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Yinchuan Sister good mouth, speak more to do less, Helan sister, good heart, again not run home, the sister good temperament, water tender skin not old Zhongwei sister , good quality, not surround the Dalai husband noisy.<br> The sister of good thinking, rather own three shifts. Yong Ning younger sister stature is good, the year four seasons cannot feed. Huinong sister color good, night was like a bird, siggi Sister good eyes, have money to you , Pingluo sister craft, sewing pants up the most skillful hands, Shiochi Maiko good education, virtuous and early , Longde sister ability is good, be very careful in reckoning run every day.<br>Guyuan sister strength, catch husband run the streets<br>Ningxia Beijing, Shanghai, Ningxia Shahu..Hongkong street, the United States of America Road, as the Ningxia desert rose fragrant , osmanthus fragrance, as Ningxia mutton flavor.<br>Audi, BMW, Ningxia skin raft.Bud table wine, Louis wine , as the old Yinchuan of Ningxia.Raisins, dried abalone, as Ningxia wolfberry stem.Days affection, and love, as the people of Ningxia good mood.The day is heartless , ruthless, Ningxia where people.<br>
Yinchuan Sister good mouth, speak more to do less, Helan sister, good heart, again not run home, the sister good temperament, water tender skin not old Zhongwei sister , good quality, not surround the Dalai husband noisy.<br> The sister of good thinking, rather own three shifts. Yong Ning younger sister stature is good, the year four seasons cannot feed. Huinong sister color good, night was like a bird, siggi Sister good eyes, have money to you , Pingluo sister craft, sewing pants up the most skillful hands, Shiochi Maiko good education, virtuous and early , Longde sister ability is good, be very careful in reckoning run every day.<br>Guyuan sister strength, catch husband run the streets<br>Ningxia Beijing, Shanghai, Ningxia Shahu..Hongkong street, the United States of America Road, as the Ningxia desert rose fragrant , osmanthus fragrance, as Ningxia mutton flavor.<br>Audi, BMW, Ningxia skin raft.Bud table wine, Louis wine , as the old Yinchuan of Ningxia.Raisins, dried abalone, as Ningxia wolfberry stem.Days affection, and love, as the people of Ningxia good mood.The day is heartless , ruthless, Ningxia where people.<br>
== Accompany you to arrive old, my confidante! ==
I know you, one's whole life is the most happy thing ,<br>Thank God let us meet, know each other, each other, depend on each other!Miss this life just to accompany you, accompany you to chat, listen to music!Tell each other stories!How are you? I screen each other friends.<br> In this way, inadvertently encounter , let us mutual care , miss each other.This feeling is a kind of touching endless ! You have touched the world exists! You are really beautiful.Every click your name, there is a kind of warmth is raided on mind.<br>Numerous times to look forward to, numerous times to be reluctant to part, sweet in the heart.Good hope I can hold your hand, walk together in the future, whether the flowers to pave the way , or... , never abandon all hope, together, forever.<br>In this quiet night, thinking of you is a kind of happiness, is also a kind of pain, is a sweet torment! There are about one billion, and I just know you, this is a kind of fate, or...? I miss you, no matter how the world changes, asks you to remember once a I, and want to accompany you slowly getting old.<br>I really hope, hope you and time can keep me, let us perform over the life.There is a tacit understanding is called the heart, there is a kind of feeling called too wonderful for words, there is a kind of happiness with you, a kind of longing is called life.<br>
== Siltstone ==
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Is mainly composed of sandy clastic sedimentary rock is composed of siltstone [1].The particle size of 0.0625 to 0.0039 mm (mm) powder sand content of 50% in siltstone specimens of a clastic sedimentary rocks.<br>Powder detrital component of sandstone in general is relatively simple , with quartz , feldspar and debris rare, sometimes containing more muscovite.In addition to silt by sand, clay or other chemical sediment.<br>According to the particle size is divided into coarse powder sandstone (0.0625 ~ 0.0312mm) and fine sandstone (0.0312 ~ 0.0039mm).Siltstones often has a thin horizontal bedding , sediments containing water is prone to liquefaction deformation bedding and other sliding structure.<br>Pink sandstone by particle size is divided into: coarse sandstone (0.0625 ~ 0.0312mm) and fine sandstone (0.0312 ~ 0.0039mm); according to the mixture components are divided into: argillaceous siltstone, iron powder sandstone, calcareous siltstone.<br>
In clastic composition is divided into quartz powder feldspar sandstone, siltstone , lithic sandstone (rare) and their transitional type.According to the cement composition into clay siltstone, iron powder sandstone, calcareous siltstone and dolomitic siltstone.<br>Loess is a kind of loose or half consolidation silty sediments.Siltstone formed at River floodplain, Delta , lake and ocean relatively deep part.
Siltstone variety of colors, with the mixture of different components.<br>Siltstone is after a long distance transportation, water dynamic condition relatively quiet , deposition rate slow formed under the environment of.In the horizontal and vertical, but gradually become sand or clay, and constitute rhythmic bedding.<br>
== JJ Lin's 79 classic most worthy of taste Lyric ==
JJ Lin,  79 classiclyrics 1  who still remember,who  said that love me forever  ,the previous sentence,  is our wounds  ;too long  ,no one  remember those gentle  ,you and I hand in hand  ,to  walk together to the end  --  remember  2 originalthe  expression of pain was actually no  ,it turns out that the most  cruel picture  can  speak sugared words  ,I don  know how to love you more  ,ironically shadow following  me hard to hard to leave  :the original is the most lonely  or so I think you,  the most sad is that  I  can not face their own  ,you receive a  clean  ,I would  without a trace  --  the original  3 youneed me  giggle  ,I need you  ,love is  so that it does not  light down,  I know sometimes also need  ,but also  to know  only you to be best to me  --  perfect match  4I missto the end  will always  stay  in your heart  ,because I  met you  like a  virtual game  ,I know  you  on the Internet  a message  --  elf  5toyou all night  ,not to say anything  ,count the  respiratory  fantasy  ,think of  the real you  ,to  Bottom  how  strong  --  elf  6love issaying that can not stop  ,has been  strong enough to  say was once  --  fear  of 7  as long as you at my side,all the  gossip  rumors  completely  to pay no heed  --  Mermaid  8whenlove  and hope meet the sunlight  ,yesterday  evaporate over the passing of time  ,don  ,will  make more desire  ,filled with courage,  we will have more strength  --  love  and hope  9perhaps theman is really  a man,  less  style  ,still can  ,sometimes  wrong  do not  know wrong  ,don  excuses  just  said one day  ;sometimes girls  less  children  ,heart helpless  also need  care,  but  how can  barely  left  turn  ,again  --  the big man  ,little girl  10unilateralwaiting,  on  gentle,  still less  what  --  Always  online  11reallyis  love  ,tears  know  ,love or not love  the original  heart already  exist,  happiness is not thousands of miles away  ,let me be brave  to express love  --  expression  12lovehate  now  ,sentimental  easily  betrayed  hate  ;ancient  ,fate  only by  waiting  ;hate  not  Come,  that  promise too  susceptible to corruption  --  evolution  13leavesstacked  in several layers  ,and I  stepped on the  youth  ,who  heard  before  in  tears  -  in succession,  a  fate  tie a  rope  ,I  still waiting  ,I  can only have  a  serious  --  Chibi drunk  14 ofthe  time  freeze  ,freeze first met that day  ,freeze the love  ,seize the moment you  --  freezing  15freeze the space,freezing  the world with you  ,freeze the  picture  ,freeze  it  dissolved  --  freezing  16with the sky,why the world  and  gravity  force  ;there is hope  ,despair  or  as the shadow follows the form  ;with courage  ,let the  tears  buried the past  --  Black Knight  17richvanilla  chocolate  agate  ,insensiblement quietly melt  ,into  the happiness taste  --  found  love  18excellent blossomgood wind  ,as long as you  in what is  good --  found  love  19 Istill looking for  one to rely on  ,and  a hug  ,who pray for me  ,for  me  ,for me  the downtown,  happiness is beginning to have a  ,fate let us  slowly  close  ,then loneliness will be swallowed  ,boring  Conversations  ,there are changes  -- the  20small dimpleyou  don  how important you are to me  ,you have made  my life is complete  --  dimple  21the lights on the groundare like twinkling stars  ,what place waits for me to land  stops,  a gate and a bridge  ,what smile  is worth freezing my  heart  --  airport without tears  22love is thirty thousand milesalone  ,flash  for  tears  ,overlooking the  possible  distance  ;love  is  always  beside you,  love  the sight of understanding  --  airport without tears  in  23mylife  is very sloppy,  happy  often  at the door  --  around the  airport without tears  24wantto see you every day  ,it  started from the day  --  LOVE  25 can onlylook  to the East  ,your world is too far away  ,reached the limit of imagination  ,happiness has  sweet  ,but darkness has swallowed  me,  is  not  into your  hand --  west of  26.<br>mylife  has been waiting for  ,the empty  pockets  ,want to  put inside  a  love  ;why always  defeated  ,really good helpless  ,I actually  really  ,no matter  be handsome not handsome  --  look forward to  love  27 look,I expect you to find  love  ,free  Not  in  ,I  come very naturally  care  ,your presence  ,telepathy  ,I  tell at a glance  ,because  love  --  look forward to  love  28I guess you got mylove  ,around the  bend a few  closer to  more  understand  ,don  ,the beginning of happiness is just to  love  -  --  look forward to  love  29lights can not beextinguished  through  tonight,  can  from the book  escape back to  the world,  I  ,I don  how to  say  this  time  ,read the book  will make a fortune  ,so  stay  --  read  30not everyonewill study hard  to read  ,no  serious  reading  is not necessarily  lose  --  read  31but youknow  I have  missed  ,spending  time on your  attachment  --  tomorrow  32want to giveyou  a  bouquet of flowers  ,want to accompany you to  the dawn and beach  ,with time  to wither,  only to wake up the  regret  --  Shakespeare  day  a  33from then onmy head  ,just one  of your name  ,only one  name --  don  never mind  34If one day,go back in time  ,back to the  original me  ,can you feel my word  --  when you  (  J  Music J  )  35I want to treat you,you never  know  ,I want you  ,can become a hobby  --  when you  (  JJ composition  )  36 Ito  you  see  ,really  far away,  even  sigh  shadow  heard  ,is wordless  ,you  go ahead  I  see  ,miss you  ,you  and me  ,inscribed with  a line  never change  -- the  distance  37Whenlove  before leaving,  more  bitter  can  much  more  sweet  ,is the distance  you pass me  --  distance  38they say theysee  ,I  have  no matter  ,I  as  announced  ,love your people will  be  my  right,  not wrong  ,is  ,simply,  that I love you love  me,  don  you  sew  --  I  39tears are drowning mewho  the  sorry  ,who is this emotional release  --  I still miss her.<br>  40 Ifinally understand  ,do  not  promise  ,became shackles  ,real  happiness is always out of stock  --  I still think of her  41please tell her Idon  her  ,sad smile of  self punishment  ,to terminate this struggle  ,firm  said that the heart really lies  --  I  also  want him to  42don,I still think of her  ,hate than  Love  easy to lay down  ,when the tears blocked chest  ,let silence  replace all of the answer  --  I still  think she  doesn  me  in 43  ,I am not in pain,  I do not know,  my heart is  empty  ,you  talk insincerely  --  I still think of her  44wind here is a sticky,stick  guest  miss  ,rain here entangled into line  ,pestering  us  lovers  the world  ;you are close to the edge  ,fate written in  stone above  ;1/10000sweetlove  ,I  this point -- the  Jiangnan  45corner ofthe  fading rose  ,forget  why  wither  ,scattered on the ground  torn out of  time  ,and  one day  a year  not to feel  ,scar  in the heart,  the hot  smoke  spreading  ,bypassing the  hair  ,you  said  sorry  ,broken  strings  ,played  once  ,walked along the  route  did not end,  the yellow  light  irradiation  ,old  water  ,.<br>The  rose  to miss  the picture  --  endless love  46how can I forget how long time,are you happy  ?Want to  replace your  answer  ,you know  ,go  away  ,I can  go to face  ,this worried about  silent  sadness  --  I love you  47 Iwas forgotten in the corner forgotten you  --  I love you  48I did not want you,heart  lose the outline  ,once  you  move,  just  the mood fluctuation  ,can give  me not  ,letting you indulge in your freedom  ,trying to hide my stupidity  --  I love you  in 49  after the earth is destroyed ,I still  love you  -- the  immortal  50who islove  the  director  ,give me happiness  and  cloudy,  the  plot  is belong to me,  I  have no way to  choose  --  label  is a  51say goodbye,still living in the past  ,I was  with a  lovelorn  label  ,no matter  go  who  see  --  label  52is notlove  the hero does not read the  Three Kingdoms  ,if the hero can not understand how  lonely  --  Cao Cao  53my breatha sigh  ,what I  said for you  ;I  give up,  I am  in each step  as  you go  ;at the edge of your dreams  ,there is always a person  you  waiting for you  it  .<br>All  I have  ,my  everything is  you  ;I  get,  I lost,  I  have is  you  ;you may not understand  ,I love you  have  than I thought I could give  --  Star  54 weare  bubbles  gently touched  on the break  it is  the spark of love  ,tears  ,yesterday  as the aircraft  through my window  ,I have nothing  --  simple  55I spread my handsyou  demand everything  ,until you have freedom  ,pain when  I  ,like leaves  to  spring breeze  blew  --  simple  56only a simple love,my  or am I  ;the thought of simply  ,not  live in vain  ;simply  mad  ,be  dream  away  ,when the story after the end  ,heart like a lonely  --  simple  57standing alone on the stage,the light  with my shadows  ,music repeat  our common  grief  ,not every  the  concert  ,you can  forget  tomorrow without you  --  just for you  58my tears,all  the love you want  --  one thousand years later  59because one thousand years later,the world  It is  not  I  ,able to hold your hand  ,a light kiss on your forehead  ;don  ,everybody will forget me  ,then over a red desert at dusk  ,who  ,to unlock the  moment  the thousand years of loneliness  --  one thousand years later  60the sameairport  different  world  ,the same coffee  different  taste  ,the same way I  and I are  less  --  wings  of 61  for you to give mewings to fly  ,I  know  this is not  sad  ,then  high  all not tired  ,we say good  ;for you to give me  wings to fly  ,I  feel  enough  comfort  ,clouds  will no longer  more  ,we  is not for whom  tears  --  wings  62airreservoirs  with your scent  ,memories  and hide your  tears  ,embrace the last  warm  some,  I  dragging luggage  go straight ahead  ,take a look  over the  clouds  memories  is  one after another  --  wings  63tearsthe wet  clothes  washed clean  ,sun  dried  memories  ,folds it up  tomorrow,  just  and  happy  go out  --  love  laughing eyes  (  JJ  .