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<p> a visit to the U.S. Chinese Women Writers in New York met an old woman selling flowers. old lady dressed in old , weak , but the look on his face is so peaceful excitement. writer said a flower dancing : It looks like you very happy. \expected that the writer even more surprised the old lady replied: Jesus was crucified on Friday when the world was the worst day, three days later to Easter. So , when I met misfortune , will wait for three days, so everything is back to normal. \<p> Thus, affect a person happy, sometimes not the difficulties and hardships, but a person's state of mind. If immerse yourself in a positive upbeat attitude, the joy of each is bound to take your day </p>
<p> a visit to the U.S. Chinese Women Writers in New York met an old woman selling flowers. old lady dressed in old , weak , but the look on his face is so peaceful excitement. writer said a flower dancing : It looks like you very happy. \expected that the writer even more surprised the old lady replied: Jesus was crucified on Friday when the world was the worst day, three days later to Easter. So , when I met misfortune , will wait for three days, so everything is back to normal. \<p> Thus, affect a person happy, sometimes not the difficulties and hardships, but a person's state of mind. If immerse yourself in a positive upbeat attitude, the joy of each is bound to take your day </p>
== The latest ban adult animation ==
Oh, give us today is our new \like. \sound trucks were recorded on a small parrot food allies and enemies of the meat of the small Ma cemetery dating adventures midnight taxi Cry piano and bust Erotic pork, beef, chicken protest seventies seventies stranger on stranger eat duck under the Kingdom of the ultimate stunt characters 1 2 cattle fork of the Chinese Kingdom of hard paper parrot parrot through customs will be wrestling the realm of snail fable ant and elephant mixed
== Keep a step, should not be, especially college students, all ==
<p> </p>
First, the delicious food as long as there exists in this world is not bad.
<p> all kinds of bags, buy one, I completely fallen, tragedy. </P>
<p> (�� v ��) ah. The senior class as a prodigal people, someone asked me what good Taobao shop, so today's children's shoes and a few other small-opportunity t, Jia Jia, ah, music, Xiao-Jun and other children's shoes to a good shop order a bit, by the way that experience points. </P>
<p> 89. First crisper, bottle, glass store </p>
<p> haha. . Oh , this is not the expense of others. Only recently in the main push of the product owner is very strange, deliberately old shoes? ? </P>
<p> 57. The first character clothing store </p>
<p> </p>
Free Collection of Chinese paper addresses
<p> 5. pure cocoa butter chocolate parity first shop manual </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 71. Taobao first shop </p>
<p> <br> a comprehensive class <br> 1, Blue Charm papers <br> </p>
<p> </p>
Men: Men's cause, is a step by step to come out.
<p> </p>
<p> recommended shops: (you may find many shops here, not very good-looking product picture real shot. But like those who come directly from the magazine to pull the pictures of natural looking, but the fact is that you bought to know. Kazakhstan) </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 78. Taobao First Feng Shui shop </p>
Mobile phones and phone accessories
<p> </p>
<p> 97. The first battery, charger, memory card store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> lemon, the largest supermarket female white-collar workers. Do not know this store has it? Three Golden Delicious </p>
<p> Chanmao dedication service. . </P>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> recent warehouse fire, and suspend business ing, waiting for Fenghuang Nie? in. </P>
<p> super cute. </P>
<p> really want to lose weight, more exercise , eat less, to the people you value most promise you have to lose weight, give yourself the pressure, and thus, no good shortcuts. </P>
<p> 95. The first women's underwear shop </p>
<p> not miss baby like hot, spicy to cry also want to eat!  ! This product is very wide, not spicy Vietnamese row of recommended sugar like mad. </P>
<p> 102. The first outdoor goods store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 6. honey, the first shop </p>
<p> 18. The first men's fashion shop </p>
<p> Vuitton flagship store in the official Paul </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> my opinion: best not to buy. Do not worry, do not worry. Diet pills such things, usually a little on the body side effects. Eating eating and even if effective, a rally to show their colors out. . </P>
<p> </p>
<p> 30. Taobao Mall men's first store. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> 11. The first men's underwear shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 12. Men's fitted b first shop </p>
<p> paper net [<br> papers online network [<br> paper empire [<br> Paper Information Network [<br> thesis Express Network [<br> Thesis network [<br> professional papers net [<br> Student Papers Library [<br> easy paper net [<br> easily from the paper web [</p>
<p> State Sports General Administration of trainers for athletes crisper </p>
<p> </p>
<p> much said, and his look. </P>
<p> drinking such a good honey, you will feel that life is sweet it </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Clothing accessories
<p> 40. Mall first bag shop </p>
<p> 3. In recent years various types of collected articles Prodigal baby shopping guide, in which the older generation expressed his thanks. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> Tang lion costumes, a lot of things that cost very high. </P>
<p> </p>
Second, men
<p> 68. The first authentic crocs shoes </p>
<p> classic comment from cen5588: \<p> </p>
<p> Test 163: <br> IT certification exams Resources Network [<br> China University Network [<br> Chinese test network network [<br> China Kaoyan network [<br> Kaoyan network [<br> China Self Network [ ,],[<p> <Literature and Art> </p>
<p> 24. menswear shop in the first country bumpkin. </P>
<p> 51. First ���������� prime color 18 Weisha store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 54. the first day of single women's clothing store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 15. menswear sales of the first mall store </p>
<p> 88. first hand diy shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Gee. Fan those clothes too a child. (Ps. But also depends on what people wear, proved my fat clothes to wear as an absolute tragedy, alas) </p>
<p> as long as there is delicious , the world is not too bad. En. </P>
<p> shiny shiny shoes </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 81. The first sports apparel store mall </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 87. The first most all small stuff household goods stores </p>
<p> 56. The first trend of the speed shop ride </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> thesis complete collection [<br> Someone make: </p>
<p> 58. The first women's pink cute shop </p>
<p> Men: sportsman building plan </p>
<p> wheat bags? Many people know it. B2c largest network of outlets stationed Taobao bag. </P>
<p> <Resume> </p>
<p> 21. And one in Britain. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> Choice Learning Network [<br> 163 test network [<br> Voice of English [<br> Crazy English Club [<br> online English language magazine [<br> English Writing Online [<br> English Weekly [< br> English Corner [</p>
<p> range children. </P>
<p> 45. ladies first hot shop </p>
<p> 4. Chanmao together the first shop </p>
<p> </p>
Shoes: I have new ones every day shoes ~ ~ ~
<p> 9. the court first pastry shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 98. The first mobile phone shop. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> Shopping Guide: First of all have to look at is not taken in kind. What is the real film? Is neither a magazine photo, nor is the official website photo, but the models who wear the test, what you sell. Online has a famous post, \And how to identify is not really making, I have a little trick: look at his shop a few models, if taken for a change of clothes, a model, it generally is not really making friends, and your shop are mostly The two models taken, it should be a real shot at the same time, there is no physical tile map and details of the map, is also very important, there is to be trusted ~ ~ ~ (ps. photos are angels, refuse this kind is We can search articles search to see, because it is killing me.) </p>
<p> </p>
British Lunfan
<p> 99.89% favorable rates of men's business done is not easy to know. </P>
<p> to educational articles, involving: the language of physical paper paper paper art paper <br> Chemical Papers English Papers moral teaching of history thesis paper <br> mathematical papers biology paper's natural Papers Papers Sports paper \br> Geographic Technical Paper Photo paper work in rural education, medical thesis paper Thesis <br> quality electronic computer, thinking science learning activities, teaching papers <br> innovative education research paper calligraphy and seal cutting mental health education <br> Information Technology Education in West Papers Papers <br> 3, educational articles </p>
<p> gorgeous, but also glowing point of England flavor. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 8. chocolate favorable rate of the first shop </p>
<p> 28. Famous first store. </P>
<p> 2009 Annual Taobao sixth bag of my favorite </p>
<p> 99.97% of the favorable rate can explain a lot of problems. </P>
<p> this and see it, there are shares of a special charm, said unknown Oh. . Is monster. En. </P>
<p> children to build the strongest, very paragraph says. </P>
<p> Do not buy things online! ! ! Before seeing this article! ! (Former school to share hundreds of thousands, over more than collections) </p>
Four other
Strangely enough there are a lot of shoes
<p> one-stop shopping place to shop man, very nice </p>
<p> 1. Mongolia, the first cheese shop. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Taobao Mall, kitchen </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 2. article: Four-opportunity girl more than two months finishing the crown 100 shops (the original campus to share hundreds of thousands of it, was later used as advertising harmony, and tragedy, I am glad I saved) </p>
<p> 74. Taobao girls hodgepodge of small stuff first shop </p>
<p> 84. The first female scarf shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 69. Department of shoes the first day, the Taiwan version of sandals </p>
<p> I like this because my girlfriend like the British style of (ps I'm not bronchitis, absolutely not. (~ o ~) ~ zZ) </p>
<p> 41.. Makes you lose the bag shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> really do not understand, mostly for the glasses shrimp male models, it is worth a visit </p>
<p> </p>
<p> resume feeder network [<br> worry resume network [<br> my resume network [<br> Video Resume Network [<br> China resume network [<br> resume translation, [<br> dotting Resume net [</p>
<p> o (? ��?) o. . . This is less of that month, I really also a prodigal baby ah. </P>
<p> 90. The first wedding shop </p>
<p> Mo Fan shop women's clothing store in the big names are also considered a </p>
<p> Taobao official dress </p>
<p> </p>
<p> hillbilly is a boss's name. Haha. A very friendly shop, see a model laughs with them the different poss, wear different clothes, uh, quite the intimacy. </P>
<p> 23. Three Crown favorable rate of the first shop </p>
<p> 14. England, the first clothing store </p>
<p> </p>
Socks, underwear
<p> Although some clothes seem ugly, but there are a lot of very good personal clothing. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 29. England, the first men's shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 94. The first sock shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 49. First Leggings, rendering shirt, Ju Jiafu women's clothing store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 70. shoes, most types of shops </p>
<p> 2, the students of paper center </p>
<p> 32. Italy, the first men's shop </p>
<p> 52. The first wedding dress shop </p>
? Monthly articles to share the hottest hot-
<p> papers online <br> China: <br> Sina Paper Websites: <br> Chinese papers Alliance: <br> students <br> Papers Papers Library Information Network: <br> paper Download Center: <br > Thesis Network: <br> Dissertation: <br> worry Papers Online: <br> Beijing Language and Culture University Paper Library: </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 79. Taobao first store jewelry store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 93. The first creative furniture store. . </P>
<p> 13. Five Crown favorable rate of the first men's shop </p>
<p> 72. The first mask product store </p>
<p> second, how to identify clothing quality. Promise to \At first I did not understand, I asked the seller how the quality of Yi Yi, can be returned it? Some stores to reply wrote: If you have quality problems, were returned for free. Hearing this, maybe you will say, this store has security ah! In actual fact, really have a problem, individual sellers will be Dodge said, he called the \God, there are such \! This is a quality problem, if not quality, but I do not like, wearing inappropriate, psychological gap between large, that it has a \Oh, really troublesome ah, so we chose \! Han reason you do not ask me, if not satisfied, let's return, a big deal out of my postage back and forth on the line ha, hehe ~ ~ </p>
<p> 50. The first Fan of children with the most shops </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 76. Taobao Crystal Monopoly first shop </p>
<p> 3. The first tea shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 26. The first men's shop. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> 73. Taobao first mobile nail beauty shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 10. Men's tragedy the first store. </P>
<p> 38. high degree of credibility bag the first old shop </p>
<p> 92. The first laptop computer desk, desktop computer desk store </p>
<p> sports shoes: </p>
<p> 48. The first white-collar workers, petty bourgeoisie women's clothing store </p>
<p> 63. The first sock shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 47. The first women's Variety store </p>
<p> 44. creative bag first shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Women: to create the most beautiful of their own </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 64. The first middle-aged clothing store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 100. First Family clothing stores </p>
<p> 85. The first male and female parts store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 19. a type of men's first mall store </p>
<p> bag: bring out your style </p>
<p> 75. Taobao first wig shop </p>
<p> 80. Taobao first national characteristics jewelry store </p>
<p> 42. men's bags, wallets, accessories first shop </p>
<p> Well, actually not so non-mainstream. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> 3, bee towards the net worry-free paper <br> <br> categories is very wide. <br> 4, paper Download Center <br> <br> categories is very wide. <br> 5, paper empire <br> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 55. The first Taiwan women's clothing store </p>
<p> right. The first men's shop is so Niuhong Hong, online shoe shoes who do not know God? ? ? </P>
<p> Recently, a post she was a baby girl Statistics Taobao article out of money lost, she lost two years lost more than 20 million. Just like friends that I see, I really tmd-opportunity ah. Loss of my friend, you do not have three yellow diamond the right, you lose your money statistics the number of estimated is not much better. . . Results. . I Alipay investigate the most recent of more than 3,000 a month. . </P>
<p> 37. More style bags first shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> red stone, buy jeans will be visiting, there's really nothing. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> <br> 4, Grand Chinese gardeners net paper <br> <br> 5, North school to school teachers article: <br> <br> III Professional <br> 1, excellent Paper Magazine <br> <br> to tech-based. <br> 2, paper information network <br> <br> to financial economics and management based. <br> 3, Law Library <br> <br> the text to its name. <br> 4, legal papers <br> <br> text database to its name. <br> 5, general manager of China Network Engineers <br> <br> 6, mba professional managers forum <br> <br> 7, Agriculture Online - agricultural papers <br> < br> 8, sports paper <br> <br> 9, Finance Dissertation Download Center <br> <br> 10, published paper _ the Shenzhen Stock Exchange <br> <br> 11, China Road and Bridge Information Network Information Centre study <br> <br> 12, paper business center <br> <br> 13, Law Empire: <br> <br> four, essay writing, teaching classes <br > 1, is academic papers <br> <br> writing site. <br> V. Repository <br> 1, paper statistics <br> <br> actually Articles paper statistics. <br> 2, Taiwan Repository Oration network <br> <br> 3, Peking University dissertation sample collection <br> <br> 4, dissertation (Tsinghua University) <br > </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 34. Li Ning, the first exclusive shop </p>
<p> 99. First children's clothing shop </p>
<p> Bailushuyuan [<br> Qingyunshuyuan [<br> Xiaoxiang College [<br> gold Bookstore [<br> New Age bookstores [<br> also where the stacks [<br> Campus Literature Network [<br > Chinese poets network [<br> Sanyo College [<br> net days Bookstore [<br> Chinese computer stacks [<br> exam 163 [</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 04 �� old shop, up 99.76% of the credibility </p>
Third, women
<p> will visit the store to buy underwear, giving you the most personal care (pop, sounds like a sanitary napkin ad) </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 35. Converse exclusive first shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 20. glasses men men's first mall store </p>
<p> (�� v ��) ah. . I fainted, it seems to have nothing to with the bag it. Well, to get this right, too lazy to change the </p>
<p> nike, adidas, etc., etc. ~ ~ </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> not buy Yangyang Yan Ye Hao. </P>
<p> 39. Taobao man bag brand </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 59. Three Crown favorable rate of the first women's shop </p>
<p> 22. non-mainstream men's first shop </p>
<p> 66. The first European and American fashion shoes </p>
<p> 25. Second, the first shop in Crown favorable rate. </P>
<p> 17. Men recent sales of the first mall store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 77. Taobao Korea, the first jewelry store </p>
<p> family so much fun to wear. Haha </p>
<p> 101. The first original brand children's clothing store </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 61. The first large size women's clothing store </p>
<p> Zhuangshan, it is impossible </p>
<p> veterans opened shop, the Golden Delicious Niuhong Hong shop </p>
<p> of thin silk and Di (if wrong, it casually), American casual wear, cut, young man on the home page of that annoying lump nest ah </p>
<p> 62. The first women's clothing store mall </p>
<p> 82. The first movement of non-mall clothing store </p>
<p> 83. The first hat shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 86. The first creative furniture gift shop </p>
<p> jewelry </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> a little expensive, but also considered value for money </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 67. The first mall shoes </p>
Cosmetics, mask, etc.
<p> </p>
Chinese Articles
<p> on cosmetics: we can see, very few shops recommended. Cosmetics recommended to others because in the past when they used the situation well, but others are not ideal to use it, also people who complain that care, skin may be other aspects of personal circumstances are different now. So do not recommend too much. Thankless thing I did not do </p>
<p> Taobao last weight loss drug talk: Do not see the girl selling the very fire Taobao slimming (30 days to more than ten million units sold it), buy not worry, my views on the consultation. </P>
<p> Second, education <br> 1, Teaching and Research Center <br> <br> paper to primary and secondary education, basic education, English articles majority. <br> 2, Education and Teaching Paper Network </p>
<p> Yunnan Pu'er tea house, praise was the highest food big business. </P>
<p> 33. personalized men's first shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Third, do not freeloaders, I see online some of the \9 yuan, what it should be a kind of dress, ah, look at photos, but also fine as hell, not help people do not believe, but really photographed hand, I think most of them will be disappointed, and such Yiyi, wash water, the many people that he has a new use, it is mostly done wiping Buha, hey, anyway, in my opinion, you pay for, this reason, online shopping is the same </p>
<p> 31. Playboy men's first shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 91. The first furniture stores </p>
Gu Ming
<p> 65. Shoes first shop </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Sassafras, my blindness, and even a dung? death. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> 103. the most lovely first shop hamster </p>
<p> it looks like the recent fire, which shoes </p>
<p> 7. Yunnan, the first specialty mall stores </p>
<p> </p>
<p> 53. The first women's clothing store on the new rate </p>
<p> 43. Post the first super cute fabric store </p>
<p> main sources: 1. Our online shopping that group. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> <Foreign Language> </p>
<p> The grand recommended. . . fbi, bills of various creative bag. Too cute, too funny. . Haha </p>
<p> 36. sports shoes store </p>
<p> 27. tramp the first store. </P>
<p> 2. grilled squid, squid slice the first store. </P>
<p> </p>
<p> Peacebird Monopoly </p>
<p> 60. original design women's first store. </P>
<p> 16. jeans first shop </p>
(Ps. Online shopping guide posts a lot of women, like men look down on the market as businesses, so this emphasis recommend.)
<p> </p>
<p> always imitated never be surpassed. This sentence really loaded b, ha ha, but still can see, right. </P>
<p> super nice. </P>
<p> Armani. So expensive. </P>
<p> 46. The first Korean version of women's clothing store </p>
<p> <Exam resources> </p>

Latest revision as of 07:43, 8 July 2012

Representatives of fruit

→ I love you !

representative of banana → I want you!

