting original intention of&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;relationresultLoess Plateau,since ancient times  is a focal  Kuzhi  ground  .Yao  was born  ,bred  ,on this barren land  search  efforts  ,have gone through hardships  .<br>He  has a very  profound understanding of  rural areas  ,and farmers  with  the blood of the same  feelings  .Since the late of seventy  historical changes,  such as  flood  outbreaks  ,such as  Chunchao surging  ,loess ground  is  ten thousand steeds gallop.<br>  ,army  marching  .All of this  ,deep  agitation of  Lu yao  .He  afterwards  life  ,and then  poured  all efforts  ,as  the  party  suffering  and  land that is full of a hope  ,for  this group of  life  struggle more than  people  ,for  which  a glorious  era,  writing a  history of  a  masterpiece  .<br>He  took this as  a  most  sacred  mission  .He said,  write  this book I  have  to  bear hardships  spirit of sacrifice  ,in carrying out this  difficult  mission  ,not on their  have no  compassion  .<br>To the exclusion of  comfort  ,cut off the  tender  .Only in  the storm  to have  bold  fly  ;only in  bleeding  fingers  can be  plucked out  of print  (  Yao  morning since noon  )  .relationresultThe writing processrelationresultOn May 25, 1988,in  North Shaanxi  county  Hostel  ,Yao  with hot  compress  on  the spastic hand  ,finished  ordinary world  last page  .<br>Subsequently,  he  like  to  feel a sense of relief  that  used a few years of  pen  out of the window  .  Ordinary world  from the beginning of 1982  conception,to  1988,6 years,Lu Yao  coal mine under the  village  ,the  flashy  ,go  at  a  better  time  ,rack one  ,lying in bed  with  end of life  .<br>To be  ordinary world  completed  ,the  less than 40 years of age  had  strong  man  ,an emaciated, dried-up appearance  ,looks exactly  like an old man  .relationresultInfluence of workrelationresultWriter  labor  is not merely  to appeal to  contemporary  ,more important is to give  a  deep  history  .<br>This is the writer  in  retrospect  ordinary world  creation  process when  you  express volumes  .  Ordinary world  volume three  100 more than word,the  time span from 1975 to  1985.Panoramic  reflection of  Chinese  urban and rural  social life  between ten  tremendous historic  changes  ,is  a monument in the  new period  literature  .<br>1991  March,ordinary world  won the third Mao Dun prize for literature  .After he  won the first  National Book Awards  ,is  the  only one of  the award    .Come ten years  ,the book  and  his  other writings  version of the  multiple  ,large volume,  in Chinese contemporary novels  in the lead  .<br>2003-2004  ,7 in mainland ChinaUniversities  College Students  survey,  the book  in  the biggest influence on you  book    list  .relationresultHispersonal influence , relationresultYaoto  depict  of the Loess Plateau  of North Shaanxi person  heavy  fate of the novel  life  and  ordinary world  in the national  cause tremendous echo,  who  won the Mao Dun prize for literature  .<br>On 1992,  at the age of 42 years  in  Lu Yao  break down from constant overwork  ,Xi  ever  put in the hands of  pen  .The winter of 1991 to the  spring of 1992  ,his  girlfriend  magazine  wrote  an essay on the creation of  morning  since noon.<br>  .In November 17, 1992,  the Loess Plateau  began to  snow  season,  Yao  with very  nostalgic  feeling left the  he  sings the praises  of this world,  then 42 years old  .relationresultHislove life  ,love life  ,love  my homeland  .<br>He was  starting at noon  in the  morning  said  :yes  ,I have just  over  40 years ,from  the course of life  ,life  also  can say  is    high noon    time  ,it should  arouse  the passion of youth,  once again  into the  sacred  work  .<br>42 years  is  a writer  glorious and resplendent  age  ,if  his  immortality  to  his life  ,the  profound experience  and  hard  thinking  ,with his  serious  attitude to literary creation  and his  pen,  he  will certainly  for this  extraordinary world  wrote a new  book  .<br>However  ,Luyao is  a premature death  .His  death  ,in China  literary history  has left a  not  who can  easily  fill the  vacancy  .relationresultThe famous writer,Shaanxi division big  associate professor Zhu Hong  said  ,his  spiritual heritage of  at least one of the following  four points: first  ,his  literary career  that  sense of the sacred  ,to  whole life to  create their own  literature  ;second  ,he  to the common man  ,destiny  profound  lasting  attention  ;in third  ,he portrayed  Gao Jialin  ,Sun Shaoping  and other  characters  ,to  the bottom of society  especially  in  the struggle of the  youth  ,with everlasting  feelings of sympathy  and spiritual encouragement  ;in fourth  ,he did all he could to  mining  ,to show that every man  is  a potential  plain  and  precious spirit  .<br>These four points  is enough to make  a writer  immortal  .  Yao is  my esteemed friend  and teacher  ,famous writers  ,Writers Association  vice president Gao Jianqun  said  .A writer  has been dead for 17 years  ,people still  warmly  miss him  ,still talking about  his work  ,this in itself is  a  writer,  the highest award  .<br>His  works of those  characters and their  fate  ,has far exceeded  the category of literature  ,he gave  all the  humble figure  with courage and  bright  ,let them know  how far to go  .relationresultLu Yaocemetery , relationresultThis is aquiet  soul  resting place,  in  sleeping here  .<br>The tomb  was  built with stone  ,simple and  sturdy  .In  front of the  tomb of  a  Chinese  Writers Association  ,Chinese literature foundation  ,Chinese  Writers Association Branch Shaanxi  ,Yan  Aprilhis  body  white marble  sculpture  ,sculpture  of  Luyao  ,calm  and resolute  ,look  far  ahead  ,looking at his  alma mater  ,looked at  in  this loess ground  .<br>In front of the statue  has a  base  ,a black marble  engraved with  Yao  tomb  these four  powerful  and  large print  .Surrounded by  four groups of  stone tables  ,including  Yao  of  Mr. Chen Zeshun  .<br>Your  donation,  stone table  inscribed  glorious  era  in Northern Shaanxi  ,pride  ;and  ordinary world  the  editor  Li Jinyu  donated  ,stone table  is inscribed  ordinary world  ,splendid life  .<br>In  his  grave  has a  tall  cliff  ,inlaid with  a  willing ox  reliefs and  Yao    labor  ,like the ground  and dedication  famous  .The cemetery  is surrounded by  trees  ,pine  trees  ,including two  in Lu Yao  love  of  Pinus bungeana  .<br>relationresultOverlookingYanan and  his  alma mater Yan  Yamashita Huang  river water  slowly  flows eastward  across the river  ,the  mountains  ,into the distance  ,extending into the Great  Northern Shaanxi  boundless  .<br>Yanan is  his  ordinary world  in yellow  Yuancheng  ,Sun Shaoping is also the  first  work place  ,or  less flat  reunited with Xiao Xia  City  ,Lu Yao  out of  North Shaanxi  is  starting point  ,is also  attributed to the  end  of his soul  .<br>In  this article  a  about  this city  ,talk about  this  vast expanse of  Loess ground  .relationresultAi Qing: whymy eyes are always filled with tears  ?Because I  love this land  .In Lu Yao    three anniversary day  ,from Beijing  ,Yanan  ,Yulin,  Xi  ,from all walks of life,  in  Lu Yao  Cemetery  ashes burial  ceremony  held  his  .<br>In the ordinary world  go  after 42 years of  life  and soul  drifting  after  his  brief  ,and  he  missed  the loess ground  closely hugs in  together  ,and  he  loved  the  deep  native  land  com  .<br>relationresultChineseWriters Association of  former  vice secretary of leading Party group of  Wang Jucai  in  his  grave  wrote  long  live  ,live in  a republished version of  anthology  ,live in  millions of readers  endless  speech  .<br>He remained in  the  hundreds of  thousands of words  works  ,had a unique  life situations  ,broad social  content  ,vivid characters  ,the profound  humanistic feelings  ,touched  countless  lives  ,comfort  in the  underlying  search  hit others  people  ,give them with the  inspiration and  motivation  ,confidence and power  .<br>Yao is  self-respect self-improvement  ,broad  religious  .  In such a  strenuous  ,Zhuo  Li  hundreds of millions of people  to create a better future  years  ,there should be more  like  Yao  ,with  sacred and  religious feeling  ,diligent  and  honest  in the  noble spirit of  the  cultural practitioners  of labor  .<br>As such  ,it can contribute to  the prosperity of  literature  development  ,can be competent  to  play  with the socialist core value  and cohesion of the people,  leading fashion  ,for building the  common spiritual home for the Chinese nation  dedicated to  the glorious mission  .<br>You  .Yao is  a great book  ,mirror  ,is  people  benchmark  .relationresultHisbook of quotations  , relationresultLife in the  real warrior  is always  unknown to the public  more than  the  noise  is always  a  group  .<br>relationresultOnly do not lose  the feeling of ordinary workers  can we  grasp  the  historical  process of the mainstream  society  in order to create something of value  .relationresultAn  experienced  love trauma  youth  ,if not collapse because of this trauma  ,it may be more stronger  to stand up in life  .<br>relationresultIn fact  ,happiness and  material life does not have  inevitable connection  .Happiness is a  pure  spirit  .Nineteenth Century  literature  written so many  upper-class  fight both with open and secret means  ,love lives,  on the surface  may have a variety of  reasons  ,but  in the final analysis  the problem  in mental  atrophy  .<br>relationresultIf you can put  love  conceptualized as  a poem  ,first it  should  is a lyrical,  people  at this stage can  be entranced  ,no  heaven and earth  .But  ,before long  ,it  will enter the  narrative  ,by the material  strength of the  interference  ,poetry  will be less and less  ,it  will eventually  die of  that spirit  atrophy  .<br>All  love never dies of  form  ,did not die of  material forces the  inevitable  infiltrate  ,but died of  content  ,from  mental  atrophy  .The spirit of things  can only be  destroyed by  poor  spiritual things  ,what  can not destroy the  true love  .<br>
== Potato practices ==
&nbsp  ;relationresultThemashed potato  raw material  :potatoes  ,eggs  ,salt  ,monosodium glutamate  ,sesame oil  ,green onion  .Cao: 1, the potatoes peeled and sliced steamed and pressed into the mud, salted egg yolk steamed and pressed into the mud for.<br>  In 2  ,the pot  put oil to burn to  5 into the oil,fry the  salty  egg yolk,  after adding  mashed potatoes  . Stir  ,add salt  ,MSG  ,sesame oil  to fry evenly,  Qiguo when  drops of  sesame oil  ,sprinkle with chopped green onion can be  .<br>Braised beef with  potatoes  ,meat  raw  material  :150 gramsof corbel  ,potato  of 100 grams  ,15 grams of soy sauce,salt  ,scallion  ,ginger  and the right amount  .*  Special  :Meat Sulan  ,sweet  potato  ,children  like to eat  .<br>Potato  and  regulating stomach  ,replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen  and other effects  ,combined  with  beef  ,richer nutrition  ,comprehensive  ,can promote children  healthy  growth  .Cao: (1) beef washed, cut into small cubes; potato abluent, cut peeled, cut hob piece.<br>  (  2)set the fire pot  ,down into the  soy sauce  fried  beef  ,add onions  ,ginger  ,soy sauce  ,and adding  water  soaked  ,meat loaf  ,covered with lid  ,simmer for  meat  to  rot quickly  ,add salt  ,stew  stew  potato  into  again  ,until the meat  ,potato  crisp sodden  and smell  that  into  .<br>Tips  :meat  ,potatoes  ,fresh  crisp sodden  .Not  too  bad  potato  stew  ,should  block  ;in the  stew  when appropriate  to add some water  ,to avoid paste at the end  .Xinjiang  chicken  ,fresh  raw materials  :half a chicken  ,potatoes  ,mushrooms  ,3green pepperred pepper  1,the onion ginger garlic  ,pepper  ,hot pepper  on  a  (  it differs from man to man.<br>  )  .Cao: (1), the pot to oil, the pepper deep-fried.  (  2),into the  chicken  ,onion ginger garlic  ,hot pepper  .Stir fry for  a few minutes  ,pour the sauce  and water  ,add sugar  ,salt  ,cooking wine  ,mushroom  ,stew  fifteen minutes  (  3),add the potatoes  ,small  fire to simmer  until the potatoes are  cooked  to  date  .<br>(  4),add green  pepper red pepper  ,starting  with  the role of color  pepper  ,spicy  mainly depends on  the  (  5),stir  it can  pan installed  dish  fried  potato cake  ,raw  material  :potatoes  ,pork  ,salt  ,monosodium glutamate  .<br>Cao: 1, potato two steam peeling machine, a paste.  In 2  ,fry  minced pork  ,salt  ,monosodium glutamate in the mix  mashed potatoes  ,made  a pie  .3  ,pan,  low heat fried  .In 4  ,fry  a  brown  ,turning  ,to  the other side of fried  .<br>In 5  ,fry  until both sides are golden brown  ,pot,  plate  .French fries  potatoes  raw  material  :2/ salt,pepper  and  tomato  sauce  .Cao: 1 Preparation of raw materials _ will be peeled potatoes, peeled, cut into 1 cm wide bars.<br>  Soaked in water for  about a quarter of an hour  of time  ,and then  drain the water  ,preferably  with absorbent paper  carefully  blot moisture  .The 2  panfried  _  add oil into the pan  heating  ,and then the  chips  into the pot,  fry until  golden  empress pot  .<br>3  _fried  dish  after  the oil drain  ,while  spreading hot  salt and  pepper  .Tips  : the best of  don  with  the supermarket sell  ready-made  frozen French fries,  because  only potatoes  cut out  fresh fries  will be  delicious  .<br>Can be based on individual preferences  with ketchup  .Hot and sour potato silk  ,raw  material  :1 potatoes,pepper  ,pepper  ,garlic  .Cao: 1, to peel potatoes Qiesi, the more detailed the better, knife work ah ~ ~ put pepper Qiesi, garlic chopped.<br>  In 2  ,potato silk  cut,  too  cold  to  starch  ,so  fried  dishes out  crisp  .3  ,prepare  salt  and vinegar  ,white vinegar  can be  looked at  color  clean  dishes  .In 4  ,fire  ,sat  wok  ,add  oil  .<br>5  ,hot  pepper  oil  ,put  on it,  to explode the fragrance  ,pepper  must  not  remove  ,hot oil  ,chili  and garlic  in  the  burst  .6  ,add  the potatoes,  moving pan  stir fry a few  .In 7  ,inverted  white vinegar  ,salt  ,quick action,  then  stir fry a few times  ,the  salt taste  more uniform  .<br>8  ,cooked food  ,plastic  plate  ,a plate of  sour and  spicy  crispy  potato silk  can be  on the table  .Cold  boiled  spicy  potato silk  ,raw material  :potatoes  ,garlic  ,pepper  .Cao: 1, the first cut potato silk.<br>  2  ,boiling water  will be  shredded potato  float  water  ,must not be  too long  ,too long  ,not  crisp  potato silk  .In 3  ,will be  a good hot  potato silk  picked up,  put in the pots  ,sprinkle with  garlic  ,pepper  (  prior  fried chili  oil can also be  )  ,but no  frying  fragrant  .<br>In 4  ,the  kettle  point oil  had better to add  pepper  (  pepper oil  is also OK  )  burning  smoke  to  potato silk  one pour,  and then covered with lid,  bored  while)  .In 5  ,salt  ,monosodium glutamate  ,sugar  (  personally think that  sweet  taste  )  ,white vinegar  ,parsley  ,pour  a little  sesame oil  (  are optional  )  .<br>The 6  sideedge  ,with  taste  ,less what  spices  and  seasoning  and  condiment  ,what  ,you will  taste  .Spicy  spareribs  stew  ,raw material  :pork  ,potatoes  .Soy sauce  (  color)  ,soy sauce  (  taste  )  ,sugar  ,ginger  ,::moderate  amount of  wine  :15ML.<br>Like  spicy  ,will use the old  godmother  Sukiyaki  ,I put a  spoon  ,with  bean sauce  is also ok  .Or simply  not  spicy  ,flavor  is  ribs sauce  flavor  .Cao: 1, ribs, moderate, hacked short.  2  ,potatoes  and  pork  cut  small  ,about the size of  .<br>3  ,hot pot  pot lit  ,cold oil  ,oil  heat  ,add ginger  ,stir-fry  .In 4  ,fry  pork ribs  ,fried dried moisture  and  water  .5  ,add  soy sauce,  soy sauce  ,sugar  and wine  ,stir fry a few times  ,plus  a little water  .<br>6  ,add potatoes  ,can  cover a  stew  for a while  .7  ,add the  sauce  ,mix well  ,add a little water  ,and then  stew  !Other  potatoes  rotted  ,is about 20 to  25 minutes tolook  it  .Potatoes  don  have  oil  ,taste  readily  .<br>Braised  small potato  ingredient: a  small potato  ingredients  :soy sauce  ,sauce  ,sugar  ,salt  ,onion  ,ginger  ,monosodium glutamate  production  :1,small  potato abluent flay  ,cut  .In 2  ,green onions  ,ginger  slice  .<br>3  ,from the pan,  saute onions  ginger  ,add  bean paste  until fragrant,  add the potato  ,soy sauce  ,sugar  ,salt,  stir fry 2 minutes  ,add appropriate amount of  water to  boil  ,affixed  to the  small fire stew  thick soup  ,adding MSG  autoleveller to  .<br>Xiangshan  roast potatoes  ingredients:  medium  potatoes  1 kilograms(also can be 2  kg,3 kg...  .. As long as  the pot is large  )  accessories  :Onion  (  with vinegar  ,sugar,  salt  ,commonly known as  buckwheat head  ,no words  can be used  to replace the  taste of  garlic  ,far worse  )  and  spices  : Mushroom  juice  oil  (optional  ,are optional  )  ,salt  ,monosodium glutamate  :potatoes  ,even  skin plus  accessories  ,seasoning  water  on the pressure  in the pot  ,to be cooked  after cooling  ,open the lid and  continue to cook until  skin  wrinkling  .<br>Note: to  make  salt  ,otherwise the  skin  is difficult to  crumple  .The  golden  potato silk  ingredients:  potato silk  400 g excipients: pepper  ,iodized salt  ,pepper  ,vinegar  ,garlic  ,ginger  ,sesame oil  practices: 1  ,potatoes  and cut into filaments  ,water    wash  ,remove the  potatoes wire  bare  starch  .<br>In 2  ,a pot filled with 300  grams ofedible oil  ,till the 5 mature  ,add  the potatoes,  fried  until golden brown,  remove and  set aside  .In 3  ,the pot  put right amount  edible oil  ,till the 7 mature  ,add  pepper  ,chopped  ginger  ,garlic and  chilli silk  ,stir fry  ,into the fried  potatoes wire  ,joined the amount of  salt  ,vinegar  ,then  pan installed  dish  ,topped with  sesame oil  .<br>Note:  potatoes wire  must be  chopped  potatoes  potatoes  wire drawing  material  :Ingredients  :edible oil  ,sugar  practices: 1  ,peel potatoes  ,cut into pieces  ,into  the pan fried  to  the outside  into a golden yellow  hardback  ,a  pot  stand  .<br>2  ,pan put a little  oil  ,heating  ,add sugar  ,stirring constantly  ,until the  sugar  syrup  into  boiled  ,fried potatoes,  stir fry  ,until the potatoes are  all  touched the  syrup  ,immediately out of  the pot  .<br>This tastes  crispy outside  and soft  ,sweet and delicious  ,but  need to take the  hot to eat,  otherwise it will  harden  .Salt & Pepper  small potato  ingredient: a  small potato  ingredients  :edible oil  ,salt  ,sugar  ,chives  ,salt & Pepper  practices: 1  ,small  potatoes  washed,  boiled with water  ,after air is cool  with  a  small potato  compressed,  set aside  .<br>2  ,pan  put a little oil,  heating  ,flattening of  small potatoes  into the pot  ,add a little salt  ,sugar and  chopped green onion  fry  pan can  .In 3  ,according to personal taste  with a little  salt and pepper  .<br>Russian  potato salad  ingredients:  potatoes  ,purple  onion  ingredients  :Shu  ,mayonnaise  ,salt  ,pepper  practices: 1  )potatoes  cooked whole  ,peel and cut into  small  cooling  standby  2)onion cut into  small pieces  ,super  pan,  add chopped  onion  ,purple  Bacon  ,Ding  Shu  (  a spice  ,home to do  it  also  never mind  )  fry  cooling  standby  3)in  1),2)in a mixture  with  salad  sauce  ,salt  ,pepper,  mix well and serve  the old milk  potato  explain:  the old milk  ,the old lady  is also;  potato  potatoes  potatoes  ,namely  main  :Ingredients  : onion,  spicy  pepper  (  Yunnan  Kunming  the  single  mountain  dip  fish  seasoning  better)  ,salt  ,mushroom extract  ,onions  practices: 1  ,regardless of the size of  potatoes  are  in  the pot  (based on personal preferences  ,I  like  almost  into the mud  ,can  bring to the  poor,  with the chopsticks  can  penetrates through the whole  potatoes  as well  )  2,small  potatoes  boiled  pulled into the  cold water  or  cool  peel  (  if you  are not afraid of hot  words  can also be directly  peeled  potatoes  with a knife  )  ,the  decomposition  into  reserve 3  ,from the pan  will  oil till the  six into the hot  pepper  or  dip the  fish  seasoning  into  ,slightly  fragrant  that  add potatoes,  Ding Fan  Fry  (  don  pepper  fried paste  ,and  the  efficiency  level  and temperature  as important,  stir fry  will  pepper  evenly  wrapped in  potatoes  on)  ,add salt  ,green onion  ,pro  pot  with  mushroom essence  and mix  .<br>Features:  tender and  smooth  ,that is the entrance,  is the Yunnan local  common  home dishes  ,because it can  be  a toothless  old lady  safe to eat  ,so  named  for  the old milk  potato  (the old lady  potatoes  )  potatoes  pumpkin soup  ingredients:  potatoes  ,pumpkin  :apricot  ,red dates  ,wolfberry fruit  ingredients  ,salt  ,refined  approach:  Mushroom  in 1  ,the potato  and pumpkin  cut into small pieces  ,apricot  ,red dates  cut pellets  ,medlar  soaked 2  ,pan  with a little oil  ,cut potatoes  and pumpkin  into the  stir fry a few times  ,add water  ,add salt  and  mushrooms fine  little 3  ,put  2 into thepressure cooker  ,add the chopped  apricot  ,red dates  and  bubble  medlar  ,for  5~8minutes(also in the  stew  stew  slowly  ,until potatoes and  pumpkin  soup  can be  cooked  )  this  acid fresh  delicious,  is the MM  maintenance beauty  soup  ,potato curry  ingredients:  potatoes  ,onions  three to  four  a  ,Hu Luo  Bu Yigen  seasoning  :sugar  ,salt  ,oil  ,curry powder or  block  some  practices: 1  ,potato dicing  wash  starch  ,carrot  ,onion  ,diced  chicken  ,2wash potput the oil,  after heating,  add chopped  potatoes  ,carrots  ,onion  ,add water  ,fire boil  ten minutes  After clean wok  (  water  to add  ,fire  cooking  comparative  costs of water,  easy to  dry pot  )  ,see  onion  melt  ,add curry  (  curry  to advance  with cool  off  )  ,add salt  ,sugar  ,turn a small fire  boils five minutes can  tomato potato  strips  ingredients:  potato  ingredients  :ketchup  ,salt  ,soy sauce  ,citric acid  (  acid may also  )  ,sugar  practices: 1  ,potato abluent  cut  (  the so-called  ,is because  the  cooking  process is relatively long  ,filaments are easy to  rot  )  ,potatoes  with winter  potato  is appropriate,  because the  face  ,wash  2tostarch  ,oil drain pan  ,chips  fried  pot  first light  look,  the oil  (i.<br>e.,  fried  potatoes  )  ,to  3 maturewith ketchup  ,salt  ,soy sauce,  one to two drops  ,until the potatoes are  cooked  with  a bit of citric acid  (  vinegar  is also OK  )  3,in 2,  adding water  ,to just  chips  1/2prevail,cover the lid  stew,  about 5 minutes  the clock  after opening the cover  to  the fire close  soup  ,and  soup  as  well  (  viscous  )  ,pan  .<br>Characteristics:  the color red  ,taste soft  ,super  rice  .Note:  remember to  put some  sugar  ,but not too much  ,supplemented by the  sweet and sour taste  ,salty  ,it  is  northeast dish,  but the taste  is too  single  ,so  adjust  .<br>Potato  cake  raw  meat  :potatoes  3 -4meat50 grams of oilpepper  salt sugar  chicken  cooking wine  first put  the potatoes are cooked  peeled  mashed  potatoes,  then put the  meat  inside  ,plus spices  (  pepper  chicken  cooking wine  salt sugar  )  mix  from the pan  with a small  spoon  meat  mash  scoop  into small cakes  or  pellet  type  ,into the  pan fried  until golden brown  .<br>