<br>64)leave you  I found myself  ,eyes that love to smile  ,tears  like  hide but  storm  ,wet  yesterday  deleted;  leave you  I  get back  from  One  ,that  my love  ,goodbye my love  does not let  myself,  let  your  firm  .<br>..  Goodbye  love does not  make sure you  ,pretend to be very strong  --  love  laughing eyes  (  JJ composition  )  65mummies in the heart of thebuild-up  to you  ,to the old,  maybe I too  care about  being abandoned  ,can  the dark silence  not  ;the  heart beating  ,hope  simmer  ,I  cry  the last  component  to hold on  ,believe  love  I wake up  in the new century  --  the mummy  66make meabout most  things  ,just  download  your memory  a few  hours  ,sending  thousands of times  I love you  ,full of  the  city  into  the message  --  the beginning  67you turn around,a kiss  ,from now on  I will no longer be a man  --  kiss under the starry sky  68startedevery time  ,always  in my heart  to write your name  ,you  make love  true  ;the beginning  everything  ,later  memories are  true love forever  ,never change  never  stops not to  disappear  --  a  start  69enmesh street in front of me,the next step  ,the shadow  ,a mockery of the review  ,telephone  booth still  keep your  word  ,a word  drop a tear  ,tonight  How am I going to fall asleep  --  the original  70 residues offragrance on my hands reminds me  ,left in the camera    every piece of the newsletter reported missing  ,all  say to you  --  just for you  71:a lot of the time,  because I am  afraid of injuries  ,so we choose to  give up  ,I  more  because I love freedom too  ,so obviously eager to love  ,but still do not know  how to let anyone else in  --  idiot  72I donidiot  ,I  wrote on the wall  full of  desire,  I can  cry  ,the room  was  empty  ,I absolutely  don  try to be brave,  this  belongs to me  let it have its swing  ,but I  also want a sense of security  ,in an appropriate plan  even  understand the  vision,  but also  warm  --  idiot  73without you in the morning,with the sugar and  coffee  is also  bitter  --  idiot  is  a  74single,love  and  loss,  I understand  .<br>So  I use the time  to prove  ,this heart  ,not  because you have  to give up  and  change  -- the  idiot  75I reallyan  idiot  ,miss  in  the happiness,  we only used  the time to find  what we need, <br> let us  know yourself  ,also affirmed  the other  ,because of you,  let me know  what real happiness was  --  idiot  76beforecrossing  the red  memory  wounding is not cutting edge  is  you come from <br>the reincarnation of the  soul --  Chibi drunk  77remember yourface  ,back and forth  for thousands of times  ,I suddenly realize you love  me  --  freedom is not free  78goodbye,never see  ,heart  floating <br>
== He killed the dormitory schoolmate!Before his death, wrote a ==
Hekilled    the dormitory schoolmate  !Before his death,  wrote  a letter  to  Hu Jintao  are  tears.  (  life makes a  man of integrity  and no  guts  .)  knighted  before his death,  to write a letter  to  Hu Jintao  are the tears  &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Ma Jiajue  shot  the scene of Ma Jiajue    &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;I hope you will  seriously to  read  .<br>. I hope  we  can see something..  1 Ma Jiajuewon the  Olympic  Forest  peak  physical  competition two  prize  .2  their dormitoryschoolmate  urinated on his quilt in  .3 in the  winter temperature is  lower when compared to  their dormitory  ,students  used to give  his  one or two dollars  ,let him  wash your clothes  ,wash  horse  no money  .<br>4  peoplein prison  in his  life  through  the  best clothes  ,uniforms  .  This is  me through the  best clothes  knighted  today said this  word to let  the  police  put him  to tears  .5  Ma Jiajuebecause no  shoes to wear,  in the  student loan  no hair  days  barefoot  ,truancy  .<br>6  in hishome  in  *  ironing  clothes  .His mother  lost 100 yuan  (  iron  200suit)  ,who  put $100 in  lost  in the passage  to allow the mother  picked up  !7  people5000 yuan,from  home to school  by  a  borrowed  .<br>The 8  whorefused to  surrender  ,also declined to  4 lawyersfree  do not guilty  ,because he  expected to die  .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;9peoplealready in debt  10000 yuan,doing odd jobs  to subsidize the cost of living  .<br>&nbsp  ;read  university  according to the legend  that  is  Ma Jiajue  shot  time picture  !!!&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Ma Jiajue  last-minute  letters  :Spring  Spring  raining  a little  cold  wind  I looked  rusty  bars  I think of  my poor parents  for  children to read  he two  from early to late  working in the fields  with candles  for  ironing clothes,  5cents apiece  that  my mother  lost one hundred dollars  she  loves dearly saying  it  two hundred clothes  to earn the money  ,I looked at mother  sad  to  do  cooly  earned  one hundred dollars  lost  to the ground  says to the mother  :Mom you  one hundred  bucks here  !My mother  smiled a  forced smile  actually  mother know  I lost  I am not  alone  I can  see  me  suffer  hardships  reading  university  several years  I  never asked the family  to penny  I hope  parents not to  me at  their  old  hard life  how to  add to  their  burden  .<br>But the fees  are high  I  must  own  to sell  cooly  delay learning  is no way the  things I  a person silently  drudge  I  a person secretly  one day only to  eat two  steamed  winter  I  cold  because I am from the south.<br>  But  in order to save  a few  bucks  a hot bath  my whole winter  adhere to  a cold bath  I  cold  beating  Shiver me  smiled to my classmates  we young people  need to exercise  that day I did not  wear shoes  I  embarrassed  to go to school  until the  school  made a point of  relief  that I bought  cheap pair of  slippers to the classroom  my family  has been very  poor  I  grew up  in  the poor  I  appreciate the  family  hardships  young  I was  distressed  parents hard  just to  lighten their  burden  a  little  by  little  I said  :Mom and dad  you hard,  I made  dinner  ,you  eat it  !I have been  studying hard  Village  neighborhood  and  school teacher  knows I  hard-working  studious  gentle  ,honest student  I won  the National Physics  Competition prize two  I went to high school  with  discrimination  and  feel depressed  but  in proximity to the  college entrance examination  the months  I withstood  various aspects pressure  work  hard  so I  a  the poor students  get  excellent results  in my  college entrance examination achievement  than we  focus on line  in Guangxi province  was  more than 50 points  can  on the famous  university  Wuhan University  ,hit  ,but I  consider  that  cost  more  far away from home  so  choose district  near  consumption level  is relatively low  and  the  Yunnan University  with  the hope of a  peasant boy  implication  of honest  honest part  came to  Yunnan University  when I  saw Chairman Mao  wrote  four Chinese characters of  Yunnan University  my heart  has  a  sunlight  ripples  I  definitely determined  to  continue to work hard  to master professional  to find a good job  to  repay  their parents  ,Change  poor  fate  with  their own knowledge to  serve the society for national  work  conscientiously  do  a respected  person to do  the people who contribute to society  after entering the University,  I  found that most people  don  reading  every night  on  which girl  sexy pretty  girl  and  girl  * * * *  more  refreshing  rich  classmates  is bold  looking for a  female  friend to  come swaggeringly  in  school next to  rent a house  together  everyone  likes to play computer games  all  laugh at me  as a country bumpkin  that won  that  also won  so I  to  classmates and  good  I also  learned to play computer games  play games  they are more powerful than  I  more  love to  play computer games  .<br>I  also  using their own  money  and  borrowed  some money to buy the  old computer  I am  generous  my  computer students  are ready to  play  and I very much hope that  students  live together in peace together  time soon  University  over the years  my  summer vacation winter vacation  is basically  do not go home  in  Kunming  labor  money  I  comfort  parents  mom and Dad  I  in  G  had a very good  teachers often  invited me  to their home  .<br>But  every time I  say this  was a  virtual  I sometimes  have no money  just  a meal  for two days  often  a day to eat  two steamed bread  is gone  I  do not  hate  who  I  didn  because of having no money but  want  to steal and rob  me  is very strong and  I am proud of myself  I have  my parents  to play their own  I have  my classmates  to play  society  but  there are some  students  always  naturally or half unconsciously  discrimination  sometimes I  say something  really hurt  my heart  they  think I  dressed  strange  they think I  acted  very strange  I began to  quietly  work  I don  be  as  heterogeneous  but I  think  there are a few  a good  fellow  classmates  ,so that I can  pay no attention to  those  students  with  university  personality  discrimination  disdain  many boys  are in  bold  to pursue his  love  of the  girl  very  Many  boys  fall in love  me  in this atmosphere  coupled with several  classmates  urged  bold also  wrote a  letter  to  my  love  for  a girl  because of my  appearance  does not look good  with  no money  people were  very rustic  introverted  girl  mercilessly  when  many people  face to  me  the letter of  sincere  sincere  ,carved into  the  letter to pieces  I just  heart  pain  will I  do not hate  who  I just  really feel  can  live up to her  my  parents  say so  I  know one  ,I don  fall in love  and  college students  should focus on the studies  of time  passed  very  fast  the  university  graduated  only a  semester to graduate  last  winter I  still not  home  still  do in Kunming  cooly  leave  a few days  some students  advance to  the school  you may have  to find a job  so advance  back to school I  was very happy because  the  winter I  a person  how  lonely  I don  Fear of hardship  but  is  afraid of  lonely  when  I saw my classmates  when I  very enthusiastic  about  them  to pass the time  I  play  I am willing to  accept  actually  we had  often  played cards  do not  hide my  IQ really  is relatively high so  cards  often win  several schoolmates  doubt I  cheat  I insist  that no one  knew that the three  I  think  there is no  discrimination  over my classmates  think that has been  equal  to my  classmate unexpectedly  words  hurt me  ,hurt my  personality  ,also expose  my previous  many  scars  ,including  that girl tore my  love  what  what  what  what  suffering  poor  hard life I  can  tolerate other  people  discriminate  disdain  me I can  stand  but I  this several  slightly  better  students  should be so  ruthless  trample  ,ravage  my dignity  that every  person  has long been  so  fierce  discrimination  I  cruel  laugh at me  my heart hurts  my tears  quietly  dropped  I was a  strong man  I have never been  hard  poverty  defeated  but when  my dignity  being  destroyed  is not like  when  my  pain of the past  were  once again come up with  irony  when my heart  was bleeding  tread on me  or even  slightly better point  usually  between  classmates and  fellow  !I  in this atmosphere  will  difficult  they are  cruel  to me is  they won  way  they did not  leave me  with  their  most incisive  insulted  my  even after  so  arrogance and  happy  because they  had a good living condition.<br>  They have the  capital  to play  girl  my  heart  can not find the  place  !The total surface  of their  most incisive  insult me  like I  did not retreat  I decided to  jade  are  ruined my  decided to  discriminate against  people  ,who  despise the poor  man  a lesson  I decided to give  the  ruthless trample  ,cruel  ravage  the dignity of the poor.<br>  People  a lesson  I was  accustomed to being  discriminated against  ,but  being  .This time they  performed  too  most incisive  sarcasm  moment  their  ruthless  they insulted  always  faces  abominable  I  determined  I finally  bought  a rock-hammer  over  several of their  human life  so  I run  I think  not  catch me  later  to  a discrimination  insult  place to  life  if  caught  one  hundred  of my  death  is  not afraid of death  I just want to  death  I don  be  sentenced to life imprisonment  because that would  give  my  parents brought  pressure  !Many people  are now saying that  I  homicide devil  say I  killed  red eye  actually said  if  I only want to kill those who  trample on others  I don  hurt the  innocent when  one of my  students came to me  because in my  hardest time  did not discriminate against  me  instead of  food  for me to eat  I know deeply that  earth  is  once I  said to myself:  drips of Tu  ,Yongquan  I will repay  the students  but I  now leave  a  regret forever ,  I did not have the opportunity  to repay the  classmates  !But I  finally  want to give  a word to  my classmate  :a good man  !I heard the  song,  so  come in  like    dream  on    what a familiar melody  bell  .<br>I think of  often help  my  uncle  ,aunt  to  fourteen  fourteen  us the  home  while the poor,  but everybody is very  caring  everybody feel  happy  without  discrimination and  contempt of  never knowing what is  personality  trample  me very  like  and like Tao Yuanming  will  always live in  the village where I  see  the clear water  every day  watching  the curl of smoke  with  fresh  poetry  and  the  nice  but now  - - - - -  had to wait  to  have  mom and Dad  ,I am sorry  son  unfilial  son  hereafter  will allow  you to live a good life  and  to  bring  me  the  total  I heard outside the  motorcycle  voice  is always so why  become powerful and intransigent  I miss the  ten  brother  opened a  motorcycle repair shop  in my impression  that is  very profitable  ten  brother  riding a motorcycle is very  valiant and heroic in bearing  the  motorcycle  sound  is so  tactfully  clear  !I feel as if I were  sitting  ten  brother  motorcycle  on a  leisurely  walk  in my lovely  ,honest  ,warm  home.<br>  Dear friends  ,after  please reproduced  ,with our  meager strength  to  the cry of society  ,those living in  the  bottom,  no matter  how big  differences between rich and poor  ,they are people  .<br>