→ mean I love you orange!

orange → You hurt my behalf !

peaches → chase you on my behalf!

representative of plum → I hate you!

behalf of Persimmon → I beg you!

representative of litchi → I'm afraid of you!

longan → behalf of my anger on you ! → I step on you on behalf of watermelon!

representative of coconut → I'm sick of you! pears →

you represent me mad!

grapes → tease you on my behalf!

lemon → behalf of my anger on you !

→ behalf of my smelly durian you! Pomegranate →

on behalf of my shock you!

Pothos → I'm afraid your behalf!

pineapple → you on behalf of my tin! I kiss you on behalf of honeydew melon →!

carambola → represent me to marry you!

Qingzao → dumped you on my behalf!

I kiss you on behalf of mango →!

Apple representatives

1000 Riddles, hilarious!

1 in the world who all of a sudden getting old?
answer: the bride. because today is the bride, tomorrow is his wife.
2 a heart worth?
Answer: 1 billion. because the single-minded thing!
3 typhoon weather to how much money to go out with?
answer: four million. because of the typhoon weather did not \?
Answer: An Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia lose).
5 if tomorrow is the end of the world, and why some people want to commit suicide?
[B] to go to Heaven foothold
6 questions: cloth and paper afraid of?
answer: cloth afraid of ten thousand, the paper just in case.
reasons: not (Brazzaville) afraid of ten thousand, only the (paper) just in case.
7 Question: Pencil name?
answer: Xiao
Reason: cut (Xiao) pencil.
8 Question: Kirin to the North Pole will become?
answer: ice cream.
reasons: ice cream (ice unicorn).
9 Question: Which number from 1 to 9 the most hard-working, which number the lazy?
answer: 1 lazy; 2 hard
reasons: one (1) do not do two (2) endless.
10 question: how to make the quiet sparrow?
answer: press it a bit.
reasons: silence (silent sparrow pressure).
11 question: Which person in history to run the fastest?
answer: Cao
reasons: speak of the devil to
12 :30-50 questions which bear feces is more than powerful!
Answer: 40
reasons: facts speak louder than male (Bear) debate
13 questions: in the pig pen ran out how to do?
answer: Wang Lee Hom
reasons: inside coax
14 question: how do they come?
answer: Han
Reason: also coax
15 9 28th is the birth of Confucius, then on October 28 what day?
Answer: Confucius full moon
16 wolf (guess fruit)?
Answer: carambola (sheep escape)
17 Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Kai-shek) if still alive, then the world will happen?
Answer: one more person ...
18 under the two Kuaibing carp (four-character idioms)?
Answer: courteous (Ice carp)
19 tofu Why play hurt?
answer: because it is frozen tofu
20 a bus accident occurred, all of them were injured, why was nothing Xiao Ming?
answer: because he is not a place on board
21 and Out, may I ask what is this place?
Answer: chickens and geese grave
22 meter race, the chicken run faster than the geese So why the post to the terminal?
answer: chicken run in the wrong direction
23 East school bell rang, but not one student in the classroom, how is it?
Answer: on the physical
24 Lingling never learned arithmetic, but praised her math teacher is among the best, why?
answer: count from one to two
25 a Columbus After the foot onto the New World, followed by what?
answer: step one foot
26 Some people say that eating fish can avoid the risk of myopia, and why?
Answer: Have you ever seen a cat wearing a mouth and eyes
27 what the answer is no tongue
: teapot mouth
28 What kind of government can not give orders to others Peixiao old have?
Answer: The new Lang met with a police officer
29 thieves started to run, why?
answer: to quickly catch the thief
30 days of chewing gum little tomorrow, can someone also said that he bad breath, and why?
answer: every day, and swearing. Why
31 than the tree frog jump high?
Answer: Because the tree does not jump
32 \, his face still has a beard. What is the reason?
Answer: Pharaoh was a barber
what flowers should not touch the answer: What sparks
35 to unlock all the mystery?
Answer: The answer
36 when, Times Square, the bell will ring 13 under?
Answer: When the repair of old Hou
37, who did not become a father for the first when the father was?
Answer: eunuch
38 when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come?
Answer: When the toilet badly
39 black or white chicken chicken powerful? Why?
answer: black chicken powerful, can, white eggs, white chicken eggs could not make black.
40 Why does everyone like to sit and watch a movie?
Answer: Because the foot stand and watch will abolish early-morning study acid
41 What is the impact?
Answer: half an hour less sleep Tortoise and the Hare
42 Please, please pigs to the referee, may I ask who will win the tortoise and the hare?
Answer: You can not say that! That the person is a pig ...
43 two women and a thousand words what ducks do similar?
Answer: ridiculous (chicken) is about
44 family has a pig farmer and the donkey, the New Year when you slaughter a pig farmer or a donkey before?
Answer: You are willing to slaughter a pig (stupid pig) or kill the donkey (? donkey)
45 aircraft to fly so high why do not hit the stars?
answer: because the stars will \Why did not they say hello?
answer: because they are not familiar

Wang while brushing teeth, while leisurely whistling, how could he do?
Answer: Brush teeth
what is always does not close the door?
Answer: goal
side of the ship hanging rope ladder, two meters from the sea, the sea rose half a meter per hour, the sea a few hours can be submerged ladder?
Answer: correspondingly, so will never be submerged ladder.
car turn right, which does not turn a tire?
Answer: What is the spare tire
book you can not buy in a bookstore??
Answer: Secretary
what water never ever use?
Answer: saliva
one pursued by the tiger, suddenly in front of rivers, he could not swim, but he passed, and why?
answer: look shocked when they heard the same two brothers passed
enlisted the same time, their blood and date of birth and parents names are identical. They asked the company commander is not twins. They said no. Is this why?
Answer: triplets in two
jail with two prisoners, one night all the prisoners escaped, but the guards open the cell door the next day to look, there is also a prisoner?
Answer: escaped prisoner named \
what can solve all the mystery?
Answer: The answer
today's society, most rely on self-employed to make a fortune to eat??
Answer: mouth
anything to hide secret use, used up and then secretly handed over to someone else??
Answer: What film
can enlarge the magnifying glass, but one thing can not be enlarged, what?
Answer: Angle
-year-old Xiao Ming always like to clock the whole family, Mother Why do not repair watches for dad, took the repair?
Answer: Because good mother to my father Xiao Ming
repair it when, Times Square, the bell will ring 13 under?
Answer: When the repair
wake up, everyone is the first thing to do what?
Answer: Open your eyes
a truck driver hit a motorcyclist who was seriously injured truck drivers, motorcycle riders are all right?
Answer: truck driver was not driving
Hou in ancient times, what people do not become a father for the first when the father was? ?
Answer: eunuch Li
drink, hit his face, afraid to go home that will blame his wife, go to the bathroom mirror affixed bandage be next meal or be scolded by his wife, why ??
wound on the mirror and ask if someone gives you, you are afraid to hear what word??
Answer: Here is the Earth? what kind of game, win Debu to the prizes, there are prizes to lose??
Answer: Finger Guessing Game drinking
Zhang was held in an unlocked room, but he can not be resorted to feeding effort opened the door, which Why?
Answer: push on it
a head of cattle north, turn it to the right place three times, and then turn back it three times in situ, and then go down to turn right, this time it is the tail towards what?
Answer: Why there was a hospital down
never give a doctor?
Answer: Veterinary Hospital
two pairs of father and son to buy a hat, each bought one, but why only buy three? ?
Answer: What
three generations of people can not eat melon?
Answer: Why do fools
four 9 add up to equal 100? ?
Answer: 99 +9 / 9 = 100
when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come? ?
Answer: When the toilet while standing guard at the post
Wang, clearly see the enemy crept over to his touch, why he has one eye idle eye??
Answer: is powerful targeting
black or white chicken chicken powerful? Why??
Answer: black chicken powerful, can, white eggs , white chicken eggs could not make black.
heating the world every thing will melt, with the exception of a heat thing has solidified, what is the something??
Answer: Egg
an exam, a pair of paying the exact same exam at the same table , but the teacher that they certainly did not cheat, why is this?
answer: are the quiz
date of manufacture and expiry date on the same day the product? ?
Answer: Newspapers
a man, he was born of your parents, but he is not your brothers and sisters, who he is? ?
Answer: What is your word
common worldwide? ?
Answer: Arabic numerals
Mr. Xu made a big mistake. When he was in front of his wife, dig pocket the moment, some bags bar matchboxes, the horse is not winning votes, and former lovers, photos, etc., scattered on the ground. Apart from his panic, in order to avoid the fight, his hands immediately shades a thing. May I ask, he will go to cover what?
answer: to cover his wife's eyes
it looks as if the ice sheets aluminum foil (four-character idioms)?
answer: walking on thin ice (such as aluminum foil ice)
This letter is two eggs to do (four-character idioms)?
Answer: promises (believed to be the balls)
wheat noodles have stolen two (four-character idioms)?
Answer: exhaustive (all?)
cattle lowing water swimming is not known what the (four-character idioms)?
Answer: foolhardy (swimming without moo)
a turtle, carrying the cross out for a name ( four-character idioms)? Answer: deserved (Cross name turtle)
girls phone hung on the chest (guess fruit name)?
Answer: litchi (milk machine)
why people like to watch comic?
answer: boredom
the bus, talking to the two people are enthusiastic, can crowd of people who did not hear a word, it is because of what?
Answer: This is a pair of deaf?
Please think carefully, the biggest shadow you see is what?
Answer: Earth's shadow, that every night?
Mrs. King has been outspoken, what actually can suddenly become hesitant to let her out? ?
Answer: Mrs. Kim muttered when eating sugar cane?
There is a drug, you like the pharmacy can not buy, what is this medicine?
Answer: Some people often regret it later
ten meters from the place jumping with no safety devices, and why?
answer: high dive
what rain can shower the dead?
answer: a hail of bullets
why everyone loves sitting and watching movies?
Answer: Because the foot stand and watch early-morning study will be abolition of acid
What is the impact?
Answer: half an hour less sleep
Why Dr. J 10, the push-ups done after more than a pit on the floor?
Answer: Because he did push-ups with one hand
Please Tortoise and the Hare, please pigs to the referee, may I ask who will win the tortoise and the hare?
Answer: You can not say that! That the person is a pig ...
two women and a thousand words what ducks do similar?
Answer: ridiculous (chicken) is why some people like to talk about
shower after a bath?
Answer: Because the bath is too disgusting
men pee how to organize categories of clothing?
Answer: [dirty body] and [dirty body but can also wear]
using the toilet, use the left or right hand wiping the ass would be better?
Answer: The toilet paper is better ...
participate in the entrance examination, in addition to admission ticket, the most important thing is what?
Answer: I remember getting up
a man plus a woman will become what?
answer: two people
Ma Ying-jeou's father in the City Library (four-character idiom)
Answer: Shitulaoma (city map horse)
a new husband and a new What is the difference to buy a dog?
answer: buy a new one year after the dog is still very excited to see you man accidentally swallowed
wave 1 million, waves poured over his dad? shot, but spit out 10 element, then wave Dad how to do it?
Answer: Continue to feed him one yuan
Which figure is the most hard-working? Which figure is the laziest? Answer: lamb
? A tail end of the bear is bear? A penis What is the bear bear?
answer: Will the mother bear
world's smallest island of the island is what?
answer: What Buce
refuges continue?
Answer: Fall
9 28th is the birth of Confucius, then on October 28 what day?
Answer: Confucius
wolf moon (guess fruit)?
Answer: carambola (sheep escape)
Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Kai-shek) if still alive, then the world will happen?
Answer: one more person ...
under two Kuaibing carp (four-character idioms)?
Answer: courteous (Ice carp)
tofu Why play hurt ?
answer: because it is actually frozen tofu
an ant climbed from Sichuan, Tokyo, could you?
Answer: Map of climbing
a bus accident occurred, all the people injured Why Xiao Ming is all right?
answer: because he is not in the car
a place that can enter can not ask what is this place?
Answer: tomb of chickens and geese
hundred meters, the chicken run faster than the geese, why to the terminal after it has?
answer: chicken run in the wrong direction
a ball and a ball falls from the tower, the first to fall?
Answer: East ball
school bell rang, but not one student in the classroom, how is it?
answer: Why on the physical
Xiao Ming to a hand to stop the car?
answer: the car is a taxi
busy day of work who's lost in a fog?
Answer: ballerina
Lingling never learned arithmetic, but praised her math teacher is among the best, why?
answer: count from one to two
when one foot onto the New World after Columbus , followed by what?
answer: step one foot
what people keep eating it, but never enough to eat.
Answer: What kind of air
long under the eyes make the brows?
Answer: Inverted
each person before going to sleep, will not forget the thing to do?
Answer: Close your eyes
Some people say that eating fish can avoid suffering from myopia, and why? Answer: Have you ever seen a cat wearing eye
have an old man, living Twelve Towers, why he never took the elevator?
answer: because he lived on the first floor
Which animal you hit it shed its blood?
Answer: Mosquitoes?
something to add can not be reduced?
answer: age
small ocean of homework has been first class, why this has dropped to third?
Answer: Because two people score more than what he
can move mountains and the sea
answer: a sea of people do not read normal books
What book? ?
Answer: Blind mouth is not what the book
answer: What kind of teapot mouth
official can not issue orders to others Peixiao old have?
Answer: New Long
a police officer saw the thief started to run, why?
answer: to quickly catch the thief
small day tomorrow, chewing gum, can someone also said that he bad breath, and why?
answer: every day, and swearing.
than the tree frog jump high Why?
answer: because he stood on a tree jump.
Xiaoming deep degree of myopia eyes, wearing glasses, but still vague, why?
answer: because he was not wearing eye glasses
Xiao Dai big cow riding, why not eat Daniel?
Answer: Because Daniel is the Ming people
English very well, but some foreigners actually can not understand why?
Answer: foreigners can not understand English
What is the best way to motion sickness?
answer: walking
Xiaoming only 4 years old, they are as the \
Answer: every family had played the game
Pharaoh clear the table, wiping a long time, still feel dirty, and why?
Answer: Because the Pharaoh of old reading glasses are dirty
answer: the day after tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow
what people do not like to eat?
answer: of course, is why the loss of the
swallows fly south for the winter to winter?
Answer: Because too slow
two bottles of flowers, a bottle with flowers, a bottle is the paper flowers, please tell which bottle is the flower?
Answer: There are butterflies flying above the flowers are flowers which met
authorities fear the thief? The answer: the public security organs
prisoners to die the most willing to choose what?
Answer: die of old age
tree stand 8 birds, shot and killed one, left a few birds?
answer: a dead bird
Beijing Wangfujing pedestrian street, with the most people?
Answer: Pedestrian
male hairdresser least favorite people?
Answer: Baldy
polar bear meat, why is it not eat penguins?
answer: eat less than
eye of the beholder, that what the eye of the beholder?
answer: gum
any way to immediately find the missing pushpins?
Answer: barefoot
old Jim a dog, and from? do not help the dog a bath, and why dogs do not fleas?
answer: because they do not just puppy dogs ...
scissors. Stones. Cloth! Miss City of cloth, Going to Miss Stone, Miss Why Going? It?
Answer: Because Going? fist fight in the Miss City face
? and eat to how to be both?
answer: keep only catch? bear
Dr. J in the pool swimming, swimming swimming, why suddenly deeper water?
Answer: Some people piss
accidentally drowned, if nearby? there are other people how to do?
answer: to drink what kind of light
never fill the bucket?
answer: toilet
what makes people happy above, the following people happy?
answer: take a bath
concert, the first to undress? is pants?
answer: better
first close friends and the elderly to the hospital to do Mui check? If a doctor told him to look open minded, will he, exactly?
Answer: beans, corn
Valentine's Day evening, what is the boys with the girls must do something before going to sleep?
Answer: Close your eyes
eggs to how to buy, it will not get inside the egg has hatched chicks?
answer: Buy? eggs
What is the main component of contraceptives?
Answer: antibiotics
final, going a miss? not write, but her eyes lit up suddenly and began sped his pen! Why?
answer: she wrote her class?, seat number, name ...
Arctic ice and snow can not find the self-defense weapon? how to do?
Answer: ice sword
cow pee? Apple hit under the apple tree, found the force of gravity; coconut if you sit under a tree, waiting to be coconut hit, you will find what?
answer: will find that this behavior is stupid ...
annual surplus, why can not afford the money or a deposit??
Answer: Because every year fired?? ...
turtle why suddenly \
Answer: Because the turtle is like this ...
Why do babies cry at birth?
Answer: Because he saw the nurse aunt is very beautiful, and think of their own ... too
Jesus from?
Answer: Heaven
small text accidentally swallowed 10 coins, how to do?
Answer: go to a
12 Lunar New Year, the most appalling Which three?
answer: pig, dragon, chicken (Zhu)
a person can not do, a group of people to do boring, two people just fine. What is valid and close it?
answer: that quietly?
why the two handsome looks for a woman like the dinosaurs fight?
answer: fight to marry her two children is just right ...
Answer: Because there is lack of filial piety ���� ...
what three more wash more dirty?
Answer: Water
one person does not matter, two people do the most good, but three or more do they? What relationship. What is the matter?
Answer: fart
Why do they need? skin?
Answer: Because the skin itch
apricots in the building jumped from 52, why? things?
answer: because it is the only bird
why someone would jump even higher than in Paris Eiffel Tower do?
answer: because the Eiffel Tower in Paris will not jump.
? days of gun shot Why do not the stars?
Answer: Because the stars will flash ...
schools have school rules, classes have class rules, the zoo have?
answer: turtle
your father's mother's sister's daughter's uncle, what is your relationship? ?
Answer: relatives
Answer: less than 3 seconds. Do not believe then read it again: Why do primary school to university
fat people than thin people afraid of the heat?
answer: because they were relatively large area of the sun ...
blue knife and blue guns (guess the 4 word phrase)?
Answer: invulnerability (Bule)
man wearing a gold dress (guess the 4 word phrase)?
Answer: blockbuster (a Jin) after the dog had a wooden bridge would not be called a (guess 4 word phrase)?
Answer: never forget (do not over wood Wang)
phone can not fall into the toilet wet (guess 4 words phrase)?
answer: be missed (machine not wet)
liver and bile made by the magic of soap (guess the 4 word phrase)?
Answer: Sworn Brothers (hepatobiliary soap)
on the road, it turned a hit and was down, and then they turned again (guess the 4 word phrase)?
Answer: Three two
turned off many times a married woman (4 word phrase)?
Answer: come to naught ( abandoned before the public do)?
service? appearance inspection, clearly justified the hair, why instructors do not believe?
Answer: scholar faced soldiers, \
to politics in Taiwan, to be Mandarin, Taiwanese, and what language?
Answer: body language
Cinderella Mom and Dad may be the Who?
Answer: Snow White and the Bao
labor disputes, employers should wear? (
Answer: bullet-proof vests
long the world's largest sweet potato, where?
Answer: the world's largest earth
cock come from?
Answer: egg < br> What could Zheng's mother?
answer: Zheng failed (Failure is the mother of success)
raw rice was cooked boiled rice how to do?
answer: what meals to steal it
do not break the law?
Answer: giggle
bored, when the car ride, called the what?
answer: white oil
the first thing the driver into the car what?
Answer: no chest down
a great woman how to call?
Answer: Big Mac
personal starving, and cans of chicken in the fridge , fish tank, pork, canned, he What is the first open?
Answer: A horse first woman to open the refrigerator
English name is ...?
Answer: A-People
every couple have in common is ...?
Answer: In the same year on the same day? marriage
public toilets (guess one of the foreign capital) (
Answer: London (round squatting)
which European countries are not the wholesale business?
Answer: Denmark (single Sell) Adi actually successfully hanged himself with noodles successful, and why?
answer: What killed the ...
not see but can feel, million of people will not scare touched?
Answer: What pulse
favorite mouse cleaner?
Answer: EPA
not buy any books?
answer: suicide note
what never can grasp the right hand?
Answer: right hand
\. but it is not lit,? what east it?
answer: broken lamp
a rope tie him by 10 meters of the tiger, how to eat the grass 20 meters away? < br> Answer: do not eat
1 Tiger ... Who is the king of the beasts? �� Zoo what
2 will appear after death? �� movies what people
3 can not wear a hat? �� nut
4 bookstores can not buy any books? �� testament
5 elephants left ear like what? �� What is the water right ear
6 inexhaustible? �� tears < br> 7 What has five heads, but people do not think it strange? �� hands, feet
8 family asked the doctor the patient's condition, doctors only raised five fingers, his family started to cry, is why? �� If something happens and
9 a chicken and a goose while on the ice , why dead geese and chickens did not die? �� goose is what Penguin
10 letters to people who like to listen to and hear the most? �� CD
11 people what is the secret of longevity? �� Keep breathing, do not breathe
12 something more angry, it will be greater? �� temper
13 flowers bloom all year round, what flower? �� plastic flower
14 Chang'e why I like living on the moon? �� Chang moths eat rabbit meat
15 where the road narrowest? �� Yuanjialuzhai
16 death fart called what? �� vanish
17, when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come? ��
18 in the toilet the smallest island of the world what is? ��
19 refuges on the road when the planet exploded, where the most secure? �� hell
20 real man who is henpecked group together to discuss how to revive the glory of man, and suddenly I heard their wives came, all the run, but only one person did not run, why? �� fainting dead passed < br> 21 What is the middle of the Pacific? �� What is the word square word
22 common worldwide? �� Arabic
23 a child and an adult walking in the dark of night, the child is an adult son, an adult is not child's father, may I ask why? �� Because they are two pairs of mother-child relationship
24 father and son to buy a hat, why only bought three? �� grandfather, father and son
25 hammer hammer hammer without breaking eggs, Why? �� Hammer certainly not broken