Latest revision as of 16:18, 7 July 2012

You are most likely to be ignored 9 kinds of physical distre

Heart problems .The left arm acid ,hemp ,pain .When the liver have problems .When going to bed in the evening to cramps calf .Kidney problems .The sound will not come ,would be hoarse .
The spleen and stomach problems .Migraine .Attached to :the most simple and effective method of detoxifying organs ,heart problems in 1 .Breath is not smooth ,chest stuffy will sting sting ,the time is short ,a few seconds after seizures ,for up to a minute .
2 .Severe chest pain to back again Gao-Huang scapular place ,ten and a half months will come first, three ,five months of onset time ,the shorter the time more serious .3 .The heart is not good will involve left arm acid ,hemp ,pain ,because we cardiac nerve and the left arm of the nerve is the same ,so the left side of the heart will have problems involved the left arm .
4 .The heart may also involve a stiff neck ,the rotation is not flexible ,get out of bed in the morning neck often twisted ;because of heart problems ,carotid artery stenosis ,blood supply is not smooth ,next to the band after natural stiffness .
5 .Have a heart problem ,the fire ( fire ) will rise ,burn slowly rise to the forehead is here to stay ,not from the forehead ran out ,stay for a long time, it will sore ,many people will dizziness ,arrived here after two cheek ,through the eye ,so a heart problem ,two cheek scarlet .
6 .In addition ,the burn to the top will go down ,down from the forehead two eyebrow Ling bone around the temple through our brain ,along the neck into the throat ,and into my intestines ,from the anus out ;so the burn down ,two eyebrow Ling bone will ache ;some friends hyperfunction ,slow slow eye pressure will be greater ,eyes and storm out ,the so-called convex eye .
7 .Burn down ,down the two temple ,temple on both sides is called migraine ,vascular will expand ,expansion stimulus to the next nerve ,can not stand the pain .8 .The burn from the brain down slowly ,it begins to swell ,the strange feeling ,then put into the neck ,neck lymph will stay too long ,swollen ;slowly into the throat ,throat is susceptible to inflammation ,often feel a lump inside not swallow ,swallow and spit ,and the spit it out .
The fire will come into my intestines ,intestines will dry into ,more and more heat ,the temperature is too high to moderate water ,water to more than a quick ,intestines feces will rot away, we will be diarrhea ;moisture to deficiencies ,the excrement can be dry ,not line .
9 .Heart problems will cause our stomach spleen injuries ,injuries ,digestion and absorption capacity is reduced ,you eat food is not digested ,finally will bloating ,those things will recoil back, called acid .
10 .Heart problems ,nutrients can not transport ,always feel physical strength is not enough ,eating more will complement, too much food will bring a lot of sugar ,sugar is excluded by liver ,kidney ,too much sugar can lead to liver ,kidney failure ,it is easy to diabetes .
11 .Have a heart problem ,the nerve will decline ,something will get nervous ,be frightened, go to bed in the evening not easily fall asleep ,fall asleep after nightmares, nightmare continues ,the so-called nightmares .
In two ,liver problems got hepatitis particularly ,following the 4 phenomenon canany phenomenon recurring episode 1.A dull pain in the right upper quadrant .2 .Right lower back pain .3 .
Right shoulder feel acid ,hemp ,pain ,and even cause the right hand to lift .4 .When going to bed in the evening to cramps calf .Liver problems in our body will produce the phenomenon will have :1.
The liver is like a fist ,having front ,back ,front there if hardening enlargement ,can squeeze into our intercostal nerve ,intercostal nerve will be pain ;if at the back ,will cause the right waist ache 2 .
The liver is not good, sleep quality is not good, not easy to toss about sleep ;after getting dry mouth, bitter taste, halitosis ,brushing teeth, the gums bleed .Usually for no interest in food ,do not eat not hungry ,eat a little bit of a satiety ;walk a step two legs will be very sour ,will feel more and more fatigue ,and also less force .
3 .The liver is not good, the foot will often twisted ,twisted and not ;cut ,wound healing is not easy .4 .Like drinking friends ,suddenly can reduce .Or is repeated skin diseases go round and begin again ,okay ,should pay attention to liver .
In three ,when the kidney problems arise when our body will produce the phenomenon will have :1.The kidney has two pathway ,from the soles of the feet of the springs up ,walk to the foot root inside ,and then along the inner side of the leg to walk .
The first from the rear to walk to the waist and bladder ,and then along the spine on both sides to go when we kidney is not good, the gas will be insufficient, blood is not ;therefore the waist will be acid ,back ache ,go on to the neck ,the neck will feel stiff ;to the back of the head will feel faint bulge is not comfortable ,to the top of his head will feel fullness ,above his head down to the two point between the eyebrows ,eyes not to feel dry gas .
Second from the front ,after thigh with our genital and liver combined along both sides of the body ,the last into his chest and lungs with .Kidney problem ,thigh both sides will acid ,soft ,weak ,often itches .
Unable to put the gas to the chest and lungs with ,our breathing slowly is not smooth ,for a long time inside the trachea will lock ,a locking air is not easy to come ,people will feel suffocated, must be to slow it down .
2 .Gas bladder with insufficient ,causing bladder sphincter cells susceptible to metabolic death caused relaxation ,urination situation is not good, urinary frequency ,for a long time the cells slowly necrosis ,finally on urinary incontinence .
3 .See things pupil part called vision ,is the direct control by the kidney ,kidney problems ,not the renal water sent to the eyes ,eyes feel dry ,acid ,astringent ,slowly vision will be blurred ,serious will appear dark ,called floaters ,for a long time there will be more and more big ,cause glaucoma .
4 .Get up in the morning ,the heel can not comfortable because ,while at rest ,blood in liver ,kidney and temporarily ischemia ,up to pumps blood into the systemic ,because the kidney is not good, too weak ,blood joint bleeding nature will be stiff ,activity ,blood circulation to the joint will be relaxed .
5 .People alive will be speech ,speech waste strength ,itself kidney aerobic too weak ,then the gas is consumed will not want to speak ,because the job can speak, the voice will not come ,would be hoarse .
6 .Like deep breathing always feel that not enough air ,natural breathing will soon ,breathing in a short ,nasal will ischemia ,the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity because of ischemia, resistance will be reduced ,air in the dust will destroy it ,destroyed the will of course sensitive ,wet weather ,changes ,cannot sustain will attack ,known as the allergic rhinitis 7.
A male friend of prostate ,ovary ,uterus are indirect women ,directly with the kidney ,thus ,kidney problems ,to a certain age ,prostate will mast ;women because the kidney is not good, ovary ,uterus will be weak ,cold ,cold is no strength each month should be discharged blood drained ,row not clean are stranded in the womb, each menstrual blood is to be drained out ,cannot stay in the womb, for a long time may cause blood clots accumulation ,the formation of tumor ,called uterine myoma .
8 .Each menstrual blood out ,inside back and forth impingement ,uterine endometrium could not stand the menstrual blood can not bear these menstrual blood on the inside of the push, to be deformed ,ectopic ,called endometriosis ;slowly endocrine would be chaos ,excessive secretions ,vaginal discharge can form .
9 .For a long time, the kidney is getting bad ,gas more and more weak ,and will be started cold ,especially in winter is particularly cold .Slowly for a long time, sit not ,nor go station ,nor ,will certainly cause nerve injury, go to bed in the evening not good sleep ,not easy to fall asleep ,a little voice will be woken up ,even when asleep ,dreaming sleep all night ,with no sleep ,every day is very tired .
In four ,the spleen and stomach problems arise when our body will produce the phenomenon will have :1.Shoulder pain may be symptoms :right shoulder pain often have problems when liver .Left shoulder aches heart and stomach problem .
The two shoulder and feel uncomfortable ,often feel stiff neck ,that is digestive organs out of the question .2 .Migraine :do you often feel temple on both sides of the pain phenomena ,although long-term attendances .
Medicine is invalid ,you may also accompanied by constipation .Constipation or diarrhea ,flatulence and other phenomena .The only cure digestive problems, natural cure for a long time problem of migraine .
3 .Most people think that constipation and diarrhea are two separate things, but some people have constipation and diarrhea also appear in turn ,often feel that appetite .Abdominal flatulence .
A constriction in the chest and heart palpitations .Dyspnea and insomnia phenomenon ,but feel physically weakened day by day .Muscle wasting ,and check to see reason ,the above phenomenon ,you may have been suffering from chronic enteritis ,don treatment may result in fatal peritonitis in 4 .
The small intestine and the lymphatic system :unexplained pain often haunt us ,if your throat without inflammation ,but often discomfort or pain ,the sides of the neck often ache ,shoulder and arm lateral also have discomfort and pain, but unable to reason ,after massage .
Massage can relieve this phenomenon when the station ,please pay more attention to small and the lymphatic system has been on red .5 .E :when you often feel dry .Bitter taste in the mouth ,want to drink plenty of water ,and prone to nasal obstruction .
Runny nose ;usually no cavities ,but tooth pain .The sides of the neck will swell .Uncomfortable .Not to mention heavy things ,above tells us that e has a red light .In five ,diabetes 1.
Diabetes is insulin deficiency ,but the kidney ,liver ,heart is not very healthy situation of the form, so it is not easy to heal .But also easy to cause other lesions such as :renal failure ,stroke ,blindness ,amputation .
.. ... 2 .Diabetes develops to a certain stage will appear a little obvious symptoms .More than three ( eat ,drink ,urine) a little ( weight loss ) .Patients with diabetes may occur in the following symptoms :1.
Vision abnormalities :due to diabetes can cause eye peripheral microvascular obstruction, causing eye fatigue ,blurred vision ,small words are not clear ,serious will cause blindness .2 .
Fatigue :due to in vivo glucose can enter the cell ,leading to general weakness .3 .Skin resistance is poor :Constitution usually presents with acidification ,peripheral vascular blockage ,wound healing is not easy ,easy fester ,also easy to cause periodontal disease ,athlete .
4 .Neurological disorders :muscle and nerve tissue can nourish ,therefore blocking circulation ,fingertip appear numb pain ,or even lose the feeling .5 .Wound healing is not easy :late due to diabetes ,peripheral vascular necrosis ,wound blackening ,ulceration healing is not easy ,sometimes even amputation to extend life .
In six ,the headache is not a disease ,pain, and to human life ,according to a survey ,over at least 600000 people have a headache ,a headache medicine to eat, but eat more ineffective ,headache situation worse ,there are some people at least monthly headache for more than 15 days ,3 into abovebecause of abuse of headache ,headache still ,but develop medication addiction habit .
In fact, there is a certain relationship between headache and visceral .In position :forehead reflectance heart ,both sides temple vicinity stomach ,heart and head afterbrain is abnormal renal function ,ear sides reflecting liver ,dizziness for kidney-qi deficiency, but the head will be dizzy should pay more attention to the liver ,especially men .
In seven ,the busy life of modern people with constipation ,often edible low fiber instant ,not drink ,do not exercise ,often have constipation ,but not normal defecation ,and emotional instability ,taking medication or improper use of nutritional supplements ,can also cause constipation .
Long term constipation person ,because feces accumulation in Escherichia time is too long ,often have bad temper or endocrine disorders and other sequelae .In fact ,the real reason to cause constipation ,fire is a great relationship, burn down the drive to the stomach, causing the intestine peristalsis too slow ,moisture is absorbed ,time to discharge stool ,constipation .
If the fast peristalsis ,water can be absorbed, it would become the diarrhea .Even more down to the rectum and the formation of hemorrhoids .Constipation time is too long ,there may be irritable bowel syndrome ,colon cancer ,diabetes, warning .
Eight shoulders or neck pain ,general pain ,pain is unreasonable .The main factor that is composed of visceral blood does not run along ,and the internal mechanism is not sound caused by .
In general ,the shoulder or neck pain is very knowledgeable, not the so-called sports injuries ,fifty shoulder tendinitis ...Such as the simple reason .So ,why do people spend time and money ,long-term rehabilitation ,pain point injection of steroids ,or taking painkillers ,fail to effect ,mental torment more suffering ,pain location may be reflecting visceral problems ,like long left neck and shoulder pain ,mainly because the heart is the body on the left side ,long life rise ,or cardiac function is a problem naturally there will be blood obstruction ,there will be left neck or shoulder stiffness ,soreness ,rotation is not flexible ,or used to stiff neck .
..To be extended to the left scapula pain .Similarly, liver in the human right, when liver yang hyperactivity, anger rise ,just mentioned ache phenomenon will appear on the right side of the body .
Sometimes the pain position will run ,from unilateral to both sides, because long-term sweetheart got did not eliminate, the fire down the drive ,can cause gastrointestinal motility disorders ,and both sides at the shoulder is the reflection of gastrointestinal .
If the day to use a method ,put inside the body heat and toxin to in vitro excreted, maintain blood smooth ,sore trouble elimination of natural !&nbsp ;relationresult relationresult relationresultIt seems that in Chinese medicine,our body has many toxins, who cannot promptly excreted ,on our body and mind will have adverse effects of substances can be called poison ,such as blood ,phlegm ,chill ,indigestion ,gas stagnation ,lit .
These toxins accumulate in within the five internal organs ,it will speed up the five internal organs of the aging ,and then from the five internal organs to support the skin ,bones ,muscles ,nerves also followed with aging .
Although toxins deep ,but they are in the body surface or leaving traces ,the appearance of representatives of different toxins hidden in where ,now ,we must find out the toxins hiding place ,as soon as possible and put it out of the body .
If the liver with the toxin in 1 nail surfacewith protruding ridge ,or down to depression .TCM believes that liver main bar ,the nail is ribs ,so the accumulation of toxins in the liver ,the nail will have a clear signal .
2 breasthyperplasia ,premenstrual breast pain increased significantly .Breast belongs to the liver meridian of the fortress ,once the liver via a exists ,then produce breast hyperplasia ,especially in the blood is discharged, because blood is filled and become pain obviously .
3 emotionally vulnerable todepression .The liver is the organ in vivo regulation of emotions ,once the liver toxicity can be discharged in time ,blocking gas operation ,will cause obvious bad mood .
The 4 sides of themigraine ,facial acne ,also appearing dysmenorrhea .On both sides of the face and the lower abdomen ,are liver and its partner, the gallbladder meridian a mu 3 distribute land ,once the liver detoxification is not carefree ,own backyard would be the first fire .
How to detox smoother 1eatgreen food .According to traditional Chinese medicine theory of the five elements, green food can access the liver-qi, played a very good Shugan Jieyu ,alleviate ,emotional role ,to help the liver detoxification food .
TCM experts recommended blue orange or lemon peel and orange juice ,made of green or blue lemonade ,direct drinking .2 Chinese wolfberryenhance liver tolerance .In addition to detoxification ,liver should also enhance the ability to resist toxins .
This kind of food most Chinese wolfberry ,it has very good effect of protecting liver ,can enhance the tolerance of the liver toxin .When eating to chew the best day to eat a little to eat .
3 pointpress liver detox .This refers to the Taichong ,location in the dorsal foot first ,two metatarsal combined with depression before the Department of .Thumb massage for 3~5 minutes ,feel a slight soreness can .
Do not use too much effort ,two feet alternately pressing .4 tears detoxification method.Compared to never cry of man ,woman, longer life ,it can not have a relationship and tears .Traditional Chinese medicine has the knowledge ,but also be confirmed by Western medicine .
As the tear fluid excretion ,with sweat and urine ,which does have some harmful chemical and biological toxins .So ,sorry ,grievance ,depressed when he cried out .If the heart with the toxin in 1 tongue ulcer.
TCM believes that the relationship between the tongue and heart is most close ,so long on the tongue ulcer ,is usually considered a fire inside the heart ,or burn .2 long foreheadsmallpox .Forehead is the heart of the jurisdiction of a dependency ,firelight strong poison into the fire ,this dependency will be boiling ,so the as one falls to appear a lot of acne .
3 insomnia ,palpitations .Heart in a non-stop work ,when the fire stay in the heart and can not be excluded, the sleep is not stable .4 chest tightness orpain .Heart in stasis is a toxin ,like traffic jams on the highway ,light some of the chest ,the heavier it will appear .
How to detox smoother 1sweatdetox .The first lotus core ,it is bitter to the taste ,can spread fire, although the cold, but does not damage the body of the Yang ,so it has always been considered the best resolve cardiac toxic food .
Can use lotus core tea, may wish to add some bamboo or raw licorice, can enhance the detoxification effect of lotus seed core .2 heart pressingDetox points .This refers to the government cave ,located in the palm, fourth ,5 metacarpal bonebetween the little finger and the ring finger ,fist at the end .
Press this point may wish to use some force ,right hand alternate .3 beandiuretic detoxification .Mung bean can be through diuretic ,heat approach ,to solve and to discharge the heart of toxins ,but when you eat green beans to liquid form ,for example green soybean milk or the mung bean soup ,bean paste cake will be the effect of some difference .
Heart best Detox time :at 11 --13 pointsis the heart of the strongest time ,can eat some Baoxin ,help detoxification food ,such as nuts ,tuckahoe ,soy ,black sesame seeds ,jujube ,lotus seed .
If the spleen with the toxin in 1 facialmottled .Women are usually spotted long weak ability of some digestive system .2 leukorrhagia.Spleen in charge of the body moisture moisture ,if excessive ,beyond the ability of the spleen ,excessive moisture will appear in vivo ,leucorrhea is an embodiment wherein the .
3 fat accumulation.Fat in the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has a name: phlegm ,is due to spleen poor digestion ,not in time to waste toxins from your body produces .Effective weight loss must focus on recovery and normal metabolism of phlegm theme to do ,otherwise it will rebound .
4 tone ,lip perimeter pox or ulcer .Lips around all belong to the spleen ,the spleen of toxins can be excreted ,accumulation of toxins to find opportunity from these places out .How to detox smoother 1sourhelp spleen detox .
For example ,black plum vinegar ,which is used to resolve food toxins in the best food ,can strengthen the digestive function of the stomach ,so that food toxins in the shortest possible time discharge in vitro .
At the same time also has the functions of invigorating the spleen and sour food ,can play a good antitoxic food .2 pressing spleen Detox points .This refers to the Shangqiu cave ,located in the medial anterior malleolus beneath the recessed ,the acupuncture points with your fingers Anrou ,maintaining a sense of acid can be heavy ,every 3 minutes or so ,alternating feet to do .
3 a walk after dinner.Exercise can help the spleen and stomach digestion ,accelerate the rate of toxic emissions, but need to insist for a long time ,the effect can be better .Spleen best Detox time :after the meal is the most susceptible to toxins ,food if not timely digestion or absorption ,toxins will accumulate a lot of .
In addition to a walk after dinner ,because out of the spleen, can also be in the meal 1 hours to eat1 fruits,help the spleen ,detox .If the lungs with the toxin in 1 skin wasrusty ,dark .
Chinese medicine pulmonary administration of the skin of the body ,the skin is moist ,white ,will depend on the pulmonary function of good .When the lung in comparison with a toxin ,toxin lung deposition to the skin ,make skin look dull .
2 constipation .Chinese medicine, lung and colon is a system ,when the lungs are toxic above ,the following will also have abnormal intestinal siltation ,appeared constipation .3 always melancholy and moody,easy to grief .
Toxins in the lungs ,can interfere with lung qi and blood circulation ,makes the lungs can not be normal and comfortable chest sulk ,repressed must always melancholy and moody .Method how to detox smoother 1radishis a lung detoxification of food .
In the eyes of Chinese medicine ,colorectal and lung are most closely related to the lung ,discharge toxins depends on the degree of E. is smooth ,can help excrete Supian radish large intestine ,raw or mixed into salad can be .
2 Lilyimprove lung poisoning .Lung always don dry gas ,in dry conditions, easily lead to the accumulation of toxins .Mushroom ,Lily has good nourishing lung yin nourishing effect, can help the lungs against toxins ,food processing time not too long ,otherwise the juice will decrease in lily ,anti-virus effect will be greatly reduced .
3 pressing lungs Detox points .The point is beneficial to the lungs of Hegu Point ,located at the back of the hand, first ,2 metacarpal,when the second metacarpal radial side of the midpoint ,can pinch the thumb and index finger position ,press .
A 4 wicking detoxification .Pulmonary administration of the skin ,so cheerfully out in a sweat ,let the sweat away toxins from the body, will let our lungs clear up .In addition to exercise outside ,sweating method can also be a hot bath, bath before water with some ginger and peppermint oil ,make the sweat secretion more carefree ,from deep inside the body toxins .
5 deep breaths.With each breath, intrapulmonary have residual gas can not be discharged ,the gas relative to those of fresh ,oxygen-rich air ,is also a kind of poison .Only a few deep breaths ,can reduce body waste residue .
Lung lung best Detox time :time is the strongest as early as 7 points to 9 points,the best time to exercise detox .In the lungs of the most powerful when jogging and other aerobic exercise ,can strengthen the function of pulmonary toxins .
If the kidney with the toxin in 1 menstruation,or menstrual period is short ,dark colors .Menstrual generation and disappearance of renal function ,is whether the strong performance ,if the kidney has many toxins ,blood will be reduced .
2 edema.Body fluid management of renal operation ,renal accumulation of toxins ,removing excess liquid capacity is reduced ,will appear edema .3 jawacne .The mandibular facial areas by renal jurisdiction ,kidney detoxification deficiency ,excess toxins will be reflected in the mandibular position .
4 tired easily.The body of toxins consumed the kidney energy ,kidney with less energy ,so the body tired ,weary drowsiness ,weakness in the limbs .How to detox smoother 1 kidneydetoxification of food :wax gourd .
Wax gourd juicy ,into the human body ,will stimulate the kidneys increase urine ,from the body of toxins .When edible wax gourd soup or fried available ,as some of the light .2 kidney antitoxic food :yam .
Although many organs while nourishing yam ,but ultimately to invigorate the kidney ,often eat yam can enhance the detoxification function of kidney .Toffee yam is a good edible method ,with caramel processing yam ,antitoxic effect will increase accordingly .
3 pressing Liver Detox points :Yongquan point .This is the lowest point of human body ,if the human body is a building ,this point is the sewage sewer outlet ,often pressing and kneading it ,detoxification effect .
Location of plantar Yongquan point in 1/3(calculated excluding toe ) ,this point is quite sensitive, do not use too much force ,a slight feeling can, with side-by-side rubbed for good, lasting about 5 minutes .
Best time for kidney detoxification :kidney best Detox time is early morning 5 to 7 points,repair of the body through the night ,in the morning toxins are gathered in the kidney ,so the morning is best to drink a cup of water, wash kidney , relationresult relationresult relationresult relationresultThe black eye socket,chapped lips may not be a lack of sleep or lack of water caused by .
Japan medical home ,70% health problemsface are the embodiment of .To understand the physical condition? Have a look your face will know !The eyes tell you the password of 6 black rim of the eye: the first thing in the morning ,found around the eyes, dull ,black eye ?Look out.
This may be blood deposited too much waste .Lower eyelid skin is thinner than other spots ,most likely to reflect the blood color .Think of the last ever feel pressure is too big or too tired ?Innervation of the urinary and reproductive organs of renal disorders, also can let eye week becomes dark .
The Australian medical experts say ,less late at night ,eat more wholegrain foods is the best way to eliminate the black eye socket !Eyelid edema :even if not how much water to drink before going to bed ,get up in the morning and the eyelids are swollen ?You may be humoral disorders !Water metabolism disorders caused by many reasons ,in addition to eyelid dropsy ,also feel his weakness ,mouth parched and tongue scorched ,may be your kidney in .
Healthy kidney excess water can be smoothly discharged, water shortage ,it will slow down the metabolism rate ,the water accumulation in the body ,resulting in mild edema .Don ,to drink a few cups of water, soon returned to a pair of eyes !Fat granule :beautician is often recommended by some oil-free cream ,with eyes following fat granule .
But medical experts say ,fat particles is high cholesterol warning .Delete from the recipe for fried food and animal offal ,eat fresh vegetable & fruit ,annoying little particles will soon disappear !Red blood :eyes marked hyperemia ,circulating blood may be due to the unsmooth .
Don with eye drops, head ,neck ,shoulder activity ,dredge the upper limb blood flow ,and then have a good sleep ,let the eyes get rest adequately, can be in the posterior neck and shoulders with vitamin C emulsion ,vitamin C helps ease the circulation of the blood ,red blood wire can quickly reduce .
The eye of the needle: don long needle users !Japan medical experts found that the long needle ,show your immunity is declining ,bacteria easily from eyelash root into the eyes ,causing inflammation .
If repeated long needle ,the best to the hospital to be a comprehensive health examination .Often drink Buzhong Yiqi Decoction ,improve their immunity, ability and a break up completely .
White yellow :if the white color is not clear ,may be the liver ,bile is out of the question .Bile is a yellow green liquid ,it from the liver cells secreted ,stored in the gallbladder ,when the gallbladder or liver disorders ,bile flow toward the blood ,let white yellow .
Fortunately, the bile can decompose excess body fat ,with sufficient bile ,short-term inside do not have to worry about weight !Your mouth to tell you the password of 6 lipwhite :the lips and lower eyelid ,which belongs to the mucosa ,thin skin, thus can fully reflect the blood color ,this is the reason the lips are red .
If your lips pale red blood cells ,may be insufficient ,suggested a change in diet ,eat animal liver and tofu ,thereby alleviating the symptoms of anemia .Lips :red rosy lips and pretty white teeth also must have a limit !If your lips are red, do not first cheers ,may be you are the red represents the fever distress .
Chinese fever is divided into real hot and ,empty is hot is a body of water reduction induced by .When the temperature rises ,the body regulating function is weakened ,the cheeks and lips ,tongue only local red .
Eat more fresh fruits ,drink plenty of water ,can help you resolve excess body heat ,let your resume normal .Mouth :if you feel tingling rupture mouth ,even swelling and rupture ,is likely to be early gastritis warning .
When the gastric mucosa in a state of fatigue ,can cause heat, resulting in swollen lips .Don ,80%early gastritis can be cured .Recommendations to eat more chew a few, to the stomach a little time ,the full absorption and digestion of food .
Gastric wall temperature decreases ,mouth redness will soon vanish .Dry lips lips :Although mucosal and skin ,but the biggest difference is no sweat glands .Want lips to secrete sweat and regulate body temperature, is absolutely mission impossible .
The lips are unable to secrete oil ,save water ,need from the oral cavity mucus moisturizing ,mucus is insufficient, the lips to dry ,the resistance will also weaken ,bacteria and viruses just took the opportunity to invade .
In addition to drink plenty of water to maintain oral mucous enough outside ,suggested use salt water gargle ,because the salt is the promotion of oral mucous generated a great power . Breath big :Mirror screaming breath ,if the smell is tone ,should note !Six into above breath by tooth diseases .
When the bacteria invade the root and gingival gap ,after breeding will lead to gingivitis ,give birth to the hate .In addition ,if the oral cleaning is not thorough ,the food residue forming tartar ,will also allow you to exhale fumes .
Recommend a thorough wash a tooth .Slobber : wake up the morning after the mouth ,is it right? Always hung with slobber ?Slobber is composed of salivary secretion caused by too much, you may be the gastrointestinal function is weak , unable to fully absorb water ,causing water retention, saliva is diluted, and it flows to the mouth .
If you still feel bowel ,stomach cry ,you doctor . Department of gastroenterology .The tongue to tell you the password of 6 tongueflutter :Mirror tongue ,if the tongue quiver ,is likely to be mental stress ,physical decline .
Japan medical specialists in a survey found ,more than 70 percent of the people are not aware of the vibration period ,and when found ,often late .Advise you to adjust the time of work and rest, do not stay up late ,reasonable diet ,otherwise will soon face the danger of neurasthenia !The tongue Purple :when the blood contains large amounts of waste ,water supply shortage ,deoxygenated blood and oxygenated blood can mix together ,causes blood vessels to become purple .
If in addition the tongue purple ,you will feel stiff shoulders and low back pain ,can only show you the body of toxins have been deposited too much !To adhere to a week light diet, do sauna ,maintaining the law ,mild aerobic exercise ,toxins can quickly discharge .
The tongue is too thick: tongue furs like bean curd slag as easily be removed, may be the function of intestines and stomach bad or excessive eating .If the tongue has been, should go to the Department of Gastroenterology ,allow doctors to help you drop the stomach fire .
The tongue is too thin :not clear off the tongue ,tongue color mottled surface uneven ,medical ,this is called a tongue map .The Korean medical experts pointed out ,allergies are most prone to this, especially in the spring ,autumn two season relatively common .
Tongue map sign your resistance is on the decline ,I suggest you during this time away from the pollen ,seafood ,insect allergens ,avoid .Yellow tongue fur fur :Yellow may very well be the flu virus invading signal !Be sure to keep warm ,eat pumpkin ,beef and other hot foods ,a cup of hot milk before going to sleep at night ,it can form a layer of membrane proteins in the stomach ,to prevent bacterial invasion .
Coating pan Black :tongue was black, very likely that elevated body temperature !Elevated body temperature does not necessarily have a fever ,intense exercise ,burst into anger can make extensive black tongue .
A hot bath ,do some slow motion ,can effectively reduce the temperature .To tell you the password of 6 nosenose nose size :size and respiratory status in it !Alar is wide ,high nose bridge is ,your breathing organs developed ,physiological structure is good, can breathe enough air ;but in a polluted place ,you will be inhaled too much waste gas .
If the alar petite ,show your respiratory function is weak ,not ventilated place will let you shortness of breath ,chest tightness .In the office for 1-2 hours,you should go to the corridor or window breathing 5 minutesof fresh air ,to prevent sudden hypoxia .
Nasal flaring : normal breathing nasal flaring ,may be too low to cause the vital capacity !Don let down ,spirometry is too low will affect your normal metabolic function .The daily 5 minutes exercise abdominal breathing -- inspiratory rise belly ,expiratory when tightening the belly ,soon you can improve a lot !Nose :the nose on the appearance of acne ,acne is most likely a problem of digestive system .
Eat a banana ,sweet potato foods ,to maintain patency of digestive tract ,can avoid indigestion .Nose :nose red sudden redness ?Your liver overloaded !Excessive drinking ,the body in order to decomposition of alcohol, the stagnation of blood in the liver ,thus resulting in vasodilation, will let you have the red nose ,so control of alcohol consumption is very important .
Sometimes epistaxis :stomach weak people can not absorb enough nutrition ,muscle and vascular tissues are very fragile ,a collision is easy to rupture .In winter, large energy consumption ,if the diet adjustment ,the body heat supply ,will lead to occasional nosebleeds .
Nose :the nose not ventilation can make your brain activity becomes dull .If you are allergic rhinitis-induced nasal congestion ,but may cause breathing difficulties ,will let the lack of oxygen to the brain .
Nasal congestion heralding your respiratory mucosa function weak ,Japanese medical experts think ,this most and poor gastrointestinal function relationship ,do not patronize their patency nose maintain intestinal are important too !Cheek to tell you the password of 6 red cheeks:I do not know when to play ,climb the two groups face be rather baffling plateau red ,which may be a WM said unexplained fever ,main reason is the excessive physical consumption ,body moisture disturbance .
If you will be flushed ,excessive sweating ,frequent wheezing ,it may be due to hyperthermia induced flow obstacle .A nice hot bath ,eat two pieces of antipyretics ,again good to sleep ,very quick can be alleviated, make the face normal .

