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Parents do not agree with, usually for three reasons: (1) too far, if she married so far to be wronged, home is not convenient.In fact, you think, to traffic now where are you convenient?Further away, is abroad , it is two or three days' journey.<br>If the wronged you marry, go away, not necessarily will be wronged, and you marry near, but not necessarily popular, some married village, not every two or three days fighting, will not be wronged, do not necessarily married near know filial piety!Go near!In the past the parents have difficulty, you don't care what!In the distance we have to also can do!The key is to see this man?So, the man you must choose the right.<br>(2) is poor, I think money is not necessarily happy, but no money is not necessarily unhappy, taking health as the center, a little cool, a bit silly money, forget, forget fame, is accompanied by a nest, a little money with friends, simple love, true love, a warm , a lot of peace, happiness is just so so, again, the key is not his family has no money , but he has no money of ability and desire, home to the money, if he doesn't help, sooner or later is corrupt, if he is able to have the desire to make money it, that is in poor will is temporary, this point should parents be far-sighted, instead of just looking at the eyes, at least not the one club to kill a man, so the rich and the poor is not the house, but look at the people, therefore, the man you must choose the right.<br>(3) is a bad reputation or have questions, about fame if is a bad reputation, caused by parents, that I think should not take fault incrimination and children, it was unfair, because he is not wrong, who can say that the murderer's son would be bad?It must be the murderer?If he doesn't have a very good reputation, that should see him now is it right? It, after all, who are doing the wrong thing, not because a thing down family life, country and date that is not a sentence, so if they know, rehabilitated, should give people a break break.<br>If he does not like, drinking, do things stealthily words, I agree with the views of parents, such a man cannot marry, the man must be selected.In fact, parents' anger is temporary, they will forgive you, but my boyfriend is not lost, you may find a better, but you'll never find a as like as two peas, if you just to filial piety to parents, and lose your boyfriend, I think it is very cruel, but also very unfair.<br>Of course, you can say she is filial piety, but I think it is Yu Xiao, is a great sorrow!I remember one university, a professor made an experiment, let a girl on the blackboard , their most important people in accordance with the order, including parents and siblings , friends, colleagues and neighbors.<br>Let then to what it considers the most important people at a delete, end, only child, parents, husband of this place she feels embarrassed, until finally she is crying out parents name, followed by the name of the child, so the professor asked her: my parents gave you life, and raises you adult, back to you selfless love, while the child was your own child, is your body from the meat, but her husband nothing, both and you have no blood relationship, no great kindness, why did you just leave him?Then the girl said: parents will go away from her, just a few years ago in late few years, children grow up, have their own family, will leave their true, and with his old with me for a lifetime, only the husband.<br>Thus, the man you must choose the right.And they said, marriage is the second woman to birth, the first time you have no choice, but the second time you have, but how to choose, then take a look at yourself, <br>
Parents do not agree with, usually for three reasons: (1) too far, if she married so far to be wronged, home is not convenient.In fact, you think, to traffic now where are you convenient?Further away, is abroad , it is two or three days' journey.<br>If the wronged you marry, go away, not necessarily will be wronged, and you marry near, but not necessarily popular, some married village, not every two or three days fighting, will not be wronged, do not necessarily married near know filial piety!Go near!In the past the parents have difficulty, you don't care what!In the distance we have to also can do!The key is to see this man?So, the man you must choose the right.<br>(2) is poor, I think money is not necessarily happy, but no money is not necessarily unhappy, taking health as the center, a little cool, a bit silly money, forget, forget fame, is accompanied by a nest, a little money with friends, simple love, true love, a warm , a lot of peace, happiness is just so so, again, the key is not his family has no money , but he has no money of ability and desire, home to the money, if he doesn't help, sooner or later is corrupt, if he is able to have the desire to make money it, that is in poor will is temporary, this point should parents be far-sighted, instead of just looking at the eyes, at least not the one club to kill a man, so the rich and the poor is not the house, but look at the people, therefore, the man you must choose the right.