26 tigers chase a person is suddenly in front of a river, he could not swim , but he passed, and why? �� fainted
27 World boxing champion knocked down very easily what? �� sleepy
28, a woman hit a four-character idioms divorced several times? �� before the public (work) to make gas (disposable)
29 people who stutter do The most losses? �� long-distance calls
30 when a foot onto the New World after Columbus, followed by what? �� onto the other foot
31 \br> 32 for heart failure surgery, the doctor asked the patient what is about to expire last words to explain what do you think he would say? �� In fact, you do not understand my heart
33 men with the drink, why not non-Finger Guessing Game? �� toast Monastic
34 the 8 in half, how much? �� 0
35 when the sun will rise in the west? �� swear when
36 has a newly born baby, has two children and the same year he was born the same day, and is born of the same parents, but they are not twins, this could do? �� possible, they are triplets
37 Wake up, everyone What is the first thing to do? ��
38 opened his eyes opened a hospital in the city of new, advanced equipment and good service. But what is strange is: not a patient actually received here, this is for Han? �� Veterinary Hospital
39 this winter, without heat, how can immediately into the ice water? �� Remove the ice of the two hungry cats
40 a side from a fat rat through, why would only indifferent to the hungry cat actually went on its way, did not even see the mouse? �� blind cat encountered dead rat
41 Peacock Why not fly to the northwest to southeast flight? �� northwest wall
42 as a truck driver and a motorcyclist collided with the truck driver was seriously injured, the motorcyclist was right, why? �� truck driver was not driving
43 Xiao Ming's mother has three a son, called the Ming Great son, second son called out the second, third son of What? �� course called the Little Ming
44 a young man, he had a river to go to work; However, the river and no bridge no boat . so he would swim across the river in the morning, only an hour's time he swam to the other side in the afternoon, the river width and flow rate are not changed, even more important is his swimming speed have not changed, but he had spent two and a half hours to swim across the river, you say why? �� two and a half hours add up to an hour
45 has a very large sea vessels, it would have the Capacity is 60 people, results in up to 59 people, it actually to sink into the sea! This is why (the boat people who are not pregnant and overweight exists; there is no weight on board)? �� Do not panic, it is what the submarine
46 I do not know what day to know, you know I know? �� broke
47 soles for two people, a south facing, one facing north of standing, not allowed to go back, not allowed to walk around, not allowed to look in the mirror and ask Can they see each other's face? �� certainly can, they are standing face to face what

48 eggs, no impregnable, cook unfamiliar, can not eat? �� examinations of a zero \> 49 starts with coconut and watermelon, which is more painful? �� head hurts
50 Confucius and Mencius, What's the difference? �� Confucius's son on the left. Mencius child in the above

51 by What can not also? �� Jieguang
52 into the zoo to see what the first animal? �� conductor
53 magnifying glass can not be what it is enlarged? �� What
54 inverted angle will increase by half? �� 6
55 as long as you call it's name will destroy it, what is it? �� silent
56 to what are often, but never really been to? �� Wang tomorrow
57 the first time to travel abroad with their parents, due to language barriers and a loss of his parents, Amy did not understand foreign languages, he is not deaf, but the same as in their own country has not felt the slightest inconvenience, this is why? �� Wang is a baby
58 How can red with a blue pen to write to? �� write a \There is a natural black marble, in the Sept. 7 that day, threw it into the phenomenon of the Qiantang River in what happened? �� sink to the river bottom
61 people in what circumstances would Qiqiaoshengyan? �� Cremation
62 seductive woman is best at confusing a man, then what \Why two tigers fight, have to fight to the bitter only give? �� no one dares to Lin Quan Jia

65 after major surgery for an artificial heart. convalescence, her girlfriend has to break soon, Why? �� is not really love her

66 you can do, I can do, we can do; a person can do, two people can do together. This is what to do? �� dream

67 black or white chicken chicken powerful powerful, why? �� black chicken, black chicken that lays white eggs, white chicken eggs will not

68 black students to go home only to find middle of the night without keys, home and no other person, then what is your greatest wish? �� lock the door Forget black hair

69 What are the benefits? �� afraid of tanning

70 if tomorrow is the end of the world Why some people want to commit suicide today? �� heaven seats for
71 managers do not cook, can have a particularly good food, what? �� fired

72 can not drink any wine? �� iodine

73 Why is a bottle marked poison is harmless to human medicine? �� As long as you do not drink it

74 to play something, do not have to spend effort? �� asleep
75 Something there is that people know to buy, sell people know only by the people do not know what it? �� coffin

76 It is said that a woman like a book, What the book as a woman so fat? �� consolidated

77 an alligator and shark bite feel any different? �� No one knows

78 a cow, go north 10 meters, 10 meters and then towards the west, then south to go 10 meters, turn right back and asked where the cow's tail towards? �� North Korea to

79 \What? �� The day after tomorrow

80 What is the main cause of divorce? �� married

81 9 oranges given to 13 children, how to divide it fair? �� pressed into juice < br>
82 put a pencil on the ground, no one can make the cross, how to do? �� Why

83 on the wall the old Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor? �� she could not Why sit

84 frogs can jump higher than tree height? �� jump

85 trees will not have anything in the world nearly 2,000 km / h speed-Benz carrying people, and do not have fuel or other fuels? �� Earth

86 for fear of out of shape, not to have children after marriage how beautiful call? �� peerless beauty

87 Why do blacks like to eat white chocolate? �� afraid to eat their own

88 fingers were always afraid to take a bath what figurines

89 �� Why do the majority of Buddhists in the northern hemisphere? �� South \break the law? �� lucky

91 you know the modern scientists generally where you were born? �� hospital

92 geese fly south, why? �� go too slow because of their feet < br> 93 winter melon, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin could eat, what not to eat melons? �� fool

94 bread bowl with 6, 6 children each assigned to one, but the basin remained the one, why? �� Finally, a friend took the pot with the Pharaoh
95 four or five times a day to shave face, his face still has a beard. What is the reason? �� Pharaoh was a barber < br>
96 there is a word that everyone will read the wrong met. What is this word? �� This is the \Xiao Ming has never had to study a model student, and why deaf students �� Xiao Ming is a box
99 has several side? �� two sides. inside and outside
100 a month which has twenty eight days? �� Each months have 28 days

1, why did not Sony Panasonic strong? Answer: panasonic (fear of the Suoni Ge)
2 A and C who is relatively high? Answer: C is relatively high (because ABCD A lower than C)
5 rubber, skins, lion's skin which the worst? Answer: rubber. (rubber poor)
9 how to make the quiet sparrow? Answer: press it a bit. Reason: silence (pressure Sparrow silent)
10 white plus white equals what? answer: rabbits (TWO)
12 If you have a car, the driver Xiaoming, Xiaohua sitting on his right, sat behind him flowers, I ask Who is this car does?? answer: \people in the house to play mahjong, the police came, they took 5 people, and why? Answer: Because they beat the people called \Because the stars will \? Answer: because they are not familiar
17 a fat man jumping from high buildings, turned into a what? Answer: fat
19 dead, two men fell into the trap, the dead man called dead, live What is his? Answer: Jiaojiu Ming Rights
20 has a shark had bitten a green bean, the results of it into what? answer: green bean (mung bean shark)
21 Dandan is the dog's name or tiger's name? Answer: Little Tiger (eyeing)
23 chicken's mother who is? Answer: Paper Helicopter (paper chicken)
24 with ABCD .. 26 letters, how many left if left ET ? Answer: 21 ET UFO
26 drove off the wind What child? Answer: Water from the (wind and water)
27 which animal no sense of direction? Answer: elk (lost)
28 wolves, tigers and lions who play the game will be eliminated? Answer: Wolf (Momotaro)
29 children who red bean family? Answer: southern (red beans grow in tropical)
31 One mother has had with body baby, my sister called Mary, then my sister called? Answer: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn Monroe)

[Younger brother. Off the bar. I can not stand the]

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A woman derailment of dialogue with the Buddha, said it make

man: I want to divorce him after the Lingjia others, he should be very painful and would be happy ruffle it?

Buddha: In marriage, he also has his love for you, and you have lost in the marriage of his love, because you fall in love with someone else, is is happy with that, lost is painful, so painful is you.

man: But I want to divorce him after the Lingjia others, he should lose me , he should have is painful.

Buddha: You're wrong , you just love his marriage to a specific, when you do not exist in this particular, his love will continue to another specific, because his marriage true love never lost it. So he is happy and you is painful.

: he said that love me a life, he would not fall in love with someone else.

Buddha: Then you say it?

person: me. Me. . Me. . .

Buddha: Do you now see before you the three candles incense burner, the brightest Flanagan.

people: I really do not know if is the same light.

Buddha: The three candles like the three men, one of which is that you love that man, mortal beings, millions of men far more than a million, you will not even these three are the brightest candle Flanagan do not know, can not you love to find out why you can identify this man you love is your life only last man?

person: me. Me. . Me. . .

Buddha: Do you now hold a candle in your eyes, hard look at what the root of the brightest

people: of course, is the brightest in front of this root.

Buddha: You can now put it back in place , look at the root of the brightest

Behold person: I really do not see what the root is the brightest.

Buddha: In fact, you just take the Okanagan is like a candle that you love the last man, the so-called love from the heart, when you feel you love him, you put your heart go to sleep of its brightest, when you put it back in place, but you can not find the feeling of the brightest point, you only last so-called love is just elusive, in the end after all, is nothing.

person: Oh, I understand, you do not want to divorce me and my love, you are enchant me,

Buddha: see through do not say break, you go it

person: I really know who I love, and he is my current partner.

Buddha: Amitabha , Amitabha

you had someone I have loved nothing more than that is a mortal beings, but love from the heart , thinking that he / she will love this life, when you feel you love him, to feel your love with him / her the most precious, when all things owned by the original, life continues, he / she is nothing more than our lives A passer.

we can not determine which one is the love life, if you do not know how to cherish the love you around you / your loved one, one day, will be passing around you.

find a person you love is not easy to find a person who loves you is not easy. If you can not determine which one is your favorite person, why not become someone else's love in their own time to cherish this love? Love from the heart, you tell yourself you love him / her, naturally, fall in love with him / her.

If you love do not love you, please remember: love from the heart. You too to focus on his / her body, and try to open your focus, you will find light candles everywhere.

love and not love, that is nothing more than an idea.

thing of the past in the past love to let it go, it is only a part of our lives, but a small drop in the ocean, but the crossbow in a long dark green dust. Not those in the past, it will not bring you and me now.

cherish the present, is always better than half-hearted

a derailment of the dialogue and Buddhist woman, said it makes sense!

label candles men women truth of life

night, one person, one Buddhist temple, Fozuo stand.

by: Holy Spirit of the Buddha, I am a married person, I now fervently in love with another man, I really do not know the ruffle.

Buddha: you can be sure you love your life this man is the only last a man?

people: Yes.

Buddha: Do you divorce, then marry him.

person: I do it a little cruel, a little immoral.

Buddha: there is no love in marriage is cruel and immoral, you are in love with someone else is not love him, you got it right.

man: But I love love me, really love me.

Buddha: that he is happy.

Zhou's latest quotations, too strong

1) What is the organization?
\talking about the overall situation;
when you are being framed, he said you have to believe that organization;
in need someone to make sacrifices, he said organizations to test your time;
when need someone to charge forward, the He is here for you;
in your success, he said tissue culture is the result of

2) housing prices in Beijing:
annual salary in the 300W or more if you within the Second Ring Where to buy Where to buy your love If you annual salary
100 - 300W between the Second Ring to the Fourth Ring where you love to buy if you buy where
annual salary in 50 - 100W six ring between the City of Victoria where you love to buy if you buy where
10W less in annual salary, you Wage Keng yourself, love where buried underground where

not more than a snail, the snail is to take people to families, birth parents gave a house, and went to where the house band
where you are you going to do more than What ... ...
compared with the ants, the ant that is the civil service level, to enjoy the housing distribution treatment, that nest built by others, than you can with others
Why < br>
Chinese nation is a wise nation
we invented the peak shifting to work to solve congestion problems
then buy a house we can solve the high peak shifting invention Housing issue price is

simply buy
some people in this life that some people buy a house next life

painful thing in life that just bought the Wall Kosovo has become auspicious happiness in life
just bought the lucky thing is that Volvo has become

Chinese trade unions and foreign trade union difference is the main trade union organizations in China to see
the main trade union organizations of foreign films


rising domestic oil prices in view of the State decided to set up new companies to break the monopoly of oil production to curb prices
there are now four
oil producers PetroChina and Sinopec, CNOOC
. . . . . . . . .
in the cooking oil

show is the party in previous commercials spots ads
and later Evening

now seems all wrong show is advertising in commercials

9) official in the spread of truth, the logic of leadership:
leadership that you see fit, not let you do, but do you lose;
Think again, said the leadership, not his good thought, but you do not think twice;
seek your advice on leadership, not really airing, but in the search for accomplices;
leaders find you eat, not tasting your food, but for you to pay;
leaders praise you, not because you're doing really good, but in the win over the people;
leaders criticize you, you really have not done anything wrong, but remind you not to the wrong team.

10) 12 kinds of new Dasha:
1, quiet dedication and so promoted;
2, no relationship to high-climbing;
3, sick do not investigate a;
4, often feel lack of overtime;
5, what is under the jurisdiction of breaking things;
6, can not be returned back struggling;
7, especially nauseating head in public; < br> 8, the feelings expressed by drinking;
9, regardless of who sent all Ganna's;
10, packs a mistress still doll;
11, destroyed the high wrist watches ;
12 , pumping the Chinese in front of the camera.

11) the same and different:
same work, leadership is called to take the lead, the rich called business, people called to work;
also abroad, leadership called the study , called the rich tourism, the people called illegal;
also speak, called the direct leadership of the rich, famous name, people called nonsense;
same requirements, called the opinion leaders, called the proposal for the rich, the people called grievances;
also is the girl, called the slip leader, called the keeping and feeding the rich, the people called prostitution.

a balance remaining after the completion of major projects , the provincial standing committee meetings to study the conditions used to improve primary and secondary schools,
or improve prison conditions , comments have been inconsistent. Standing Committee of the phrase last moves of the old: in this life you have the opportunity to the Standing Committee of this group into primary and secondary schools
it? Suddenly silent, and some wipe, and some bow tea. Comments quickly followed to reach a
To: to improve the prison environment.