Wedding night, I deliberately put their fingers cut, dyed sh

There is a girl named Daisy ,she was not born when her father died ,she and her mother ,grandmother ,and stepfather live together ,but doesn her grandmother and stepfather were .Then ,in her high school when her mother was sent to a private school .
Private schools are the children of the rich ,in which a group of wealthy ,she seemed so offbeat ,her monthly living costs only 123.5 ,these had only enough money to her for a month to eat spending ,so every day ,her classmates after dinner ,hiding in a corner to eat steamed bread and salted vegetable .
But the girl from one character to let her in learning is very serious, she every time the examination is the grade first, many wealthy parents hope that she can give their children to make up a missed lesson, however ,she could not rich people like children ,so ,she turned them all down .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;before long ,the class a boy named Gong to Qian said :you help me with my lessons ?She disdained to smile, said :why should I give you ?Be in the right and self-confident Gong said: because of my poor grades !This sentence makes Qian see his one eye, is the eye let Qian feel gong out of the ordinary ,because the gong and other rich kids ,he is always wearing an old coat ,but also not of noble people ,and promised to give him extra lessons .
For every Qian Gong lessons ,also increase the income .Gradually, they are familiar with ,that Gong birthday is December 31st, the last day of the year ,and her birthday is January 1st the first day of the year ,Gong make fun of the said: I bigger than you for a whole year !She coldly answered: just for one day !The day school, the school gate to stop a BMW ,many children from rich families are not seen, that is the Gong family coming for him ,Qian Gong to at the direction of the car, I thought: why they can be so rich ?Why they can drive a BMW ?At this moment ,Gong back to Bessie, a smile on the car .
Qian had answered a God to come to :why should I envy him ?He is not my study !Days before, although Qian Gong classes every day for lessons ,can consolidate achievement has no obvious progress ,away from the entrance to the more recent days ,they all take care of one general review ,also no longer a tutorial .
Qian heart want to go to Qinghua ,because she does not want to be looked down upon by others .The examination results came out ,she made it to be admitted to Tsinghua University ,and is a high school in second for outstanding achievement of 50 minutes and was admitted to the Tsinghua University .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;because the school no school ,want to go home to see her mother ,and her mother to have for many years not met .She first entered the house ,his stepfather saw her and beat and scold ,mother put her support behind ,but she left home ,and when she went downstairs to look at their own home balcony ,she hope before goodbye mother eye ,but instead she put all her luggage down ,she is sad to leave home ,and back to Beijing .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;she returned to Beijing ,where the house is ready to die ,when she saw a grandmother in picking up a storehouse, she stepped forward to ask :grandma ,you hired the house ?Granny smiled and said: little girl ,you want to rent a house ?She nodded ,it is 100 yuan!Grandma said to her .
She is cleaning the house when, see long time no see Gong ,Qian did not want to let others see their rags ,angrily asked :what are you doing here ?Gong is still the same as before dressed casually ,look strange to say: see my aunt !Qian is penetrated ,has been silent .
Gong asked :I heard you went to Qinghua ,congratulations ah !She is not the kind of person who price ,he said :thank you !What about you .Gong says grouchily: my father want me to go abroad !She watched him coldly, ruthlessly say :hum !You are the children of the rich is such !Gong then on Qian said: would you do me a favor ?Bessie, puzzled and asked: what is it? Gong said :willing to my company as a typist ?She immediately said angrily :are you feeling sorry for me ?Gong quickly explained : my mother company recently benefit is not good ,many employees are gone ,now just missing people ,you should help me, okay? She agreed, every day to Gong mother work ,a month of 600 yuan of salary ,which she is content .
Gong is going abroad ,before leaving in Gong Qian invited him to dinner .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Gong abroad, Qian still every side of the school work ,and now each Gong salary can reach 2000 YuanGong ,and afraid of her mother to run is not convenient ,give her a notebook computer ,in others it seems to her very money, of course ,Qian did not admit ,nor denied .
&lt ;/P&gt ;&lt ;P&gt ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in her bedroom with a Beijing girl ,personality more unruly ,but never bully .Bessie, or with the previous one ,others by not learning better than themselves ,but this time she encountered opponent .
There is a forest boy ,every achievement to be taller than she is ,she is not convinced to more than he .In a review lesson ,she thought :the next exam. I must be more than him !At this point ,the teacher asked a question and answer that Qian ,can be the result of Qian spirit has concentration to connect all don therefore ,shook his head .
The teacher asked :does anyone have this problem ?... ... Forest initiative to stand up to answer this question and was praised .She hate hate to :do you think I won ?Are you with me ?After class, Qian Lin stopped said: I will exceed your exam !The students are surprised .
The examination results ,Qian was made first ,Qian on the report card for forest name ,but found the forest each subject is zero ,she was angry :do not want me than just say !The girl told her dormitory on campus ,forest lake waiting for her ,she angrily run over to say :what do you mean ?What is this ?Lin didn just put in the hands of the paper to the Qian Qian ,puzzled and asked: how do you have the papers ?Lin said :my aunt is the registry .
.. ... Before he could finish her interrupted :you are such a rich man !No wonder every time the results are so high !Lin unhurried explained: I have never used this relationship ,the papers I have finished ,you can close a fraction !Qian with paper calculated score is better than her ,she was very puzzled .
.. ... Lin suddenly hugged her ,said to her :I love you !A girl is boy in his arms ,all her pride is gone, and they started dating .Before long they had sex, and every time out to give money Qian Lin ,because two people out man pay always face ,for a long time, but she always gave forest allowance ,which between them has become a very common thing .
Qian ,Qian fantasy forest will what gift to give her ,I thought: to his pocket money is enough to buy me a necklace or ring .She think feel very happy !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Qian birthday, forest day did not contact her ,she thought it was Lin deliberately ,in order to give her a surprise .
When the phone rang ,she picked up the phone and said :where the hell have you been? Just to hear them surprised and said :ah ?She asked :who are you? I am gong !She said angrily :how could it be you? ?Gong Ding said: !Thank you.
No prior to hang !Gong said: !Bye. Gong Qian did not wait for the answer ,but they came over the beep beep sound ... ... The telephone rang again ,Lin is called ,after receiving a telephone call ,she hastily ran downstairs ,but ,Lin looked very unhappy .
She thought ,he may want to give me a surprise !Forest Wenqian : can not go back ?With me !She hesitated or promise !To the hotel, she know that sadness ,pain expression can disguise .
Forest Duiqian told a she never wants to hear a story :forest had a girlfriend named Rui, in a film school ,he wanted his girlfriend and the other girls do not like ,hope she won be secular infection ,but when he went to the core of the time ,she and a rich people walk together, and belittle yourself, Lin did not resign .
Morning, Lin collected pocket money to the pistil bought a diamond ring, but the results of core lost back .Qian holding the ring ,watch engraved with a core word ,this moment ,Qian hate myself, hate myself why to study hard ?Why must we know the word ?If she does not know the word ,she may think that the character is her name ,but her ,holding back tears ,comforted Lin said: ,fine !Before long ,she is not in the Gong mother company ,because she learned the marketing management is Gong dad company lacks, so ,she went to the Gong dad .
Is about to graduate, we are going to go their separate ways ,and also broke up .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Qian with Gong father came to Shenzhen development ,the efforts of recent years has been very good performance .
After all ,now already is the British company China branch manager in .She bought herself a house ,buy a car ,she just to prove others some of the things they would have ,but it is only a matter of time .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Gong abroad come back ,ask the family to eat together also included .Qian saw Gong is still the same as before without any changes ,or the kind of Lalila awry ,no progress .
After dinner ,she asked :where are you going ?Gong replied: the white swan !Qian and irony : rich people always live the kind of Stars Hotel .Gong and did not answer .Problems ,but asked her :can you accompany me up? Why.
Gong beg said: I beg of you ,to accompany me out, okay? She wanted to agree to accompany him ,had just entered the room door ,Gong said :close your eyes !The last 5 numbers!When she opened her eyes when, at the corner of the room out of the many clowns for her play ,sing .
At this time, Gong launched a five layer cake go to Qian before: happy birthday !She moved, because she never got a birthday .Gong holding a diamond ring and knelt on the ground and carefully to Qian said :marry me ,OK ?Qian said :give me a reason !I love you !Gong answer .
She nodded ,but she did not know it is right or wrong ,because she can Lin Gong ,however ,she is also very good for the parents .Before long ,Gong Heqian married .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;after the wedding is the same day busy work ,and Gong is in domestic pisciculture ,raise a flower ,on the Internet, which makes her very bad, a Ciqian unfair to say: why do I spend on the road ,and you stay at home idle !Gong grinning, said: we are at home !Anyway ,my parents earn enough money we spend the rest of his life !The voice just fell ,she angrily shouted :why spend the money your parents ?Don ability to earn ?Gong see wife is angry ,and even laugh with mercy coax .
Every time it .One day, she is QQ is a strange man with her ,she vaguely feel that man is forest ,but she still added .It is a forest ,they had a long chat ,Qian that forest in the northwest of the company when the manager ,she felt her husband too silly .
After returning the home ,she saw a fish bowl upside down ,she went out to throw .Gong back later found a small fish ,ask wife :my two aunts ?Qian said coldly :I saw it abdominal upwards away .
No, it is that every day to rest for a while ! After listening to the short of breath :you all will know of staying in the house ,would not like the others ?Gong heard, no expression to ask: you say others is he ?She reached out to secure a big mouth ,Gong without saying a word ,the door gently away from home .
Already two day ,Gong did not go home, she knew he had something ,but feel shy call actively ,she suddenly thought of Gong ,Gong has not let her watch ,this time she may have a look .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;open diary, the first page :&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;X month X day, our class had a girl she wasn ,each student after dinner ,she would hide in the corner to eat steamed bread ,pickle ,I really want to help her, however, she seems to hate the rich kids ,I had to think of a good way !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;today I let my father made me a shabby old overcoat ,I think it is easy to get close to her ,she will hate me .
She has decided to give me lessons ,in order to stay with her a little longer ,I mean every time the exam, although every time she said me stupid ,but I was still very happy .But I can explain to parents .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... Happy Birthday to me ,dad to come and pick me up ,I not happy ,because I was afraid she would alienate me .Tomorrow is her birthday ,I hope that she get in the car ,but I knew she would not ,so ,I just gave her a helpless smile .
On the bus, I pulled off my old coat ,change a new dress ,dad said I is it right? Wrong ,always love to wear this shabby old overcoat .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;I think I have loved her !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;.
.. ... Mom and dad know I love her, but his father said if I admitted to Tsinghua will agree with us in one ,so ,I began to study hard ,but ,she is so hard, I can exceed her scores ,so ,I put each section are less answer a few questions ,so ,I more than she lost the entire 50 points ,do all second .
The father let me go abroad ,if I don he would take me to help her to tell her the truth of all ,so ,I promise !&lt ;BR&gt ;... ... &lt ;BR&gt ; before I met her ,I invite her to my mother company as a typist ,I she knew I was deliberately to help her ,so he and his mother talked about that company benefit is not good .
Before I go, she said she was going to ask me out to dinner ,I said I eat beef noodles ,she does not agree with ,I would say I most like to eat beef noodles ,because I know that if we two people eat only needs 3 yuan, so this month she had 597 moneypocket money .
After dinner ,she returned to school ,did not go how far I vomited, because I have never had such a horrible meal .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... !Her dorm has a girl is my junior middle school schoolmate ,I told my students not to bully her ,otherwise ,I would not hesitate !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;.
.. ... The students heard she had a boyfriend ,I would like to ask her recently okay? But ,I can the reason to call !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... Today is her birthday ,I got a call reasons ,however ,listen to her business feel anxious ,seemed to be waiting for someone ,so hastily hung up .
The students told me tonight ,she didn return to the dormitory, I am afraid, I really can what will happen !I love you !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... In foreign countries, I struggled ,however ,I can tell her my achievement ,I was afraid she would therefore ignore me .
I passed through a hard finally make their own companies in China have a branch ,and the general manager is to her ,I felt relieved !I will return, but I couldn all these years that my efforts .
However ,whether she still doesn ,I would ask her to marry him .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... I asked her to marry him ,she promised me !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;.
.. ... Wedding night ,I deliberately put their fingers cut sheets ,red ,though I and her heart was clear that she was not the first time, but ,in my heart, she is always the one whom I want to cherish .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... After marriage, she is still busy at work all day ,and I couldn without seeing her ,so every day with computer and the corporation manager contact ,although in her eyes I have no future ,but so long as you don her more than anything else .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... I feel that she talked to him ,I am afraid I will lose her ,because I really can not do without her ,I want it that way and she had a lifetime .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;.
.. ... Wife ,I really don want to lose you ,because I really can not do without you !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;... ... She was in tears, the man beside me in order to help her is how have cudgeled one ,to pay so much !She also does not scruple to face ,to consolidate a call ,said :husband ,I know I was wrong ,and come back to me ! Give me a reason !Gong asked .

& drinking woman heart &

&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;women and wine ,a good woman is like wine .
Wine can raise people ,can also be kind ;wine can be pleasant ,but also to hurt &nbsp .Women also need to understand and care , to know the interpretation of women ,women is a powerful &nbsp ;arm ;conversely ,a woman will also constitute a strong hurt for you .
&shy ;wine in the wine as a woman ,the same &nbsp ;also has the life loss .A successful woman ,can toast each other ,life will never let the man .Frustrated woman &nbsp ;people ,sweet cheeks of tears, raised his glass to a drunk .
&shy ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;drinking woman know how to cherish ,drinking woman understands .
Drinking woman know how to give up .Drinking woman can use wine to express their feelings ,dares to love and hate ,drinking woman with wine to interpret their own life ,dare to dare .Drinking woman ,get up, put it down .
Bold and shy ,not a state ,not artificial and stylized .&shy ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;a drunken woman is also the confidante as jade ,flowery .
A drunken woman without modification and cover .Most of the time ,a woman is a woman .Drunk ,need courage ,drunk ,bold ;drunk ,can be exaggerated ,drunk ,can lose .Alcohol anesthesia woman like Trueman as address each other as brothers ,guess wine finger-guessing game .
Laugh too straightforward ,cry to cry out .&shy ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;wine was used goods ,a woman is used to love the .
Understand wine not necessarily know how to love a woman who knew how to love a woman ,the man is not necessarily good at tasting .Good wine is not much, this is the people will be drinking truth ;a good woman is not much, this is to understand a woman feelings .
So ,should cherish .Life with a good woman ,enough to enjoy a lifetime .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp
 ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp
;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp & nbsp ;;&nbsp ;&nbsp
;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp

The words of Xia Lin classic heartbreaking

1 I love you, so you shine, I don't love you, you are nothing.2 one side position only so much, you can give only so many, in this narrow and small circle, some people must come in, some people have to leave 3 if you know where to go, all the world � you � road.
4 I love you, for a long time, waiting for you, also a long time, now , I'm leaving, longer than for a long time... 5 a person has only one heart, but there are two atrial.A living happy; a live in sorrow.
Do not laugh too loud, or will wake up next to grief.6 The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between trees but with the root growth of the branches in the wind could not dependent 7 Apple's most shining moment was falling on Newton's head!8 AV to the world maybe there are several, not jealous woman but not even one.
The 9 part is don't love, those highfalutin reasons, do not want to make each other better, but to make ourselves better!10 tired of life, a smaller part from the survival, a small source from the competition.
11 do not let too much yesterday occupy your today!12 if we say that beauty is a letter of recommendation, then kindness is credit card!
13 I'm sorry is a good faith, never mind is a kind of manner.If you pay a sincere, but not grace, it only shows the ignorance of each other and vulgar !14 lose things, actually never truly belong to you, also don't regret.
15 No matter how luxurious wedding ceremony does not mean a happy marriage, two people together life-long harmonious or not and the bamboo mat open several, many jewelry no association.16 love, can match youth passes as a fleeting wave.
17 advertising is to tell others, money can also spend 18 mistress, only a remainder of division 19 in the most time of our life, the promise is binding synonyms , but we yearn binding.The 20 force is mutual, except the power of love.
21 many people in restructuring its bias, that he was thinking about.22 life has too much feel helpless choice.Society is like rivers and lakes , always make people involuntarily, talk insincerely.23 we are hyperopic eyes, blurred the nearest us happiness.
24 so you love me and I love you so are stuck in a time when, love is over.25 If you go first , and do not blame me when you are back to your face 26 If your feet on the ground, they don't consider themselves too lightly; as long as you live on the earth , is not to take yourself too big.
27 If you want to test my patience, please get ready your patience.28 everyone is... To... To... 29 in our love, I always play the role of love you, don't ask me why break up break up, ask yourself.30 life - school.
School.. holiday.. graduation.. mixed enough.. old. Regret.. dead... 31 cannot in together can not be together, but never so long... 32 ancient times have alien records, because be all at sea feel at a loss of 33 of their good point, because life is not long; the people around him better, because next can not meet!
34 a lot of people, as a lonely and indulgence, but more people, because of wrong love one person, and the lonely life 35 you know that God is not fair, can you ��� me or not, I and my only ��� you or you 36 everyone felt always far away from it possible short you see 37 mom said you'd better not miss two things, the last bus to home and the person who loves you deeply.