<br>(3) is a bad reputation or have questions, about fame if is a bad reputation, caused by parents, that I think should not take fault incrimination and children, it was unfair, because he is not wrong, who can say that the murderer's son would be bad?It must be the murderer?If he doesn't have a very good reputation, that should see him now is it right? It, after all, who are doing the wrong thing, not because a thing down family life, country and date that is not a sentence, so if they know, rehabilitated, should give people a break break.<br>If he does not like, drinking, do things stealthily words, I agree with the views of parents, such a man cannot marry, the man must be selected.In fact, parents' anger is temporary, they will forgive you, but my boyfriend is not lost, you may find a better, but you'll never find a as like as two peas, if you just to filial piety to parents, and lose your boyfriend, I think it is very cruel, but also very unfair.<br>Of course, you can say she is filial piety, but I think it is Yu Xiao, is a great sorrow!I remember one university, a professor made an experiment, let a girl on the blackboard , their most important people in accordance with the order, including parents and siblings , friends, colleagues and neighbors.<br>Let then to what it considers the most important people at a delete, end, only child, parents, husband of this place she feels embarrassed, until finally she is crying out parents name, followed by the name of the child, so the professor asked her: my parents gave you life, and raises you adult, back to you selfless love, while the child was your own child, is your body from the meat, but her husband nothing, both and you have no blood relationship, no great kindness, why did you just leave him?Then the girl said: parents will go away from her, just a few years ago in late few years, children grow up, have their own family, will leave their true, and with his old with me for a lifetime, only the husband.<br>Thus, the man you must choose the right.And they said, marriage is the second woman to birth, the first time you have no choice, but the second time you have, but how to choose, then take a look at yourself, <br>
== Recite these basic can pure keyboard ==
Ctrl+Ssave Ctrl+W  closing procedures  Ctrl+N new  Ctrl+O  open Ctrl+Z  cancel Ctrl+F  find Ctrl+X  Ctrl+C  Ctrl+V  Ctrl+A  copy  paste  shearing  select    reduce the size of the text    enlarge text  Ctrl+B Bold  Italic  underline  Ctrl+I  Ctrl+U  Ctrl+Shift input method  switching  in  Ctrl+  spaces  Ctrl+  QQ  English  switching  enter  send a message to  Ctrl+Home  cursor  quickly move to the  file header  Ctrl+End  cursor  moved quickly  to the end of the file  Ctrl+Esc  display  start menu  Ctrl+Shift+&lt  ;shrinking fast  text  Ctrl+Shift+&gt  ;rapid  amplification  in IE  text  Ctrl+F5  torefresh the Ctrl+  drag a  file copy file  Ctrl+Backspace to start  and  close the input method  to drag the file  while holding down the  Ctrl+Shift  create shortcut  Alt+  spaces  +C  close window Alt+  spaces  +N  minimize active window  Alt+  spaces  +R recovery  minimized window  Alt+  spaces  +X to maximize  the current window  Alt+  +M  Alt+  space  +S  space  moving window to  change the size of window  Alt+Tab  two programs to exchange  Alt+255  QQ number in theinput no  celebrity Alt+F  Alt+V  open the  file menu  view menu  Alt+E  open the edit menu  to open Alt+I  Insert menu  to open Alt+O  Format  menu  Alt+T  open the tools menu  Alt+A  form open  open the window menu  menu  Alt+W  Alt+  Alt+H  open the help menu  enter  view file properties  Alt+  double-click the file to  view the  file attributes Alt+X  closed  C language  Shift shortcut to  Shift+  space  semi    full-width  switching Shift  +  Delete  permanently delete the selected item  ,and do not  put it  in the  recycling  .<br>Drag  a  CTRL  copy  options  .Drag  a  press CTRL +  SHIFT to create  the selected items to the  shortcut keys  .WORD a full set of  shortcuts  tips  CTRL+O  open CTRL+P  print CTRL+A  select    for  text  size  (  in  selected  cases  )  CTRL+D  font settings  (  in  selected  cases  )  CTRL+G/H  search / replace  ;full text  delete  CTRL+N  ;CTRL+M  left margin  (  in  selected  cases  )  ;CTRL+U drawing  underline  (  in the selected  target  cases  )  ;CTRL+B  bold words  (  in  selected  cases  )  ;CTRL+I  tilted text  (  in  selected  cases  )  ;CTRL+Q two  edge alignment  (no  indent  (  )  ,in  selected  cases  )  or  placing the cursor  target  text  segment  tail  ,can  operate CTRL+J  ends are aligned  (  operation ibid.<br>  )  CTRL+E  Center  (  operation ibid.  )  CTRL+R  align right  (  operation ibid.  )  CTRL+K  insert hyperlink  indent  (  CTRL+T/Y  can  move the cursor to the  end of the segment  to perform this  operation  ,or  will  the  selected  operation  Ctrl+A  (  or Ctrl+  small keyboard  figure 5  ):selected  text  .<br>Ctrl+B: give  the selected  text bold  (  press again  ,remove the bold  )  .Ctrl+C  :will  the selected text  to the clipboard  .Ctrl+D  :open the  font  dialog box  ,rapid completion of  a variety of font  settings  .<br>Ctrl+E  :make  the cursor  line  center text  .Ctrl+F  :open the  search and replace  dialog box  ,and  is positioned in the  search    .Ctrl+G  :open the  search and replace  dialog box  ,and  is positioned in the  positioning  label  .