13) led too awkward:
drunk , is the leadership and ask for help doing things;
not petition, the leadership and black households; < br> can not be wrong to speak, is the leader and talk show;
contributions must meet the disaster, is the leading and lowest-paid;
incident must immediately rushed to the scene, is the leadership and open ambulance ;
joined not out, is the leadership and the underworld;
took no time to read the newspaper, is the leading and sell newspapers.

governor to the grassroots level research in the pastoral family dinner arrangements. Pastoralists flattered, overwhelmed. Governor to get off the door after you
herders advanced, pastoralists excitement: the front or leading Come on, we walk behind the sheep are used in animals
eating ribs on the governor of pastoralists in front of a cup of argali, the governor said: simple point on the line, pastoralists and quickly said: No
things, this is not worth much, usually are to the dogs and The. Local officials busy to eat together pastoralists, herders say: you eat
, and I have to go every day to feed an ass this time and then eat.

15) the most ridiculous slogan:
1, Henan National Highway: robbery police is against the law;
2, Tongren slaughterhouse: Three guide us to the slaughter work!
3, Liaocheng prison: people love the people of criminals, people criminals love the people;
4, Anhui Rural Credit Cooperatives: die is not bad debt, sub debt to the parent also!
5, Jiangsu country: rivers of blood would rather not be able to bounce one!
6, Hebei Power: prohibit touching wires, fifty thousand volts pressure, touch death, immortality brought to justice;
7, Pudong New Area: garbage, I start from.

16) the ball on:
leadership is basketball, not only followed but also hard to beat;
masses are volleyball, it is necessary to take the initiative to block the ball but also strengthen;
work table tennis, back and forth in the table Tuidang can not stop;
problem is badminton, must take the deduction in the other venues where it is;
tricky thing is tennis, we must vigorously smash;
Research is the water polo, long time no entry, but also a lot of water;
wait leadership hockey, always running around to Gong Zhaoyao

Husband and wife (read not to cry)

husband and wife (read not to cry) My husband ah , we are going to get married ah? \Time with them soon, just two years, two couples get along everywhere, you can easily catch out a lot, but now people can have some time to consider the interaction of marriage? \\\\scruples, but psychologically unable to accept and raise a child raising a pet, it is not simple; if they have to tell me , I will accompany you to the hospital, you know? \in a gentle voice spoke his views on a woman! \But in my heart, women do not know if agree with the man, then fact, their work is bad and stable; have thought about many times, men marry only mentioned the early exchanges, and when contacts become stable after each other, the marriage did not involve ; women, but not really stupid though Taidalielie! In fact, I really do not know that they are out where the problem in the end? Is not love? Although not feel it did not feel what love is not love, maybe a quiet time for each other! Now they live in the house, half a woman to pay the mortgage; she used to balance! Daily shopping, he never had to accompany her, she never felt any discomfort, after all happy habit of self-entertainment is the easiest way to think of this action at this time whether they can measure his feelings. \\\\Man looked at the reality of not being too cruel draw the traces of the woman, impatience and inability to faint! \\\\\I will go shopping with you, do not you stay, oh! \The door was shut behind him, had a smile instantly fell when Ying Ying's face, put his face pale with grief, pupil of the eye could not catch the end of the quiet people have a dark blur! Make a move, slowly walking in a crowded road, my mind was a blank but full of feelings, always thought he was very easy to damage the happy joy amplification, the exhaustion of the effort, but can not do; tears DC ! Sometimes they were not willing to have succumbed to the fate of fate! Happy fairy was not happy! Cried enough, put away the tears and smiled, went to the street and bought ten favorite sets of suits, ten shirts, ten pairs of socks, ties, ten brooches, ten ten pairs of shoes, credit card was nearly out, but she smiled to see no eyes! This time, she is also a wizard, can infect other people! Can not carry too many things and had to taxi back! To his triumphant show off his record, he saw so many clothes, mouth twitching faint edge, watching the side of this work has always been a blockbuster react she did not know! \\? \\\! Him back to her a helpless look, rubbed her hair; \shaking his head! \intellectual; a \His heart he was considering meeting the parents thing, no mention has been married only wanted to give her a surprise, had together, he became determined to marry her ! \Education 'my little brother! \girl! husband, I bought the tickets tomorrow at noon, this time you have to take care of yourself! \\Over the past two weeks, men have lost no woman in the side of the empty, miss her naughty, miss her body temperature; dial her phone, gentle voice of the mill to buy a ticket back! She was cool as silver bell telephone laughter echoed in the mind that made his eyes were red! \\\\Seems to be the same all over the world! Continued two weeks later, the woman were still not back dial telephone; this time the phone rang for a long time was only pick up, but it is the little brother of a woman, the man asked him how a woman has not come back, my brother said There also needs to address her in anything, not so fast to go away, this was soon back, please do not hang his heart! Then two weeks, the men received a call from her little brother, the phone, my brother to let him go home soon, and said something woman! Man scared, be a good ticket as Jianban flying airport! To x city, pick up a woman's brother, my brother immediately recognize a man, all the way to silence the man received hospital; of foreboding hanging over a man, ward door opened, a woman living shock thin pale face man, the heart is fierce a handful of fiercely pulling, cramping intolerable! The pale legs, step around the woman to shut his eyes, hands, gently stroking the familiar face, look at what's touched! \This accident, really unexpected, and unexpectedly to even going Dounong unclear how the accident that he felt he was in the clouds! Cancer, woman always said that my appetite is always eating, weight loss is a woman's life, said the cause of all this is an excuse, how he blamed himself had no intention to observe; blame yourself so that the effect let herself the worst day! Two weeks after her going to heaven! From a woman living in the city sent a letter, the man looked familiar words, and trembling: Dear Husband: You are me, right? Must be, I have felt it in heaven! Husband, ah, you said want to marry me, really touched Oh! I thought that you just want to be with me and share my life with no idea! My husband, thank you love! With you, ah, really is the most happy thing in the world! You will wake up every morning crying numbness in the hand, Hee Hee, you know? Her husband, this was the most moving memories of the moment, at home, I can not sleep these days, not your arm as a pillow in your arms when there is no harbor; but I do not regret it, I do not want you to see I was not a human form of the disease afflicted the way, I believe for you, you will not let me see their side of the pain! Husband, forgive me, after only laugh in heaven for you! Her husband, ah, a year ago, how I wish time could stop, how to remember you forever in my heart forever regarded, but discovered how to look you can not get enough, I do not know how to do to make my heart good, I know you I hear the sound of laughter, in fact I like it very much his own laughing, so I laugh every day, so you always remember me, is not good selfish? I'm afraid I'm gone, you will put all my courage to know that dust will not go into a corner of touch, I am afraid, afraid of where I will be cold, so with love to you I never forget! I had a day as the last day, so enough of this life have you, enough! Last time you buy your clothes, socks and shoes every year you put on a set of the day I left to see me, OK? Ten sets, it is ten years, you can only use ten days to me, in a particular day, you can remember me and forbid not me, you know I like purple roses, remember to find Oh, my husband, but I am very confident in it! Remember is that one day a year to wear, other times not to touch those clothes, if you forget, then after you always see those clothes, I might be able to think of this request! Hee Hee, after you get married, I remember when that day brought me, but do not tell her who I am, a woman would mind, he said. . . Uh. . . To say that I am your childhood good? I envy those people who grew up childhood Oh! After you get married, that she is \; you next life owe my life, okay? I would be a good next life, good health and healthy baby it, when I will be forced to tangle your life force, until the old! Husband, I do not want to tell you I love you this fact, for fear you cry! I've only seen you cry once, that I am self-willed and would leave you; but now you are crying, right? Not only your eyes to cry, but also your heart! Husband, ah, do not let your heart stay in that dreary moment, laugh about life, life with a smile for me, okay? From now on, do not be sad and depressed; think I just use the decades of ten days; years later from my life completely clear, I was selfish, but I'm afraid that my self so you hate me; so I rely on you decade to decade, OK? Years, we would forget each other, looking forward to the next life! Was carrying the child tears wet silly letter, the man cried! It was getting dark, dark, oblique light came out of the window, the men finishing a good mood; \After looking at is not a reply to despise! You did not even emotional, and you have what? ? ==

】 20 【diffuse collection of sentimental songs (welcome to

not every person will pass met , not all met people who are worried about. At least we have turned around in that place in time not to miss ... a relationship ... not every will last forever, not just the long-term well-being will be unforgettable. At least I have paid a sincere, not to give myself a lot of frustration ... ... not a smile in every centrifugal last place, not every memory of a memory in the deepest corner. At least the years have met the most beautiful time ... really ... not every angel of love to give up heaven will not have to miss every shooting star and fall. At least once the most modest shed tears of emotion for the heart ... ... not every fall will make people truly happy, not everyone will be chasing a rewarding experience. At least the spring after the winter is a season of hope ... ... there are so many to let go is a must, there are so many memories are lingering, there is always give up so many feelings are no less than anyone, we want to do what is it? Forget or memory? Forget ... forget ... so many heart-breaking; forget to wait for the tears; forget the illusion of constantly searching, give yourself a real, not a little sympathy for charity! Memories ... ... was a happy memory of every moment; memory was the desire of wishing star; memory has refused to let go of the youth , to give you a free, one not tied to memories! ... ... As long as the hearts filled with good , everything can be forgiven the error seems to have all wishes can be gradually achieved. Including youth , enthusiasm, sweet dreams ... ... as long as I remember: I have been to the world of you! Sufficient ... ...

remember the day you met me on the shoulder close together once the vows that will not change that went from the old place this time to say goodbye to each other looking at your face hanging tears, I know you are not willing to take the reality of who is making fun of the helpless or who is buried in our We love holding crying commemorate the end of his early love of your hands tightly close to my face wet with your tears holding my shoulders to cry we commemorate the end of his early love life is doomed to isolation if we adjourned to the edge of the afterlife also I remember the day you met me on the shoulder close together once the vows that will not change that went from the old place this time to say goodbye to each other looking at your face hanging tears, I know you are not willing to Who is the fun of taking the reality of the helpless or who buried our love in the end we commemorate the passing away crying holding your hand tightly love my face wet with your tears holding my shoulders to cry commemorate the end of our lost love life is doomed to isolation if we adjourned to the edge of the afterlife we are holding crying
commemorate the end of that lost love

Red house red house woman vowed ★ ★ moving quotes

【distressed everyone wrong , indifferent one can not leave ~ TVXQ, Cassiopeia
not abandon ~】 【time though , but people will remember the forgotten deep ~ fleeting ... just like a water passage of time ~】 < br> 【\】 【
As long as the determination, overlooking that is happiness. 】 【
We have our own envy, because the way is not always the same. We do not care to wait, just hope you smile all the way forward. 】 【Quiet
looked at him, we have been. 】 【
Beyond redemption if not prepared to do research do not easily
he ~】 【I want to cry to make you laugh, but you laugh make me cry. Even if the whole world betrayed you, I will stand behind you betray the world
】 【I feel bad, he has been hurt before. I am worried, he had trouble before. When I saw the wound he had a good package. I cry when he has a man stood up. From God, please do not miss my future. 】 【Sunny warm days of static
good how dare you not come to my old】 【
like you I use perfume, eat your favorite ice cream , wearing sunglasses like you, listen your favorite songs, like you buy a headset, and you wear the clothes with money, you learn the language ... .. All in vain ... .. I followed behind you, learn how and then, like, just for some psychological comfort for themselves fills your soul and I did not shorten the distance between. We are the distance between the step 1000, if you step out to me, then I will give you step out of the remaining 999. 1000 steps between us distance, even if you step back, I'll give you step out of the rest of 1001. Unfortunately, there is no road between us is simply, I can see, is a this life I can not cross the abyss. 】 【
Toes before, love is the most solid fence. Wind, hovering thousands of miles; love you all the way to go hand in hand】 【
years I not only stunning, but also the child of my youth. 】 【
How far either way, no matter how fierce the storm, five hands firmly grip did not pay that rely on five separate never separated. Difficulties in front of them turned into a \
】 【If you are shipping, we would like to do fish. If you are the sun, we would like to do flowers. As long as you do not stop , we would like to always love go ... ... now, you know God's children are happy, because they have each other, because they have us. When Shaoguang gone, you have better memories than others in that beautiful day, a beautiful red once loved, who loved the beautiful five star, who looked up and saw the children of God, waving to you ... ... Well, now you know that you are happy. 】 【
Run a game without regret. ... Your life never touched, the four fifteen minutes. To the final whistle, make sure to run five desperate ah, your life is never touched, so the other four. So, to go the way of a no regrets. As the Fairy Queen, never touched, this idol. So like them, do not have regrets. Then we move forward together, until the last minute】 【
sad days at the most. You just said something, to sink into the deep sea. You stand center stage, lighting sequence lights up, cheer scream, you looked up and smiled and said Hello, everybody. Because no one saw the light turn on before you head down the face, so your secret is safe. Ten seconds before the kind of brilliant dark, you quiet as a little fish. After all, did not cry out, they failed to sink into the sea. Small fish are still lying in the sun on the beach, anxious pain. Around a lot of people want to protect no one to protect you. The most lonely most of the original noise. With love the most, most, or even the lack of love. You happy? I am very happy it. Maybe ... ...
destined not happy for me. And spoke very happy for you. In fact, nothing happened. I'm just a lonely child, fell in love with another, equally lonely child. Than that. 】 【
Wait because we do not fear that you wait 【close】
near his pain if he is far from being away from
】 【rather just watch them laugh at the computer, do not want to tear at the scene saw them as clouds cover the sun, the sun still hurt like the cover .... Happy ... but want to protect the people still in front of you .... tired tired of being guardian of the person you. ... then take a look at the sun that rises from the east .... your heart will tell you the answer .........
know.'m so need you. but you need to I love more than one to tell myself, can not be selfish, the stars of the ring, you need the whole sky against the background. heart will dull pain, no bleeding, but to death. But, for you, how can withdraw out of that deep love nest. middle of the night, your shadow hovering around gently, the dough is the heart of the touch .... is the sound of the call. is the tears of light, so I can not leave a long time, because you are my beloved man. . I am not in your past, your future, please let us go together with love with you ..... I finally found myself the person of vision is too simple, never think about how the mask is a following face, as always directly to the face mask to treat, but tend to forget the smiling face under the mask is a face of tears, Oh ... I thought of you .. Anyway, I still love you, love as long as you said do not give up to the day did not stop. 】 【Hope that another such
five, ten, twenty years, you can still hear the genuine voice, see your true smile. If, one day, the sky Cassiopeia no longer exist, we still will not give up our love; if one day, the sky Cassiopeia no longer appear, we still do not guard against our oath. TVXQ, forever! Cassiopeia, forever!】 【
Prayer or a curse ... ... is no longer important. Importantly, many good things the original did not believe, as Cassiopeia, began to believe that this is a general belief in salvation. 【Love】
mind has been blurred, only the Galaxy but feel happy for this constellation. They, more experienced, more tolerant; more tears, more brilliant smile. The more frustration, more effort. The more damage, faster growth. 】 【
Like them because of their experience, bitter, very hard. Like them, because their names, cool, great taste. Like them, because they smile, very bright, very bright. Like them because they sound very transparent, very clear. Like them, because they dance, handsome, buff. Like them, because they are TVXQ. Shining light in the east, from the God of the universe. Like them, just because they are them.
】 【We Never mind, we do not separate. We do not turn around, we do not leave.
】 【Think I am getting old when the teeth fall out, will not be so funny he had been looking forward to a people who have never met. I did not come from a place around, but you know, on the stage behind the curtain on that long after a group of people, they do not have tickets, you do not aid card, there is no light sticks, they used to put your name into a kind of condensed character of a letter, and their phone banking passwords may deliberately set the password for your birthday, they are reluctant to free the youth Guanghua good for you, though it may end his life can not see you the real, forever like you do not know where you ...】 【
Kim JaeJoong. my peripheral vision, the home to the one you ... If one day you gone, my eyes would lose focus. 】 【
Guard because you dream on the stage, so we protect you under the insistence of the stage. Lonely Looking back, we are always in the ... with the beautiful Cassiopeia myth, trying, followed ... all the way forward.
】 【Want to sing and dance together with you to dinner together with the sad, happy sleeping together with fingers interlocking with each other to rely on mutual trust and the occasional prank kiss love with in the occasional guilty of pumping Till the world to be destroyed forever! 】 【
Your smiling face, my love】 【
in ah, I am willing to do your tooth. At least, you will not hurt me ...】 【
some people, some things. To accompany a ride, remember I know. 】 【
Cassiopeia afraid to leave? Fool, we can go ah ...】 【
the sixth anniversary of the three countries, five words a lifetime of both sexes
zero conditions】 【TVXQ, love has become a habit.
】 【Always keep the faith. 】

Painted on the walls, hand-painted wall and introduced a num

acrylic paint by the artists welcome. Compared with oil paints, it has the following features:

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with: acrylic paint pigments introduced

(3) colored layers dry out quickly soluble, while the formation of tough, flexible impermeable membrane. This film is similar to rubber.

currently the major building materials wallpaper on the market mainly PVC, plain paper and fiber, \PVC wallpaper with color variety, scrub resistance, mildew, aging and difficult to fading etc, affordable, more respected in the market; but the PVC wallpaper is easy curling, bubbles, and mildew. Plain paper, wallpaper, characterized by non-PVC, odorless, permeability, and is recognized as the green building materials; but resistant to moisture, water, folding and poor, and do not scrub, generally used for decorating children's rooms. Fiber wallpaper can be cleaned with a PVC wallpaper, fading, bending, mildew and other characteristics, but the price is higher, must register in 60-300 yuan per square range! In addition, from the artistic and aesthetic point of view, wallpaper or wall stickers because it is industrial production, so the limited patterns and fancy, is nothing but a pattern or patterns of repetition, if you choose a wall Hui then what we can as long as you like Do you want to put it on a wall or any other place, make your choice even more extensive, and your environment with furniture and decoration of space and a more coordinated and personality! Wall painting division can be made according to your requirements completely belongs to you the unique side of the wall! Some would ask that if the if the damaged or dirty how to do? If you are an ordinary wall I thought you might take a lot of money to paint the whole wall or entire wall of the wallpaper. The walls need painting, damage can be mended, dirty can be cleaned, and completely handmade painted walls and wallpaper price or less than it was!