This is what I want happiness

1, I want to buy pair of sweethearts ring. I put the left hand, right hand , take you when we hand the time, let the ring buckle.2, I want to be with you to buy us like the couples dress, wearing it on the street for pedestrians, the envy of vision.
3 , I want to sit next to you, listen to you say you ago, would you speak, I listen, this is happiness.4 , I want to be with you in the evening watching the horror film, when I am afraid , you can nest in your arms, 5, I want you to go to the seaside, like little children playing with sand.
6 , I want to cry on your shoulder, then slowly fall asleep.7, I think when I have dinner, you will trample on my hair, ask me why I didn't eat , and then took me to eat.8, I want you to sit in a quiet corner, nothing to say, can also be very happy.
I think you like to walk on my back when I don't complain, I very heavy, I am willing to rely on your back.I think every night that you can tell me goodnight, I go to bed because you said good night.I

[] QQ farm two anniversary reviewing my farm

        by the end of May 19, 2011 , I've planted 163 kinds of crops , the harvest of 60594 fruit, also lost a lot of fruit.Period to a friend's house "help" won 31061 fruit, dog bites by friends many times, at the time of escape loss is not small.
[i] QQ farm those things that pull you play the Ta farm , now okay:.. farm friends , who is your "dish":.. QQ farm you most unforgettable experience:.. [check my QQ farm] "hurt" I very deep: Feng Jiao, brother my vulnerable ah!!!Yes or no.
Just mature you just come !!!Yes or no.Pick me the most is you!!!Yes or no."Love" I deeply love you people: & baby, don't tell me you're in a good experience for me, for me every day, weeding, pest.
"I hate" deep one: No, no dog food, dog go-slow , paid leave, a recent to pick food did not catch."Temptation" I very deep: the water mark, look at you like me hard copy, "pick" to you.Back to my farm >

Don't spend the potherb treatment [] how do you know

1,Portulaca oleracea L to the treatment of diabetes , relationresult relationresult &nbsp ;relationresult &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;relationresult Portulaca oleracea L ,also known as longevity food of Portulaca oleracea L .
The general is red-brown ,blade fleshy ,long obovate ,because looks like Portulaca named .It contains protein ,fat ,amino acid ,riboflavin ,ascorbic acid, sulfur and other nutrients .Because contain acid among them more ,so the time to eat feel slightly sour .
Portulaca oleracea L medicinal function of heat-clearing and detoxifying ,cooling blood to stop bleeding .Because of its abundant norepinephrine ,can promote the secretion of insulin in pancreatic islet gland ,regulating human glucose metabolism ,reduce blood glucose concentrations ,maintain glucose homeostasis ,so for the treatment of diabetes has certain effect .
In addition ,it also contains a called 3 -W unsaturated fatty acid ,can inhibit cholesterol and triglyceride formation ,has a protective effect on cardiovascular .Eat it there are many , blanch fried food cold ,after filling can be .
For example, in Portulaca oleracea L scrambled eggs ,steamed stuffed bun in Portulaca oleracea L ,or boiling point heat treating dysentery purslane garlic porridge .relationresult2,eating dandelion is good for the liver , relationresult &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;dandelion ,also called yellow Viola yedoensis ,mother-in-law Ding ,yellow three seven ,a lot of people in the field see .
Its pollen contains vitamin ,linoleic acid ,leaves contain choline ,amino acids and trace elements .Dandelion main function is to Qingrejiedu ,swelling and diuretic .It has broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, but also can stimulate immune function ,achieve the gallbladder and liver function .
It is eaten raw ,fried or boiled after the soup can ,for example, jellyfish with dandelion ,dandelion shredded pork with green tea ;also ,licorice ,honey ,tune into a cup can Qingrejiedu ,swelling of the dandelion green tea .
3 ,bitter herbs can inhibit leukemia sowthistle name take hemp dish or chicory .Stems are yellow-white ;blade oblong-lanceolate ,surface green ,abaxially grayish green ;flowers yellow ,tongue .
Dried bitter is rich in potassium ,calcium ,magnesium ,phosphorus ,sodium ,iron ,manganese ,zinc ,copper and other elements .Sowthistle can heat dampness ,blood stasis ,detumescence discharges pus detoxifying ,cooling blood to stop bleeding .
Chinensis Decoction concentrated ethanol extract ,for acute lymphoblastic leukemia ,acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia are inhibited .The more common to eat are mixed with bitter herbs ,garlic sauce ,roast pork liver chinensis chinensis .
In 4 ,bracken has sedative effects of &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;bracken fern infant food ,also known as leading food ,more common in wild vegetables in .
Fern leaf is curly ,makes it fresh, old leaves will unfold .Eat bracken can play the functions of clearing heat ,eliminating phlegm ,slippery bowel to diuretic tranquilizing function .
But the dry bracken or salted bracken before eating the best water dip ,to bring it back .Common to eat are fried silk fern ,bracken ridge ,such as bracken pork salad .5 ,Platycodon grandiflorum can anti ulcer &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Platycodon grandiflorum is also called Ming leafy ,monk hat ,Koreans said road lackey is it .
Its branch end out blue flowers .We usually eat are the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum ,it has expectorant ,analgesic ,antipyretic ,sedative ,hypoglycemic ,inflammation ,ulcer, antitumor and antibacterial effect .
6 ,tonifying spleen to eat mustard &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;shepherd flowering in 4 - June ,the edge of the field in the ground, people often can see the tiny spots of white hirsute cauliflower .
It is the main therapeutic effect is cooling blood to stop bleeding ,tonifying spleen ,clearing heat and water .Spring to pick some mustard tender bine leaf or wintering bud after Cheuk ,cold ,sauce ,soup ,do stuffing ,fry food can ,can also be boiled fresh beautiful Capsella bursa-pastoris porridge .
7 ,hot days eat amaranth amaranth roots usually purple or lilac ;different regions, color varies slightly ,the north than green or purplish, lighter stems few branched, green or pale purple stripes ;leaves ovate .
We eat are generally more tender amaranth stems and leaves, they have a diuresis ,detoxification ,Ziyin Runzao effect .In addition to fry food ,soup and salad ,amaranth is also commonly used to make the filling .
For example, cold amaranth ,chicken ,dumplings and other Amaranthus amaranth .In 8 ,thorn tender bud of replenishing kidney essence , relationresultAralia elatais also called Aralia elata ,Liaodong wood ,growing mainly in the bushes and hollow .
Unlike other vegetables belonging to the same herb ,but woody plants .Its bark is grey ,it is full of thick hard prickles ;flowers are yellowish white ;fruit is a berry ,globose ,black .
Aralia elata is edible part ,mainly its buds ,Qi ,activating blood circulation to wind ,dampness ,relieving pain ,function ,kidney essence .9 ,Allium macrostemon can prevent arteriosclerosis &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Allium macrostem onion root vegetables ,also known as .
Its stems and leaves looks like garlic ,onion ,and garlic. There .Its role is to Yang gas ,thoracotomy Sanjie ,qi stagnation ,the treatment of dysentery and suppression of high blood lipids in blood of patients with elevated peroxide ester ,prevention of atherosclerosis .

Teach you to make the dinner on New Year's Eve

1 peacockfish , relationresultMaterial:mullet 1,dry Xianggu mushroom 3 ,red hot chili peppers 2,garlic ,ginger 1 pieces,3grain ofspring onion 2 trees,Guangxiang Thai steamed fish soy sauce 1 bags,white pepper ,cooking wine 1 bottleby a little .
Practice: 1 ,will slice garlic ,ginger slices ,chopped pepper, white segment ,the remaining part chopped green onion ,mushroom after the bubble hair slice .2 ,go to the fish scales after cut off the head ,tail ,and then from the cut-out in the gut after cleaned, the body portion from the back of the knife cut into slices ,but keep the stomach part do not cut off the .
3 ,chopped garlic ,ginger ,onion ,mushroom pieces spread it on the plate ,and then the fish placed in the tray ,sprinkle with pepper and pour into Guangxiang Thai steamed fish soy sauce ,cooking wine and a little white pepper powder .
4 ,put dishes in the steamer ,steam for 10 minutes . , relationresultTips:1,the general production steamed fish suggested the use of fresh fish ,immediately after the killing ,it can guarantee the meat fresh fresh smell ,but also relatively light .
In 2 ,Thai steamed fish with soya sauce Guangxiang Singapore is very famous local seasoning ,personal feel good ,if is the words ,recommended Lee Kum Kee steamed fish in soy sauce .In 3 ,according to the size of the fish ,may the steaming time corresponding increases or decreases by 2 ,3 minutes,but not too long so that the fish steamed over the old, taste taste is not good .
2 PhoenixZ , relationresultMaterial:1/3dateplum persimmonwine bottle ,spring chicken 1,dry longan 10,octagonal 1 grains,4 slices ginger,red pepper 1 ,20 grams of crystal sugar,spring onions 2 tree,garlic 6 grains,10tablets ofchestnut .
Seasoning :2 tbsp light soya sauce,1/2 tsp salt,pepper ,1/2TSPchicken broth ,soy sauce 150 gramsamount .Practice: 1 ,boil a pot of boiling water ,then add to wash the spring chicken boiled bleeding after water remove and wash and drain water .
In 2 ,the spring chicken from abdomen incision after dark soy sauce color after the brush into the pan and fry until golden brown out, then pan fried garlic until golden brown .In 3 ,a bowl of fried spring chicken ,will be to skin down into the bowl, then put the rest of the material and seasoning inside chicken .
4 ,use the film retaining freshness will bowl sealing ,and then into the steam for about an hour later ,pour the soup first ,and then removed with wood impurities ,chestnut branch open .
, relationresultTips:1,dateplum persimmon wine can also be used in Shaoxing wine ,rice wine .In 2 ,chestnut available dry chestnut ,but prior to the use of soaked with hot water before use .
relationresult3 Angelicachicken rolls of material : the big chicken 2,salt 2 teaspoon ,angelica 5 grams ,medlar 10 grams ,clear water 500 milliliter ,the ancient Yue Lungshan wine sauce gel 300 ml .
Practice: 1 ,angelica ,medlar flushing after adding water after the fire to boil and cook for 15 minutes .Cool .In 2 ,the chicken ,skin down on the tinfoil paper paper ,with a little salt roll up ,and using the foil wrapped in a candy shape ,into the steamer steam 20 minutes.
In 3 ,the ancient Yue Lungshan wine sauce gel into the cool water of juice ,then add remove the tinfoil paper chicken rolls ,add ice cabinet after 1 days soaking out section can .Tips :1,spare gel can also use any Shaoxing wine .
2 rollschicken rolls ,as far as possible when volume closer ,at both ends sealed ,steaming after not scattered .4 honeybarbecued meat :Pork Tenderloin 1,remember the BBQ sauce 1 bottles,ginger 1 pieces,green 2,honey 4 tablespoon of rice wine ,20ml.
Practice: 1 ,will come back to buy pork loin and wipe dry cutting into strips ,and cut with scissors to surface white fascia ;ginger peeled and cut into pieces ,onion cut into standby .
In 2 ,a large seal box ,place the pork strips placed in the box ,add the ginger and spring onion ,add pork sauce and rice wine grasping uniform ,preferably so that the meat is dipped into the sauce .
In 3 ,covers the sealing box lid ,put into the refrigerator for 1 days,halfway out open flip cutlet ,make tasty uniform and drain onion away .4 ,well preserved after the removal, in the pan with a foil ,then put the meat on the grill online ,will roast rack in the tray on the air for 15 minutes to make sauce drop back brush a layer of honey ,and then to the tray for a clean aluminum foil .
In 5 ,the pan into the oven bottom ,a meat roasting net put middle ,bake at 180 ℃ for 20 minutes,brush a layer of cured meat sauce ,slightly dry after the 6 brush,brush the meat over again into the oven at 180 degreesto bake for 20 minutes ,then brush out repeatedly 2 timeshoney ,the best and cook for 10 minutes.
Tips :1,do pork meat to use thinner ,no skin and too much fat plum production, if you are buying a large posterior rump ,then from 5cmon the right place to cut one knife, then turn left 5 centimetersto cut one knife .
.. ... In turn this cut down ,so that the meat after can be a long ,it can make meat more rapid tasty .After if too large ,then separated from the intermediate cut into appropriate size .
1 ,raw onions can not be preserved for long ,or will form scorodite flavor ,aroma of meat .2 ,remember the BBQ sauce is Singapore old brand ,most domestic supermarkets also sell ,I think this is my most loving barbecue ,taste it ,nor does it have a very exaggerated red pigment, using a commercially available BBQ sauce is a simple approach ,can be their own deployment, over period of time I put your own deployment also put up .
3 ,if you want to make the meat looks more bright, more appetite ,the secret is repeated several times in honey .5 pickled fishrelationresultMaterial: freshwaterfish 1 ,1 bags of6 grains,pickle sauerkraut ,3 cloves garlic,ginger 1 pieces,1 capsules,1 smallaniseed pepper ,chili ,coriander root 1 10.
Souse fish material :egg 1 ,starch grains ,cooking wine 1 spoons,1 tbspsugar 1/2spoon,1/2 tsp salt,white pepper, 1/3tsp.Practice: 1 ,the fish flat on the board ,take a sharp Kuaidao flat sheet into the office from the fish-tail fish ,fish bones will be close to the middle of the fish pieces down ,and then upside down the other side of the fish pieces down ;the pieces down the large fish flat on the board ,knife and chopping board was the angle of 45 degrees under the knife ,fish slice standby ;2,in the cut fish fish mixed with the material ,with his hand gently grasping uniform ,pickled for 15 minutes; 3,the pickled cabbage washed and cut into small strips ,garlic and ginger cut into pieces ,dried chili into sections ;4,than the cooking pot and pour a little much of the oil fired 7 into heat,and then into the 1 halfof pepper and dried chili choking pot ,to smell out after add garlic ,ginger and pepper ,anise and chopped pickled vegetable stir together ;5,to be fried sauerkraut smell came out ,add about 1 liter of water and then placed into the before tick the fish bones under the head cover and the fire to boil the transposition of the fire and cook for 15 minutes to thicken soup ;6,falling gently boiled fish will be cooked immediately after flameout poured into a bowl of pickled fish or casserole in ( recommended casserole ,please see attached Tips ) ;7,the pan clean, then pour a little oil till the 7 into the heat, add the other half of pepper and chili until fragrant and pour the cooked pickled fish ,the best you can put 2 rootparsley .
Tips :1,making sauerkraut fish the best selection of fresh water fish ,meat taste better ;2,slices of fish when the knife must quickly, advance the best first knife, twice the result with half the effort ;3,pickled fish when add egg white will make the meat tastes more tender ,but also has a small drawback is that will the soup slightly turbid ,if you have a good way ,please speak out and I sharing ;and add a little sugar ,I feel makes meat tastes more delicious ;4,hot fish time must not press too long ,see change about almost, a long time meat old also do not delicious ;5,and suggested the use of pot to contain the advantage is that :after eating soup and sauerkraut tend to rest, the very next day buy a piece of tofu and put back into a cooking ,is a delicious dish Oh ;6,the best oil poured in pickled fish will make the dish more incense ,if you don too much oil ,also can omit this step ,but I still recommend this step yo ,very sweet !6 carrotbeef stew , relationresultMaterial:2 kg4beefcarrot root ginger 1 smallgreen 1leaf5cinnamon1tangerine peel1ft1octagonal 2graindry pepper 510grain ofsoy sauce 2 tablespoonssugar 2 tbspcoriander .
Proper practices: 1 ,ginger peeled crushed after cut small pieces ,onion sliced beef cut into blocks ;the cold water and cook for 20 minutesand foaming hemorrhage poured drain well ;2,more than cooking wok pour hot oil, then add ginger ,green onions and spices with bean ,fry ,to smell out into the beef ,soy sauce .
Stir evenly ;3,fried beef into the pressure cooker ,and then add rock sugar ,add 1 cup water,do not cover the upper cover of pressure cooker used in the fire for about half an hour ,half-way to stir up ;4,beef stew in opening the cover at the same time ,the carrot scrub clean with hob cut into large pieces ;5,the carrot into the pressure cooker ,the safety cover fire stew to exhaust after the minimum fire to simmer 15 minutes;6,Sheng into the bowl after sprinkle a little parsley can titian .
Tips :1,if not to eat spicy ,dry hot pepper and bean can be removed, but add 1 tablespoonssoy sauce ,the taste is great ;2,beef stew, preferably with a little orange or tea stew beef ,so soft quickly, and the meat flavor ;3,Hu Luo puff stewing time does not need too long ,so the beef to stew almost after add carrot ,carrot not peeled ,just need to scrub clean skin ;4,if not in a pressure cooker, but also can use the cooking pot or casserole ,but time is longer ,with a pressure cooker will save gas .