<br>Ctrl+H  :open the  search and replace  dialog box  ,and  is positioned in the  replacement    .Ctrl+I  :the  selected  text tilt  (  press again  ,the removal of the tilt  )  .Ctrl+K  :open the  insert Hyperlink  dialog box  .<br>Ctrl+Shift+L: give  the cursor  line text  plus  project  sign  .Ctrl+M  : also increases  and  a hanging indent  first line  .Ctrl+Shift+M  :while reducing the  top row and  a hanging indent  .Ctrl+N  :create a new  empty document  .<br>Ctrl+O  (  or Ctrl+F12  ):open the  dialog box  .Ctrl+P  (  or Ctrl+Shift+F12  ):open the  print  dialog box  .Ctrl+R  :make  the cursor  line text  align right  .Ctrl+S:  a new document  to open the  save  as  dialog box  ,or  on the current document  preservation  .<br>Ctrl+T  :increase  indent  .Ctrl+Shift+T  :decrease  indent  .Ctrl+U: given the  word  underlined  (  press again  ,last year  .)  .Ctrl+V  :the  text on the clipboard  or  paste the picture into the  cursor  .<br>If  the clipboard  contains a number of  content  ,the  last one  posting  to cursor  .Ctrl+X  :will  the selected text  to the clipboard  .Ctrl+Z  :cancel  the  operation  just now  (  can be used multiple times  )  .<br>Ctrl+0  :will  the selected text  of each  section of the former  added 12 pounds to the  spacing  .Ctrl+1  :if  the selected text  spacing  is not  single spacing  ,it will  quickly set to  single spacing  .<br>Ctrl+2  :will  the selected text  spacing  is set to  two line spacing  .Ctrl+5  :will  the selected text  spacing  is set to  1.5 line spacing.Ctrl+F2  : rapid executionprint preview  function  .Ctrl+F4  :close the current document  .<br>Ctrl+F5  :causes the window to  restore to maximized  state prior to  .Ctrl+Shift+F5  :open the  Bookmarks  dialog box  .Ctrl+Shift+F8  :activation of the column selection  function  ,namely  selection of  vertical block  text  (  press again  or press the ESC key  ,to cancel the function  )  .<br>Ctrl+F9  :at the cursor  into a  domain  mark  {}  (  Note:  direct input  to a pair of braces  cannot serve as  domain  mark  )  .Ctrl+F5  :causes the window to  restore to maximized  state prior to  (  press again  ,will make the  window again  maximization)  .<br>Ctrl+Deltet  :delete cursor  behind one  English  word or  a  Chinese  word  (  can be used repeatedly)  .Ctrl+  backspace  :delete cursor  in front of an  English  word or  a  Chinese  word  (  can be used repeatedly)  .<br>Ctrl+Enter  :moves the cursor  back content  quickly and  move to the next page  .Ctrl+End  :rapid  move the cursor to  the end  .Ctrl+Home  (  or Ctrl+Page  Up  )  :quick  to move the cursor to  the text of the first  .<br>Ctrl+Insert+Insert  (i.e.,  by two,  the Insert key  )  :quick turn  or change  to  the clipboard  task pane  .  .Ctrl+~  :open the  Chinese  law  online  word  function  .Ctrl++  :a rapid switch to  subscript  input state  (  again to  return to a normal state  )  .<br>Ctrl+Shift++  :a rapid switch to  superscript  input state  (  again to  return to a normal state  )  .Ctrl+  : according to the  English  words or  Chinese  word  interval  backward  moving the cursor  .<br>Ctrl+ ←  :according to  English  words or  Chinese  word  spacing  move  cursor  .Ctrl+J  :Ctrl+L  :the text  ends aligned  text align left  Ctrl+Q  :paragraph  reset Ctrl+W  :close the current document  Ctrl+Y  :repeat  last operation  (  operation  not applicable  -  winkey+d  :This is the  master  of the most common first  shortcut key combinations  .<br>This shortcut key  combinations can  be  all the windows on the desktop  instant  minimization  ,whether  the chat window  or game  window: &amp  ;hellip  ;&amp  ;hellip  ;if I  press this  key combination  ,just  all windows  are coming back  ,and that activation of the  is your  minimum  before  using the window  !This is the winkey  winkey+f  - a  look at the big picture  :no need to  move the mouse  point  start →  search,file and folder  ,in any  state,  just press  winkey+f  will pop up  window search  .<br>Winkey+r  :in our article,  you will often  see  such  operation tips  :click    start  running  ,  open    dialog  run    &amp  ;hellip  ;&amp  ;hellip  ;.In fact  ,there is a more  simple approach  ,just  press winkey +  r  !Alt  tab: if the  open window  is too much,  the  key combination  is very useful  ,it can be  displayed in a window  current open  all  the window name  and icon  ,select their own  hope  to open the  window  ,release the  key can  reverse display  currently open windows  .<br>Winkey+e: when  you need to  open the Explorer  find  file,  this shortcut  will make you feel  very  cool  !Never have  a  hand  to touch  the mouse  !Tip:  winkey is the  keyboard  with windows  logo  key  .<br>Winkey mainly  appears in the  104and 107 keysin the keyboard  .104 keyboard  is also called Win95  keyboard,the  keyboard  in the original 101  left and right sides of thekeyboard  ,Ctrl  and ALT keys  added two  windwos  keys and an  associated attribute  key  .<br>107 keyboard  is also known as the Win98  keyboard,more than  104keymuch  sleep  ,wake  ,boot  and other  power management  keys  ,the 3  bondpad located  right  above the  most  .Add  ...  .F1 shows the current  program or windows  help content  .