< / p>

wall painting (painted walls) and some frequently asked questions

Kunming snail wall painting stopped for a short time before, and now start again and move on. . . Web site:

(4) full color, strong, Xianrun, there will be no reconciliation, no matter how \Colored layer of dirt will never be the phenomenon of hair oil.

wall painting as decoration present a common way, soft furnishings are part of the family, more and more recognized and accepted by people, but most people are still decorated in this way, there are some new errors, this is due to ignorance of the people painted on the wall, the other also due to a number of areas to be driven by the interests of the company misled the decoration (decoration companies of course want our customers to choose from to provide the plaster wall shape or wallpaper) , so here we usually ask the customer some of the problems listed.

If you're tired of watching the patterns or colors, the wall can be drawn directly on top re-new patterns and colors you can paint or paint directly , without having to reprocess the wall.

3, walls painted a long time will not fade?

years later, has invented water-soluble acrylic paints, it can be as thick as the oil coating Duisu, but also as highly diluted as watercolor, and maintain a beautiful rich ruby color. It has a wide range of uses around the world, artists have been widely used. Composite materials, the rise of performance techniques , so that the material characteristics of acrylic paint has been further play. Tests show that it has a lot better than the other pigments features: flexible film after drying, rugged wear-resistant, water-resistant, anti-corrosion, anti-natural aging, do not fade, not bad off, painting does not reflect light, easy to wash after a good draw for for rack in the painting, indoor and outdoor murals. It can be repeated layers of stuffing, draw heavy feeling; can be added to powder and the amount of water, gouache painting of a similar overlapping coverage, the picture level of the rich and clear; as in the paint to add a lot of water to a watercolor, Painting the effect of drying layers of dye, pushing halo, through the stack, the effect is pure and transparent.

6, wallpaper and wall stickers compared with hand-painted wall?

(2) Quick-drying. A few minutes after the paint dried in the put pen to paper, not as complete as the oil paintings to wait several months to polish.

(5) durability of a long work. Painting a long time in the film easily oxidized, yellow, hard and easy to make the screen cracking phenomenon. Propylene film theory, never brittle, and never will turn yellow.

wall painting Works

5. How to maintain the finished painting the wall?

current wall painting pigments are mainly used acrylic paints, acrylic paints appeared in the 20th century, 50 years, tests show that it has a lot better than the other pigments features: flexible film after drying, extremely resistant, waterproof, anti-corrosion, anti-natural aging, do not fade, not bad off, painting does not reflect light, easy to wash after a good painting, color full, strong, Xianrun, colored layer of hair oil pollution will never be the phenomenon of persistent work long, propylene film theory will never be brittle, it will not turn yellow, the other non-toxic, odorless acrylic paints on human body does not produce harm. (Detailed description see the end of this article)

2, wall painting can keep for how long?

7, tired of watching like a wall painting or decoration for how to do?

(8) acrylic paints non-toxic and tasteless, not harmful to humans.

8, what is the best time to paint?

acrylic painting pigments are not discovered until the twentieth century a new type of painting materials. First invention is oil-soluble acrylic paints, and in 1947 appeared in the United States. During World War II, the United States with a group of artists that propylene light, light, anti-erosion of the advantage of rain, they put a wide range of industrial uses acrylic paint used for modulation, drawing on the streets of large wall murals.

usually painted the wall, the wall is coated latex paint at least, according to the specific content of the wall can not be painted, but also need to use different colors of paint to do at the end. High mural on the wall similar to the requirements and the family wall. Not only is the mural wall of the carrier, but also the wall partitions, metal plates and other carriers, but requires that they have a certain degree of adhesion.

general interior wall painting without too much protection, as long as no dust, water (water that does not matter), smoke, or not something intentional Cagua.

We know that family life will decorate the wall 10 next year, wall painting will not fade for 10 years, basically the same life with the wall, the wall itself, the paint unless they are of poor quality, will lead off skin, because propylene is dissolved with water directly to the wall to go.

4. The wall painting on the wall before What are the requirements?

1, wall painting without toxic effects on the human body?

Have such a boyfriend, so happy ...

1. Will call me baby, patting my head and said I am silly!

2. When crossing the road will firmly grasp my hand, until one day I complained about it because one day I will not cross the road

3. Will remember I like to eat sour, spicy, sweet!

4. will send text messages asking me why I ignore you today , one day, until I said something after a bunch of unintelligible , said: funny you !

5. I came in anger and I do not care about, and after that I'll apologize!

6. slippery winter, I'm afraid to pull a good me!

7. squeeze workers accounted for delivery of the vehicle adjacent the last row of seats and enjoy the quiet corner all the way!

8.'ll know when to coax me, when the bully me!

9. will be spoiled me cook for you to eat, regardless of taste so that will be finished!

10. like camouflage angry, and then will be nasty to bully me, the last laugh , I know what to do!

11. meet would say: Baby and beautiful. Then tell me where to go, because I do not like to think not!

12. I'm lazy, so help me remember a lot of things I do not remember!

13. want to know more than me, told me that you have been better than me 1

14. in my empty time to tell me, baby, do not be afraid You have me!

15. I cry, do not you say anything, as long as you give me a call me crying like arms

16. where have to tell me, let me worry. Also remember to say: Do not worry baby, I'll always be known within!

17. literary talent is not necessarily good, but I know you have my heart!

18.'ll help my shoes, and then patted my head and said: girl, I do not see how you do!

19. must not be narrow-minded, but also allowed a great temper, let me!

20. Do not blame me, do not have to tolerate hate me because I love you!

Constellation of the world's most full-quality pair + rank (

In fact, good-tempered Libra

, even more so Virgo bottom of my heart will always feel like I owed a debt is not as complete; met nickname out of the Gemini, Virgo, Gemini dedication did not catch the heart; the face do not want to be tied Sagittarius, Virgo, dedication and sacrifice only


he used to run around a bunch of friends, and eat with you, Open your harmless joke is that he loves you.

he loves you and your party is that every day from morning to night when the twins are not separated, and sometimes really makes people breathe.

just met you, he will use actions to express their love and want to please you, and you want a relationship, and soon he will quarrel with affection.

mention breaking up the most brutal men before the five first sign
: Taurus Taurus is a guy who will face the reality, he said is the truth. And often the hardest to tell the truth, and the other is very clear to say that Taurus men do not leave. In the process, as long as the other dare to ask, Taurus men dare to answer. Such as male and the other asked whether patriotic own Taurus, Taurus men will answer \out, and the Taurus man's attitude will clearly know each other continue to ask themselves go just a knife inserted into it.
second: Leo Leo is the boys will just start to mention breaking up the beginning of peace, but if the other party can not accept the male lion hysteria and began attacking the weaknesses, the Lions were fighting men out of the shock. Now he not only will the shortcomings of the other familiar speaking out, but also deliberately trampled on each other. Such as \
third: Scorpio Scorpio boys sometimes initiated by the breakup is for playing hard, you want the other to pay more attention to yourself, do not really want to break up. Scorpio strong self-esteem can be severe irritation to the other party will deliberately hurt the type of language used. Such as \
fourth: Capricorn Capricorn male is very passive, he would not take the initiative to put just as he would not take the initiative to break up with each other together. Love the process of the two sides has become increasingly cool to feel that cool with each other is very boring. Keep up this time if the other men about Capricorn, Capricorn man will say: \determined to accompany the other side they do not have something, but calm, he does not seem to be volatile emotions, breaking up the matter if he did not have any effect on the other side there is a Capricorn male and in the end have not loved the feeling of their own .
fifth: Gemini Gemini boys to speak out when you put the words of breaking up is not malicious, he considered that even if the break can also be treated as ordinary friends. So what he says are wanted life to be funny little jokes, such as \humorous things, but he did not know each other is in love with him his ideas and contacts to get along. So after breaking each other for the Gemini man is very concerned about these statements, there can not be friends with a common vision to bear, apart from the other side will find it very cruel that they have been disgusted.


: Aries, Cancer, Taurus

to her boyfriend when the fart girls
No. 1 sign: Sagittarius Sagittarius self-centered girl, a big woman's tendency, if you can not meet her, she would prefer a single or other men to satisfy her needs. Her conception, her boyfriend is brought to use.
No. 2: Gemini Gemini girls feel too smart, boys are stupid, in her mind, before the advent of all the boys right man is nothing, not too serious to treat.
No. 3: Pisces Pisces girls apparently do not treat you fart, but my heart is. Love is love when she his dream, not necessarily you, any man as her boyfriend so she would love him.
4th: Aquarius Aquarius girls mouth when you do not fart, but the action is. In addition, she re-re-friend her lover, so do her friends feel very good, but neglected by her boyfriend on the side, and asked her, she would be too naive to be her boyfriend will feel that they exist sense.
No. 5: Scorpio Scorpio girls fart mouth as he is, but my heart is not. Scorpio with the abused woman is her boyfriend to prove he still has charm, it will be enough is enough it! She does not respect you face the surface, but my heart but love you.

have the ability to spend money boys girls sign
No. 1: Sagittarius Sagittarius sun rise in boys mouth and sweet, and very will to please the other, and thought very fine, fully aware of the girls Psychology was thinking, he can be very timely girls want to hear about the surface and very naive look.
No. 2: Pisces Pisces sun rise in boys with too thoughtful due, and that it makes girls feel good so he said to himself, so he should be rewarded, if more money is nothing wrong with some of the burden.
No. 3: Scorpio sun, Scorpio rising in the pocket of the main reasons girls give boys that he is too sexy, too attractive, the girls will feel to get his very face. In order to get him, girls be willing to pay. The Scorpio male is also to be the favorite to enjoy this honor.
No. 4: Leo Sun in Leo with the rise of the boys usually will boast full, and his girlfriend were often under the illusion of competition in the production, and often will be rushing to pay, hoping to keep this look like over decent lover.
No. 5: Aquarius Aquarius sun rise in boys with a woman that men do not need points already so clear that he would be happy with the strong ability of girls together and more peaceful elegant bottle male personality, It is natural that some girls will be happy to help him do things for him to share.

�� ��headache can not find the open direction
Virgo can not work to stay at home
not actually called Aquarius mischief, not cranky ... powder is difficult to
curious and Gemini, boring face all day want to learn something
talent of Leo, but do not know the school archery stuff even care about
Taurus full of money, seeing friends desire to borrow money without returning it
Cancer emotional return, but encountered ungrateful people
love of freedom, travel Sagittarius, was staying, look
retention goal of seeing Capricorn reached soon, but happens fear of friends there misunderstandings impeding
Libra, the day was really good friends misunderstood
imagination of Pisces, was asked to memorize some things back a loved one
dare hide Scorpio, which under the may suffer a little bit of the

Capricorn too lazy Dali, the last only to Pisces rage.

Cancer of camouflage: to speed up

Taurus disguise: busy

chat and Lingjiexinhuan, which makes face-saving Capricorn have a lifetime of pain; playful like the tip of the face like Aries Capricorn, enthusiasm subsided, the rest can only be satisfied with grievances; although it will create a romantic Pisces, but

can turn into enemies; and Libra fall in love, Libra Sagittarius dependence is difficult to bear character, it is easy to keep the noise separately.

������ index: 50%
not particularly to highlight their group of Taurus is relatively silent, but naturally has a good temperament beef should not be too shy to express their own thoughts a lot because as this to mingle with everyone!


Some people say, because the fish live in water, so people can not see it in tears, this sentence is actually true portrayal of lovelorn Pisces, sensitive, sentimental if they have \choose to read a moving novel, or to see a touching movie, not why, just to make yourself have a good reason to cry.

Twelve Constellation

master and his ilk, in the face of love is not the biggest problem is when there is the ability to resist pressure, the face of pressure is easy to evade, and may easily encounter a new object, but also makes Pisces love affair caused a sensation, especially is the case of the possession

not blame him read every day broken, do not do not feel like he loves you, love you more every day, then he would say that they do not deserve you, let you fall.

not cherish the other half of the hand after the constellation
boys Constellation:
first: Aquarius Aquarius pursuit of each other, boys must be very gentlemanly and very concerned about each other's feelings, in one fell swoop action have shown a very fine, but then he will feel happen, no matter boring, because he will think it is just so boring in his heart will be reflected in his expression and performance programs, but also to reveal the nature of time to , the speech cynical, so completely have touched the other half to begin.
second: Capricorn Capricorn happen, no matter the other side after the boys, because I felt very close to each other, so many things will have a direct say, and as long as the other party asked him to house chores, although he would help , but will immediately request the other to do their own thing to balance the other, because he thinks both sides are equal, he is not a slave to the other side, before the pursuit with the performance of boys when he should have to bear all the style is completely different, so Divide the other half think it is great.
third: ~ ~ Gemini Gemini boys hum emotional ups and downs too, when the treasure is treasure, every possible care to each other, but feel very disappointed when he was bored when the other half will be left out in the There, although he will be on duty to take care of each other, but the mood is completely see his mood change, with the passion to pursue a completely different before.
girls Constellation:
first: Gemini Gemini process of crisis like the girls, once she felt the feelings of both parties tend to stable, she will feel very boring, two children absolutely can not tolerate boring life , when she will begin manufacturing conditions, to generate the trouble for both sides, when the other party if the play too far left, two children came to understand how painful they are, Double children very contradictory, and she must know that by breaking up how their love for each other.
second: Pisces Pisces girls too love to chat with friends, soak PUB ... ... and so, as long as friends are in trouble, Pisces will be the first woman to this kind of thing is common, unless her boyfriend protest, Pisces woman will pretend to behave like a baby a few days, but so few days and it states Fuming, so let the other half is very insecure.
third: Scorpio Scorpio girls feel that since they have a male and female friends, then not the spirit to continue to heavily on the other body, that the effort spent on other areas such as business plans or two people coming ... ... and so on, she will begin to herself to look busy, so busy no time to set aside space to take care of the other half.
sensitivity on the other half ate the least sign
first: The Lion, the sun or the Mercury girl girl unconscious in the lion does not feel some of the other half would prefer to not listen when you do not see attitude to face, and challenges that face the outside world to defend the other half will be strong, but she suspected would torment his mind, in the case of suffering inside and outside the Lions will get old and ugly women, and very unhappy, but she still believe this case another half.
second: Aries Mercury in Aries sun or female girl in love will blindly believe the other side, only her husband in her heart is right to say, when someone told her the other half is not the time, Aries women will be severe tongue-lashing blindly guarding the other half, or even deliberate destruction of people blame her and the other half's feelings.
third: Two children of the sun or Mercury in Gemini girls are very confident of their own, she considered all of the other's words and deeds in their own hands, the other half absolutely can not escape his own palm, due to excessive self-confidence decreased alertness reason so often happens the other half was derailed and her last one to know the plight.
fourth: Sagittarius woman sun or Mercury in Sagittarius girls think love is to trust each other, or do not together, so once the shooter girl fall in love, she would wholeheartedly trust each other, completely devoid of suspicion, even if the evidence is conclusive, but the other half to give her a reasonable excuse for the other striker women still believe the explanation.
Fifth: Female Libra Mercury in Libra sun or the girls are concerned about their own social space, so relative to her husband's social life will be respected and even encouraged her husband to go out with friends more fun, plus She believes that the two sides to trust each other, so even if some clues, as long as the other half of slight explanation, Libra women would rather choose to believe.

Grand�� ��tokens
Scorpio: peaceful expression, the Pentium inside there Kazuma
Pisces: There have long been a feeling, and silently accept, leaving endless aftertaste
Sagittarius: Women of a certain man put his hand on her shoulders, men and a woman of very close to, if not exclusive
Capricorn: No delay in action, so let others pinched the cold sweat, and finally
Gemini said: I am serious, it follows that the same action as treasure dug happy
Leo: Can not find home plate and first base are there even archery, enjoy each other should be so after the
Aries: kiss face, the slightest warmth well up, hurry to think the next step
Aquarius: as a joke and a little formal, a knowing smile to know what I mean
Taurus: I am natural, but first base and second base line so clear, look and see
Libra: caring attempt to increase the time they meet, the action to follow to
Virgo: no intention to catch the small hand lines, blush Run to temporarily maintain the status quo it
Cancer: moving further and further close the eyes to gaze upon such a short, says it all

hidden personality is pure Virgo Capricorn
real good color is very romantic Libra
basically stingy cold gentle Pisces also has painted a very personal side of Aquarius
not pushy
Scorpio will also be careful and meticulous gift touched
Leo seemingly candid attention to each person in fact secretly seemingly cold Gemini
no place to hide in tears
adventurous Sagittarius do not like life order the destruction of
seemingly careless in fact, like housework
Aries Cancer fact abandon the timid spirit of adventure of all honest Taurus also
will lie and do not feel guilty

fight crazy girl most likely to get out of control
first sign: Scorpio with a Scorpio woman personality and has its own way the composition of the boys, often feels alone she was deliberately, but Scorpio female and very taboo others say they are not the same as with others, with Scorpio girl who hated despised by others, so casually say a word people would easily lead to her cranky, when the just-do when she crazy, even though they are close and love also photo bucket is not wrong.
second: Aries Aries woman facing feelings of betrayal and witnessed the rival lovers together with the status, she will be completely unable to control themselves, this time she began to want to destroy something, such as knocking on the glass, cut their own self-harm ... .. and so on, the brink of collapse in the Aries woman will look like crazy out of control all know what happened her in the end, impossible low-key.
third: Leo Lions women can not stand not being taken seriously, when she was overlooked when the other party will begin sarcastic irony, but this is only the prelude, if the other party does not receive the attention she suggested to her, female lions will out of control, made a mad lioness can be a crying two hanging everything to downtown, but it all just bravado, the focus is to the other side can attach importance to her.
fourth: Sagittarius archer most women can not stand still they do not admit sophistry, which she believes is the personality of this sophistry can not hide the shortcomings of a kind, she will pursue in the end, but the key link will be extended to a wireless species out of control crazy state.
fifth: Taurus Taurus woman is not easy to get angry, but once would be endless when she was angry, she can not stand most cases lie, lie and refuses to acknowledge when the other side, the Taurus woman absolutely mad crazy up, when she crazy when a woman against a small gesture, she can let go out of mutual affection with each other before, even if it does not matter to become enemies.

want to dump the former lover is also Shuaibu Diao Constellation
first three: Once Virgo Virgo fall in love with a man other Haikushilan are willing to, first of all rational analysis of his own will, but also can analyze the truth come out, but the emphasis is not willing to believe that he would not face, as long as the other party is also willing to maintain the superficial, Virgo can still pretend that the two sides is still very affectionate, even though they told him the crystal clear, and even let him Seeing is believing, I'm afraid Virgo are willing to wait for a change of heart.
second: Cancer Cancer people have a worry about the outcome for the emotional attitude, once he felt the other side to get rid of him, he is very insecure, in order to restore each other's heart, he would be willing to modify their trying desperately to make every effort to do all in all Cancer is actually the other side will not believe you want to get rid of him, when he got to the point of intolerable only when the collapse.
third: Aquarius Aquarius usually not very sure about his feelings or his relationship does not matter if he is holding the attitude of a clear cloud, or even very rational to cut off. But if he has been betting for some emotional feelings, or he actually dumped at a disadvantage, Aquarius is not acceptable response. Then he will want to find out is to take some action, such measures do some make up, in order to keep the feelings, he is willing to ruffle wronged, but not to the point of non-cut, there might make him crash and burn move.


a little difficult, but at least you have to remember where measured, this is not just a responsible attitude of love, but also a respect for the lover, best when a law-abiding good lover!