Latest revision as of 21:29, 29 June 2012

Take me to your heart

Kiss love to let you take me             very loving hug, love and beloved people embrace the feeling, say nothing, do nothing, just quietly embrace, a long time do not separate , seems to be the only way, to experience and lover become reality.
At that moment, I believe the time will we stop...I always feel like a kiss, hug, more real, warm , that can let you rely on the chest is very warm, the shoulder must be very solid.Why do not you in the sad cry , always looking for a shoulder to rely on,                 I think, it is more like a hug.
Hug, the heart will fill a sweet feeling, embrace the feeling is real and safe, because the hug is temperature, a hug is the voice of......[m] embracing the meanings of many: couples embrace, is happy and sweet; couples embrace, is understanding; friends hug, is close and trusted; after the fight embrace, represent the compromise and forgive; reunion hug after, on behalf of the missing and excitement; parting embrace, representative homes and expectation.
..       ..................Hug, hug, is silent language , is the most simple acceptance and recognition...        hug, each other is needed, needed by others's time, is one of the most valuable time.
..        once in the article to see a segment of words: when a woman from behind when holding you, please don 't move a step , and turned around, tightly holding your woman.Because, when a woman is willing to love from behind holding your time, representing her own body and mind to you, the arms, there is so much so much love.
..    when a man from behind to hold their women, two people feeling is warm and sweet; when a woman from behind to hold his own men, women are silent prayer, and man is the heart of the return and peace.
..Dear, you have said, I tired to hold me, in fact, I did not want to do, when you are tired, you can in the side, without too many words, just a hug, zaikuzailei is worth...Miss, can you tired when, from behind around your waist, your face gently on your back, quietly, without language, spiritual dialogue, listen to each other heart sounds.
..Dear, not by your side , not when you're sad to comfort you; can't you tired when you; nor in you drunk pretended to be angry of hell, and then get you home; but do not see your face, the not so much may when the helpless and sad.
..            however, I can understand your feeling, because, in you much miss pain at the same time, you and I are the same, but we don't have a choice my dear......But, my dear, you how not in my side, then sweet telephone, facsimile comforts again, it's not enough to cope with cannot embrace you far away.

In the world only micro novel, not a love.