<br>F2 when you  select a  file,  which means  Rename  F3 when you  on the table  when it is  open  search  :all the  file  F10  or ALT activatedcurrent program  menu bar  windows  key or CTRL+ESC  open the  start menu  CTRL+ALT+DELETE  opened in Win9x  close program dialog box  DELETE to delete the  selected  choice  the project  ,if the  file  ,will be  placed in the recycle bin  SHIFT+DELETE to delete the  selected  choice project  ,if it is a  file  ,will be  directly  removed  instead of  into the recycle bin of  the CTRL+N  create a new  CTRL+O file  open  dialog box  to open the  open file  CTRL+P  print  dialog box  to save the current  operation  CTRL+S  file CTRL+X  shear  selected  project  CTRL+INSERT  or CTRL+C  to the clipboard  copy  selected items  to the clipboard  in SHIFT+INSERT or  CTRL+V  paste the  clipboard contents  at the current location  of ALT+BACKSPACE or  CTRL+Z to withdraw  a  step of the operation  ,the ows key  +D:  minimization  or restore windows  windows Windows  key +U:  opened the  auxiliary  tool manager  Windows key  +CTRL+M to  will restore  an  operation  window  the size and location of  the Windows key  to open +E  Explorer  Windows  +F  search  :open  all  file  Windows key  +R to open the    Windows  +BREAK  button  to open the  dialog  system properties  dialog box  to open  Windows key  +CTRL+F  search  :computer  dialog SHIFT+F10  or the mouseright click to open the  current  activities of the project is  the shortcut menu  in  CD  SHIFT  when the  press  is not put,  can skip the  autoplay  CD  .<br>In the  open wo  rd  when pressed  down  ,you can skip  from the start of  the macros &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;ALT+F4  close the current applicationof ALT+SPACEBAR  open program  the  upper left corner of the  <br>

Revision as of 09:36, 30 June 2012

Reprint quick laugh...

Quick laugh ...Trembling with fear of dada son returned home : ,today the exam had 60 points .My father was angry : in low, don call me dad !The very next day the boy came back :sorry ,brother !night ,daughter eager to call :Mom mom !He hasn ,there must be another woman !Mother softly comforted : ,lovely, not just to think the worst ,maybe out of the car accident !Arabia students to his father sent an e-mail :Dad ,Berlin is a good place .
The people here are very friendly .But I went to school a little feel shy .Others take the subway to school ,then I open a gold benz .Father replies :son ,give you $200000000 over the past.
Don shame ,hurry to buy a subway !A boy on the girlfriend said :I want to break up ,I feel tired ,no feeling .The girlfriend said to him a let him suddenly speechless . Hundreds of millions of Chinese people to the country foot long bored .
Had no feeling, why the country foot has not disbanded ?1300000000 of the troublecan not dissolve a 11personteam ,now you say a person tired ,to disband the team with two people ?!When eating ,one female colleague heavy-hearted said: I may be red .
We are very curious, and ask ? I just found a U disc lost ,8 G...When the school ,the whole class self introduction .A boy walks on stage :my name is Wang Peng ,from Beijing ,I loved playing chess !He was down ,the next is a female ,the female modesty to the podium ,introduces himself :I be very upset .
.. ... My name is Xia Qi ... ... ..A drunken sleep and miss leadership .Mobile phone rang ,Miss said: sorry ,you call the user has been drunk ,please call again tomorrow !The leadership at the wife : you drank much wine ?China Mobile knows .
..A millionaire told ill only half the time ,sad to find a killer ,let himself in the most happy time to kill him .A few days later ,the millionaire was misdiagnosed notice, is happily, the killer was killed .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;sea two crew Fu finally returned home .But back home, he found a baby !Fu excited asked his wife who did it? Is it right? The next idea ? Not .And his wife said is it right? My friend dumber ? Not .
It must be Xiao Wang ,I damn fair-weather friends ! !She replied I would not have a friend ?Taobao buy clothes , put ,I want to cry he has for his dad was a great engineer proud .One day, he met her .
And then she talked .Xiaoming for Xiaohua said: do you know Himalaya Range ?She says :know ah .He said : built .I was speechless .She is .He thought for a moment .Say :do you know the dead sea ?That is my father .
A QQ is done, it romantic writing: you five wool Wowu hair ,so we can together !The envy of other girls ,said: you six wool Woliu hair we two can block 2 ...Another girl to you seven I seven hair :hair ,we two can be a piece of dead .
.. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;his wife :husband ,I just heard reports of high speed road there is a car in retrograde ,you have to be careful !Husband :,a car ?I see one hundred cars are more than !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;university graduates three years, several students in a class group chat ,chat is full of technology ,such as Java ,xml .
Another classmate home opened early ,do managers ,edgeways ,heart very uncomfortable ,after a long time of a plug : the company is due to business expansion ,recruitment driver, requirements: 4 yearsexperience in the development of java !Suddenly the group quiet .
..When I was young, the teacher told me: the person a diligent guy and a little lazy guy when you shilly-shally when they fight .Primary school when diligent guy often lazy guy playing the petals drop and waters flow.