Braised pork with skin of 7 materials:pork 1piece of soy sauce2 tbsp cooking wine2 tablespoons of sugar2 tbsponion 2 period ofginger 2 octagonal 2grain oftangerine peel 1cinnamon1leaves2water a littleYan Shaoxu practices: 1 ,to wash the meat into the pot , add water before opening fire boil pork after 15 minutes ofhemorrhage remove and cool foam ,put cool after the pork cut into small pieces ;2,the wok pour some oil heat, add pork stir fry 5 minutes ,the oil fry out Sheng out ;3,put the pot are washed in 2 tbsp of water ,boiled water is poured into the white sugar ,when the sugar into the bubble when placed in the fried pork stir fry two, then pour soy sauce ,cooking wine with stir 2 minutes ;4,put the meat into the casserole ( also can use the meat into the wok ) ,Welsh onion, ginger ,star anise ,orange peel ,cinnamon and bay leaf pour cup water makes a part of meat soaked in soup ,salt into ,cover a small fire stew 1hours.
Tips :1 ,production of pork must choose belt leather pork yo ,the most delicious is skin and fat ;2,because of prior fried meat oil fired out a lot, so do the braised pork is not a bit tired ;3,because the pig is very easy to stick pan fried meat ,so when the best selection of non-stick cookware ;4,I think the casserole dish is spicy ,of course, can also use the wok cover stew or use a pressure cooker to save time ,if use a pressure cooker stew meat, exhaust after the minimum fire about 15 minutes.
8 ants on thetree :sweet potato fans 1to100 grams of minced meatsauce: Pixian bean 1 tbspginger 3 garlic1 tablespoonschopped 1 tablespoonssoup 4 tablespoons(50 ml ) 1 smallchili pepper 3(cut) soy sauce 1 tablespoons ofmonosodium glutamate little pepper powder 1 teaspoonspractices: 1 ,first with hot water to soak vermicelli ( about 15 minutes ) ,and then use the scissors blade to make it shorter ,drain well ;2,pour some hot wok cooking oil ,oil heat put pepper ,pepper ,garlic ,ginger was the scent ,then add minced meat fried powder to change ;3,minced meat color will pushed to the side ,so that the pot is slightly tilted ,the oil side into the bean stir a few before the mixture ,then pour soup ( bone soup or broth can) ;4,into the stock ,in the prior maceration fans .
Stir until the sauce to dry land, finally transferred to sprinkle pepper sauce powder ,monosodium glutamate and scrambled evenly .Tips :1,making the dish fans suggested the use of sweet potato fans ,more somersault taste good ;2,in addition ,bean and garlic pepper this dish is the essence, can not be lost ;3,because the bean itself is very salty ,also adding soy sauce ,so this dish doesn need extra salt !Put soy sauce not only sweet ,and nice color !4 ,this is a very Xiafan Sichuan cuisine ,so also remind the sentence -- the control of appetite !9 spicy explosion ,gizzard materials :duck or chicken gizzards 300 gramspepper 5red chili5spices:garlic 2 grain( slice ) of ginger 1 pieces( slice ) onion 1 short( section ) 1 smallchili pepper 3roots(cut ) soy sauce, a little starch 1 tbspcooking wine or cooking wine 1 spoonsof sugar 1/2 teaspoonpepper 1/2 teaspoonwhite pepper powder 1/3 teaspoon MSGlittle Yan Shaoxu practices: 1 ,duck gizzard with salt scrub ,tear film surface yellow and white bars ,drain and cut into strips ;2,cut into pieces of duck into the bowl, transferred to Huadiao wine ,1 halfamount of ginger, soy sauce ,sugar ,pepper ,pepper ,salt ,starch ,grasping evenly pickled for 10 minutes; 3,green pepper ,red pepper to wash to pedicle cut into 1 cmlong ;4,frying pan heat ,pour oil ,oil heat, add pepper ,pepper ,ginger ,garlic, another half amount of fry ;5,into the duck gizzard pieces15 fry quicklyto have a bit of color ,and then pour in hot chili stir-fry for about 1 minutes ,transferred some soy sauce and monosodium glutamate and fry after flameout flameout ,add onion Piece fry evenly .
Tips :1,in the cleaning of animal organs when adding a little salt scrub can effectively remove odor and sterilization ;2,duck gizzard gizzard is larger than ,but in before making recommendations to remove surface white band ,if your tooth stiffness good enough is not required ;3,if the special actually, can put the red pepper in a small pepper ,but does not need too much, or else it would be spicy stomachache ;4,the dish need to fire quickly stir fried ,if time long ,duck gizzard can become very chewy, guarantee the very next day cheek aches ;5,this dish is especially special meal, so when cooking do not pay attention to cook too much food ,or supporting broken !The 10 Secretspicy dried beef materials :1 kg ofbeef chili powder 60 gramspepper 20 grams30 grams of sugarsoy sauce 2 tbspsalt 2 teaspoon MSG little cooked white sesame 1 tablespoons ofspices ( pepper ,star anise 2 grains,1 smallfennel ,cinnamon ,geraniol 1little2,Tsaoko 1 grains,cloves 4 ,nutmeg ,tangerine peel 1,1 grains) practices: 1 ,a pot of boiling water, add the cleaned beef boiled foaming hemorrhage remove to soak in ice water ,drained of blood ;2,in casserole ( also available in no other pot ) pour some water ,add all spices and salt to boiling ,then add beef ,if there is no water had the beef ,add boiling water to completely failed ,and simmer for about 50 minutes,remove and drain water and cool ;3,will put the cooler sideways cut beef texture of finger size ;4,wok pour more oil to burn to micro heat ,add in sugar small fire to stir the sugar babies into beef stir fry 1 minutesinto the soy sauce and fry ;5,has been used to stir a small fire to beef is dry ,add chili powder and pepper stir evenly ,final before the pot into the white sesame Linen and a little MSG fry evenly .
Tips :1,1 kg of beefdo finally out only about 1/3 of weight of the dried beef ,beef jerky and making the best choice of unreinforced lean beef ,beef boiled water ;2bleedingafter remove to soak in ice water can make the beef meat becomes tighter ,and added with spices cooking the beef taste better ;3,the last fried beef process has been the use of a small fire, fried sugar when the attention of not fried coke on the line ;4,it not only can be used as a table of dishes ,as usually the snack is also very good .
11 Chinese cabbage cabbage Bacon materials :2longBacon a bag of dried shrimps a clear chicken soup 1 bowls of2 pieces of gingerscallion a short white pepper, 1/3 TSPwater thickening some practices: 1 ,the doll food gently pry leaves each clean ( not every Ye Zibo down yo !) In 2 ,a Bacon in each piece of cabbage leaves ,and then fill it baby vegetables cut into four sections and remove to the plate ,the plate into the steamer ,after the water is boiled, turn a small fire and then steamed for 15minutes and take out;3 ,another pot pour a little oil heat ,add dried shrimps ,ginger and miter patches of white out fragrance ,then pour the broth boil ,into white pepper powder and water mixed thickener ;4,will hook cooked soup poured on the steamed cabbage can be .
Tips :1,the dish can also be used to replace the smaller tree cabbage cabbage soup ,can choose canned can also use their own home cooked ;3,Bacon itself is very salty ,but canned chicken soup also have salty ,so when cooking without adding extra salt .
11 material:fried beef rump 1coriander1onion 1section of2 pieces of gingerseasoning :1/3 tsp saltmonosodium glutamate 1/3 teaspoonsugar 1/3 teaspoonwhite pepper powder 1/3 teaspoonsoy sauce 1 tablespoon ofrice wine, 1 tbspsesame oil 1 tablespoonsvinegar 1 tbspstarch 1/2 tablespoonspractices: 1 ,beef with sliced, namely blade perpendicular to meat texture put meat sliced into transverse section ;2,green onions ,ginger cut silk ,shredded coriander into four sections ;3,in addition to all the other seasonings vinegar pours into the beef piece ,plus a few ginger ,grasping mix pickled for 15 minutes; 4,wok pour hot oil, add ginger blast out into the marinated beef slices quickly stir-loose ;5,when the meat color ,add vinegar quickly stir well after flameout and then put into the coriander and leek ,using waste heat to coriander and scallions fried soft can .
Tips :1,buy meat when the best selection of excluding rib rump ,and perpendicular to the beef texture is cut out of the meat eaten will be relatively smooth ;2,the dish requires the use of fire stir frying ,and the time should not be too long ,all can be born out of discoloration after flameout ,long beef color is cotton ,the taste is not good ;3,use of waste heat and cook until soft vanilla can maximize the retention of aroma ,but also can make the dishes look more bright .
13 porkwith skin material :pork 1,plum dish 1,lobster sauce 1 spoon,red bean curd 1block,octagonal 2 grains,5 slice ginger,5 cloves of garlic,Sugar Spoon L. wine l tablespoons dark soy sauce ,light soy sauce ,l scoop a little ,some cornstarch practices: 1 ,will soak into the molded dried vegetable the water repeatedly washed several times ,drain and cut into pieces for standby; 2,the pork will be washed after and star together is placed into water and cook until just cooked fish out ( about 10 minutes ) ,while it is hot in the pig with a spoon is coated with a layer of dark soy sauce ;3,lobster sauce ,garlic ,crushed into mud into the red bean curd in a bowl ,add cooking wine ,sugar ,ginger ,soy sauce, to make a sauce ;4,frying pan into the more heat the oil till 7 minutes ,then the pork skin down into the pan ,cover the pan fried a few minutes ,midway through to the meat ,to avoid skin fried paste ,be fried remove and let cool meat cut into thick pieces ;5,the pork skin down into the bowl on the floor of each edge ,in the meat with a vinaigrette and then insert molded dried vegetable ,with hand pressing some and then poured the remaining sauce ;6,will be installed Filled with meat bowl in the steamer steam for 35 minutes ,then the dish soup to filter out the spare ,the dishes will be inverted into a plate ;7,the powder into water thickener ,will filter out the soup into the pot ,then pour hot water thickener ,Qian will be a good hook with pork can .
Tips :1,making this dish of meat must choose belt leather pork ;2,because plum dish ,bean ,bean curd ,black soy sauce is very salty ,so do the dishes do not need to be a salt ;3,the meat shop into the bowl must be time to skin down Oh ,so out of will be good .
14 scallopgourd pot duck soup materials :Duck 1,Conpoy 20 grains,dried salted fish 1block,wax gourd 500 grams ,1 cups ofwine ,1 pieces of ginger,salt practices: 1, ginger peeled and cut into thick slices ,fish and Conpoy water gently wash ;wax gourd carefully washed rind after seeded with skin piece ;2,the ducks into the cold water in the pot the fire and cook for about 10 minutes after the fish out rushed the duck blood powder ,put into the soup pot ,pour enough water before duck fire to boil ;3,after the water is boiled, add rice wine ,a ginger ,dried salted fish ,scallops ,slightly rear lid lid to stir slow fire burning 3 hours ,10 minutesinto the gourd cooked before eating soft and salt into seasoning .
Tips :1,Conpoy is scallop meat ,have nourishing Yin ,fatigue effect, in the dry cargo shop ;2,wax gourd very low heat ,its low fat content and a heat and drainage effect, is the best weight loss ingredients ,and hypertension and diabetes patients with the best vegetables ;but Benincasa cold food ,gastrointestinal bad people should consume less .
Selection of wax gourd by epidermal fresh with cream as well .15 winterbarley boiled pork ribs with materials :wax gourd 500 grams ,300 grams,1ribbone ,barley 100 grams,1,Welsh onion ginger 1 pieces,2 drops ofvinegar ,salt and a little practice: 1 ,rice sieve clean ,wax gourd peeled and cut into chunks ,ginger slices, onion cut into small pieces ;2,pork ribs and cavity flushing into a casserole ,one-time add enough water ,about 5 litres ,fire to boil boil foaming hemorrhage with spoon scoop foaming hemorrhage carefully until the soup clean without debris ;3,put fire to simmer ,2 drops ofvinegar to make the bone calcium in effective absorption was soup ,and then add ginger and spring onion to meat fishy ;4,wash the rice into the pot ,cover the pot to boil for about 2-3 hours,the last half an hour before the amount of salt can add melon ,coordinator .
Tips :1,the seed of job often some small stones ,in the washing process carefully pick out ;2,stew soup bones it with as little as 2 drops of vinegarhelps calcium available to be absorbed by the human body ;3,barley stew longer to soft rot ;4,cooking time don wax gourd too long ,otherwise it becomes white gourd mud .
16 double lotuslotus root amount of bone material stew :bone 3rootlotus seed 100 grams ginger 1 pieces ofwhite pepper vinegar 3 drops ofsalt water amount practices: 1 ,lotus to clean the bowl, pour warm water soak 1 hourslater remove standby ;2,cavity bone rinse with water after clean into the pot, pour some water before ,after the fire to boil with a spoon scoop bleeding foam away to make soup clear ;the cavity and broth into the soup casserole ,add ginger ,peeled and crushed 3drops of vinegarand white pepper ,slow fire burning 1 hours;3,lotus root with a knife scrape skin after removing spectrometry ,cut hob into block ,cut lotus root into the soup pot stew 30 minutesinto the bubble hair good seeds and then a small fire to simmer for 30 minutes ,before the amount of salt can be transferred .
Tips :1,buy the best choice when the color is red lotus lotus lotus root starch ,such content is higher than cotton ,taste ,suitable for stewing ;and the color is white lotus ,taste more brittle, suitable for cold or fried ;2,lotus seeds in after the bubble hair have a look intermediate green Rhizoma Coptidis have removed, if not should remove it ,or taste bitter ;3,stew soup bones when adding a few drops of vinegar can help calcium dissolved in the soup ,helps the body .
Material :17broth spinachspinach 1 to1grains,eggs ,salted egg 1,3 pieces of ginger,chicken soup 100 ml,white pepper ,salt and a little practice: 1 ,will be preserved and salted egg steamed 15 minutes,after cooling shell into tablets ;spinach washed and drain water; 2,wok pour some oil after the heat put ginger until fragrant ,then add egg and salted egg grain stir fry a few ;3,the spinach into the pot and stir fry after the redeployment of white pepper and salt ,and pour the soup with fried 1 and a halfor so can .
Tips :1,egg steamed about after more easily cut ,if not with words ,but also can be used to cut the line .2 ,spinach to be cooked ,or will have astringent taste .In 3 ,transferred to white pepper can raise fresh .
18 bloodtwo filling pot material :mother hen 1 chickenXianggu mushroom 6 red dates6wolfberry 1to1to6 pieces ofPolygonatum Angelica Astragalus 3 commonsmall ginseng root Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 316 pieces of gingerwine 1 spoonpractices: 1 ,the mushroom hair with warm water, cut off the base ,after the bubble hair .
Water after precipitation with a clean portion of standby ;2,to gently cleanse the herbal medicine ,Chinese herbal medicines in the drying process will be stained with dust sediment ;3,carried her into the pot, pour enough water before the chicken ,the fire boil and then spoon foaming hemorrhage drained ;4,put the wine into the pot ,and then put into the cleaning of medicine ;open water after add bubble over mushrooms ,then before Shitake water into the pot ,cover and simmer cooked 2 -3 hours,before eating salt into it .
Tips :1,because it is the supplement qi and blood soup ,so don use the Welsh onion ,if the fear of a fishy, use wine to taste ;2,these medicines in Chinese herbal medicine shop also can be in supermarket buy dry cargo area ;3,the old hen nutritional value than ordinary hen is much higher ,but is difficult to buy boiling the soup ,can also use chicken instead of .
19 celerybeef materials :Parsley 1(thin celery celery ,not Yo ) beef 200 grams ofdry hot pepper 1or5rootginger 3 Yan Shaoxumonosodium glutamate little practices: 1 ,celery leaves off old after abluent cut grains ,dried chili into sections ;2,wok pour some oil ,burn to 7 into the hotpepper ,chilli and ginger into fragrant ;3,pours into the beef fire to stir away ,then pour celery seed .
Stir 2 minutes,season with salt and monosodium glutamate can wok .Tips :1,this dish is very simple and the meal, but fry when fire with fire stir-fry fry ,if time is too long ,celery and stir fry must fade fade is not very good .
Mapo Tofu :Tofu 1 box20materialpiece minced meat ( beef ,pork will be ) 1 small bowls ofspices :Pixian bean 1 tablespoons ofpepper ,1 small,1small spoonginger ,garlic ,pepper grains of 1small spoon,1 tablespoonschopped 1 tablespoons,pepper powder 1 tsp practices: 1 ,the wok pour suitable heating oil ,oil heat ( the hand above the pot ,can feel warm) into the minced meat ,fried powder ,born out of containing the backup ;2,back into the oil pan ,after heating will pepper ,garlic ,ginger into burst fragrance; 3,into the Pixian bean fried oil ,add pepper fry evenly, then pour diced tofu stir-fry ,burned for approximately 3 minutes,4,prior to the fried pork into the pot ,stir fry into the MSG number, then pour in the liquid starch thicken soup ,sauce pot after sprinkle with scallions and pepper powder can .
Tips :1,take boxed tofu ,in the four corners of the bottom box are respectively cut it with the scissors that allow air to enter ,and then ripped the plastic film can not broken ground whole bean curd poured out .