&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;guide language :some people ,because you are good to him ,so I feel Hello ,he is the one you love .Some people ,because you know the good ,so I want to you ,he is the one who loves you .
Happy ending is the one you love into at the same time, people who love you .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;1,he left in second years ,she asked him :do you recognize me ?He evaded her .
In fifth years ,he did not answer her .In seventeenth years he said :I know .In forty-sixth years ,he said :I remember you .In fifty-ninth years ,she found him, he only said :I don .
She cried and said :I know you .She took him home to spend the rest of your life ,were the old ,handle .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;2,four years ago, she loved him, three years ago, he loves her ,went to her city ,then ,joined them .
She is a person ,he is also a man .Two years ago , he married ,the bride is not her .Before the wedding party ,she saw his Q signature :abandon you ,not don you ,I dare not take you happy with myself .
A turn , a lifetime .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;3,he doesn want to die ,North Rong invasion ,he was called up again, but he is afraid of death, she is waiting for him ,so he ran away ,do a deserter ,is the only surviving !To ,to !He climbed up the last hill ,turned over the past ,is his home ,she was waiting for him, his hope for a long time ,but he froze in the trembling, burst into tears !He didn her ,only to see the northern army ravaged the broken walls .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;4,the maple leaf on confession :Butterfly butterfly !Let me be your boyfriend is good ?Butterfly :yes !In autumn we dance !Autumn leaves in succession ,with red ,dancing ,but butterfly didn .
So the cycle ,a few years later ,to a young girl ,she catches a falling leaf ,write :I love you ,sad in the diary .There is a handsome man patted her shoulder, he said: maple ,let dance .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;5,love, two pairs of fertilizer cute couple slippers ,he always loved wearing her purple .After marriage ,a couple pillow ,he also love to playfully grab her purple .
Later ,they are older ,grey-haired .She gave birth to a serious illness ,walking legs weak ,he says :I took you for a lifetime thing ,then you grab my legs when you stick you don ,I will give you .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;6,he looked at the sofa with her, holding the novel tears .Frown ,what And cry like that ?She raised his head slightly pull a grimace smile ,crying this novel was really moving .
- Oh ,he shook his head ,went to the bedroom .Behind her, see not the shed and sad .Gradually, he was tired of her that way ,put forward to break up .She has no entanglement ,leave silently .
Three months later ,he got the message she died ,like crazy ran into .See only a table in her black and white photo ,bright smile .Youll be torn with grief .His trembling hands open she finally wrote to him ,you don ,those novels just gave me a reason to cry .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;7,he loves her ,she also love him, but both do not know each other love .She because this festival ,courage to his confession, I want to say with make fun of the way to speak out ,thinking ,at least to be his gift .
She guessed at the beginning ,but didn guess the end .He should accept her confession .Maybe some love ,just in front of us ,need only an excuse .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;8,while peace broke up, but the heart one love .
Valentine ,he said he wanted to send a message to her .Her reply :bless you ,hope you like girl .Half an hour later ,she met him in the restaurant and ,when he held her hand and markers like , say :This is really the most beautiful valentine !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;9,tonight, accompany me to go shopping !She put on beautiful clothes ,he succumbed to her soft and changed his shoes ,and she went to .
People are hurrying to and fro. On the street ,he heard someone calling his name .Looking around ,discovery is the old lover .She found her husband suddenly tense ,looked up ,a flirtatious woman staring at him .
She was going to speak, they heard him say: my wife, I love you .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in 10 ,she was a medical accident became blind and deaf .Her autistic ,she was desperate .
In her despair when he appeared in her life .He is a deaf person ,but is optimistic .He let her see a hope .They fall in love, they were married .Many years later ,her condition deteriorated ,leaving him .
He took photos of her say: darling ,how could you leave me .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;11,poor background and rich boy a girl can not love ,in a farewell before he asked her one last thing ,to be with him a box of cigarettes ,she promised .
He was smoking ,reminiscing and her days of love and memories .Later he became a cigarette factory boss .The name Marlboro cigarette .Man Always Remember Love Because of Romance Over ( people always cherish after losing love ) .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;12,don because it now has is the best ;do not think that the young can also get married later ,love is the age range ;do not too far away ,love can take the train with you ;don give up ,if not incompetent ,encourage each other can make you rich ;not because of people opposed to give up ,happiness is to rely on their own heart to feel .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;13,her freshman year ,he was big four .A system of activities to become acquainted .Eight months only ,used nine hundred texts and three short meeting .
Graduation is coming ,welcome graduate party she wept .He refused her off, never to be heard again .Now senior she still retains his last message :maybe love to, but I only regret initially did not pull your hand .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;14,every day he after her shop ,she fell in love with him .One day ,he walked into her shop ,for a bouquet of roses .She :This is for who ?He :I love a man .
He had paid out ,she cried for a long time .Half of the evening ,she shut the door ,turned to see him holding a rose .He :This is for you .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;15,cigarette dating back ,after some thought ,finally decided to marry .
Love old lighter very satisfied with ,ask :I the stylish ,you noble ,we just now !Why did you choose soil Diaozha match ?Cigarette said :because of your love is just a moment, when I die ,you settled ,and match a lifetime burning one ,just for me a cigarette .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;16,do not hold her ,she won let you get up ;the night did not go home ,she will call the stop ;you smoke, she put away your cigarettes ;you drink, she babbled ;a day home from work ,she is like a bee ,around you ;you ask her a fresh thing ,she breathed out ten .
.. You say ,she is really annoying !In fact ,this is your life is the most happy time ,but you don .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;17,6 years old,he kiss her was her playing .At the age of 12 ,he stole her love letters she scolded .
At the age of 24 ,he stole her virginity she hates .At the age of 36 ,he had her heart ,she said with tears asshole .At the age of 48 ,she read a book when he found a small note . Sorry ,I just want to give you happiness !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;18,relative years ,he often took her around .
Meet people of many places ,he said :if lost, would remain in place waiting for me ,I will come back for you .To this day she again and he left, but her waiting for a long time ,but always can comes back .
.. ... One night ,a middle-aged man came ,holding her hand and said softly :mother ,father has been dead for many years ,you don wait for him .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;19,a girl in high school has a crush on a boy ,graduation, students gave the boy a boy classmates ,then back to the girls ,girls curious to see the message, found wrote a word you ,she was lost hope .
Girls have a child ,she taught the children of the first word is you, children proudly said : Mom ,this word is really easy to remember ,is the heart of you !Girl listening to ,cry ..
. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in 20 ,when he first met ,he gave her the first gift is the value of the LV package ;love ,he gave her a gift is a luxury villa ;the time of the engagement ,his business failed on one ,cannot give any gift .
Touch hands can be counted on one of a dime ,he said :I am sorry !I can you happiness .She shook her head ,gently pry his hand : although only a corner ,but this is very .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;21live in themouth ,teeth and tongue .
The tooth often play tricks on the tongue ,do bite my tongue ;tongue all day in front of don talking teeth chattering away .When the toothache ,the tongue will silently to help it to ease the pain .
Teeth and tongue that knocks to live together for several decades ,until slowly lost teeth ,tongue and teeth slowly savored good times .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in 22 ,he and she grew up in a compound ,he is her day, she sat his bike home ,his back was very warm ,his words are always made her giggle, she likes the big brother .
Later ,he went to a normal school, later ,he returned to the small town .In her campaign ,he is a new teacher .He recognized me ?She upset .After school .A bicycle around cease abruptly ,mathematical poor students to ride ?Giggle ,she smiled .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;23,she likes him, a love is three years ,he is 181 in height, she is only 158, so she never thought that ,just do something for him ,as he plays the bottle of water in his bag side ,he scrapes the bandage in his drawer .
.. ... Later, some time after the party ends, he hugged her ,she struggled to come out from his arms ,he said with a smile as you would stand on tiptoe ,then I have to bend down to hold you .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;24,onion young love to cry ,but since Mr. potato fall in love after tears became less and less ,but Mr. potato tears up .His friends advised him to leave her, but he refused to .
Potato knew his tears more, he will miss heart closer from onion ... ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;25,a boy girl trouble agreed back-to-back each take 100 steps back ,if can also see each other would not break up .
Go 99 steps when the girl couldn squat on the ground crying ,a pair of arms encircled her from the behind .The boy said ,I have been waiting for you ,I will not let you go alone !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;from the editor: although some people ,but also how to love .
Some people ,even the initial encounter ,already cannot extricate themselves .I don love at the first sight ,but I feel for you ,I believe firmly the is .I love you ,does not need to know you very well ,they make my heartbeat ,and you, let my heart .

Let your home satellite antenna (cauldron) received more cha

  Home installation of satellite antennas (commonly known as the cauldron) friends, you are still not received the central five, central six boutique channels and trouble?Also for those encrypted program "at the station sighs"?Now this desire can realize!As long as the snap of your fingers, remote control can be accomplished by a few!The steps are as follows: first in the menu to find "transponder setting" click "add" transponder downlink frequency "will" set of 03881 "symbol rate" is set to 27500, "polar" into a level can be received in the central five or six.
Want more channel?The downlink frequency is set to 04061, the symbol rate to 27500, polarity to vertical to receive the "CCTV products", "music" and other channels, the same wonderful!Channel read more.
Below, I press the "" symbol rate downlink frequency. "" "polarity" order, tell you: 0398127499 , 0402127499, 0414127500 perpendicular; vertical;, vertical; 0392127500, level of attention: I said is the star of the six satellite.
Note: different brands of pan does not necessarily follow my steps , I hope everyone can flexible (I have seen another, if your home remote control the following four color keys, press the red can find) some friends worry about losing the original channel, I will tell you, it can only add do not reduce!This is my friend told me, now I can receive 33 central station, a total of 95 units!To write this blog and share, welcome to reprint!Please respect my work, please leave a message! Small artificial satellite boiler upgrade solution The online has been circulating a lot about copycat pot crack satellite upgrade method, below we brought several users have successfully practiced method?I hope everyone can help.
A manual search solution: since the star 9 nine satellite upgrade after partial copycat on the machine cannot complete automatic upgrade.Boot automatically after the search to 39% after will appear the phenomenon of death, the remote malfunction cannot quit.
Be careful.It's not dead.Solution: the signal wire pulled out, will be completed automatically search, because no signal search, search to search after the show 0 sets of television, but the remote control receiver can use but still in program state.
Then go on the signal line, enter the menu, four groups of the transponder is a manual search.Be careful.You must manually , automatically search will crash.Manual search after the completion of the receiver can recover the normal work, we can try! Break two: restore factory settings today tried to upgrade program, do get into the receiver, but if you start the upgrade program, only the serial number from 01, 1001, 004 to 06, 10001, 004, to upgrade the fundamental change.
Then automatically into the automatic search, after 39%, the progress bar will not move.But there has been an increase in the variation of frequency point in.You interrupt exit.A program no reservation.
You are not interrupted frequency point out , there has been an increase in.Appearance look just crashed.The solution is to set, return to factory condition, pin 9999 or 0 then enters a manual search, frequency of a no show, access frequency point 2 search will have a program, frequency three or four also has a program, 2, 3, 4 of the three frequency has 54 programs.
The same as before.Break three: copycat machine upgrade nine machine to machine upgrade, master a.It is currently can look at the machine.Serial line.Sub machine only at present cannot be upgraded or continue to display the upgrade status several sub.
Step 1 connected serial line behind the machine.2.Machine tool electric - by three, the F4 key.3.Determine.The tools panel display ON.4, sub machine energized to open, panel display for chaos what.5, upgrades start tools panel showing 001 to 099 in the final 001 in turn into E-P.
The upgrade was successful!It is reported , this "the star 9" upgrade, to ensure genuine set-top box users can watch the TV show normal original premise, against all "black box", so that can not be normal viewing program.
The upgrade process lasts about 20 days.Each upgrade will have a number of "black box" to watch the program.The software upgrade at the same time, "the star 9" also added 20 set of broadcast programs.Previously involved in the star 9 upgrade software development are Haier, core, China and Asia, Ali, closed development for 3 weeks , the solution already exists, because from the administration of the pressure, solution can be introduced, or in what way out of mesa city is uncertain.

Pain, tired, take,,, to carry, to wipe tears,,,,,, 1 people

Be reluctant to part ,left home and came to Shenzhen ,6 months,I had not very good ,arrived in the 6 monthsI always think of home ,like the Lille of all ,I want to go home ,at home what is good, do not get it ,no air ,no pressure ,is also very happy ,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;gradually learn to 1person,1personcry for anything, &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;learned of 1 people, 1 peoplealone ,1 people laugh,1 people do1things.
,1people walking on the street,1silent,1 peoplestupid ... ... 1 person anything good ... Look at the cute ,fun ,photos ,I would cry ... Think of and they together everything ... May be I am fragile .
.. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;can not afford a little rain ... In these 6 months ,I had many ups and downs, experienced how sad ,have much gas ,bear too much pressure ,1person silentlycry n .
.. I know that 1 cut1 slices... No one will care ... When you are sad to others say ,no one will be with you take your sad ,learn to strong ,nobody will accompany you to the end ... ..
. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;tell yourself strong don ,can still cry ,my personality is lively ,love ,love ,love crazy ... I love to laugh ,but I also love to cry ,who can understand .
.. I am laughing laughs ,say cry will cry ,,,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;tired Xieha ,do not expose their weakness ,the mood is HERSHEY run through the cut vent ,life is like a book after book ,read more on learn more ,,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;human life also has numerous twists ,need their own efforts to create ,,know you are small ,easy to rely on a person ,,but also to learn 1 personal life,beads ,,Xia jie .
.. ... And so on ... My dear love fast colleagues ,,although they are very nice to me ... But one day they go away from me ,one day to leave their day ,the world did not leave Le banquet ,the word who understand ,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;come to this also learned many ,many ,see ,feel ,slowly grown up ,sensible ,!!&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;but beads ,show ,a plum ,.
.. And so on colleagues farewell &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;or to cry ... That moment felt or the origin of the back ... Or a child grow up forever ... Or to rely on her &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;< small > do not point .
.. I keep telling myself to take care of yourself &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp &nbsp ;strong ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;how to do ... ... Pain &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp &nbsp ;I ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;tired &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp yourself ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;tear &nbsp ;&nbsp ;wiping their ,,,,maybe it is time to &nbsp ;&nbsp ;learn long time .
.. After 90,I have a bit of a rebel ,a little impulse ,and a little crazy ... We must learn to accept everything ,to meet the strong courage ,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;happy is the most important ,try to let go of everything ,open our hearts ,in the face of all .
.. She has learned to you ,you hurt her ... In this world ,who moved all guessing ,look unreasonable ,the endure to endure ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;mind who knows ,who cares about the &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;1man hiding in the corner,trying not to cry cry & nbsp ;&nbsp ;can tear do not live stream ,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;perhaps really very tired ,want to have someone to hug ,,someone to comfort ,to ease my loneliness and loneliness ,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;try listening to alleviate the need for .
.. Can stop the music or the real me ,tell yourself to learn to grow up ,but still in situ ,stop ,sometimes feel oneself live very failure ,very tired ,live in the dark world ,,usually happy I who will know behind me ,lonely ,lonely ,,no help .
.. All in all ,I can not control the ... ... I should really learn from &nbsp ;&nbsp ;lonely world ... Go your own way ,look back to see footprints is a happy memories ,,your heart ,I know ,my way ,to walk ,to know that no one will accompany her to go to the end ,,,little to learn strong .
.. Maybe when I grow up. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;see myself now &nbsp ;&nbsp ;will find himself very silly very silly ,stupid stupid ... Maybe !To do to sell their own satisfaction I :::brave out of the dark world: ::to find their own world of light :in twenty-first Century ,a riot of colours ,colorful ,find their footing ,finding all their own ,do not always live in the dark world ,put himself out ,open heart ?This very good ah ?.