When junior high school ,but by the deuce ,to high school is a lazy guy always win .But to the university I suddenly found that they did not fight ,fuck hard villain was killed ....
One day Xiaoming with tomato and strawberry watermelon in Shangjie ,at an intersection of tomato has been run ,Xiaoming says :ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !Tomato sauce !And to a junction ,watermelon bumped ,Xiaoming says :ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !Watermelon juice.
At the third crossing, Xiaoming get killed ,strawberry said :ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !Scumbag !Ten years later ,we inadvertently met again, she asked me in a small voice :these years so good ?She nice to you .
I am very sad ,said :I ,waiting for you .Her eyes became moist red ,said :you 7 at nightto the hotel to look for me .July 7th night ,like hook ,I hold flowers ,half an hour earlier came to the hotel ,she greets me in ,greeted me to sit down ,and asked :have you heard of Amway ?.
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;do you love me ? You guess . Love ! You guess again .Picking up a mobile phone today ,want to return it to the owner ,then when he found a mobile phone number to make the past ( is the owner ,connected to each other after the said: brother ,what I said :you are the mobile phone owner ?I found your brother mobile phone !She said: Oh ,you wait .
Then hang up on me .After about a minute .The phone rang ,I joined ,will listen to each other is a woman said :brother ,your phone to find !This year Hunan province college entrance examination Chinese composition inscribes is early ,came out from the examination place we talk about ,when one of them exclaimed: early? Not dry ?The collapse of a university .
... a boys jump off building ,who died after a successful ,finishing relics ,mobile phone short message receiving the final a :husband ,teaching building there is people jump off building ,and quickly see .
The taxi radio said hello !Today is a participant ,please Christine Fan ,van Weiqi !The driver said ... MD ,now I stammer can when the station DJ !Morning in Guangzhou University city has a student to jump off building died .
The reporter just after an interview back ,because find job carnival ,wine drunk fell downstairs and died .A reporter asked the signing is where ,said that Shenzhen Foxconn !Special thirsty ,to a store to buy a bottle of iced tea .
Drank half found is a copycat ,has drunk ,also did not say what .A look at the cap ,and a bottle of .Immediately to the boss said the lottery ,give a bottle .The boss is very calm ,you can have a look carefully .
I see, exercises ,and buy a bottle !Window is not beautiful, is within the comments ...In a ~ ~ ~ ~ ,waiter, my two cups of cola ,to ice ...Few holidays come to my home ...Generous sister that you should do is really the top stylist ,make as like as two peas drop hair ,worship .

Often chat person must look at oh!Maybe......

1 when you receive a "what are you doing?"    actually wanted to say "I love you" 2 when you receive the "ha ha", is not smile or giggle 3 but if "ha ha"     "hey hey" or "quack" , when you hit the past is laughing 4 that you "fool" "idiot"     is actually cared about you, worried about you , hope you take good care of yourself 5 if the question is over, actually want to chat more with you 6 "Oh" is mostly perfunctory 7 but if it is "know" "received" "yes" said more about 8 sometimes advise you busy oneself, but he say yes and mean no 9 to his foolish or ashamed to tell you what is lost, I hope you to comfort him, talk to him, even call him 10 take the initiative to you, you can have in his mind the components, most people do not like and do not mind people wordy 11 if your nickname, hope that you can remember him more than 12 "I" "I have at home.
" described in the first thought is of you 13 "you go home let me know."     "you come home yet?"Mean I want you have peace, I forbid you to have 14 and sometimes not so clever to you on the wrong, may be sent to you he wants is not something made, although such a silly 15 received "forwarding 2 people be happy oh", is that he feels that this message is very interesting, but don't have the heart to leave you forwarded to 10 people, just put 10 to 216 any kind of "do not forward it will unfortunately" nature of the curse, he is not received, but will not be forwarded to you 17 A: did you receive TA messages , but do not represent the TA draft box No 18 if possible, he night no shutdown because of your     girls around the age of 20 she is the most beautiful.
At this time her kind-hearted, she is mature, but also a bit childish.When a boy of about 20 is his most bleak days , then nothing, can not be independent and do not want to rely on , struggling with a loss, looking for their position, so if a boy in his 20 years old when he met with a very young girl, that she should treasure, because of this the girl is with your most beautiful with him through the dark days!The only girls with him through, the girl will be happy forever.
Witch magic say that this is a log, read this please log in 5 minutes to reproduce their own space, within a month and you like you will never come together.See not reproduced, male stupid life..Female

At five taboos, no, I can not see! If you don't believe, can

At five taboos , can not see!If you don't believe, you can have a try at night.Now, even the scientists puzzle world is unable to explain the strange scene seven 1 at two thirty-two at night , some candle people will see the witch's tragic death in eighteenth Century.
2.Nail coated with a layer of a layer of black, white, a layer of red still intact , people would say to you.3 at four thirty-eight to peel an apple , if apple peel off , 96 hours to be rather baffling death.