There is a girl crying for you

&nbsp ;&nbsp ;if your life has such a girl ,she is neither pretty ,nor gentle ,but she was very cute ,and her days with you very happy .I am sorry she is not the kind of girl you like ,she can not always give you the feeling that heartbeat .
In your life , just as she was a guest role, to then come ,take the left does not give you any emotional entanglement .The girl is very naughty sometimes ,about to ride a bike together ,see but it turned out that she wanted you to take her away .
I go to the movies, the theater, she said she forgot to bring a ticket ,and then let you walk on the streets with her until midnight .She will be asking you not ,secretly a card and put it in your pocket ,the very next day call again to let you put the card sent her .
.. ... Girls sometimes Henguai ,she will listen to you, look in your eyes in a daze ,such as gaze at a beautiful statue .Sometimes you will tell her :actually, you are very cute . Is ?The girl smiled .
Then a look of regret :what a lovely, I love people who don me . who ?You look puzzled .The girl only smiled but did not reply .You think your friendship as be secure against assault as the Great Wall of steel ,you have to do a confidante and secretly glad that .
She takes good care of you ,and you have her as your buddy ,she .Girls sometimes annoying ,she always not to mind taking the trouble to call you ,let you to accompany her to go ,and no matter how bad your heart .
She always let you eat it with her to eat it ,regardless of how bad your appetite .She always makes you many strange eating food ,let you act as her experiments ,for her seemingly delicious taste ,but I don how the taste of street food .
But the girl is also very good ,every trip you never forget to bring some small gifts ,or a string of beads ,or a conch ,is beautiful and intricate, although they are in your hand will always disappear without a trace .
She will be sick when you put on a few boxes of good medicinal white handkerchief wrapped on your desk ,do not forget in time to call you, to remind you to take medicine .Time passed ,girls care more and more meticulous ,there seems to be little beyond as friends and its proper bounds .
You gradually began to worry about ,worry about some shouldn will happen ... ... .One day ,the girl you asked :if one day I leave you ,you will be sad ?You firmly replied: not !Why. Because you are my girlfriend .
That I be your girlfriend ?You replied sincerely :I think we still do a better friend, if you choose to leave ,I .&quot ;girls are still happy as ever ,it seems that only the eyes of more than a hint of melancholy .
She call you less .You meet with her phone number is proportional to the number .She will never become the theme of your life, so you never give her a call .Not even a very long time to meet, you do not think there is anything wrong .
You have used her own initiative .On that Christmas day ,the girl gave you a white scarf ,she tells you that she is woven into the first product, costs a lot of effort .You refused .The girl said :take it ,it .
On Valentine ,the girl gave you a belt, you would not accept ,the girl says: I don want to hold you ,I will not love ,just see all you friends with belt is afraid that the family was not willing, mouth and feel shy ,you buy one for your ,you are don oversensitive .
The day after .More and more girls looking in your eye .Each will split the time and unable to part from ,as if each was to break up ,he did not forget to ask you :&quot ;I do not want to say something ?&quot ;&quot ;dark, be careful on the way .
&quot ;your face concerns .Thank you, &quot ;&quot ;smiling girl, a little bitter voice .She looked away in the night in the background ,you automatic speaking :&quot ;you are silly .&quot ;she already exist in your life for a long time ,when she gradually away from you ,you will not care about ,because you don her .
You are friends ,just friends .Until one day she around you again ,said to have something to tell you .She met a change in the past of chatter without stop ,seeing you do not speak .Then ,you will be a walk in the street is not very bright ,far away .
&quot ;we are happy with the day not ?&quot ;&quot ;yes ,very happy .&quot ;&quot ;did you bother me ?&quot ;&quot ;to tell the truth ,there have been .&quot ;&quot ;can feel my love for you over as friends ?&quot ;&quot ;no, I think we are a good friend .
You lie to &quot .The girl stopped ,waiting for you .You shake for a long time to get her . Oh ,I am worried that things finally happened ,how her self-control is so bad ,we can be very good friends .
A friend of the opposite sex is not easy .It seems that our friendship will go so far .At this point, you have complicated feelings .The girl suddenly turned around ,looked at you .After a while ,said :&quot ;I love you .
&quot ;&quot ;Oh ,we are not a good friend .&quot ;your voice to say .I love your &quot ;&quot ;stubborn girl again .&quot ;so what ?&quot ;you lift up the eyes for a long time, the girls open burning eyes .
The girl turned round ,half did not say a word .&quot ;you love me ?&quot ;girls began to press ahead .&quot doesn .&quot ;refused to you this already is a piece of cake .&quot ;you will love me ?Quot ;&quot ;not .
&quot ;&quot ;why ?&quot ;&quot ;we get along day is not short , if I love you .Early love ,do not wait until now .&quot ;you, say .&quot ;if you love me, can you tell me ?&quot ;&quot ;of course ,if I love you ,not till noon.
to these three words, I would have told you it 100 times .&quot ;girls stopped, you can stop at not far from her a flower bed side ,took out a cigarette ,point ... ... .The girl always did not speak ,nor continue to move forward .
You know she was crying .She gradually increasing the voice of crying .She cried ,saying :&quot ;I know it ,I know it .&quot ;she choke with sobs to tell you ,she once love you so much .But dare not tell you ,she did not expect to be your love ,she just want to tell you ,love you love her for a long time .
And you in the together day happy and sad .Every time looking at you, feel you be close by. But so far, love love you for so long ,but can not understand you .You are always on my no mention of the incident ,let her feel your heart away from her so much ,they are unable enough .
While you are on her side .She said she love you so hard ,all the time you is the root of her pain ,no thinking ,no time to ,even the dream is not at peace, her mind is full of your shadow ,lingering .
When thinking of you ,two hands crazy pat his head ,but you can not miss out on the bitter .She cried for a long time ,cry very painful ,that every word is mixed with her sobs .It is a kind of emotional catharsis ,it can tears like love like torrential river water bursting its banks and .

Reprint funny poetic couplet in a basket

Funny poetic couplet a dozen belated happy together: love has already stop referring, fate is not in service area the second line of a couplet: Revised unresponsiveness to busy feeling cannot recharge horizontal batch: if the heart moves Unicom: how a false name address; the second line of a couplet: Pianchipianhe feeling cheated; a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription: take the bait.
Top allied: wind, rain the next, I am waiting for you to call back; the second line of a couplet: for you, die for you , wait for you for a lifetime; the second line of a couplet: the wrong person.Top allied: patriotic love love love!The second line of a couplet: fire alarm against brother!The second line of a couplet: free love ! A couplet: look back hurry brake a powerful army; the second line of a couplet: turned off a million bold warriors; the second line of a couplet: Oh my God! The couplet: line you say you will do also; the second line of a couplet: you say no no good line; the second line of a couplet: refuse to obey a couplet: recalling the past, red rice, pumpkin soup, a wife, a child to help.
The second line of a couplet: see, white rice, bastard soup, a child, his wife a help.The second line of a couplet: advancing with the times together: for you are crazy for you tired for all your sins; the second line of a couplet: Die for you crazy for you as you rattle rattle big hit the wall; the second line of a couplet: crazy for love.
Top allied: to love and to be loved is difficult; the second line of a couplet: love coming to time; the second line of a couplet: priceless friendship.Some older men in the park to meet an older woman.
It has a strong alliance: air, land on the second line of a couplet: in vain; female leisure two mus of fertile land to plow, et al.The second line of a couplet: Waste shameful acts: love has been suspended zhancang also love , fate, sliding into the daily limit; the second line of a couplet: revised is bull, to bear , feeling cannot cast long term; horizontal batch: quickly cover.
A: boys, girls, poor scholar , life and growth in nature!The second line of a couplet: the first love , love, love, and unable to part from!The second line of a couplet: there is no love couplet: I love who you are; the second line of a couplet: the people who love me too horrible to look at; the second line of a couplet: bitter.