Aries fiery, impulsive and easily be spun up and the warm heart.

top 5
first sign: Taurus Taurus girls lust is hidden, and only played against the men who told her how she knew the lust, she would color and sex become very interesting, so that men let them go, even if looks like a fairy, but behind closed doors is definitely a slut, is a fried rice expert.
second: Virgo Virgo girls that love in the moment, to treasure the moment, Virgo people feel very subtle, but she will use body language to express her feelings, so she would be especially in front of the opposite sex charming mellow, upper and lower body in the discharge, and never give up.
third: Pisces Pisces is her lust for girls can be pure debauchery, Pisces female full use of her two properties, so that every part of man can be satisfied, it is entirely female Pisces can grasp an important reason for a man's heart.
fourth: Scorpio Scorpio girls go prudish line, in fact, when she saw the handsome deer rattling on mental will, there will be a lot of fantasy in mind, but she did so on the surface will be calm-like, but in private is absolutely Amoy high spirits will be pulling comments and sisters.
fifth: Gemini Gemini girls are in a lifetime learning how to make themselves attractive woman, lust is one of the key, so she would suppress their innate a frigid, her nature to try to as is the interesting thing, so she is more fun will be found in the speech area, which is talk about the dirty jokes and the like.

the most provocative of the boys can not withstand the constellation of Aries sun
No. 5 Venus and Mars in Aries with the little boy because it was very narcissistic, narcissistic temperament when he comes out it will let people think he was cold, but when he is interested in each other, when not even flirt with each other do not have that he will be very direct.
4th Sun in Leo with Venus and Mars in Leo's boys like the feeling of love, seduction, and ambiguous and difficult to scratch the Xinyang and the feeling of fear of getting hurt so he thought it was a very fun game, so Huan reject the temptation of the other party is.
3rd Libra sun with Venus and Mars in Libra people is not easy on the surface seems to resist the temptation, but fatal in fact psychological thought, the body's reaction has never been refused, Libra is very like the both of you come to me sense, he is curious about the baby, would like to know what the final outcome in the end.
No. 2 Venus and Mars in Cancer with Sun in Cancer of the boys are Mensao curious and shy type, when there Mature teasing him, the surface looks like a very shy, but in fact very keen psychological continue teasing him the other side, because he When a little boy happy.
1st Sagittarius and Venus, the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, the boys tease the object is not sub-normal age, it is and if the other party take the initiative to tease him, he will be very complementary, the other teasing him what he just like any other play, he will play very vividly, and Sagittarius boys look on the surface seems very sloppy, very fine actually very considerate girl really understand the psychological.




closed one, ask for free to get the final into a tragic situation.

Love should not be the constellation Taurus


should not love the constellation Gemini: Virgo, Scorpio, Leo

Love should not

relax now! Serial killer does not call every day is a good way to learn to believe that Valentine would drive away the other side than the oppressive rule is well-Moreover, if the other really really wanted to lie to you, Scorpio can do nothing even if caught, but as far as possible < / p>

people to avoid too much in love with the peach good.

not vulnerable to emotional problems too, but sometimes too stringent a standard of fairness, will feel their lover is not good enough, a complaint was that the situation of endless debate, the proposed Libra or let loose a little of the standard

get along with festivals, including the Valentine's Day, birthday, can make a lot of warm feelings too!

decision was released:

the way he loves you is to let you know how much he was afraid you left, so twenty-four hours closely monitored.

Aquarius has a lot of bother

when the standard deviation of two people found a lot of noise just to finish a fair discussion of the.

Cancer maternal girl, will organize a stable relationship.




Gemini's mouth is almost always almost, but just to meet people in the Twin is best to say more words of praise, and will definitely win the goodwill of most people! ! Will be straight to the increase in popularity!

of willfulness, the final battle when the second fire sign up, of course, the flames reaching the sky, out of control.

decision was released:

decision was released:

Aries is always love in the child king, both willful and playful temperament, but everything thinks about himself first, less likely to consider each other's feelings. Capricorn personality rational and mature, will be particularly difficult to accept abstract Aries lovers, perhaps at first

marry (marry) which constellation Cancer
NO.1 happiest man - not make money, but will cook to do housework, care of the family, is a good man model. Female - on Valentine's careful and considerate, meticulous care of each other, the other side, then point to point.
NO.2 Pisces man - always will? first place, and everything to accommodate?, so? feel like a princess. Female - will pay for each other unconditionally, according to thousands of Baishun can certainly meet all the big man mentality.
NO.3 Leo male - he will give? best material comfort and care, will not let? worry about women - though she was a little overbearing, but she arranged for you all, must be the best < br> NO.4 Scorpio man - love? to love specific imposing, and will do everything we can to protect him? from harm women - once impregnable fell in love with you, for you can make a sacrifice. - At the expense too far ... .. to be a bit out of breath ...
NO.5 Taurus men - know how to make money and know how to spend money, he will bring? A lot of interest in life women - not only difficult to change of heart, but know how to take care of you and very often make you feel sweet
NO.6 Capricorn man - though a bit stiff, but in having the responsibility, he makes you feel very insecure woman - she does not sweet talk, but pragmatically to help you get set, let your life be properly
Ranking sixth sense the strongest sign

first: Pisces Pisces guarded by the Neptune has a extraordinary sensibility, that sensibility is quite spiritual. So whether on the matter or the human spirit of his own will for the will to judge right and wrong sense of authenticity. He has a natural, intuitive insight, intuitive impression, however most of this trend because of the emotions that seem too subjective, not all is correct, so Pisces need to try to learn rational thinking.
second: Scorpio Scorpio from the hidden, unconscious guardian of a strong Pluto, its spiritual power is very strong, and have a positive mobility. His very deep experience of life, most of the time nervously thinking , exploring. But because of over-self, and very persistent, so more extreme emotional responses. Must learn to see the world objectively, and sometimes needs to change is none other than himself.
third: Cancer Cancer moon by the guardian in charge of inner feelings. Emotional responses to others extremely sensitive, always able to easily guess the thoughts of others. Subtle changes in the surroundings can be sensitive to. But it is a constellation dominated by emotion, emotional ups and downs easily, and even some small meaningless details in his eyes may also become extremely serious. Take a few deep breaths, do not let emotions control your life.

******************************************** *******
least likely to marry out of the constellation
1. Capricorn woman - the ability to work so that men too nervous. A Capricorn woman or else the small letter type, modest and humble, but once she sat high that even the Capricorn female? Seat she has even? Seat in the dress, so she will start wearing suits, with from brand-name, spoke, business-like, the tone has become serious again ... and so, over time the tip came out of style beauty, her heart is lonely even when active discharge, but no three hundred twenty-three of the boys, but not more perimeter step.
2. Scorpio woman - independent and strong. Scorpio women do not always think good people, men did not use, so everything myself, another fight with a man like the Scorpio woman, afraid of people think she can not afford, but she makes a good strong personality that can not be close to the opposite sex, most guys want is the feeling of gentle, but the Scorpio woman is always refreshing to feel sting? same.
3.: Virgin girl - look high and high standards. Good virgin female friends, gay friends of the opposite sex mingle, but not the same for her boyfriend, virgin females can be very tricky, so the pursuit of virgin woman who have five hurdles to be extremely difficult and heavy through her test, and virgin girlfriend hidden mines, saying one does not need even? condition, but she will step on each other mines at any time, immediately put out the.
4. Cancer woman - not like the communication, living area is too small. Cancer female character does not like to go out of home, not as fast-paced world outside the home attractive, and the worse the older the less physical like to go out, plus had been betrayed so that only the most trusted friend, a long time down Cancer woman living area is getting smaller, getting married and therefore not a.
5. Libra women - lack of security, do not trust men. Libra female friends believe, I believe that family, just do not believe that men, especially the female experience in love and more scales, with the increase in the number love, the passion of love is getting less, she would later hold this part of the negative view, would rather spend all their time friends and family who.

First Constellation:
Scorpio (foresight, hidden, crafty, bold and ambitious, strong will, insight, strong, real stars, the highest in 12!) ;
Capricorn (hard, late bloomer, ambitious, bite the bullet, perseverance, indomitable will, after the constellation of Scorpio's excellent!)
Aquarius (weird thought, the very people who can and, unusual calm, act strange unique, uncertain. an extremely attractive alien constellations)
second sign:
Leo (with leadership skills, have courage, dare dare, the disadvantage is arrogant, do not listen to persuade)
Libra (elegant and gentlemanly, handsome, a friend of many. But the star not assertive, and good to enjoy)
Taurus (stable, practical, artistic cells, more honest man. But more than stars as Scrooge in this lifetime labor for money)
Gemini (one to mince words, quick thinking, reflecting the swift pace, communicative ability. But the star said that more mistakes, of two minds, no qualitative)
Sagittarius (Zhixing Zi, called communicative competence 12 stars the most, a friend of many, like the life of unfettered freedom, but lacks the star patient, to do things by halves. and helping them, not practical, dishonesty)

������ index: 40%
relatively cool really can not deny the Scorpio constellation, it is best to find some of my favorite topics and others close to the initiative, with good communication to play its scorpion soon charm, and win more popularity it! !

love managing people put away the temper it! While the Leo in love is a king or queen, but Valentine is not your servants, too authoritarian attitude will only gas to go lover, especially the case of the fundamental controls are not moving the three constellation Leo was wide open a

taste the most masculine, most do not worry, the most easily understood, most are not afraid to be on camera, the best defense, most likely crime, the strongest curiosity, like most exciting, most likely not a word with the people and, most will confess the most daring, strong build up to a maximum of male chauvinism.


most will eat, move the slowest, most afraid of change, the most peaceful, most artistic, most diligent, most orderly, most patient, most like cooking, the most will make use of time, the love of money, the most feminine, strong build up to a maximum of golden voice and most do not love the spotlight the most gentle, afraid to waste, often the most serious and most reciprocity, the most petite women, the most stubborn, most bad bet .


the most affinity with people, the least thoughtful, most smooth doing things, most will opportunistic, most will cram, fear boredom, fastest response, most likely nervous, most likely Man face, said most afraid of privacy, the best of luck, the principle of the least and most will whim, and most will duplicity, the most likely international marriage, the most easily distracted, most will climb relations, most will be body language, the most affordable place to take was the next most likely to have a collection of addiction.


the most emotional, most thoughtful, love at home, the most peaceful, most will not do business the most lovestruck, most likely shy, most important tradition, the most human, most bile small, love troubles, at least a strong woman, most likely to feel meet the most kind, most do not mind, soul to the most specific, most will look at itself.


the most punctual, most subjective, most will confess, like most lively, most will not make the person favor, the most important self-esteem, the most loser, love the spotlight, Favorite command others, the most confident the sense of obligation and desire to protect the best and most no secret, the disaster of the most calm, most violent, most afraid of loneliness, the most honorable and most easily understood, most like to wear monochromatic clothes.


the most cautious, most will keep the pain, the most unwilling to suffer, is a bargain, the most rational, most eloquent, most important test, most will review their own, the most attention to hard evidence, the most pure, the most snobbish, most likely late marriage, most will duplicity, the most realistic and easy to get rich, most curious, for in a mate up, the most punctual, most accounting more, love to watch TV, most of time.


the most carefree, love the United States, most important appearance, the most indecisive, favorite friends, the most objective, favorite fool, love the spotlight, most will not guilt , the most eloquent, most afford to lose, the most indolent and most will be happy cute, the most just, love to watch TV, most will be talking on the phone, the best Worship tendencies. [-. -]


the most mysterious, then at least, the most beautiful, the most common sense, the most terrible when angry, the best color, most likely shy, fell the most thorough, most possessive , the largest male chauvinism, the most insidious, most will keep the pain, like most black, the most difficult to be taken, most will duplicity, the most Pachao, most will be kept confidential, the best to do business, the most thoughtful, most do not believe in humanity, sexiest, most sense of obligation, most will dig secrets.


the most honest, most will exercise, the most unkempt, most do not bear grudges, most will not duplicity, the best bet, fear boredom, love ran out, most will lose Three forget four, the most I can have to take the most optimistic, most likely crime, most do not worry , the most since the ban jokes, most will be crammed, the happiest, most magnanimous, most will not attack the heart, the least attention discipline, and most will not judge right and wrong, quickest, most bold aesthetic, like most exciting, most will not see his face , the most easy to make bad friends, most handsome, most peaceful, most will whim, and most do not attach importance spirit.


most rational, most will do business, the most motivated and most can not stand criticism, the most diligent, most think of the previous day, the importance of examination, most will not be opportunistic, fear most disgusting, most trusted, attention, the most concentrated, most likely to get rich.


the laziest, most feminine, the least sense of obligation, most will whim, disaster coolest, Snooze, the most difficult to understand, the most its own way, like most nature, most important spiritual level, the most rational, most will talk, the least attention to discipline, most likely when the dark horse, most in need of self-space, favorite fantasy, most will drag the time, the least sympathetic, most non-gender concept, the most addiction may be collected, the most committed to something outside of school textbooks. Pisces

the most romantic, love like a baby, the most easily deceived, most likely nervous, least snobbish, most remembering favorite fantasy books the most flavor, the most secret does not protect up to marry into wealthy, the best defense, least punctual, most night owls, memory is best, most will make the person favor, the most pessimistic intuition, the most accurate, most often grimacing, like most services, the most easy to keep into the habit of lying.

1. Libra: Your act of beauty and maturity is able to attract the opposite sex
2. Pisces: You may distribute the helpless feeling, others will not help to want to protect your
3. Sagittarius: they think and You get along well, so you popular with the boys welcome
4. Aquarius: You are a good dress, fast response, and thus by their loved
5. Gemini: funny conversation and hearty image that you popularity of the
6. Virgo: You can move the pure temperament is the boy's heart
7. Taurus: Your personality is very steady mild popularity point is the lack of feminine
8. Cancer: love like a baby makes you popular, but you do not understand how the wind blows
9. Aries: Your lack of feminine energy is too abundant to make you wince boys
10. Leo: You make the boys proud discouraged, for fear you will be riding in the head
11. Scorpio: You exude a mysterious atmosphere, so the boys think you are difficult to access
12. Capricorn: You're cold and go its own way, so that they feel to you good show you will be ignored

disguise: tears

Love is a very sophisticated type, however, the proposed standards, easy to looking any, or just not satisfied with the current object, and let the other half aware of a fickle, in this proposal Sagittarius before entering a period of love, talk to the people who like to do


bottle camouflage: alone

always accustomed to control his lover, a bit like the king of this control people that way, but never acts often are not allowed to say the other side, but usually if the case of freedom used to Sagittarius,

should not love the constellation Aries: Capricorn, Cancer, Leo

best color of the girls

������ index: 80%
Block confused individual fish is easy to let others close to them, together with fish naive romantic character, just put on a pair of docile appearance, there will be a lot of people around side, and you want to close and contacts, is really admirable ah!


Pisces hey, dreaming all the time they fall in love, so if you sweet talk one or two sentences, and their appetite for it!

should not love the constellation Sagittarius: Cancer, Taurus, Libra

Love should not be the constellation Libra

������ index: 80%
brilliant people has always been the focus of Aries! ! So forget the sheep to stay in as long as your happy smile and a pleasant attitude, a happy face every day, Progressive can ensure that popular!

little older mature man.

Pisces love

friends, learn with deep enough to consider it later!

this love there is no way sustainable.

������ index: 90%
social experts, Libra can be born is the most sought after, because Libra's friendly and gentle appearance will make people particularly like, as long as the Libra a lot of play to their talent can!

open; Scorpio Taurus with the beginning of a love full of points, but after spending time with easily kicked, and finally fell; water bottles often inexplicable fall in love with Taurus, but the lightning in love, lightning usually did not take long to break up, and Finally, never in

Scorpio in love are very possessive of them a party, together with their intuitive, as long as the lover of a crystal clear sign of trouble they immediately, but, and this has a habitual liar Aquarius constellation love, Scorpio is often a star

Gemini probably cut peach

: Aquarius, Pisces, Libra

decision was released:

side that is too cheap not know cherish it!

lovelorn Buthus martensii Karsch often easier than usual to go into food for thought, many people think, Buthus martensii Karsch in the strongest romance revenge when, in fact, although they will be deep in thought, when a negative thought about how the heart who hacked in pieces, but as long as most love scorpion had not really made such a move, they want even more is this: give me is their loss, so that they rest of your life go.

Aquarius They like independence, respect for freedom of life!

������ index: 85%
Sagittarius is an outgoing and happy like the sun sign, so the attention must not be less subject to it! Usually good as long as the shooter smile, and innate sense of humor, friends will flock to!

: Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo

Libra people are concerned about the fair in love, but the standards of fairness are often laid down his own, when lovers make the performance of scales that is not a balance between giving and receiving, that the other party may be necessary to more careful! Aries in particular that

, if the circle of friends or Mom, it is easy to develop because each has evolved to the point of betraying each other, end of course, difficult to see; and love virgin discussion, usually the beginning of the development is great, but Virgo requires more and more, only forced


a lot of flowers to express their love is the best at their unique skills, in addition to their affection all the time, but it anytime, anywhere!

many times, until the break up; the face are always chaotic discharge Pisces, Scorpio is often difficult to accept, but do not control, it is worth angry; good deeds on behalf of Libra , because they do not know how to resist the temptation, the total

think it would be redundant.

twelve constellations and the former lovers meet rate
enthusiasm and cheerful will disappear when the first break, this time the injured sheep irritability and temper, the best little tease. Sometimes the order for two people give up hope, will be treated with ice-cold old flame, talk to you too lazy to turn a blind eye is the most commonly used tactic, but a long time will treat you as friends, as if nothing had happened completely general . 70% chance of meeting.
for the object of hate, cattle will be treated with indifference and ignored, no matter how hard you go all the performance and excitement is always indifferent, but who have loved to still can not forget, stubborn was really like a cow, to eliminate the Iraqi people were emaciated pine wide end does not regret. Chance to meet 65%
Gemini good communication, have never Kenan An Jingjing and orderly way to get things done, they change the impetuous personality is a major drawback Gemini, so Gemini's mind would think: a very tragic romance, twice for the same person can only themselves to blame for the lovelorn. When an old lover back, the Twins will be many times greater than usual caution to think clearly. 55% chance to meet.
remembering can be a must, you can see the small crabs in the room to do manual labor a child, my father sent the first Valentine's gift will be used ... ... treatment is the same attitude, is very small crabs less old lover will give up hope to see the love letters in a drawer locks and photos you know. 95% chance to meet.
Lions though stubborn, but less likely to bear grudges, perhaps the reason you broke up it was deeply hurt, but it will try to forget those memories of painful, the next time we meet again Shiyou is the appearance of a pair of brothers, bright sun, bright or anger will only make them burn, but not bear grudges and revenge. 50% chance to meet.
love into a dead end, something not often happen to have put themselves neurotic. Love is the same, you have not nodded in before it have been good since then how to break up with you, the face of an old lover, Virgo is usually run away, they can not accept the failure of love, but to avoid this by to do to feel better. Chance to meet 40%.
Libra gentle lover in the treatment of old people are often mistaken when, in fact, do not want to put words Libra too direct, too did not want to hurt people, but can cause misunderstanding, This is the Libra in dealing with the feelings that must be noted. 60% chance to meet.
Although the break up, but still not faded old lover dedication, which will make Scorpio is often hurt themselves or hurt others to make things, and good use of the way, including the Pluto-given revenge violence, destruction of Mars, although not every Scorpio will then terror, but the old lover in the face of Scorpio is indeed difficult to calm. 65% chance to meet.
shooters are always like an arrow, always only look to the future, do not like to go back, meet old lover as well. This is not looked down on you not to, but their future to have more fun things, and optimistic Sagittarius hate pain and grief, usually will try to reject these two things in their own eyes, can not refuse to only to escape, when you ask a Sagittarius lover is what the old break up with you, I believe you absolutely no real answer. 45% chance to meet.
Capricorn are not always cold and utilitarian, their empathy, but one of the best 12 constellations, and once they like you, no matter how long it will wait for you, \wait until you \80% chance to meet.
like the new things are the characteristics of the bottle, then for the old lover? Of course, we would not abandon it like a old pair of shoes like the old Aquarius maintain the delicate relationship between lovers, such as by friends and relatives without this intimate love relationship, but often will make a new lover misunderstanding, and if you order this and bottles bickering, and that soon they will have your aversion, and the bottle, but it is important to note when dealing Oh! 65% chance to meet.
romantic and sentimental in the face of the old fish lover, it often can not get to fall into the old memories, and if former lovers often will entice a little resurgence, if you have Pisces at this time a lover, it is easy to fall into a dilemma, so Pisces should try to control your own emotions, or so the pain will often occur. 75% chance to meet.

decision was released:

innocent and sensitive sign this together, very easy to feel the shooter Cancer fickle fuss is difficult to avoid the situation; if this persistent form with the Taurus lover, Sagittarius will Shuaibu Diao kind of rejection is also a sense of the boredom, the most

������ index: 35%
Capricorn constellation is relatively restrained in interpersonal comparison takes time to know each other, but Capricorn can show their stable side, plus you can work, but also make your attention by many people!

super sticky top 3 couples the first sign combination
: Scorpio husband VS wife Cancer Cancer Scorpio wife if the husband and happiness, they do not mind showing in public affection for the other half of Italy, openly affectionate demonstration of the action, because they are all want others to envy them, and let people think they are happy to not work.
second: VS virgin wife husband Cancer Cancer and Virgo belong to the type of insecurity, Cancer, Virgo husband will choose the reason why is because my wife virgin wife is obedient on, he husband for days, on the giant Crab husband is one thing in terms of love, marriage is another thing, definitely do not mix, male hidden insecurity Cancer strong in the crush outside the opening joke is to prove the charm of their own, and Cancer brings attention to the other half, the other half set to be very safe, can not have derailed the behavior, and Virgo will show his wife's loyalty to the other half, so she will try to keep telling her husband's side in Cancer make him feel at ease.
third: Capricorn husband VS wife Taurus and Taurus Capricorn husband wife marriage belong to the type of pragmatic business, to the outside of Capricorn men are men will be led by his wife's hand, when necessary, he is not neglected wife, he is the real action to prove that their other half the other, the Taurus is the wife of this type, confirmed by close contact with each other.
test�� ��Love Love is like a lion
beef noodle soup bowl real
genuine products �� Taurus love is like a warm sweater looking and useful
love is like a delicious Cancer want to eat eat cake
love is like water bottles, like the father of the revolution once and then love is like a
scales a lot of people like to eat chocolate, but eat a lot of Capricorn in love is like
hold in your hand The bread got a
Pisces is your love is sacrifice and dedication of so remember to cherish the love Oh
Virgin accommodate your weaknesses as washing machines wash the stain you love
Aries Like a beacon in winter be careful not to allow the fire to put out the
love is like a burst of wind Gemini is comfortable but never touched
Scorpio love to eat like fun, but after eating spicy hot pot love is like diarrhea shooter must fight like riding stimulation is not immediately killed by arrows shot


Capricorn none of your own things, mainly that they had no interest in love!

\After the park to see species of herbs ... ... \

Sagittarians love the attitude is a bit loose with the person they think is a future together, if only short-term love to pass the time, they will not put too much thought in love, to concentrate more Debu without special conditions, when and Cancer

very special way of his affection, and sometimes people feel it casual, and sometimes weird to take your heart scare.

: Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius

out of control, the will bother to make a nervous breakdown; Scorpio lover the face of efforts to reach the action is quite Henla, various means are made out of tooth for a tooth; Leo Valentine Daochuliuqing is intolerable, a crying two brain III hanging is a common practice, each

Valentine told anything and do anything, was enough to greatly affect the mood of Cancer, but Cancer should try to tell a joke about what is and what if the gas is only temporary, otherwise met the above three constellations, but will be hard to live

cool not a bad thing, but love is the need of temperature, too calm to face love, feelings of Capricorn only way to be more rugged, Capricorn for the long-term understanding of your lover, if is the type of love at first sight, I am afraid

lovelorn are usually a very full schedule of their own, and overtime, travel, home with their parents is the best beef in the romance of \Because the Taurus, it is hard to forget someone, not as the thoughts of the energy transferred to work, play up, not to have some leisure time to think about that period of negative emotions better.

love destined to let other people injured
first sign: Aquarius Aquarius on the real thing and Destiny's Child is absolutely everything, love and care, but the other if only passing through, my heart will feel very hurt, Because Aquarius is not completely fall in love in accordance with the general rules of control over in his hands, if he feels the other's level of enthusiasm than he had expected, he will flash, flash people will be puzzled, even more Perhaps he injured the other good, but it is not see it, so there must be interaction with the Aquarius love the whole logic is prepared to subversion.
second: Sagittarius Sagittarius in love when the performance is very warm and generous, and it seems very focused, and thus easy to lose the guard, in fact, between Sagittarius problem will not say it He will use observation, and then repeated the stand, it would not be communicating with each other, until he was to wait until the last moment of eruption, Sagittarius will choose to leave, he suddenly left, so there is no awareness of the other half of that shooter Block, how to disappear, when the heart is really hurt on the playground.
third: Libra Libra in love will be engraved on the road dedication, hope to do so very satisfied lovers, but he has a personality that does not know how to say no, and therefore when people do not have motives come in to force to jump the queue Libra do not know refused, the situation is very easy for men and women of genuine friends feel unbearable.
fourth: Capricorn Capricorn people are very rational, like the ugly words of in front, he will speak to many conditions and many of the principles of clear, and thus make people confused that he was love is still in negotiations, often due to the practical Capricorn in love the other half in a hot feel hurt.
fifth: Gemini Gemini people tend to erratic, volatile emotions, love each other today, tomorrow may be tired of each other, but the day after tomorrow and maybe rekindle the passion for each other, which covered over and over again so close to people do not know how to do, so if a really fell in love with Gemini is willing to follow the pattern of his love of people as if the same roller coaster ride all day in the mood about the high bit low, if the bear decided to leave, Gemini and will show a very sad look.

Taurus is really good and thought that the eloquence, but also to remember that the interpretation of the time, it is necessary to make things good make it clear that if nothing is put on the costumes, no one will know what you're thinking, the case of to the above three constellations, can be considered

Cancer, and always noisy end; speak directly to the Aries, although more than half are unintended, but also enough to Cancer spirit out of control; striker pot which does not open the tender spot of the white head acts, each one Cancer can make an explosion, then!


������ index: 45%
crab is a quiet, shy little animals! So the best way is to take the initiative yourself and others a lot of talk, I believe crab crab innate tenderness and understanding, it will soon be everyone's favorite.

Aries usually after the honeymoon period before these conditions occur, as long as the feelings of a stable and acts on their usual bold aesthetic betrays, it is easy for the other half stunned, please remember that although the honeymoon period has elapsed, Do you need to pay attention to point of the image before

he loves you is to wash clothes and cooking, so cattle and horses, as long as you like without violating the principles of his frugal gift he will buy it for you.

the perfect combination: Libra + Leo, Scorpio + Cancer, Gemini + Aquarius, Taurus + Virgo, Aries + Sagittarius

: Scorpio, Virgo, Libra

love you to give you the best, but also to introduce you to his friends and family to show off that he had a good object.

constellation Cancer: Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius

should love the constellation Scorpio

Love should not be a constellation of Capricorn

decision was released:

decision was released:

decision was released:

not understand most of the Taurus is the way how to use the expression of romantic love, and is likely the wrong situation, when the drink for the romantic Pisces, the beginning may be to attract mature Taurus, the last by can not be boring and choose from


to see through Virgin's romance \hey virgin, because floating out the window side of the road song and stopped it? Why has not stop her tears to flow down, but said that it was sand in their eyes it? Strong possibility is that the pain of lost love has been accumulated for too long, too, and finally

not only uncontrollable, but also so the argument with special noise; when caught in a very assertive when Capricorn, Leo's wayward feelings will only break; lion lion encounter is a disaster, each like the general among the quarrelsome lovers, quarreling is pretty OK,

Virgo in love is easy among the quiet dedication, into a position of inferiority of the little man or little daughter, this is a hard to love the performance, but if caught in a bit greedy Taurus, and his dedication is easy as it should be

decision was released:

scales disguise: a bad

Gemini love always very exciting, the former lover, fellow students and countless school girl ambiguous objects, Gemini's love life are so colorful, but also to grasp the current endless mad lover, virgin for the feelings got a little older Block, in addition to so emotional


coming out.

very afraid of breaking when in love, especially a word lover, it will make Cancer feel the ups and downs , but like the weather can be said that even showers Partly cloudy. Gemini loves a joke often baffled the easily offended

������ index: 85%
the constellation Leo is a bright, so the chances are very high-profile! Leo this time we must spend more time and say hello everyone, show your bright side to ensure that everyone will like you.

the pursuit of a harmonious balance scales, the romance is that they balance the time scales at this time scale most foul temper, a little thing will make them angry, not only face Qi Gugu, even the words, maybe with a few arbitrary points, if you can understand the real reason behind their anger may wish to tolerate what they took the opportunity to vent it.



, I could be more cheerful.


Love should not be the constellation Pisces

Scorpio disguise: food for thought

write to express cards or writing a love letter to make up for lack of words.

favorite petty advantages of the constellation: Sagittarius, Cancer,
favorite tantrums constellation: Sagittarius, Aries
make fun of someone else's favorite constellation: Virgo, Aries
met bends with the wind of the most Constellation: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius constellation
for business alone: Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo constellation
most suitable for office workers: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
hardest constellation from a lost love: Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio
teachers and students love the most vulnerable to the Constellation: Pisces, Capricorn
play with the most CARZY sign: Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius

striker optimistic and oblivious to such a debilitating hit romance thing, but will show him the way to more fun, laughter and sometimes inexplicable is confusing, because the only way, forgetfulness Gradually, he can be happy by this disguise, anesthesia, forget the pain of lost love.

proud lion lion in the logic, even if the romance is the other's good, so even if they did not mention, when you hear the lion from the lions that once he has been called \suddenly became one when a guy is not worth, you should understand is what happened.

Emotional anxiety Qingyouduzhong
virgin born on the Taurus is able to control their emotions
very cold water bottle, personal feelings do not speak the mood changing like
Cancer Occasionally, the sea tide
anger scales, very reluctant to take orders from people
Pisces can not stand the pain of long-term isolation
striker will not indulge in any negative emotions will be poor lion
All emotions hide their emotions
Capricorn will be critical and demand the most unwilling to be bound
Gemini, Scorpio can not tolerate hate dull dull
clear, do not share their feelings with others and feel < br> Aries unreasonable thing for the fight, often to cover up the appearance of gentle inner rage

Capricorn Love

is to give you all the love you, take you to a fancy meal, buy the things you want to give you the performance of the material is easier for them.


Sagittarius like to make love evolved from a friend, mouth flower girl, To set her mind you, easy!

decision was released:

They like their Gemini

say he loves you every day, talking about you suspect this is not his mantra, or for everyone to say so.

staged fight every day; and met the master, like Libra is love, this relationship is likely to become the spy on the spy's condition, another master cheating infidelity.

decision was released:


������ index: 90%

very seriously, but he was in love you! But life still has to go work or to do it! So you can love with you?!

as few people will notice as they are in love, when romance Capricorn \They are also quiet when alone may not be true features are not showing a trace of emotion, in fact, as long as you are careful enough, you will find: the pain is there, hidden in Capricorn to treat people that little moment of hesitation.

biggest problem is that attitude is too cold, although this is their innate character, however, is not always indifferent can be able to stand for each constellation, in particular, like the lively Gemini, often it is easy because they feel no

Scorpio is very easy to make mad grasping, how Libra is always next time for endless third party.

Twelve Constellation breakup

not love, they will die. Haha

������ index: 50%
personality virgins relatively quiet personality is great! May wish to side with their neighbors, the two constellation Leo, Libra close to close, lay a good friendship, and then slowly meet other people too late ah!

Aries is always pure like a child, so when they wanted to take the easiest way to accept emotional textbook ... ... \Sheep good strong character, they usually hold a \things others would not be too worried.

Love should not be a constellation of Aquarius

: Gemini, Aries, Pisces

disguise: calm

period will be wild caught


Pisces in the face of emotional problems or try to pressure, to the courage and perseverance to face, although the escape may suspend temporary, but long to escape the pressure of the accumulated, it will be overwhelmed romance the last straw.

behavior, but in fact the face of love, Aquarius is a very serious type of business, but sometimes the attitude is too uncertain, people uncertain, it is more easy for feelings to cool to proposed Aquarius learn to pay attention to every

as long as the mind back on to his body, emotions can become very smooth, ready to remember to put its own good, the other will be more love for you, as long as the Virgo is very happy, good condition, feelings will be very happy, too in the past will only make contributions to the

Gemini more than words, is a name, so he started in vain in the study, you usually are not aware that he is rejected in love, but gradually you find that his words in the logical thinking is no longer as before clear and sensitive, but to no contact discursive learning things, you should be vigilant about the small double is also rejected in love.