Micro novel [] you are my.

1 - three a.m..She suddenly wake up .Hungry wake .Look at the mess his pillow ,somewhat like a short hair ,wore a Zhang Wannian doll face ,slept very well .Light weight is not kicked him several feet ,looked at him with her half-opened eyes woke up ,holding his nose won out ,until he is awake, he looked at her .
I .He paused ,gnash the teeth in anger say: why don !Then fall ,with the quilt cover his head, after a few seconds suddenly opened quilt make up, growl is on life owe you !Then walk off the shoes and went into the kitchen .
She was lying in bed ,hears the sound came from the kitchen ,gas sound ,the bowl is the voice of the collision ... She soon falls asleep, his long face away a bowl of noodles for her .
She sips of eating ,know fast noodles bottomed out ,she found the bottom of the bowl has a fried egg .She turned ,smiled .The asleep idiot in slobber .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;2memory heovertake her three times .
First ,she is sitting on a bus in the back ,he said with a loud voice, I love you ,and then she got off the bus flew into his arms .In second ,she goes to another city university, he ran after the car ,you have to believe in our love, she cried desperately nodded in windows .
In third ,she sat in the car ,wedding dress ,he stood back ,looked at the car more and more far ,he said ,how do you do other ,bridegroom kissed her in the car and .I always pass by the fortune teller stopped and left ,I really want to know how my life ,I know that it is not credible ,but you know ,one must always have thought to be able to support a thin pale sentiment .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;3night,his wife cooked a bowl of egg surface waiting for her husband to return ,after a hard day husband, although very hungry ,but see Haggard ,do not swallow ,so the eggs attached to his wife ,the wife sees tired husband how to eat ,they begin to humility ,slowly found that will not have results ,and put the egg divides into two halves ,the respective share holder to each other, in the dim light to each other full of .
Sometimes ,it is a kind of happiness .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;4 and theygrew up together .At the age of six, he helped her hit the next to bully her fat ,grinning with bruising mouth said :idiot ,you don .
At the age of twelve ,he said that she doesn her short hair .She curled his lip ,a face of disdain ,but slowly grew a long hair .At the age of sixteen ,she is at home in his sleep .She pretended to fall asleep ,but in the middle of the night to climb up ,kiss her lips .
At the age of eighteen ,she took the received a love letter, asked her to think the boy how to .His face does not matter ,says she feels good .She said the boy gave her a pair of sweethearts ring ,he picked up the table can pull-ring ,dominating set in her finger, a face awkward to tell her ,this is the sweethearts ring .
At the age of twenty-two ,two university graduates .Go to a different city .At the age of twenty-four ,he is in love .At the age of twenty-six ,I heard he was disappointed in love .At the age of twenty-eight ,he received the telephone, said that he was getting married .
The wedding, she is his .Bride envy them so many years of good relations, she just smiled ,did not speak .The wedding ended, she slipped away .Please others brought gifts to him .He was standing in the bride ,at hand in two cans of tab, sudden red eyes .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;5the night hewill send her goodnight .When the weather is cold ,will also send text messages to remind her to put on clothes .In this way ,many years passed .For a long time that is no longer a deliberate act ,but a habit .
Finally one day ,he did not give her a text message ,but gave her so many years of the first telephone . I want to get married .Wait for you .No matter what he said on the phone itself ,said .
... Sorry ,the number you dialed does not exist ,please check again .In the lonely time ,most can find myself .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in 6 shehave a fever ,wake up deep in the dark .Holding the phone turned again, but just sent a I miss you .
Then he fell asleep .Waking again is the kitchen noise wake .He is coming .She stared at the ceiling ,the key to her house he kept ,she should be sad or happy? Quietly standing in the kitchen door to see his porridge .
As before .Could not hold him from behind .I love you ! Well, I know .... ... ... I was married .He did not look back, let her hold ,said . Well, I know .She let go back to bed .
Until I heard the door open and shut .She walks out of the bedroom ,looking at the table warm porridge and a key .To slide down along the wall to hold yourself .If we did not leave ,now what .
.. Some people are destined to be your life in cancer ,and some people just a sneeze .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;7,you see, idol drama and express this ah ,I love the most ... ... If people and me I must immediately promised .
.. ... That is a how happy matter ! ... ... Mother said so long are you table does not show you !!! You don have to finish that asked me to hold that the princess ,to carry you !!Say you every day for me you ah you = = &nbsp ;&nbsp ;8why you are Leo ? Why can Leo ?The book says constellation Capricorn and the lion is a tragedy .
.. Idiot . ... Theory of what ah you this is ,T= = lion theory .Drop dead. When I live so well . ... ... Idiot. Don who is watching the constellation books later ,suddenly

Reprint a piece of waste mobile phone card role... For most

A piece of waste mobile phone card role ... For most people do not look at regret J .Death ... With a waste mobile phone card role ... For most people do not look at regret ...
Prepare a balance not much mobile phone card is preferably mobile zone .The following services please disposable after a full set of QQ red drill to send QQF to 170035 ,then send QQ number #qq code to bind 170035617,red drill to the specified QQ number blue diamond qqy to 1700341 and thensend QQ number #qq code to bind 17003417,blue diamond to the specified QQ Huang Zuan qqh to 170035 ,then send qqh#qq number by 170035813 ,Huang Zuan 55 to1700bindingmember ,then send 55#qq number #qq password to 1700501000 512M hard disk binding mobile phone to send BD#QQ number QQ number #QQ password to 1700,this is done in order to open the SMS Superman and mobile QQ binding after sending MQ to 1700 open mobileQQ sends QE to the 1700 opening ofSMS Superman ,SMS Superman comes with music ,a full set of good .
Mobile phone has a full set of don renew, let it stop you leave it ,moving and Tencent not synchronized charging ,so does not affect the Tencent service use ,more open QQ theory a full set of Q band silver MF to send 536678,send two times ,you can get two card number password ,each of the 4 thousand two silver,one card can brush eighty-two thousand and sent 006 to 777785502can be obtained,Jinshan card 600activation code is sentTM to 8828 to get 1050 pointsBNB activates the code ,the need to write your mobile phone number sent 30 to 11568900can obtain theface value 30to 91 kcal,the movable relatively successful, see luck .
Send G to 221133 ,can receive 140 points the hubble-bubble hall ,a mobile phone card can get 420 points,then back to H conversion ,in sending code # account number to 221133 to420to youraccount to send JZ BNB code # account number to 8828 ,a receive 35 points ,a mobile phone card in order to obtain 420 points,this is directly transferred to the designated account to BNB star mall ,optionally 10 Q currencyclothes in the shopping cart, selection of mobile phone short message payment ,a mobile phone card can brush 10 Q currencyQQ show a piece of waste mobile phone card function Daquan ( services ) things too much ,we patiently watched in full .
First of all :you must have a mobile phone card ,preferably GSM number ,followed by the dynamic zone number ,mobile is also OK ,but have to QB lost nearly 400 (this method is the use of operators and telecommunications operators in a certain time difference ,is deducted not synchronous principle ,so you to be a one-time brush ,brush point must not today ,tomorrow a little ) followed by :mobile phone card must have balance !( a few cents you can ,as long as is not stopping the last card ) :after mobile phone number will owe the shutdown ,so you must use to prepare the mobile phone number to use !( this number should be very easy to get right, if not to buy a new card ,a new card 45 yuan( 30yuan calls) ,can brush the thousands of QB ,this value .
( brush to QB in mobile phone account ,please go to the QB best specialized with a brush there are 50 newcards ,set the MMS after 3 days,and then he will give you reply to QB ,then immediately calls but phone can cause titles ,we care !!!50 yuan of cardoutside 45-40 has boughtQB price of 0.
25 .The current one. You can brush 400---1000prepare:machine has installed 3721 ,stopped advertising software users better to get this kind of software related, as it may be to play out tips off the webpage ,the operation failed !In the first step :★★★★★setMMS (set after 3 days can get almost 400 QB ) ★★★★★tosubscribe to all things ,every month can get 400 QB!!( subscription only supports China Mobile GSM and M-Zone users ) ,get the QB in your mobile phone account ,you can give the number transfer !To MMS a total of nearly 20 projects allow you to order ,do not leak out ,also do not make too fast ,or you may appear system busy .
Go to the registration ,receive mobile phone password set used by the 100MQQ -128M QQ thing to get mail network hard drive - free to send 100 QQcards ,the cards do not finish the cumulative ( if cards monthly users ,it is no longer an additional 100 greeting cardgift) in second steps: ★ ★★ ★revisededition golden hill poison bully and the omen star kills the poisonous software ★ ★★ ★(get original sequence number and lifelong available to this webpage wnload_mobile_month subscription method : text KS to 9588302300 cancellation method: text Q to 9588302300 subscription service willbe presented with Kingsoft download version serial number and the monthly subscription after successful ,system will Send a free serial number to your mobile phone .
The service will be automatically charging monthly ,until you cancel .( if you subscribe to a card can be life free of charge ,the genuine ,cool it !The revised version of the antivirus software rising to above similar to subscribe and third step of ★★★★★brushgrand book ( choose your love game subscription) ★ ★★★★★★tothe 1 book,BNB monthly ( every month can get 1400 points,help me out I can pay BNB ) for 20 yuan a month,giving away 1400tickets,please send TM to 8828 ,only China Mobile users .
After sending will receive a validation code ,to BNB information on demand ,giving away 35tickets.Application of bubble hall 0.5 yuanon demand ,please send KJ to 8828 (mobile ) or 9211(China Unicom) can also send instruction code # account to 8828(mobile ) /9211 (China Unicom) on demand .
In 2 ,the hubble-bubble hall information on demand ,giving away 140tickets.Application of bubble hall 2 yuanon demand ,Limited China Unicom users ,please send DQ to 9211 (China Unicom) can also send instruction code # account to 9211(China Unicom) on demand .
China Unicom Limited User 3 ,bubblegum bubble monthly for 20 yuan a month,giving away 1400tickets,please send TM to 8828 ,only China mobile users to send text messages to 221133 G ( mobile ) /921133 (China Unicom) .
A 140point,rushed to turn in time .A brush 2--3 millionbubble point bubble point have absolutely no problem answer brush ticket ,must confirm the card balance of less than 20 yuan for the hubble-bubble hall 20 yuan monthly(the row of the divine land cards ) ,giving 1400points voucher,please send TM to 8828 (allthe official grand manner ) ( brush all steps, on the mobile phone .
Please as soon as possible to the following URL released monthly ,must in the lift ,or will deduct money ,next month 1 daysafter meet the conditions can) 3,when the monthly card balance of less than 2 yuan ,send a message to G to 221133 (mobile ) /921133 (China Unicom) .
Each message is 0.15 yuan ,2 yuanyou can send text messages 13 times ,each time brushing up at 140 .4 ,when you press second, 3 stepwhen sending out a short message ,there will be no reply ,in fact, bubble point already in your mobile phone account .
Because the monthly 20 yuan,but your mobile phone is not worth 20 yuan ,so do not deducting money ,only 0.15 yuan deductedSMS charges .Sell on eBay for embedded charges 16 yuan, only sold 30 yuan M-Zone cards good product_id=40031797 I think thebest card ( Zhejiang SMS subscription card ) ,100pieceset monthly 1000 message( note that only set the month !!!) to the next month .
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I am interested to have a look oh forum jafeey.5wish/bbs of mobile phone recharge cards to purchase 120 hours!( Note : this business only for Chongqing mobile GSM or state line users .
) The method is as follows: the mobile phone direct dial *158# or send a short message :dgcqk to 01588 canGouka ,then received 120 hours ofwhole area charge value Kaka number and the password of the short information .
If the purchase process encountered problems ,consult Chongqing 1860 .MU similarly to the fourth step :QB some effective methods for small .1 ,text XY to 1700 6QB 2,mobile phone application immediately get Q currency recharge ,one day can get 10 Q currencystring to this station 3,playing QQ millionaire, 300QB( a month at most 300)send commands to QB to 1700 to start the gamereceived user questions are answered ,if answered correctly ,the user will receive : bingo !You 2Q coins!Your mobile phone QQ account has 2 Q currencyQB continue to answer ,reply .
If wrong, the user will receive the wrong !You 1Q coins!Your mobile phone QQ account has 1Q coinsQB continue to answer ,reply .The fifth step to this station subscription messages can get some service application points of couplet numerous member to free you can * mobile phone 163.
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A card .Love music tlink&amp ;key=Nhptl this good ,really don set the love film in this set ,watch movies for free . But to Unicom cards the third step ★ ★★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★brushvarious game card method ★★★★★★★★★★tovery little cost of various card games :this method is the use of mobile phone card ( this method will enable mobile phone card because arrears deactivated ) ,need to do the first step is to :enter ,subscription SMS ,will gain M ,continuous 3 days subscription,the M will close 10000 (10-20 monthlysubscriptions to be said only, and after a month there will be ) third step: again into the (now M will subscribe message for more than a week later ,after a month of M will be fixed time into your account ,equivalent to a canceled mobile phone card became a month will have nearly 100 yuangame card ) in the mall gain M ,you can send a short message: CQ to :9500,every one will get a legendary card ( 2 dayscan be reduced to 4 hours,the now legendary 2card) :very consumption card ,to play a friend should know ,but Your card is the cupola ,a day for one one days ,30 dayscard is more affordable than the card on January ,in the fourth step of ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★★★★★VIRapplication QB ★ ★ ★★★★★★★(apply to QB in your mobile phone account system of broadcast ) :still all over the world to find Q currency ?No, forget it .
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Note ,this phone will allow you to stop ,so to be in front of the whole thing done after the war ★ ★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★ ★thefifth step: when a permanent QQ membership .
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The first step of online business hall of China Mobile ,login ,modify the mobile phone card pin 949389isChina Mobile first letter code ,do so in order to extend the system to search time ,brings convenience to action .
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Laughs you cramp 25 joke, carefully cold oh!