4 little mirror, according to our past lives and how you die.5 night not to wear black hair girl shadow 6 this article is reproduced, the devil will not be ridden, and achieve a wish.7 do not reprint will
be Britain possessed by the devil ___________________________________________________________________________________ master recommended: reading reproduced to your space, every reprinted several diaries

The seller Songtao just a legend...

Female: "are you a peach?"Male: "yes, I am the Songtao" woman: "wow...So far......"M: (silence...)Female: "Songtao liberation?"Boy: "no, our school when all carry guns" girl: "the teacher say?"Male: "a teacher with AC , smoke helmet , MG3- silver killer, flash complex sunglasses, bazooka, Vulcan Gatlin, biochemical grenade.
...." girl: "not so exaggerated it !"Male: "you can have a try!"Female: "where did you speak Mandarin?"Male: "where we only say authentic Guizhou dialect."Female: "you live in caves?"Male: "no, we live in the mountains.
"Female: "the mountains?The tiger does not "male:" don't know, just a few at my door "girl:" ah!That you are not afraid of it. "Man:" what I fear , my own home "girl:" is it right? Peach in Guizhou?"Male: "Yeah! Peach in Guizhou province.
"Female: "you have what good?"Male: "in addition to aircraft flying in heaven, walk on the ground except the tank, swim in water but the ship, we can eat!"Female: "you eat meat?"Male: "our leader invented fire , we now is to eat barbecue.
"Female: "that's good, next time I go Songtao play, on the home you live ah."Male:"......No problem, but my home is far from the downtown area."Female:... How far the male: "don't know. Take the train may be around 3 days" girl: "how do you get to school?"Male: "there are shuttle" girl: "what car?"Male: "it's hard to say, sometimes tanks sometimes armored vehicle" girl: "that must be long before?"Male: "habit, half a year in advance of the line!"Female: "you chaos or not?"Male: "don't mess, fighting is commonplace"".
.................!"Female: "your marriage is monogamy?"Boy: "no, we each man can marry 10 wife."Female: "is not it ~ that you now have a few wife?"Male: "I now have 12 wife, and after graduation to remarry 3.
"Female: "scared to death!12 wasn't enough?How to take 3, didn't you say that every man can only marry 10?"Male: "10 is not so much, I want to marry a few will have several, because my boss here will be cooked!""Girl:" are you going to the tomb of the martyrs Qingming incense?"Male: "we have not martyrs tomb, I only go to his ancestor worship.
"Female: "that your ancestor worship is also burn paper money and set off firecrackers?"Male: "no, we are burning the renminbi, will not set off firecrackers, we are throwing grenades down the hill!"Female: "Songtao a telephone?"Male: "no phone, we are using mobile phone.
"Female: "calls you?"Male: "don't pay the bill, we launched a communications satellite!"Girl: "are you now in Internet bar?"Boy: "no, we here have Internet cafes, everyone of us has' notebook ', from my grandfather's grandfather started to use.
"Female: "I heard you in the Olympic Games have many gold medals."Male: "Yeah, we the people here used to buckle key."Female: "that you train very hard!" male: "no, we are here who has time who will, without any hard training, in August 8th 08, I have no time then, so I didn't go.

Parents do not agree, have to break up

Parents do not agree with, usually for three reasons: (1) too far, if she married so far to be wronged, home is not convenient.In fact, you think, to traffic now where are you convenient?Further away, is abroad , it is two or three days' journey.
If the wronged you marry, go away, not necessarily will be wronged, and you marry near, but not necessarily popular, some married village, not every two or three days fighting, will not be wronged, do not necessarily married near know filial piety!Go near!In the past the parents have difficulty, you don't care what!In the distance we have to also can do!The key is to see this man?So, the man you must choose the right.
(2) is poor, I think money is not necessarily happy, but no money is not necessarily unhappy, taking health as the center, a little cool, a bit silly money, forget, forget fame, is accompanied by a nest, a little money with friends, simple love, true love, a warm , a lot of peace, happiness is just so so, again, the key is not his family has no money , but he has no money of ability and desire, home to the money, if he doesn't help, sooner or later is corrupt, if he is able to have the desire to make money it, that is in poor will is temporary, this point should parents be far-sighted, instead of just looking at the eyes, at least not the one club to kill a man, so the rich and the poor is not the house, but look at the people, therefore, the man you must choose the right.
(3) is a bad reputation or have questions, about fame if is a bad reputation, caused by parents, that I think should not take fault incrimination and children, it was unfair, because he is not wrong, who can say that the murderer's son would be bad?It must be the murderer?If he doesn't have a very good reputation, that should see him now is it right? It, after all, who are doing the wrong thing, not because a thing down family life, country and date that is not a sentence, so if they know, rehabilitated, should give people a break break.
If he does not like, drinking, do things stealthily words, I agree with the views of parents, such a man cannot marry, the man must be selected.In fact, parents' anger is temporary, they will forgive you, but my boyfriend is not lost, you may find a better, but you'll never find a as like as two peas, if you just to filial piety to parents, and lose your boyfriend, I think it is very cruel, but also very unfair.