Sorry, I really love!But I do not do the third.Next life I w

Girl 16 years oldto read the second day ,boys of 18 years old have not read ,all day in the outside ,the boy is very handsome ,home is also very rich, also good girl home ,parents are very fond of her, her performance in class is the first .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;girl table is the boy girlfriend ,originally she and he do not intersect ,because the girl is a good student, how could she know him the bully ,but girl you day and night to tell her they are how sweet ,how fun ,a beginning girl do not bother ,just let her speak for a long time ,but her heart began restless , she also want to find a boyfriend .
The girl is very beautiful and lovely, too many to count the people who chase her ,but no one she had ,she is a little jealous classmate ,on the table without her beautiful appearance ,the figure has her figure is good ,learning not to mention, of every time of homework and exams are copied her ,she did not really convinced, why the boy will watch her deskmate .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;her deskmate give her the photo to see the boy ,handsome, cool ,than to recover her will be more handsome ,the first time she got that want impulse .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;strange god seem to hear her voice .
A girl table occupied looking for boy ,just the mobile phone is dead ,so she found a girl by mobile phone ,the girls want to also did not want to lend you .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;after the night the girl back home, wash after went to bed for sleeping, lying in bed with her but also how who don ,she looked at her mobile phone screen ,above the boy ,are at the same table today lend her mobile phone calling, hesitate ,she picked up her home phone call that the number of .
.. Du ... A phone call from a busy, her heart beat it up ,she was afraid of the boy is not connected, and fear him ,very contradictory . Hello ,who is it? The boy answered ,the sound is very pleasant to hear .
Hello ,please look for XX sorry ,I don ,you have the wrong number ? Oh ,sorry ah .That The boy said to hang a phone .The girl looked at his phone ,that like his feel more strongly ,she just deliberately looking for XX ,she knew the boy don because it was her own made up a name ,she just want to hear the boy .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;the next few days ,the boy always received some wrong number ,and some , who are you? can we make friends ? SMS ,the boy is very vexed, for once he asked out ,he asked who the girl is ,why always calling him ,though each time the caller ID is different numbers ,but he could hear the same voice ,the girl knew the boy must be angry ,so she tells the boy is because like him to do so ,she said she knew the boy has a girlfriend ,but she still loves him, she doesn expect anything, she only want the boy to associate with her one day is enough ,as long as the day of his girlfriend ,she was content .
The boys listened to ,was very impressed, so he promised ,tomorrow is Saturday ,there is no class ,they are about to meet at nine in the morning ,the girl was surprised boy promise her request, but he is very happy ,tomorrow you can see the boy, she first thought the day was so slow .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;the very next day arrived, the girl got up earlier ,she dressed ,she does not want to let the boy saw her disappointment ,she left him a deep impression .The boy came to them about good locations, see not far from the white figure ,holding a bottle of black tea ,waiting for people like, he didn hesitate to go past ,last night they would say, girls will be wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of shorts ,holding a bottle of black tea ,so easy to identify some .
Hey ,you are the girl. heard people talking ,turned around and saw the boy ,the boy wearing a black T-shirt and a loose Korean pants ,forehead bangs slightly less ,was streaked with purple ,left ear earring in the light of the sun flashing ,the handsome face with a smile ,he than on the photo to much beautiful .
Well ,thank you for your coming. girl smiled .The boy stared ,the girl is really beautiful ,especially the smile, is more charming .She is a very gentle girl .The boy thought that we go shopping ,OK ?The girl asked to tender .
The boy nodded ... ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;after a day after exposure ,girls like more and more like the boy ,but she is very clear the boy is the only boyfriend ,although she is very jealous of you also like the boy ,but she does not want to do a third ,also do not want to undermine the feelings of others ,so today after she decided not to to disturb the boy, can make his day girlfriend ,and satisfied .
But things are not the way she wants is simple ,the boy began to give her a call or SMS ,the table also began to complain about the boy is not, the girl know is their emotional problems, she also know some about her .
Once again ,the girl about the boy ,or the last about the place where .Eight o ,the boy appeared on time ,boys will be boys ,is still handsome ,girl is also a girl ,just the eyes, but more of a sad ,because the night ,so the boys with and without attention .
How to think about me today ,is it right? Want me ?The boy teases the girls looked at him, eyes filled with dismay . the last time we met .what ,why ?The boy was surprised at first ,and then excitedly grabbed her arm to ask .
Girl tears in eyes ,sorry ,everything is my fault ,I should not love you ,knowing that you are my friend ,but also try various devices to close to you ,I do not see you ,let you do my boyfriend .
The more I should not be a third to destroy your feelings ,I was too selfish ,too bad ,everything is my fault ,really sorry ,so I would not appear in front of you ,I hope you and she can fix .
Girl with eyes finally could not help but fell .The boy hold a girl was crying and shaking body ,gently in her ear, said , ,this is not your fault ,I also have the wrong ah ,when I have a girlfriend, but promised to your request, I should not after our meeting for you I forget ,I should not be in love with you .
So ,don blame yourself well ?It is ,we were wrong ,but we are really in love, ah ,is not ?Let face it ,Ill forgive us . I won you .The boy just then ,a sharp voice rang out, that person is a girl friend ,the boy .
Why are you here? The boy first reaction over, asked well, why am I here ,if I had not come ,how would I know my dear boyfriend was dating another girl ,but my friend ?Girl friend adds, staring at the boy was still around girls ,she hates them when her idiot like cheating ,more hate boys .
She wants to go out ,the girl from the boy arms pull over ,and then gave her a slap in the face .Sorry ,I didn mean it .Girl tears apology to .But her deskmate does not appreciate, prepare and give her a slap in the face ,but the boy stopped ,I loved her first ,but also I hard pestering her ,you blame me ,please don hurt her .
Boys as girls, argues that ,the girl is so weak so kind, he really could not bear to look at her hurt .Why. We ,two years of emotional change ?You are too cruel it ... I hate you ,girl friend talking excitedly ,nobody noticed her hands and that the fruit knife ,I hate you she yelled out ,taking a knife to stab hand like a boy .
Killing. People around the scared to shout .Sorry. All this ... It is me ... Wrong. Then ... I one to take ... The girl at the table ,and said ,to stop the flow of blood ,don .
.. Sorry ,I promise ... Certain. To honor ... Fu ... The girl to touch the boy . Don ,why should I when the knife ,fool ,I don ,you must never die boys inconsolable screaming to .
The fruit knife to stab the boy, girl fling caution to the winds pushed the boy ,but he was stabbed .Blood or disobedient to the flow ,the boy put his hand over the wound, but they were of no use ,insist on it, an ambulance is on the way ,you would be all right .
The boy drops down ,but also quiet comfort girl .The girl looked at the boy very distressed ,if ... Under the ... Lifetime ... Must be ... And so on ... Yes, I am. Appear. Call girl .
.. Friend. Good ... What ... The girl with all the strength .Well ,my next life ,I will wait for you .The only boy holding a girl tightened ,so he is so afraid of losing the girl .
The girl laughed ,and when they met the same smile .Ambulances and the girl arrived, the girl has closed its eyes ,so people are silent ,girl is lying in the arms of the boy, white dress was stained in red ,closed eyes ,and the tears flow down ,the mouth is to rise up ,she is like a fairy tale in the sleep did not like people, sleeping ,always fall asleep .
.. ... Finally, the girl friend was caught, the girl because bear bereavement female pain ,left the city .And the boy also changed ,becoming doesn laugh don to talk, sometimes see him standing on a girl place ,stay for that day ,sometimes to see him in a tomb monument ,look at photos ,a smile will cry ,people will not help the tombstone a glimpse of ,and a sixteen seven year old girl ,his face full of smiles, what a nice girl you ,alas ,alas, died so young .
Those who look after to lament .Half a year later ,they found the girl was a new tomb .The original long ago ,because too sad boy also died ,he asked the parents be buried next to the girl ,so he can forever and girls together .

Her latest MV first kiss, enclosing the welfare... + first d

                                                                                  the more wonderful.

After reading you will she do to you

The boy fell in love witha girl ,the girl also likes him very much ,is two people together ,together ,when the boy first kiss to the girl lips, the girls decide this life with him ,and the girl asked: how long will you love me ?the boy grabbed the girl nose gently said :how long do you want it ?the girl thinks innocently said :it all his life, this life you are not like other girls ! laughed and said :well ,well ! also wanted to toot has small mouth :no! I don ,we pull hook ,if you back words I kill you !!! answer :well ,if one day I betrayed you ,you me.
... .so boys and girls together for almost three years ,and they both love each other ,but it is not as good as people would like ,doom has finally come to the happy lovers body, gradually of boys to girls began to escape ,cold.
No longer as she was spoiled ,girls seem to perceive what ,so he began to ask the boy ,but the boy no reason ,finally one day ,the boy came back to a fashionable and sexy Beautiful woman came back, when the girls want to deceive ourselves , I asked :baby, this is your friend ??? said: it is cool !And girlfriend .
didn do any reaction ,just sitting there ,girl dared not lift head look at the boy ,because she was afraid of tears can falling ;she didn the boy to see their cry ,because she still believe that the boy still love her .
Then the boy said coldly :today you here tonight ,tomorrow you move it, today we have the two of two out of two individuals .want to go outside .Wait a minute. the girl finally said, you can go ,I want to talk to him.
the woman nodded and went out. The boy still back to her ,nobody spoke ;why the first girl to break the silence . The boy said :cold desert don ,do not need any reason !then turned away ;don any chance to the girl .
The girl cried ,she told myself not to shed a tear ,but that the tear is not tractable down ... .after a long time, the girl again and saw a boy ,in the hospital , are two different people thin is not like ,female The child is sad ,think he gastritis ,whereas boys how in the hospital there ??girl because I still love him ,worried, so he quietly followed .
.. .. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;if the patient could not find suitable heart transplantation ,the we can no longer sustain his life . said to the woman ,then the girl was shocked ,I stand there ,a woman cry ,the girl cried, the girls once the boy tears &nbsp ;&nbsp ;,but this time a more painful ,more hysterical ,girl I sit at my window tears run down ,suddenly she stood up ,went to the table to pick up the pen on the paper write something ,and then she smiled picking up mobile phone called the boy on the phone, hello answered the phone was a woman , well I want to meet him ???Please give me this chance? is blunt blunt said :all right.
Where ,I tell him .when we met for the first time in the park, thanks. hangs up hurried out. Boy who went to their first meeting in the park ,but after for a long time the girl still does not appear ,the boy waiting ,the last woman The child does not appear, the boy lost away ,the girl looked at the boy backs away ,saying to himself ,not hesitate .
.. .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;a few days later the boy to a heart transplant ,he excitedly said to the woman :if successful ,I will do the first thing to look for her ,telling her the truth.
the woman smiled I wish she will not reject you. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;boy heart really successful transplantation ,he woke up and busy to the girl at the telephone ,but no one answered ,twice, two times ,three .
.. Boy so always play , but has no answer ,the boy said in frustration :she was really angry . say ;no, she may have something ... Then doctors came in and said with a smile ;your life can be good ,yesterday the girl no will named to heart to you.
She seems to have anticipated that he was dying ,also wrote a will .how she died .The boy replied .the accident ,but it is a pity that ,the girl with a crystal doll like, don this happened ,listen the driver said she rammed it @! Then the boy said :I want to go to have a look to save me.
The doctor later Doubt about nodded ,this is the one. You see .She died like is not terrible ,and fell asleep . gently lifted the deceased head cloth ,in the face of the dead the moment ,boys and women stood there, between trance boy distressed .
Like crazy ,he pulled the dead white ,cried out ,no! You up .Don scare me !!!Impossible. I dreaming right? ??You tell me !!!I have not. You wake up baby ! pulled the boy gave him a slap in the face ,said with tears : !you why ,you killed her !She is using her life to love you !.
.. the boy stared at the girl with eyes become very gentle ,he saw the girl the corners of the mouth with a smile ,laugh so easy ,once again the boy crying. Watching the girls there are stains clothes ,looking at her white as snow hand ,suddenly the boy found the girl was holding a paper ,what we can see is the girl writes his letter: dear ,sorry ,please don blame me ?I really love you ,you wait for me in the park ,I go ,just don Appearances ,I I want to put you all firmly in mind ,because I think the next life we can be together in this life ,though you have promise ,but I don ,because I really love you ,even if you do not love me ,but my heart will in your body for a lifetime, this position is anyone not occupy .
Dear ,must be happy .I give my happiness to you, but you next life let me happy ,okay ?Promise me dear ,next life don abandon me I promise we will again ?Perform .Dear ,good bye ,wish you happiness .
.. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;no, baby ,without you !You wake up ?We start from the beginning ,I was wrong ,sorry ,I never don you ,baby !I .. wrong !... you come back crying was a soul sitting beside him in tears ,happy to say :you also love me, you love me.
the soul trying to hold the boy ,but in his body through the ... It began to rain, the boy crying ,crying soul ,God also cry... .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;& Nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp
&nbsp ;I ;it is to be reproduced !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp

Read ordinary world, miss yao!