&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;1the father to his sona story :Once upon a time there was a frog ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;son : a science fiction story ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;father :Once upon a time there was a frog in space .
.. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;son : a restricted class ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;father :hush ,hush, don your mother heard .Once upon a time there was a naked frog ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;2 female:you talk with me how old chew sugar ?Male :don which come so much speak sugared words .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;3day,Socrates asked his student Platon what is eternal ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Platon pointed to the sun in the sky the ancients said ,and what we see is the same sun .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Socrates shook his head ,said ,the sun is down .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Socrates asked Platon, what do you think? &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Platon smile ,replied ,no permanent presence ,only the eternal significance .
Although the sun will disappear ,but the light is the pursuit of forever will not change .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;4awedding ,the bride put a fart ,embarrassing scenes together, one person said: fart ,wish you good fortune and every success .
Not for a moment, then put two a fart ,there are awkward scenes together ,the man said :let both the bride ,a top two .After a while ,she put SA fart ,the scene was embarrassing ,I saw the man added: run ,to pull the bride !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;5 colleagueyounger sister Wang Gang learn online ,is willing to chat ,one day just entered a chat room ,a friend asked :are you a boy or a girl ?Wang typing .
Female does not come out dozen .She thought the answer : I am a girl .Friends play a word :thank you for your frankness .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;6I now knowthat the slave Li Bai buy is a uncompleted residential flats ,there was a poem :The Moonlight before the bed - no windows ;it seems hoary frost on the floor - door was installed ;look at the bright moon roof open ;bow to think of home - very injured .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;7 mum:three years of marriage ,her what do you think? &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;son : the first year :I said ,she listened to .Second years :and she said ,I hear .
Third years :we said ,the neighbors hear .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;8 Iwas a fat man .My girlfriend and I are different in character ,but she broke up with me there is only one reason .
Today, she said ,to see you for a long time, feel greasy oh !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;9that morningin the company bus ,sitting next to a beautiful woman colleague actually asleep ,snoring ,caused the whole car attention ,I feel so ashamed ,hand push her , murmured :no husband ,tomorrow .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;10 hasa pair of men and women are eating dinner &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;the girl asked the boy :you love or not love me? &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;boys saw a schoolgirl and continue to eat the dinner &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;girls angry asked again again :you love or not love me? &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;boys finally said :love &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;the girl asks again :how do you prove ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;suddenly the boy from the pocket to take out thirty yuan ,&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;and asked the girl :you have ten yuan ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;girls took ten yuan for the boys .
.. &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;the boy put forty yuan on the table &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;later... ..&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;girls very angry and asked the boys :what you to prove that you love me !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;the boy said :I have been proved !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;11 one day!Hunter carry guns to hit the rabbit ,jumps out of a black bear !Hunter had a chance to shoot was jumped ,half an hour later the bear or flutter in the hunters ,hunters very puzzling .
This is how a matter !Suddenly he saw the bear neck was a piece of cloth ,writing above :bear &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;12a dog and a catwandering in the desert ,their stomach is hungry ,is unable to move forward ,suddenly found in front of the ground with a lunch box ,they can stay up open ,inside out a fairy ,that can help each of them to fulfill a wish ,the cat said anxiously, I want to fish, I like to eat fish .
.. Call a sound they appear in front of a big, sweet fish ,the fairy then asked the dog what .The dog frowned head and say ,I like to eat bones, help me put the fish into a fish bone .
Call after the tone ,the cat staring at the dog in eating fish ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;and went some way ,they find a lunch box ,and the inside is a fairy ,he also can help them to fulfill a wish ,a cat that just in case ,let the dog told first wish ,the dog wants to say ,I just eat, want to exercise moving ,you become a Frisbee ,I chased you bite you back .
.. Skirr ,gods into a Frisbee flew away ,the dog looked at ,but told the cat ,it flies too fast ... I ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;13adoctor said to his daughter :I say that your boyfriend is a loser ,did you tell him ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;I said to him ,he was not a bit angry ,he says you are mistaken or not for the first time .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;14children learnnot good ,being mother scolding scolded ,son ,with plaintive look at daddy said :Why did you marry her ?Dad with melancholic eyes said :just because of you !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;15a man tojump off building ,just hurry back to the wife shouted :honey don impulse ,we still have a long way !After the man listens ,not hesitate to jump up .
Standing next to the negotiation expert said: this lady ,you really shouldn threaten him .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;16made a dream in the morning,I and several friends were hijacked ,we are considering how to extricate oneself when the alarm clock rings .
It is ready to wear clothes ,suddenly thought if I ran away, the remaining brothers would be killed ?Brothers are close ,I can throw brothers no matter ,then lie down to sleep ~ &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;17 this afternoon theweather is very good, read a book watching it was one .
.. ... At this moment ,a patient in the doctor, I am confused to see the etiology is Mars bitch !I was very strange :This is what disease ?Then a cold sober again ,turns out to be Mars splash !Halo ~ ~ &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;18astation in girl student dormitory downstairs waiting beside the students ,not far away has a fat man and a skinny two boys in et al .
Suddenly the feeling was the water on the face, startled, above is above the people spit ,later found to be in the rain .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;he said :scared me ,I thought it was upstairs was spitting .
!&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;he fellow asked :if you have MM spitting ,what would you do ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;it depends how long . If it is a dinosaur ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;I ran upstairs, the girl said ,you have the ability to stand down ,sky spitting .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;if it is a girl ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;I rushed to the girl ,said : you spit ... he pointed at his face ,give me lick .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;19one day,the two brothers in the bed .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;brother to brother said :brother today mosquito many Oh ~ &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;brother say: shut the lamp mosquito can &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;later brother really turned off the light.
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp suddenly ;a pair of firefly in &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;brother said anxiously :brother miserable, mosquitoes carrying lanterns come looking for us ..
. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in 20 it was four years ago ,when I was in the university .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Xiao Li is a beautiful, innocent girl, she is my girlfriend ,my classmates all say that we are born to make a pair .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;our concern grows very quickly ,very natural ,a summer vacation ,I will bring her back home .I did not return home ,but went to the uncle because the uncle is a millionaire ,I tried to ask her to show off .
My uncle is very enthusiastic ,play happily .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;today ,I and Xiao Li again met in the coffee parlor .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;she asked :are you better now? Or a person ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;!&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;you should find a girlfriend ,don the past .
My husband and I really care about you .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;aunt and uncle ,thank you for your concern ,I can have a girlfriend !I answered indignantly .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;21M: youreally hate .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;female :Yes, how do I make you hate ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;m: because in my heart you really liked ,sucker !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;22 we areone family bathing in the sun on the beach ,a beautiful girl walked ,14 year old sonone At her away ,his wife nudged me ,whispered :your son has grown up .
A few minutes later ,a young woman wearing a swimsuit in front of us walked ,I couldn for her good figure to cast like eyes ,his wife while he nudged me ,blame in a low voice :Oh ,don .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;23a beautiful 25 year oldgirl and a 60years old manmarried, married to the girl that he held up 3 fingers ,the girl said :Wow ,doing tonight 3 time?The old man said, that you choose a finger ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;24two friendsin the bar together ,one on another person asked :my wife doesn ,your wife ?Another man replied: I don ,she never mentioned you .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;25have a true storyto say :a female classmate ,because the temporary nature to the campus of a not very familiar with the old building on the toilet .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;she myopia .
Saw a door ,he went in ,there is a man in front of the door off the pants down squat ,stand up in hurry her trousers ,the girl hurried sorry to come out .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;step three five paces to see another door ,thinking that this is the ladies now ,go in to look, it is just that the toilet with another gate ,the man is down squat ,saw the girl in it, that men be frightened and change color ,anger and fear ,stood up and shouted : !What are you doing.