Of course, you can say she is filial piety, but I think it is Yu Xiao, is a great sorrow!I remember one university, a professor made an experiment, let a girl on the blackboard , their most important people in accordance with the order, including parents and siblings , friends, colleagues and neighbors.
Let then to what it considers the most important people at a delete, end, only child, parents, husband of this place she feels embarrassed, until finally she is crying out parents name, followed by the name of the child, so the professor asked her: my parents gave you life, and raises you adult, back to you selfless love, while the child was your own child, is your body from the meat, but her husband nothing, both and you have no blood relationship, no great kindness, why did you just leave him?Then the girl said: parents will go away from her, just a few years ago in late few years, children grow up, have their own family, will leave their true, and with his old with me for a lifetime, only the husband.
Thus, the man you must choose the right.And they said, marriage is the second woman to birth, the first time you have no choice, but the second time you have, but how to choose, then take a look at yourself,

Recite these basic can pure keyboard

Ctrl+Ssave Ctrl+W closing procedures Ctrl+N new Ctrl+O open Ctrl+Z cancel Ctrl+F find Ctrl+X Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+A copy paste shearing select reduce the size of the text enlarge text Ctrl+B Bold Italic underline Ctrl+I Ctrl+U Ctrl+Shift input method switching in Ctrl+ spaces Ctrl+ QQ English switching enter send a message to Ctrl+Home cursor quickly move to the file header Ctrl+End cursor moved quickly to the end of the file Ctrl+Esc display start menu Ctrl+Shift+&lt ;shrinking fast text Ctrl+Shift+&gt ;rapid amplification in IE text Ctrl+F5 torefresh the Ctrl+ drag a file copy file Ctrl+Backspace to start and close the input method to drag the file while holding down the Ctrl+Shift create shortcut Alt+ spaces +C close window Alt+ spaces +N minimize active window Alt+ spaces +R recovery minimized window Alt+ spaces +X to maximize the current window Alt+ +M Alt+ space +S space moving window to change the size of window Alt+Tab two programs to exchange Alt+255 QQ number in theinput no celebrity Alt+F Alt+V open the file menu view menu Alt+E open the edit menu to open Alt+I Insert menu to open Alt+O Format menu Alt+T open the tools menu Alt+A form open open the window menu menu Alt+W Alt+ Alt+H open the help menu enter view file properties Alt+ double-click the file to view the file attributes Alt+X closed C language Shift shortcut to Shift+ space semi full-width switching Shift + Delete permanently delete the selected item ,and do not put it in the recycling .
Drag a CTRL copy options .Drag a press CTRL + SHIFT to create the selected items to the shortcut keys .WORD a full set of shortcuts tips CTRL+O open CTRL+P print CTRL+A select for text size ( in selected cases ) CTRL+D font settings ( in selected cases ) CTRL+G/H search / replace ;full text delete CTRL+N ;CTRL+M left margin ( in selected cases ) ;CTRL+U drawing underline ( in the selected target cases ) ;CTRL+B bold words ( in selected cases ) ;CTRL+I tilted text ( in selected cases ) ;CTRL+Q two edge alignment (no indent ( ) ,in selected cases ) or placing the cursor target text segment tail ,can operate CTRL+J ends are aligned ( operation ibid.
) CTRL+E Center ( operation ibid. ) CTRL+R align right ( operation ibid. ) CTRL+K insert hyperlink indent ( CTRL+T/Y can move the cursor to the end of the segment to perform this operation ,or will the selected operation Ctrl+A ( or Ctrl+ small keyboard figure 5 ):selected text .
Ctrl+B: give the selected text bold ( press again ,remove the bold ) .Ctrl+C :will the selected text to the clipboard .Ctrl+D :open the font dialog box ,rapid completion of a variety of font settings .
Ctrl+E :make the cursor line center text .Ctrl+F :open the search and replace dialog box ,and is positioned in the search .Ctrl+G :open the search and replace dialog box ,and is positioned in the positioning label .
Ctrl+H :open the search and replace dialog box ,and is positioned in the replacement .Ctrl+I :the selected text tilt ( press again ,the removal of the tilt ) .Ctrl+K :open the insert Hyperlink dialog box .
Ctrl+Shift+L: give the cursor line text plus project sign .Ctrl+M : also increases and a hanging indent first line .Ctrl+Shift+M :while reducing the top row and a hanging indent .Ctrl+N :create a new empty document .
Ctrl+O ( or Ctrl+F12 ):open the dialog box .Ctrl+P ( or Ctrl+Shift+F12 ):open the print dialog box .Ctrl+R :make the cursor line text align right .Ctrl+S: a new document to open the save as dialog box ,or on the current document preservation .
Ctrl+T :increase indent .Ctrl+Shift+T :decrease indent .Ctrl+U: given the word underlined ( press again ,last year .) .Ctrl+V :the text on the clipboard or paste the picture into the cursor .
If the clipboard contains a number of content ,the last one posting to cursor .Ctrl+X :will the selected text to the clipboard .Ctrl+Z :cancel the operation just now ( can be used multiple times ) .