 relationresultLu Yaorelationresult relationresultYao( December 3, 1949 - November 17, 1992),formerly known as Wang Weiguo ,the Han nationality, Chinese contemporary writers .Born in December 3, 1949 in Shaanxi city of Yulin Qingjian County, a poor peasant family ,at the age of 7 because of familydifficulties were passed to Yanchuan County Rural uncle .
Once in Yanchuan County high school in 1969 ,back to farming .This time he has had a number of temporary work ,and in the rural primary school to teach in a year book .In 1973 to enter the Chinese Department of Yan ,which began literary creation .
After graduation from the University ,served as the Shaanxi literature (now Yan ) edit .1980 be struck with frightScene ,won the first session of national excellent novella .1982 publishednovella life depicts a rural educated youth and tortuous experience ,caused great repercussions ,won the second best novella ,adapted into a film of the same name ,won the eighth session of the popular movie hundred-flowers award best feature film award ,national sensation .
In the difficult days won the 1982literature in the Contemporary Novel Award ,the same year joined the Chinese writers association .1988 complete millionwords long book ordinary world ,this is a panoramic representation of contemporary urban and rural social life novel .
It consists of three volumes .The authors in the recent ten years on the broad background ,through the complex contradictory entanglement ,portrays the social various social strata numerous common people image .
Labor of love, and the pursuit of setbacks ,suffering and joy ,everyday life and great social conflict ,the complex and interwoven ,profoundly ordinary people demonstrated in the great era in the historical process through arduous and tortuous road .
The novel with its magnificent and epic character ,panoramic performance reform era of Chinese urban and rural social life and people emotion in the great change of Luyao ,therefore won the Mao Dun prize for literature .
The book is not complete in the Central People Broadcasting station .Eight twenty in the morning of November 17, 1992 ,Yao for ascites due to cirrhosis treatment ineffective in Xi died ,only 42 years old .
relationresultLu YaorelationresultYaois a rural theme, depicting a rural and city occurs between the people and things .Works with the novella the scene be struck with fright ( 1980,won the first prize of national excellent Novella ) ,life ( the second edition of the national outstanding novelette prize ,and was adapted into a film of the same name ) ,short story sister ,snow plum ,and the novel ordinary world ( 1991,won the third Mao Dun prize for literature) .
All his works were collected in his essays volume five .relationresultNovel.relationresultOrdinary world relationresultLife.relationresultIn the difficult days relationresultI remember the six encounter relationresultAnd yellow leaves ofautumn in the fall , relationresultBe struck with frightScene relationresultshort stories &nbsp ;relationresultThe night is quiet relationresultLife is the most happy day relationresultSummer relationresultSister relationresultSnow wintersweet , relationresultThe pines and little red flower relationresultPasserby relationresultPain.
relationresult essay collection , relationresultMorning since noon. relationresultSelect preface in Lu Yao , relationresultAbout &lt &gt ;life ;dialogue relationresultLand search relationresultWriter labor relationresultLiu Qing relationresultThesilent relationresultAria life , relationresultLife be evergreen tree relationresult&lt &gt ;life ;French Edition order relationresultThis beam thin refractive relationresultFoundation of art criticism , relationresultAboutordinary world relationresultThe realpower of novels do not depend on the plot .
Be struck with fright plot may not be struck with fright fiction written in .Author Max talents should be able to daily fine life interpretation of one mind. Great content .And this kind of intelligence not only to build on the life extremely well foundation, also should be built on the life deep insight and thorough understanding on the basis of .
( Yao ) , relationresultIntroductionrelationresultOrdinary world is his most known and the Ministry of works .The authors in the recent ten years on the broad background ,through the complex contradictory entanglement ,portrays the social various social strata numerous common people image .
Labor of love, and the pursuit of setbacks ,suffering and joy ,everyday life and great social conflict ,the complex and interwoven ,profoundly ordinary people demonstrated in the great era in the historical process through arduous and tortuous road .
The novel, with its magnificent and epic character ,panoramic performance reform era of Chinese urban and rural social life and people emotion in the great change of Luyao ,and therefore won the Mao Dun prize for literature .
relationresultWriting original intention of&nbsp ;&nbsp ;relationresultLoess Plateau,since ancient times is a focal Kuzhi ground .Yao was born ,bred ,on this barren land search efforts ,have gone through hardships .
He has a very profound understanding of rural areas ,and farmers with the blood of the same feelings .Since the late of seventy historical changes, such as flood outbreaks ,such as Chunchao surging ,loess ground is ten thousand steeds gallop.
,army marching .All of this ,deep agitation of Lu yao .He afterwards life ,and then poured all efforts ,as the party suffering and land that is full of a hope ,for this group of life struggle more than people ,for which a glorious era, writing a history of a masterpiece .
He took this as a most sacred mission .He said, write this book I have to bear hardships spirit of sacrifice ,in carrying out this difficult mission ,not on their have no compassion .
To the exclusion of comfort ,cut off the tender .Only in the storm to have bold fly ;only in bleeding fingers can be plucked out of print ( Yao morning since noon ) .relationresultThe writing processrelationresultOn May 25, 1988,in North Shaanxi county Hostel ,Yao with hot compress on the spastic hand ,finished ordinary world last page .
Subsequently, he like to feel a sense of relief that used a few years of pen out of the window . Ordinary world from the beginning of 1982 conception,to 1988,6 years,Lu Yao coal mine under the village ,the flashy ,go at a better time ,rack one ,lying in bed with end of life .
To be ordinary world completed ,the less than 40 years of age had strong man ,an emaciated, dried-up appearance ,looks exactly like an old man .relationresultInfluence of workrelationresultWriter labor is not merely to appeal to contemporary ,more important is to give a deep history .
This is the writer in retrospect ordinary world creation process when you express volumes . Ordinary world volume three 100 more than word,the time span from 1975 to 1985.Panoramic reflection of Chinese urban and rural social life between ten tremendous historic changes ,is a monument in the new period literature .
1991 March,ordinary world won the third Mao Dun prize for literature .After he won the first National Book Awards ,is the only one of the award .Come ten years ,the book and his other writings version of the multiple ,large volume, in Chinese contemporary novels in the lead .
2003-2004 ,7 in mainland ChinaUniversities College Students survey, the book in the biggest influence on you book list .relationresultHispersonal influence , relationresultYaoto depict of the Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi person heavy fate of the novel life and ordinary world in the national cause tremendous echo, who won the Mao Dun prize for literature .
On 1992, at the age of 42 years in Lu Yao break down from constant overwork ,Xi ever put in the hands of pen .The winter of 1991 to the spring of 1992 ,his girlfriend magazine wrote an essay on the creation of morning since noon.
.In November 17, 1992, the Loess Plateau began to snow season, Yao with very nostalgic feeling left the he sings the praises of this world, then 42 years old .relationresultHislove life ,love life ,love my homeland .
He was starting at noon in the morning said :yes ,I have just over 40 years ,from the course of life ,life also can say is high noon time ,it should arouse the passion of youth, once again into the sacred work .
42 years is a writer glorious and resplendent age ,if his immortality to his life ,the profound experience and hard thinking ,with his serious attitude to literary creation and his pen, he will certainly for this extraordinary world wrote a new book .
However ,Luyao is a premature death .His death ,in China literary history has left a not who can easily fill the vacancy .relationresultThe famous writer,Shaanxi division big associate professor Zhu Hong said ,his spiritual heritage of at least one of the following four points: first ,his literary career that sense of the sacred ,to whole life to create their own literature ;second ,he to the common man ,destiny profound lasting attention ;in third ,he portrayed Gao Jialin ,Sun Shaoping and other characters ,to the bottom of society especially in the struggle of the youth ,with everlasting feelings of sympathy and spiritual encouragement ;in fourth ,he did all he could to mining ,to show that every man is a potential plain and precious spirit .
These four points is enough to make a writer immortal . Yao is my esteemed friend and teacher ,famous writers ,Writers Association vice president Gao Jianqun said .A writer has been dead for 17 years ,people still warmly miss him ,still talking about his work ,this in itself is a writer, the highest award .
His works of those characters and their fate ,has far exceeded the category of literature ,he gave all the humble figure with courage and bright ,let them know how far to go .relationresultLu Yaocemetery , relationresultThis is aquiet soul resting place, in sleeping here .
The tomb was built with stone ,simple and sturdy .In front of the tomb of a Chinese Writers Association ,Chinese literature foundation ,Chinese Writers Association Branch Shaanxi ,Yan Aprilhis body white marble sculpture ,sculpture of Luyao ,calm and resolute ,look far ahead ,looking at his alma mater ,looked at in this loess ground .
In front of the statue has a base ,a black marble engraved with Yao tomb these four powerful and large print .Surrounded by four groups of stone tables ,including Yao of Mr. Chen Zeshun .
Your donation, stone table inscribed glorious era in Northern Shaanxi ,pride ;and ordinary world the editor Li Jinyu donated ,stone table is inscribed ordinary world ,splendid life .
In his grave has a tall cliff ,inlaid with a willing ox reliefs and Yao labor ,like the ground and dedication famous .The cemetery is surrounded by trees ,pine trees ,including two in Lu Yao love of Pinus bungeana .
relationresultOverlookingYanan and his alma mater Yan Yamashita Huang river water slowly flows eastward across the river ,the mountains ,into the distance ,extending into the Great Northern Shaanxi boundless .
Yanan is his ordinary world in yellow Yuancheng ,Sun Shaoping is also the first work place ,or less flat reunited with Xiao Xia City ,Lu Yao out of North Shaanxi is starting point ,is also attributed to the end of his soul .
In this article a about this city ,talk about this vast expanse of Loess ground .relationresultAi Qing: whymy eyes are always filled with tears ?Because I love this land .In Lu Yao three anniversary day ,from Beijing ,Yanan ,Yulin, Xi ,from all walks of life, in Lu Yao Cemetery ashes burial ceremony held his .
In the ordinary world go after 42 years of life and soul drifting after his brief ,and he missed the loess ground closely hugs in together ,and he loved the deep native land com .
relationresultChineseWriters Association of former vice secretary of leading Party group of Wang Jucai in his grave wrote long live ,live in a republished version of anthology ,live in millions of readers endless speech .
He remained in the hundreds of thousands of words works ,had a unique life situations ,broad social content ,vivid characters ,the profound humanistic feelings ,touched countless lives ,comfort in the underlying search hit others people ,give them with the inspiration and motivation ,confidence and power .
Yao is self-respect self-improvement ,broad religious . In such a strenuous ,Zhuo Li hundreds of millions of people to create a better future years ,there should be more like Yao ,with sacred and religious feeling ,diligent and honest in the noble spirit of the cultural practitioners of labor .
As such ,it can contribute to the prosperity of literature development ,can be competent to play with the socialist core value and cohesion of the people, leading fashion ,for building the common spiritual home for the Chinese nation dedicated to the glorious mission .
You .Yao is a great book ,mirror ,is people benchmark .relationresultHisbook of quotations , relationresultLife in the real warrior is always unknown to the public more than the noise is always a group .
relationresultOnly do not lose the feeling of ordinary workers can we grasp the historical process of the mainstream society in order to create something of value .relationresultAn experienced love trauma youth ,if not collapse because of this trauma ,it may be more stronger to stand up in life .
relationresultIn fact ,happiness and material life does not have inevitable connection .Happiness is a pure spirit .Nineteenth Century literature written so many upper-class fight both with open and secret means ,love lives, on the surface may have a variety of reasons ,but in the final analysis the problem in mental atrophy .
relationresultIf you can put love conceptualized as a poem ,first it should is a lyrical, people at this stage can be entranced ,no heaven and earth .But ,before long ,it will enter the narrative ,by the material strength of the interference ,poetry will be less and less ,it will eventually die of that spirit atrophy .
All love never dies of form ,did not die of material forces the inevitable infiltrate ,but died of content ,from mental atrophy .The spirit of things can only be destroyed by poor spiritual things ,what can not destroy the true love .

Potato practices

&nbsp ;relationresultThemashed potato raw material :potatoes ,eggs ,salt ,monosodium glutamate ,sesame oil ,green onion .Cao: 1, the potatoes peeled and sliced steamed and pressed into the mud, salted egg yolk steamed and pressed into the mud for.
In 2 ,the pot put oil to burn to 5 into the oil,fry the salty egg yolk, after adding mashed potatoes . Stir ,add salt ,MSG ,sesame oil to fry evenly, Qiguo when drops of sesame oil ,sprinkle with chopped green onion can be .
Braised beef with potatoes ,meat raw material :150 gramsof corbel ,potato of 100 grams ,15 grams of soy sauce,salt ,scallion ,ginger and the right amount .* Special :Meat Sulan ,sweet potato ,children like to eat .
Potato and regulating stomach ,replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen and other effects ,combined with beef ,richer nutrition ,comprehensive ,can promote children healthy growth .Cao: (1) beef washed, cut into small cubes; potato abluent, cut peeled, cut hob piece.
( 2)set the fire pot ,down into the soy sauce fried beef ,add onions ,ginger ,soy sauce ,and adding water soaked ,meat loaf ,covered with lid ,simmer for meat to rot quickly ,add salt ,stew stew potato into again ,until the meat ,potato crisp sodden and smell that into .
Tips :meat ,potatoes ,fresh crisp sodden .Not too bad potato stew ,should block ;in the stew when appropriate to add some water ,to avoid paste at the end .Xinjiang chicken ,fresh raw materials :half a chicken ,potatoes ,mushrooms ,3green pepperred pepper 1,the onion ginger garlic ,pepper ,hot pepper on a ( it differs from man to man.
) .Cao: (1), the pot to oil, the pepper deep-fried. ( 2),into the chicken ,onion ginger garlic ,hot pepper .Stir fry for a few minutes ,pour the sauce and water ,add sugar ,salt ,cooking wine ,mushroom ,stew fifteen minutes ( 3),add the potatoes ,small fire to simmer until the potatoes are cooked to date .
( 4),add green pepper red pepper ,starting with the role of color pepper ,spicy mainly depends on the ( 5),stir it can pan installed dish fried potato cake ,raw material :potatoes ,pork ,salt ,monosodium glutamate .
Cao: 1, potato two steam peeling machine, a paste. In 2 ,fry minced pork ,salt ,monosodium glutamate in the mix mashed potatoes ,made a pie .3 ,pan, low heat fried .In 4 ,fry a brown ,turning ,to the other side of fried .
In 5 ,fry until both sides are golden brown ,pot, plate .French fries potatoes raw material :2/ salt,pepper and tomato sauce .Cao: 1 Preparation of raw materials _ will be peeled potatoes, peeled, cut into 1 cm wide bars.
Soaked in water for about a quarter of an hour of time ,and then drain the water ,preferably with absorbent paper carefully blot moisture .The 2 panfried _ add oil into the pan heating ,and then the chips into the pot, fry until golden empress pot .
3 _fried dish after the oil drain ,while spreading hot salt and pepper .Tips : the best of don with the supermarket sell ready-made frozen French fries, because only potatoes cut out fresh fries will be delicious .
Can be based on individual preferences with ketchup .Hot and sour potato silk ,raw material :1 potatoes,pepper ,pepper ,garlic .Cao: 1, to peel potatoes Qiesi, the more detailed the better, knife work ah ~ ~ put pepper Qiesi, garlic chopped.
In 2 ,potato silk cut, too cold to starch ,so fried dishes out crisp .3 ,prepare salt and vinegar ,white vinegar can be looked at color clean dishes .In 4 ,fire ,sat wok ,add oil .
5 ,hot pepper oil ,put on it, to explode the fragrance ,pepper must not remove ,hot oil ,chili and garlic in the burst .6 ,add the potatoes, moving pan stir fry a few .In 7 ,inverted white vinegar ,salt ,quick action, then stir fry a few times ,the salt taste more uniform .
8 ,cooked food ,plastic plate ,a plate of sour and spicy crispy potato silk can be on the table .Cold boiled spicy potato silk ,raw material :potatoes ,garlic ,pepper .Cao: 1, the first cut potato silk.
2 ,boiling water will be shredded potato float water ,must not be too long ,too long ,not crisp potato silk .In 3 ,will be a good hot potato silk picked up, put in the pots ,sprinkle with garlic ,pepper ( prior fried chili oil can also be ) ,but no frying fragrant .
In 4 ,the kettle point oil had better to add pepper ( pepper oil is also OK ) burning smoke to potato silk one pour, and then covered with lid, bored while) .In 5 ,salt ,monosodium glutamate ,sugar ( personally think that sweet taste ) ,white vinegar ,parsley ,pour a little sesame oil ( are optional ) .
The 6 sideedge ,with taste ,less what spices and seasoning and condiment ,what ,you will taste .Spicy spareribs stew ,raw material :pork ,potatoes .Soy sauce ( color) ,soy sauce ( taste ) ,sugar ,ginger ,::moderate amount of wine :15ML.
Like spicy ,will use the old godmother Sukiyaki ,I put a spoon ,with bean sauce is also ok .Or simply not spicy ,flavor is ribs sauce flavor .Cao: 1, ribs, moderate, hacked short. 2 ,potatoes and pork cut small ,about the size of .
3 ,hot pot pot lit ,cold oil ,oil heat ,add ginger ,stir-fry .In 4 ,fry pork ribs ,fried dried moisture and water .5 ,add soy sauce, soy sauce ,sugar and wine ,stir fry a few times ,plus a little water .
6 ,add potatoes ,can cover a stew for a while .7 ,add the sauce ,mix well ,add a little water ,and then stew !Other potatoes rotted ,is about 20 to 25 minutes tolook it .Potatoes don have oil ,taste readily .
Braised small potato ingredient: a small potato ingredients :soy sauce ,sauce ,sugar ,salt ,onion ,ginger ,monosodium glutamate production :1,small potato abluent flay ,cut .In 2 ,green onions ,ginger slice .
3 ,from the pan, saute onions ginger ,add bean paste until fragrant, add the potato ,soy sauce ,sugar ,salt, stir fry 2 minutes ,add appropriate amount of water to boil ,affixed to the small fire stew thick soup ,adding MSG autoleveller to .
Xiangshan roast potatoes ingredients: medium potatoes 1 kilograms(also can be 2 kg,3 kg... .. As long as the pot is large ) accessories :Onion ( with vinegar ,sugar, salt ,commonly known as buckwheat head ,no words can be used to replace the taste of garlic ,far worse ) and spices : Mushroom juice oil (optional ,are optional ) ,salt ,monosodium glutamate :potatoes ,even skin plus accessories ,seasoning water on the pressure in the pot ,to be cooked after cooling ,open the lid and continue to cook until skin wrinkling .
Note: to make salt ,otherwise the skin is difficult to crumple .The golden potato silk ingredients: potato silk 400 g excipients: pepper ,iodized salt ,pepper ,vinegar ,garlic ,ginger ,sesame oil practices: 1 ,potatoes and cut into filaments ,water wash ,remove the potatoes wire bare starch .
In 2 ,a pot filled with 300 grams ofedible oil ,till the 5 mature ,add the potatoes, fried until golden brown, remove and set aside .In 3 ,the pot put right amount edible oil ,till the 7 mature ,add pepper ,chopped ginger ,garlic and chilli silk ,stir fry ,into the fried potatoes wire ,joined the amount of salt ,vinegar ,then pan installed dish ,topped with sesame oil .
Note: potatoes wire must be chopped potatoes potatoes wire drawing material :Ingredients :edible oil ,sugar practices: 1 ,peel potatoes ,cut into pieces ,into the pan fried to the outside into a golden yellow hardback ,a pot stand .
2 ,pan put a little oil ,heating ,add sugar ,stirring constantly ,until the sugar syrup into boiled ,fried potatoes, stir fry ,until the potatoes are all touched the syrup ,immediately out of the pot .
This tastes crispy outside and soft ,sweet and delicious ,but need to take the hot to eat, otherwise it will harden .Salt & Pepper small potato ingredient: a small potato ingredients :edible oil ,salt ,sugar ,chives ,salt & Pepper practices: 1 ,small potatoes washed, boiled with water ,after air is cool with a small potato compressed, set aside .
2 ,pan put a little oil, heating ,flattening of small potatoes into the pot ,add a little salt ,sugar and chopped green onion fry pan can .In 3 ,according to personal taste with a little salt and pepper .
Russian potato salad ingredients: potatoes ,purple onion ingredients :Shu ,mayonnaise ,salt ,pepper practices: 1 )potatoes cooked whole ,peel and cut into small cooling standby 2)onion cut into small pieces ,super pan, add chopped onion ,purple Bacon ,Ding Shu ( a spice ,home to do it also never mind ) fry cooling standby 3)in 1),2)in a mixture with salad sauce ,salt ,pepper, mix well and serve the old milk potato explain: the old milk ,the old lady is also; potato potatoes potatoes ,namely main :Ingredients : onion, spicy pepper ( Yunnan Kunming the single mountain dip fish seasoning better) ,salt ,mushroom extract ,onions practices: 1 ,regardless of the size of potatoes are in the pot (based on personal preferences ,I like almost into the mud ,can bring to the poor, with the chopsticks can penetrates through the whole potatoes as well ) 2,small potatoes boiled pulled into the cold water or cool peel ( if you are not afraid of hot words can also be directly peeled potatoes with a knife ) ,the decomposition into reserve 3 ,from the pan will oil till the six into the hot pepper or dip the fish seasoning into ,slightly fragrant that add potatoes, Ding Fan Fry ( don pepper fried paste ,and the efficiency level and temperature as important, stir fry will pepper evenly wrapped in potatoes on) ,add salt ,green onion ,pro pot with mushroom essence and mix .
Features: tender and smooth ,that is the entrance, is the Yunnan local common home dishes ,because it can be a toothless old lady safe to eat ,so named for the old milk potato (the old lady potatoes ) potatoes pumpkin soup ingredients: potatoes ,pumpkin :apricot ,red dates ,wolfberry fruit ingredients ,salt ,refined approach: Mushroom in 1 ,the potato and pumpkin cut into small pieces ,apricot ,red dates cut pellets ,medlar soaked 2 ,pan with a little oil ,cut potatoes and pumpkin into the stir fry a few times ,add water ,add salt and mushrooms fine little 3 ,put 2 into thepressure cooker ,add the chopped apricot ,red dates and bubble medlar ,for 5~8minutes(also in the stew stew slowly ,until potatoes and pumpkin soup can be cooked ) this acid fresh delicious, is the MM maintenance beauty soup ,potato curry ingredients: potatoes ,onions three to four a ,Hu Luo Bu Yigen seasoning :sugar ,salt ,oil ,curry powder or block some practices: 1 ,potato dicing wash starch ,carrot ,onion ,diced chicken ,2wash potput the oil, after heating, add chopped potatoes ,carrots ,onion ,add water ,fire boil ten minutes After clean wok ( water to add ,fire cooking comparative costs of water, easy to dry pot ) ,see onion melt ,add curry ( curry to advance with cool off ) ,add salt ,sugar ,turn a small fire boils five minutes can tomato potato strips ingredients: potato ingredients :ketchup ,salt ,soy sauce ,citric acid ( acid may also ) ,sugar practices: 1 ,potato abluent cut ( the so-called ,is because the cooking process is relatively long ,filaments are easy to rot ) ,potatoes with winter potato is appropriate, because the face ,wash 2tostarch ,oil drain pan ,chips fried pot first light look, the oil (i.
e., fried potatoes ) ,to 3 maturewith ketchup ,salt ,soy sauce, one to two drops ,until the potatoes are cooked with a bit of citric acid ( vinegar is also OK ) 3,in 2, adding water ,to just chips 1/2prevail,cover the lid stew, about 5 minutes the clock after opening the cover to the fire close soup ,and soup as well ( viscous ) ,pan .
Characteristics: the color red ,taste soft ,super rice .Note: remember to put some sugar ,but not too much ,supplemented by the sweet and sour taste ,salty ,it is northeast dish, but the taste is too single ,so adjust .
Potato cake raw meat :potatoes 3 -4meat50 grams of oilpepper salt sugar chicken cooking wine first put the potatoes are cooked peeled mashed potatoes, then put the meat inside ,plus spices ( pepper chicken cooking wine salt sugar ) mix from the pan with a small spoon meat mash scoop into small cakes or pellet type ,into the pan fried until golden brown .