And mother about micro novel, don't let your love come too l

&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;guide language :love, without the need to use flowery language to describe ,a simple details to the interpretation of the maternal love great .These strikes our hearts a tiny story ,see hope you understand ,understand my mother ,don my love ,it .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;a daughter ,hazy and received the phone call from his mother :well ...Mom ,okay? No ,I miss you .OK, sleepy ,here it is ,how many times have I ,the difference is ,oh ,oh ,I forgot ,you went to sleep ,then sleep .
Daughter hung .A minute later ,the phone again, ring ring ring .Hello ,who is it? Not let people rest? Niuniu ,I, uncle !Oh ,your mother lives in the building on fire .Callback mom ,mom ,pick up the phone ,with a tearful ,quickly Oh ,hear the number you dialed is power off .
..&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: who would you have patience to forgive your ignorance ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;two ,the famine years ,son ready to abandon the elderly blind no action ability of the old mother .
One day, he made up a story ,will step back into the wild animals in the mountains ,down and mother ,hungry and tired .He felt no effort ,he said ,mother ,you wait here for a while ,to get you to eat .
Just want to go away ,she grabbed him, son, mother arms and a half cake ,you had to go !He looked at the mother skinny hand trembling a half cake ,tears and at the same time fell to her knees ,with almost growling voice :Jeez ,was sorry for you !&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: who will not let you starve ?Who will put on your favorite in the pocket ?Who will you resign oneself to adversity ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;in three ,he moved out ,and then, the mother says: a child to remember the way home .
He went to a strange city ,with superb investment perspective ,earn first pot of gold .Thereafter ,the business is prosperous, his name is not in the city more .Have the Spring Festival ,my mother sent him home to eat dinner, he always dodge busy .
Due to a mistake in his business decisions ,made him bankrupt .He was forced to go home, my mother just said :remember the way home .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: mother is your refuge ,you are the soul of a piece of pure land ,regardless of your success .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;four , you see !The little girl happily handed over a piece of paper full of words . I heard a brother asked sister how to love his sister said ,as long as every piece of paper to write her name one thousand times .
!The woman clasped the little girl .How did you know my father ?Here .The little girl opened the drawer ,the last father signed his name on it .The woman looked like .Lie inside a divorce agreement .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: the adult world , the child will never understand .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;five ,she remained there for several years ,only to give grandpa with peas .
Beanie mischievous, often with a fight next door .She turn iron into steel ,spring home ,called Beanie :no fighting ,with her to the door !Beanie wronged cry :who told her to call me a liar .
The mother to the neighbor .See Ni Ni ,Beanie clenched my hand ,proudly said to Ni Ni , ,you see !I did not lie to you ?I also have a mother !!Sometimes adults will not be able to understand the children &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: on two children and mothers will inevitably there is a generation gap generation gap generation gap will accept ,admit ,have harmonious love ,please understand .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;six ,blindness after his bad temper .Mother scolded ,you give up on themselves, from now on I just call you up, eat, sleep, not you .Sure enough, after that my mother just told him that this three words .
This makes him very guilty, also calm down gradually with the treatment of .A year later ,he finally to return ,but he didn .The family told him :my mother died a year ago ,died before the record that three words ,do not want to affect your treatment .
.. ... &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: children of ninety-nine 100 years ofworry ,mother alive whether or not she is most worried about you , learn to be at ease let mother father good son ,don .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;seven ,This is a wrong call number.Please check up and take the telephone number again ... ,call the children outside, why do you say everyday language ,mom did not understand ,but Mom I miss you .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: affection ,so hurt so beautiful .And we will ignore imperceptibly to a mother ,more a call to his mother ,mother can stretch wrinkles .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;eight ,go to school, mother said :when you graduate, mother will enjoy the .
Upon graduation ,mother said :you find a working mother enjoyed .When in work, mother said :you married mother enjoyed .Married, mother said :you have a child she enjoyed .The child ,mother said :you children mother enjoyed .
Now the children are grown up ,I can enjoy ,but mother ,can you hear ?&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: great mother feel enjoy enjoy no ,she wants you to be happy .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;nine ,when I was a child, father drink always come back to hit his mother .
At that time ,he could do nothing but to cry .After growing up, he could no longer live, at his poor mother roar :do you love him ?Don .To divorce him ,don unpromising !The mother was in tears choked ,said to him :Mama Doesn him, but I love you .
.&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: if your mother and father are divorced ,so only affects her heart only to you ,she would take her husband doesn ,because she loves you ,you are her off a piece of meat ,is pregnant in October ,she put you more than my life important .
&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;ten ,5 years of age:Mom ,burning flesh of braise in soy sauce ,line ,burning .15 years old :Mom ,don pork ,a change of taste .Line ,to buy other dishes ,35 years of age:son ,what time to come home to eat a meal ?Mother to do pork ,no, busy recently .
50 :mother today pass by you ,to bring you the braised meat, no, this is not in the home, 70 years of age:Mom ,I want to eat pork ,there has been no ,mom .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;message: to understand a mother ,a lot of people think mother dish is among the world .
I think my mother do the cooking is among the world ,but my favorite .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;from the editor: Seeing these ,I feel so deep feeling ,hope everyone to love his mother ,understand his mother ,don wait until after the loss to cherish ,don too late to think of filial piety .