Ctrl+0 :will the selected text of each section of the former added 12 pounds to the spacing .Ctrl+1 :if the selected text spacing is not single spacing ,it will quickly set to single spacing .
Ctrl+2 :will the selected text spacing is set to two line spacing .Ctrl+5 :will the selected text spacing is set to 1.5 line spacing.Ctrl+F2 : rapid executionprint preview function .Ctrl+F4 :close the current document .
Ctrl+F5 :causes the window to restore to maximized state prior to .Ctrl+Shift+F5 :open the Bookmarks dialog box .Ctrl+Shift+F8 :activation of the column selection function ,namely selection of vertical block text ( press again or press the ESC key ,to cancel the function ) .
Ctrl+F9 :at the cursor into a domain mark {} ( Note: direct input to a pair of braces cannot serve as domain mark ) .Ctrl+F5 :causes the window to restore to maximized state prior to ( press again ,will make the window again maximization) .
Ctrl+Deltet :delete cursor behind one English word or a Chinese word ( can be used repeatedly) .Ctrl+ backspace :delete cursor in front of an English word or a Chinese word ( can be used repeatedly) .
Ctrl+Enter :moves the cursor back content quickly and move to the next page .Ctrl+End :rapid move the cursor to the end .Ctrl+Home ( or Ctrl+Page Up ) :quick to move the cursor to the text of the first .
Ctrl+Insert+Insert (i.e., by two, the Insert key ) :quick turn or change to the clipboard task pane . .Ctrl+~ :open the Chinese law online word function .Ctrl++ :a rapid switch to subscript input state ( again to return to a normal state ) .
Ctrl+Shift++ :a rapid switch to superscript input state ( again to return to a normal state ) .Ctrl+ : according to the English words or Chinese word interval backward moving the cursor .
Ctrl+ ← :according to English words or Chinese word spacing move cursor .Ctrl+J :Ctrl+L :the text ends aligned text align left Ctrl+Q :paragraph reset Ctrl+W :close the current document Ctrl+Y :repeat last operation ( operation not applicable - winkey+d :This is the master of the most common first shortcut key combinations .
This shortcut key combinations can be all the windows on the desktop instant minimization ,whether the chat window or game window: &amp ;hellip ;&amp ;hellip ;if I press this key combination ,just all windows are coming back ,and that activation of the is your minimum before using the window !This is the winkey winkey+f - a look at the big picture :no need to move the mouse point start → search,file and folder ,in any state, just press winkey+f will pop up window search .
Winkey+r :in our article, you will often see such operation tips :click start running , open dialog run &amp ;hellip ;&amp ;hellip ;.In fact ,there is a more simple approach ,just press winkey + r !Alt tab: if the open window is too much, the key combination is very useful ,it can be displayed in a window current open all the window name and icon ,select their own hope to open the window ,release the key can reverse display currently open windows .
Winkey+e: when you need to open the Explorer find file, this shortcut will make you feel very cool !Never have a hand to touch the mouse !Tip: winkey is the keyboard with windows logo key .
Winkey mainly appears in the 104and 107 keysin the keyboard .104 keyboard is also called Win95 keyboard,the keyboard in the original 101 left and right sides of thekeyboard ,Ctrl and ALT keys added two windwos keys and an associated attribute key .
107 keyboard is also known as the Win98 keyboard,more than 104keymuch sleep ,wake ,boot and other power management keys ,the 3 bondpad located right above the most .Add ... .F1 shows the current program or windows help content .
F2 when you select a file, which means Rename F3 when you on the table when it is open search :all the file F10 or ALT activatedcurrent program menu bar windows key or CTRL+ESC open the start menu CTRL+ALT+DELETE opened in Win9x close program dialog box DELETE to delete the selected choice the project ,if the file ,will be placed in the recycle bin SHIFT+DELETE to delete the selected choice project ,if it is a file ,will be directly removed instead of into the recycle bin of the CTRL+N create a new CTRL+O file open dialog box to open the open file CTRL+P print dialog box to save the current operation CTRL+S file CTRL+X shear selected project CTRL+INSERT or CTRL+C to the clipboard copy selected items to the clipboard in SHIFT+INSERT or CTRL+V paste the clipboard contents at the current location of ALT+BACKSPACE or CTRL+Z to withdraw a step of the operation ,the ows key +D: minimization or restore windows windows Windows key +U: opened the auxiliary tool manager Windows key +CTRL+M to will restore an operation window the size and location of the Windows key to open +E Explorer Windows +F search :open all file Windows key +R to open the Windows +BREAK button to open the dialog system properties dialog box to open Windows key +CTRL+F search :computer dialog SHIFT+F10 or the mouseright click to open the current activities of the project is the shortcut menu in CD SHIFT when the press is not put, can skip the autoplay CD .
In the open wo rd when pressed down ,you can skip from the start of the macros &nbsp ;&nbsp ;ALT+F4 close the current applicationof ALT+SPACEBAR open program the upper left corner of the