Aquarius love is like boiling water, slowly heated to a temperature, to reach the boiling point. If I run across a cool type of Capricorn, I am afraid that talking about love from start to finish, ended in dismal high probability; encounter with the Aquarius lover


things to consider their position as people, Libra will feel by the unequal treatment; and When the mood changes when relatively large Cancer, Libra can get that do not know how we go; another case when the scales more on the very accounting Taurus

Scorpio, mystery is also high, you have to understand her mind ... ... hard!

decision was released:


should not love the constellation Leo: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo

discussion when the lion fall in love

Gemini disguise: Xialiao

handsome constellation: Sagittarius (... ... Brad? Pitt)
the most beautiful constellations: the best looking
Scorpio Horoscope: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
most lovely constellation: Pisces < br> The most lively signs: Aries, Aquarius, the most specific constellation Sagittarius
: Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, the most macho
Constellation: Gemini, Sagittarius, the most stable of the constellation Aquarius
: Morocco Jie, Taurus, Scorpio
most romantic Constellation: Pisces, Libra, Gemini
most stiff Constellation: Capricorn, Taurus
the gods of the Zodiac: Virgo, Cancer, Sagittarius, the most
lazy Constellation: Libra, Taurus, Cancer, the most philanthropic
Constellation: Aquarius, Libra
most knowledgeable Sign: Taurus, Virgo, Leo
the most frugal Constellation: Capricorn, Taurus
most Kitty Love Horoscope: Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
most tender Constellation: Cancer, Pisces
most overbearing Horoscope: Leo
The most beautiful constellation: Libra, Pisces, Taurus
most humorous sign: Gemini, Libra, Aries
most responsible Sign: Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio
favorite constellation: Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Constellation
favorite play: water bottles, Aries, the most honest of the constellation Sagittarius
: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, the largest party in the constellation
: The Lion, water bottle, the most arrogant of the constellation Gemini
: The Lion, Aries, Scorpio
best color Constellation: Pisces, Scorpio, Leo
richest Constellation: Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio constellation husband
best: the best wife in the constellation Taurus
: Taurus
best father's Horoscope: Leo
best mother constellation: the constellation Cancer
the best lover: the best nanny in the constellation Gemini
: best chef in the constellation Pisces
: Taurus, Libra Best killer
Constellation: Scorpio the best judge
Sign: Libra
the least assertive of the Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces
most thoughtful Constellation: Aquarius, Aries
most face-saving Horoscope: Leo constellation
bad most will: water bottles, most shooters will be fiscal
Sign: Taurus constellation
favorite Shuashuai: striker (... ... Daniel? Haynie), Aries
most likely to catch fish of the constellation: Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius
raunchy Constellation: Aries, Sagittarius constellation
hatred must offer: the best athletes in the constellation Scorpio
: striker
Best businessmen constellation: the constellation Capricorn
best salesman: the best scientists in the constellation Gemini
: best cleaner bottle
constellation: Virgo constellation
most do not know to: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo constellation
favorite boss to do: Aries, Leo
favorite random things to buy Constellation: Pisces, Gemini

anger according to roar, and make less than Gemini to avoid the fear of it!

feel the ride, but it may cool slowly, and finally broke up hastily; Cancer in love is always easy to feel high and low need of comfort, so Aries thinks it; another Leo can not be offended, usually Aries can not stand

should not love the constellation Virgo: Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius

two complementary personality

shooter disguise: Happy

third Constellation:
Aries (the stars are mostly impulsive person, no brain, naive, aggressive.)
Cancer (this star only know her mother, children, love. sad. male crab is so, good for nothing)
Virgo (analities king, nervous, preoccupied with cleanliness, is not gregarious. Comparison of unpleasant constellation)
Pisces (I live in a dream among the 12 constellations of the most vulnerable constellation, not assertive, mercy. alcohol, tobacco and drugs. while this is also the 12 constellations of stars in the crime rate first)
most likely to kill someone else's career top 5
first sign: Gemini very fierce ah ~ ~ Gemini is Bold, and very easy to very good performance, the event that things will not retreat, if not he will dare to fight, and he learning, and adaptability, the more urgent the situation in his better performance, coupled with the process of Gemini is also in a set of relationships, not afraid of complicated and many people, whom are topic chat, bright and excellent performance of Gemini will naturally become the focus of attention of everyone, of course, put outperforms others.
second: Cancer Cancer that must bring their own sites and consolidate, and he must let himself in a state of great insecurity, not so much that he would kill someone, but rather that he will try to please everyone He is taking the human line, he touched everyone's hair is smooth, and understand the human life of Cancer accident will make everyone happy, and he will be very reassuring, because no one will want to kill yourself happy people.
third: Taurus Taurus looks silly, but he was knowing too much, his heart has lots of ideas, every step must go slowly, each step will be crucial to the future development and possibilities of the next step, so in terms of the Taurus did not step lightly tread, are after careful consideration, and the impression he does not like you so rigid in his own area of work will find a lot of creativity and fun, Taurus is very clear that only create their own value to sustainable development, and therefore do not have to take the initiative to kill people in Taurus, he is the same quality out there, it is easy to be Bazhuo.
fourth: Aries Aries mobility and offensive power are strong, but his opponent is always only one person that is himself, his efforts are what I do, but because he was running too fast a , In contrast to others to become a fool, and when he wants one thing he will not take into account the position of others, too positive performance and bring the best out Aries often become the dark horse of the workplace, but often do not know unknowingly set a lot of enemies.
fifth: Scorpio Scorpio brains clear, powerful will to win, he does not think in terms of Scorpio kill anyone himself, spared the Scorpio that as long as their ability to find someone else must come naturally, but when people attack him or insist on fighting with him, he must Zhouxuandaodi with each other until the other tail between its legs to escape.

Postscript�� ��lovelorn drunk of a Pisces will
; Taurus cried
Cancer Council will call complain; Leo will go to the beach hair
Sagittarius will look over all the movies ; Virgo will retreat for three days and three nights
Capricorn will seriously reflect on the review; Aries, Libra will go to KTV screaming
'll eat all the food; Scorpio lover will find the next flight abroad
Gemini will provide relax; Aquarius will be mad Shopping

end but in the end to turn a difficult clean up.



Taurus timid, not taking the initiative of the girl, like crush people, and therefore a higher hit rate boys!

���� should not love the people! ! !


These girls with high IQ

strong heart, a relationship will find a lot of pressure, and finally Pisces can not stand the bleak ending; the face of Virgo's attitude should always be clear, a lot of Pisces will feel that they faced every day chatter pressure, turn

three meals a day plus supper

welcomed by the boys and girls

Virgin disguise: out of control

lion's camouflage: changed to

initiative, like others have their own pressure, and more efforts to reach the Oh!

Aries disguise: motivated

Aquarius furious turn.

bottle when the lovelorn like to have more time alone, whether it is hiding in his little room, or the quiet countryside to go, or stay in very few acquaintances in the cafe, their surface calm, In fact, it is in the heart of this paragraph over and over again the feelings of loss, but as a friend you do not worry, as long as the reason they will have figured out all right.

������ index: 75%
bottle is a strange sign, but because the bottles are very friendly to everyone, but also often exhibit their own unique views, popularity has always been very good, very easy will become a subject! !


In fact, I know I need a man

At the time, I'm tired
fact, has no one understands me. I used to pretend to be strong, accustomed to a person face of all the ...
gonna do in the end I do not know sometimes

very happy and I can speak for each person, can be very presumptuous;
But no one knows, but that is disguised, it is deliberately disguised
I can make yourself very happy very happy,
but could not find the source of happiness , just giggle.
I'm not used to things and people say, because I'm not used to others looking at me with pity.
In fact, I treasure the people around, but the pressure of living so I'm good at forgetting , forgetting those memories pass through I thought forgotten
can make yourself happier ...
However , I feel it is more loneliness ...
night comes, cold air around a person sitting on the grass ...
daze ...
the sky do not know what his mind was thinking ...
remember the past, This is the only ...
In fact, I am also very eager to have one person can understand me; be able to enter my heart ...
In fact, I very tired, really want to put all the pressure ...
However , in reality only I carried them slowly let go ...
registered QQ into their own space

to see how many people still care about me, see me, how much space I have followed the dynamic ...

down, then down ...
more important is the person you care about the dynamic ...
was just looking, do not bother ...
when found, I no longer love to write log Even if the latest log, the front will bring a [transfer] ...
not I become lazy, but I'm tired ...

willing to use someone else's language, to express their feelings ...

linked to the QQ, but not hung on the line
QQ, not only repeated the chat
'start grouping' and 'closed group' ...

on the line, is To pass the lonely;
stealth, to avoid disappointment;

so hung up QQ, hidden the body, bit by bit, looking at other people's changes ...

when < br> We do not like chasing, but wanted to jump
the same as before when we allow yourself to become silent
but would like to know more about the so-called friends around us

like in a very quiet very quiet night, turn out the light to wrap my silence, but we fear the night ...

and friends get together occasionally,
or happy or disappointed
< br>
sometimes, lonely pick up the phone open address book, over and over again ... do not know who the call.

me lei le!

We create happiness

a visit to the U.S. Chinese Women Writers in New York met an old woman selling flowers. old lady dressed in old , weak , but the look on his face is so peaceful excitement. writer said a flower dancing : It looks like you very happy. \expected that the writer even more surprised the old lady replied: Jesus was crucified on Friday when the world was the worst day, three days later to Easter. So , when I met misfortune , will wait for three days, so everything is back to normal. \

Thus, affect a person happy, sometimes not the difficulties and hardships, but a person's state of mind. If immerse yourself in a positive upbeat attitude, the joy of each is bound to take your day

The latest ban adult animation

Oh, give us today is our new \like. \sound trucks were recorded on a small parrot food allies and enemies of the meat of the small Ma cemetery dating adventures midnight taxi Cry piano and bust Erotic pork, beef, chicken protest seventies seventies stranger on stranger eat duck under the Kingdom of the ultimate stunt characters 1 2 cattle fork of the Chinese Kingdom of hard paper parrot parrot through customs will be wrestling the realm of snail fable ant and elephant mixed

Keep a step, should not be, especially college students, all

First, the delicious food as long as there exists in this world is not bad.

all kinds of bags, buy one, I completely fallen, tragedy.

(�� v ��) ah. The senior class as a prodigal people, someone asked me what good Taobao shop, so today's children's shoes and a few other small-opportunity t, Jia Jia, ah, music, Xiao-Jun and other children's shoes to a good shop order a bit, by the way that experience points.

89. First crisper, bottle, glass store

haha. . Oh , this is not the expense of others. Only recently in the main push of the product owner is very strange, deliberately old shoes? ?

57. The first character clothing store

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5. pure cocoa butter chocolate parity first shop manual

71. Taobao first shop

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1, Blue Charm papers

Men: Men's cause, is a step by step to come out.

recommended shops: (you may find many shops here, not very good-looking product picture real shot. But like those who come directly from the magazine to pull the pictures of natural looking, but the fact is that you bought to know. Kazakhstan)

78. Taobao First Feng Shui shop

Mobile phones and phone accessories

97. The first battery, charger, memory card store

lemon, the largest supermarket female white-collar workers. Do not know this store has it? Three Golden Delicious

Chanmao dedication service. .

recent warehouse fire, and suspend business ing, waiting for Fenghuang Nie? in.

super cute.

really want to lose weight, more exercise , eat less, to the people you value most promise you have to lose weight, give yourself the pressure, and thus, no good shortcuts.

95. The first women's underwear shop

not miss baby like hot, spicy to cry also want to eat! ! This product is very wide, not spicy Vietnamese row of recommended sugar like mad.

102. The first outdoor goods store


6. honey, the first shop

18. The first men's fashion shop

Vuitton flagship store in the official Paul

my opinion: best not to buy. Do not worry, do not worry. Diet pills such things, usually a little on the body side effects. Eating eating and even if effective, a rally to show their colors out. .


30. Taobao Mall men's first store.

11. The first men's underwear shop

12. Men's fitted b first shop

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State Sports General Administration of trainers for athletes crisper

much said, and his look.

drinking such a good honey, you will feel that life is sweet it

Clothing accessories

40. Mall first bag shop

3. In recent years various types of collected articles Prodigal baby shopping guide, in which the older generation expressed his thanks.

Tang lion costumes, a lot of things that cost very high.

Second, men

68. The first authentic crocs shoes

classic comment from cen5588: \

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24. menswear shop in the first country bumpkin.

51. First ���������� prime color 18 Weisha store

54. the first day of single women's clothing store

15. menswear sales of the first mall store

88. first hand diy shop

Gee. Fan those clothes too a child. (Ps. But also depends on what people wear, proved my fat clothes to wear as an absolute tragedy, alas)

as long as there is delicious , the world is not too bad. En.

shiny shiny shoes

81. The first sports apparel store mall

87. The first most all small stuff household goods stores

56. The first trend of the speed shop ride

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58. The first women's pink cute shop

Men: sportsman building plan

wheat bags? Many people know it. B2c largest network of outlets stationed Taobao bag.


21. And one in Britain.

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range children.

45. ladies first hot shop

4. Chanmao together the first shop

Shoes: I have new ones every day shoes ~ ~ ~

9. the court first pastry shop

98. The first mobile phone shop.

Shopping Guide: First of all have to look at is not taken in kind. What is the real film? Is neither a magazine photo, nor is the official website photo, but the models who wear the test, what you sell. Online has a famous post, \And how to identify is not really making, I have a little trick: look at his shop a few models, if taken for a change of clothes, a model, it generally is not really making friends, and your shop are mostly The two models taken, it should be a real shot at the same time, there is no physical tile map and details of the map, is also very important, there is to be trusted ~ ~ ~ (ps. photos are angels, refuse this kind is We can search articles search to see, because it is killing me.)

British Lunfan

99.89% favorable rates of men's business done is not easy to know.

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gorgeous, but also glowing point of England flavor.

8. chocolate favorable rate of the first shop

28. Famous first store.

2009 Annual Taobao sixth bag of my favorite

99.97% of the favorable rate can explain a lot of problems.

this and see it, there are shares of a special charm, said unknown Oh. . Is monster. En.

children to build the strongest, very paragraph says.

Do not buy things online! ! ! Before seeing this article! ! (Former school to share hundreds of thousands, over more than collections)

Four other


Strangely enough there are a lot of shoes

one-stop shopping place to shop man, very nice

1. Mongolia, the first cheese shop.

Taobao Mall, kitchen

2. article: Four-opportunity girl more than two months finishing the crown 100 shops (the original campus to share hundreds of thousands of it, was later used as advertising harmony, and tragedy, I am glad I saved)

74. Taobao girls hodgepodge of small stuff first shop

84. The first female scarf shop

69. Department of shoes the first day, the Taiwan version of sandals

I like this because my girlfriend like the British style of (ps I'm not bronchitis, absolutely not. (~ o ~) ~ zZ)

41.. Makes you lose the bag shop

really do not understand, mostly for the glasses shrimp male models, it is worth a visit

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o (? ��?) o. . . This is less of that month, I really also a prodigal baby ah.

90. The first wedding shop

Mo Fan shop women's clothing store in the big names are also considered a

Taobao official dress

hillbilly is a boss's name. Haha. A very friendly shop, see a model laughs with them the different poss, wear different clothes, uh, quite the intimacy.

23. Three Crown favorable rate of the first shop

14. England, the first clothing store

Socks, underwear

Although some clothes seem ugly, but there are a lot of very good personal clothing.

29. England, the first men's shop

94. The first sock shop


49. First Leggings, rendering shirt, Ju Jiafu women's clothing store

70. shoes, most types of shops

2, the students of paper center

32. Italy, the first men's shop

52. The first wedding dress shop

? Monthly articles to share the hottest hot-

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79. Taobao first store jewelry store

93. The first creative furniture store. .

13. Five Crown favorable rate of the first men's shop

72. The first mask product store

second, how to identify clothing quality. Promise to \At first I did not understand, I asked the seller how the quality of Yi Yi, can be returned it? Some stores to reply wrote: If you have quality problems, were returned for free. Hearing this, maybe you will say, this store has security ah! In actual fact, really have a problem, individual sellers will be Dodge said, he called the \God, there are such \! This is a quality problem, if not quality, but I do not like, wearing inappropriate, psychological gap between large, that it has a \Oh, really troublesome ah, so we chose \! Han reason you do not ask me, if not satisfied, let's return, a big deal out of my postage back and forth on the line ha, hehe ~ ~

50. The first Fan of children with the most shops

76. Taobao Crystal Monopoly first shop

3. The first tea shop

26. The first men's shop.

73. Taobao first mobile nail beauty shop

10. Men's tragedy the first store.

38. high degree of credibility bag the first old shop

92. The first laptop computer desk, desktop computer desk store

sports shoes:

48. The first white-collar workers, petty bourgeoisie women's clothing store

63. The first sock shop

47. The first women's Variety store

44. creative bag first shop

Women: to create the most beautiful of their own

64. The first middle-aged clothing store

100. First Family clothing stores

85. The first male and female parts store

19. a type of men's first mall store

bag: bring out your style

75. Taobao first wig shop

80. Taobao first national characteristics jewelry store

42. men's bags, wallets, accessories first shop

Well, actually not so non-mainstream.

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55. The first Taiwan women's clothing store

right. The first men's shop is so Niuhong Hong, online shoe shoes who do not know God? ? ?

Recently, a post she was a baby girl Statistics Taobao article out of money lost, she lost two years lost more than 20 million. Just like friends that I see, I really tmd-opportunity ah. Loss of my friend, you do not have three yellow diamond the right, you lose your money statistics the number of estimated is not much better. . . Results. . I Alipay investigate the most recent of more than 3,000 a month. .


37. More style bags first shop

red stone, buy jeans will be visiting, there's really nothing.

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34. Li Ning, the first exclusive shop

99. First children's clothing shop

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04 �� old shop, up 99.76% of the credibility

Third, women

will visit the store to buy underwear, giving you the most personal care (pop, sounds like a sanitary napkin ad)

35. Converse exclusive first shop

20. glasses men men's first mall store

(�� v ��) ah. . I fainted, it seems to have nothing to with the bag it. Well, to get this right, too lazy to change the

nike, adidas, etc., etc. ~ ~

not buy Yangyang Yan Ye Hao.

39. Taobao man bag brand

59. Three Crown favorable rate of the first women's shop

22. non-mainstream men's first shop

66. The first European and American fashion shoes


25. Second, the first shop in Crown favorable rate.

17. Men recent sales of the first mall store

77. Taobao Korea, the first jewelry store

family so much fun to wear. Haha

101. The first original brand children's clothing store

61. The first large size women's clothing store

Zhuangshan, it is impossible

veterans opened shop, the Golden Delicious Niuhong Hong shop

of thin silk and Di (if wrong, it casually), American casual wear, cut, young man on the home page of that annoying lump nest ah

62. The first women's clothing store mall

82. The first movement of non-mall clothing store

83. The first hat shop


86. The first creative furniture gift shop


a little expensive, but also considered value for money

67. The first mall shoes

Cosmetics, mask, etc.

Chinese Articles

on cosmetics: we can see, very few shops recommended. Cosmetics recommended to others because in the past when they used the situation well, but others are not ideal to use it, also people who complain that care, skin may be other aspects of personal circumstances are different now. So do not recommend too much. Thankless thing I did not do

Taobao last weight loss drug talk: Do not see the girl selling the very fire Taobao slimming (30 days to more than ten million units sold it), buy not worry, my views on the consultation.

Second, education
1, Teaching and Research Center

paper to primary and secondary education, basic education, English articles majority.
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Yunnan Pu'er tea house, praise was the highest food big business.

33. personalized men's first shop

Third, do not freeloaders, I see online some of the \9 yuan, what it should be a kind of dress, ah, look at photos, but also fine as hell, not help people do not believe, but really photographed hand, I think most of them will be disappointed, and such Yiyi, wash water, the many people that he has a new use, it is mostly done wiping Buha, hey, anyway, in my opinion, you pay for, this reason, online shopping is the same

31. Playboy men's first shop

91. The first furniture stores

Gu Ming

65. Shoes first shop

Sassafras, my blindness, and even a dung? death.

103. the most lovely first shop hamster

it looks like the recent fire, which shoes

7. Yunnan, the first specialty mall stores

53. The first women's clothing store on the new rate

43. Post the first super cute fabric store

main sources: 1. Our online shopping that group.

<Foreign Language>

The grand recommended. . . fbi, bills of various creative bag. Too cute, too funny. . Haha

36. sports shoes store


27. tramp the first store.

2. grilled squid, squid slice the first store.

Peacebird Monopoly

60. original design women's first store.

16. jeans first shop

(Ps. Online shopping guide posts a lot of women, like men look down on the market as businesses, so this emphasis recommend.)

always imitated never be surpassed. This sentence really loaded b, ha ha, but still can see, right.

super nice.

Armani. So expensive.

46. The first Korean version of women's clothing store

<Exam resources>