Zhang Jie and Sheenah's love story (like a drama.) moving

She .Remember the first time to her impression that happy base camp at the stage doesn a few years ago that remembers that she and everyone admired love thought ,the eyes of the people, the prince will always be the true love in the hands of the prince of the audience said countless a solemn pledge of love of the prince facing the screen said little about everyone wants to bless this sweet a but .
In the end , everything is just a mirage Prince left the angels when the angel still endured pain smile when the prince turned to exotic princess in your arms of love, like a pure glass ball beautiful but also so fragile unclear ,the number of day and night how she survived only remember before the screen she always strong a smile on the stage of the angels really happy suddenly want to understand a was happy to abandon child really have the courage to find happiness ?He .
Remember first noticed him in a talent contest on stage that green his shy of his persistent pursuit of music he eventually he won thought ,road will be smooth but not wanted him to disappear over the horizon gradually, he was forgotten and the mind memory is only vaguely remember in a talent contest had a young singer how many day alone through the crowded subway station how much the night he was standing by himself in a window star singing suddenly want to understand a once dreamed of being abandoned children really have the courage to dream again.
Wings ?He and she .A line parallel to the story of her .Is a popular variety show host he .Just a forgotten singer if not because the story of another he he and she is it right? No intersection we is it right? Will not expect her to .
Because of exhaustion and strange refused his conference but I again met him that little KTV have many memories of a meeting, a full embrace this is her conference absent guilty he was different the warmth and comfort from this ,his and her parallel lines the intersection of 2006dance forest congressin Shanghai she .
The players every day and night busy he .Friends always accompany with the times .Many people moved him .Put down all the work did fly to Shanghai to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers when he stood at the door waiting for her to rest him let staff shouted that he think good words Sheenah ,you express to come check ,she blankly across the crowd to the door he saw the smiling holding Lily stood there for a moment .
She was moved to say a word that kind of warm feeling she .Life in the summer of 2007 he.Courage to watch her .Seize the opportunity to join the host remember .In the game he auditions .
Always singing her heart .Always pray silently into the 50 May 13 , 102007 he.A song of the past let it become a thing of the past as a host but she had forgotten his task tension .Disturbed .
In face of her spread her .Worried about him when the black judges announced his promotion he a tight loose down her heart .He turned around .They smiled to hold her .In May 25, 112007 13sheshouting with laughter .
Is that much of the attention of the host .Is the only contestant they want to sing with all my heart .But tens of thousands of people are concerned with gossip woman with flower in a word he and she again stood in the teeth of the storm he .
Don explain her smile .To explain the final tension .He promoted smoothly into the next game but she .Vanished into the night of 4 July 6, 32007had smilehad tears, she returned to that hurt her stage numerous times .
She said to leave and not to him but .All people know her back to him she said you are Zhui . he said we are together a dance moonlight let many people obsessed with the final song ,still he continues to sing her to continue listening.
Finally he walked on stage he smiling face on everything and everyone .But cry. Thank you Nana he everyone shocked say thank him .Know that now she is backstage cry subsequently countless TV programs suddenly found that he .
That is like watching her smile she .So at a loss in his joy when Saturday March 31, 2007 heand her from the start but with little touched by her .Blindfold touching his face had the slightest current she .
Every hour and moment let him sing because she knew he would not speak to him .Doing push-ups with great care when she sat him her ,said that as long as they can impress her she is willing to help him drink that is difficult to drink the soybean but .
When she was intoxicated when he did not hesitate to drink only a second .But he was sick she says he upset stomach he took her Diguo tissue smiled and shook his head at a candlelight dinner he slowly walked over to her he single leg genuflect ground shallow sing her smile and happy and sweet wish time could stop even only one seconds is enough, the story behind the September 2, 2007 he also hasher .
In order to him while in Changsha stay half love he sat on the sidelines smile to hear her speak to his story like her to hold his hand as natural science with bangs like him and her and sit side-by-side laughing and playing with their memories like such a photo in her dressing room .
Of his bangs and he .Looked at her silently march forward courageously first in July 25, 2007 he and she was a partner he and she like in the seated quietly exchange he and she always loved self-assured or supercilious discussion about remember .
He and her eyes she has few seconds laughed last punishment he smiled and pushed her down he .That dress himself very fast but the fact .He was caught in a body of water but .We are clear to see him and her sweet smile on second April 13, 2008 she .
First ,he alone .Proceed without hesitation to when the participant as she had accompanied him on the show generally now ,for he to give her the courage she .Know his white is always on the side to help him .
Know her heart always aside in response to her that night that he and she are self-evident understanding third November 16, 2008 is the location he as Prince Charming like appearance she stood looking at him naturally or half unconsciously to help him pick up words when he punished her face is distressed when he had a drawbridge on her face she is worried aside quietly concerned about him and he always experience the thrill of later without hesitation toward her she shared with him in front of ,and she is behind him .
Forever .No matter when and where she will be behind him shooting advertising he always subconsciously help she unscrewed the cap together to attend rehearsals she is always concerned about his show go to the ceremony she is always on the side of the stage to accompany his singing all the songs brandishing a miracle on August 30, 2007 - September 28, 2007 he and she just miss the person or opportunity to dance to all the regret in the heart can be .
He and she still caring she always and program group discuss his performances he wronged followed her to leave studio even if that moment from the end of last only a minute .He is still not the champion and her .
But let all people will he tossed it up in happy base camp where most memories of her .In total he is not in when subjected to ridicule from previous constant explain to today happy smile he became confident humor and she became shy show a future in December 2, 2006 it was the first time he hadon her show singing loud and clear that all marvel at her relief at him at this moment she must hope that after tonight there are more and more people will pay attention to or like this love singing boy .
Happy Boys May 26, 2007 campfast male do feature of course she has his ingenuous smile cute little she knows he only network comedy hurt the joy of singing all water .Moment will be nervous behind just hard to understand his and her little shining star in November 10, 2007 he is to save the field he and she is still a tacit understanding that it is self-evident that boots on folk song smile she and he simulated fire rescue people she lie in that he can laugh go without prior to save teacher he held to be held he smartly picked her up at that moment .
He is embracing happy Knight she is enjoying the happiness of angel tapping in July 18, 2009 he .Is the theme song of the concert party be right and proper to fast the shocking singing different style he .
Once again let all who saw his strength white sketch silly show a small potato can see him .Is so honest honest she .Was so nervous he just two times happy camp but equally impressive because has his and her king of the night in January 26 , 2008 the most beautiful sun just out of an EP he once again appeared in happy base camp where quickly became his home all carefully planned just to let him know the stars are always in big blue star big blue J he .
It was surrounded with love in front of those stars that he was at a loss but in the end .He .Or tears to stand beside him her .And touched the stars because she knew he feelings she know the stars for his support in the night .
He and she was touched by the star star general mobilization his October 16 , 2008 Concertof his world he appeared a domineering demeanor openings still white he sang shooting stars she stared at him gently and he introduced his concert she aside the satisfied smile lucky .
His every concert she did not miss him sing doing sit-ups she took the wheat by passing voice may .It is the power of love he will eventually song finished subsequent tacit understanding thief couples halfway couples last name lets the audience again and again the uproarious when she inadvertently see toward him ,looking for his shadow shot of him on stage at the side of a smile her performances do not need too many flowery language after tomorrow .
He and she is happy forever Happy Paradise in December 12, 2009 it washe and she were many rumors after the first stage everyone can see her nervous and back she is afraid .Will once again hurt him she is not afraid to hurt myself .
But if the media to obliterate his efforts but .He gentle still just for her he would call her name .So once he smiled in the show .So happy he .Again and again she patted her on the shoulder .
Time and time again quiet in watching him on stage with each other just want to quiet happiness is speculation again hurt not they will just feel helpless three song friend meeting he and she appeared together with her .
The Sohu song friend meeting his shadow first chorus subtle at each other is a little bit .he and she is so into her .The music keeps him her friend he sing her song to her in the side and her .
He is playing electronic organ .He quietly in the smile .Lovely singing dragons who she .Already by him smiled bent the waist is simple ,without any impurity at the moment he and she are true-false teacher he song friend meeting him and she is equally important friends little understanding when she in reading English when he prayed silently in the side when she and others when he melodrama the story of the real actor rob when wheat .
He and she inadvertently touch but let him be at a loss what to do .Let her shy he .She started singing .Her shyness .He started singing .Exciting dance even forgot to beat when excited her stand up to grab wheat when he hands holding a piece of watermelon will gently she pressed how natural and warm when they are most happy because there are friends with each other in in a belong to his concert has been his dream in May 1, 2008 in Beijing North he .
Is this concert will lead her to .Is this concert supporting hide you a song of 4 minutes of songshe had been to her in the direction of singing I want you 2/3floral handkerchief ... ..
. His hand is naturally or half unconsciously to her he was lying in her front side stage gently touched him and her lovers him to her kiss him on her love gesture to let all people screaming for him .
Must know that now she is on stage to listen to his songs were moved to tears just .He is still with the song softly express his feeling for her she at his concert in Hangzhou in July 26, 2008 the firstcry of a sing to him .
With countless stars singer she .It is therefore came to the fans is miss you he smiled at her hand all the people screamed and sit in the audience and her smile is so happiness. I am willing to this is his pledge to her what only he and she know you and me he simply sat down to her sing the song in the world of love you only you and me.
this is him to her promise you more troubles as long as each other together why the need to care about external evaluation as long as he and she know it well one love the final encores the chorus he .
On the stage singing she choked .In the audience of silent tears he and she has the same feeling because she knows his world and his efforts in his heart and put her on his concert in December 19, 2009 secondcry birthday the day before in Beijing Workers Stadium he and his star in fact tell the world of his success ,the stars love concert from the start ,he did play many people are looking for her even if it is his concert this is how irrational but all have long been accustomed to his concert on her figure is .
Until the beginning of one locate her big screen flashed his parents about his friend and his colleagues even her parents appeared, but only did not show her concert in the middle of tailored he said this is for her song when wearing a white scarf he laugh is so sweet scarf .
The secret ,he slowly toward the stage right at the stand direction he smiled and sing a song so sad song at the moment seems warm moment stage under the people screamed because appeared on the screen and her subtle makeup around big scarf sitting with a group of stars she listened to tailor-made laugh so happiness and sweetness of her .
If not for the big screen appearance reflects her maybe till the end nobody knew how she came to her .Push the work came to the concert she .He gave the VIP ticket into the grandstand ticket she .
Want the best position for a star and she .Don play .She .I just want to hear him sing a song together with him to enjoy the stars passion and he moved together with the stars she see my concert which is on her fans song screen in her tears, listening to her .
The stars that he love her .Understand him all the way to today sweat and tears her in his concerts third times cry he .The three concert she become a superstar .The three concert become fans cry three laugh three times every concert she will sit in the audience watch she gave him the most silent support but also the most powerful encourage good time ,some time this was his and her book he and in her book the thin aftertaste each other know him .
Love is not a heart to another heart touching ,but two heart to strike sparks .She .Say love things is two things ,do not need to anyone to explain, or to explain .He .And she but silent will she wrote in can her lover .
And he was just a friend but silent will he wrote in Happy Street are all simply coincidence or chance that anyone can understand but no one was willing to explain for as long as you happy all silent love protection Wahaha will meet only he and she and he and her fans.
He and she sings a song and a song to her fans also give each other 6 years30 daysin 2009 August 12, 2009 HarbinZhejiang Hangzhou Suzhou Taizhou Xuzhou in August 14, 2009 August 18, 2009August 20, 2009November 5, 2009daythat few days he and she should be the most relaxed because he can and she has been watching commercials when he slowly step a step to her fans to remove discuss when performing his or her time and again he interesting about her pet phrase she close to help him fend off host embarrassed when gifts naturally or half unconsciously when he says look good on the second .
.She smiled shyly yet sweet November 12, 2009 Shenyangthis is her only missing a meeting because of too much snow .The plane was forced to land only to fly back to Beijing .She .Must be very disappointed when he and she are in the teeth of the storm of the fans anxious fear her this time absence will make one media again when he once again to say thank you for coming to Sheenah Zhang Jie Wahaha meeting You like to hear Nana sing .
I also like Nana singing he .Laughing so happy but not conceal his eyes .Certainly hope she can come a short time of meeting him and she let all people feel more comfortable because .
He and her happiness is so full of new year with all moved in December 31, 2008 he .Dressed like a prince charming to her .Dressed as a blue elf he .She became active .Become shy he voluntarily took her hand at the moment he and her happy smile is love a person asks the day after tomorrow sing he will hand the flowers to her she nervously forgotten the words he ran away .
But as in the past as she sang hold your hand till the end. .Bow pull her hand in her smile .Happy flow under the windward tears that night .He and she was surrounded by happiness in December 31, 2009 that dreamy night he and she eventually in the director persuaded station that may be from the stage he and her reluctant high-profile love just want to quiet happiness he sing ,she tears her sing ,his red eyes a song so sad the song does not belong to them lift came up slowly in the world seems to have them all the audience quiet all the buzz stopped the world they only have eyes for each other three years maybe we had to give up had a doubt but also had moved and sweet but never like tonight tears finally .
They changed the lyrics ,they spot change time music did not keep pace with the time the audience began to laugh when he and she again gently singing all the people cried happy sister cry, because she had felt the same teacher he cried ,because he looked at them through to Weijiage cry, because he deeply understand the Wu Xiaoxin cry ,because she touched him and her love of the audience cried ,because they know it is not show her Cry, because he said no one can bully you we let me fall in love with you whatever tattle and prate I will protect you, he cried ,because she said we let me have the courage to let you hold my hand memories all pro field .
They say . We we I when he thought she would press the lyrics in one side gently and she to the words ,he was surprised, he cried when she thought he was singing to walk down the elevator when he said it, she moved ,she cried last embrace him gently patted her on the back she quietly on his shoulder and he closed his eyes, tears off her happy smile ,tears in her eyes .
Know in the live up to he pushed him away .See her tears for her gently wipe that moment ,they are very happy he gave her a perpetual vows she gave him a permanent response may .After tonight, there will be a question but blessing .
He and she are rainbow rainbow after the storm more gorgeous remember .No matter when and where he or she has been very happy .He .She is the only let me he had the courage to say thanks man she .
Said to him .Willing to do anything to him .Said if she wants .He will give her her happiness, her wish is always heard him sing and he .Face the smile to her bloom to her his eyes is endless indulgence and love in his eyes all who saw her happiness .
In the eyes of the moment of tenderness only for him to reveal his her face is pale red and shy away from her face all read happy feelings thing is two things ,not to say casually outside biography to what was said ,really ,what people say is not important, important is he knew what he was doing it ,don to anyone to explain, or to explain .
-- Sheenah everyone has their own love I feel no matter how love I believe everyone can go very well because love is two things I told each other in the world of love there is only you and me .

The ten sentence, not yellow in color, just write a little d

No matter when the father ,don let oneself woman pregnant !Can force himself to the responsible ,not to mess up !Not to people working flow production ,scrape off the only uterine !Not to use the phrase I love you to make up !Love can repair the injury pain ?Believe full are two hundred and fifty !Women ,don the body for the cheap price can be seen everywhere love !Man ,don see the female sex impulse ,four sow !Women are B ,not to sell .
Men B ,don !Man into the high level also hide not the beast sexual desire !My God ,open double leg is not denied, close double leg is a female ?Put on pants, pull pull a chain of big words without shame !Say oneself are male, there is no virgin film doesn any burden ?Really admire your face upturned B said this courage ,really makes people out of their reach person !Age ,can only represent he had dinner with the number of generations ,and not the he .
.. What do cattle B ?I don you cow B ,you are not cattle B you B Baidu how to search without you ?This world I only the letter of two people ,one is I ,the other is a self .. really fucking good play ,because living old his mother play my name is the Lord .
.. Flowers ,I come loose soil... Time like the RMB ,only to squeeze a total is ... Men lie to deceive a woman one night ,women lie to deceive a man ... Hooligans not afraid, be afraid of hooligans have culture .
.. You can all the people satisfied ,because not all people are people ... Man to have money ,and who have the edge ... Life since ancient times who is not dead ,which pull shit doesn use paper .
.. Born great ,died in what !Only to hoe dance well, there is a corner dig it? Not attractive women say men took heart ,was not able to say the man woman reality ... You cow B Tiananmen don hang your head like a ~ between countries on the gun , between people is on the money ,male man and woman between man is on the bed .
Would rather marry a bitch do wife! Is not willing to marry a wife do bitch !Can hand as far as possible don noisy noisy. Can kill as to leave live !Fought without moving hands ~ ~ someone without the group fighting !Everything has been done ,don say you are wrong.
It to slide ,social complex ,also have more complex than people who ?The surface is at heart ,the real his mother playing with brains ,no money no line   &nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp
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Ningxia girl

Yinchuan Sister good mouth, speak more to do less, Helan sister, good heart, again not run home, the sister good temperament, water tender skin not old Zhongwei sister , good quality, not surround the Dalai husband noisy.
The sister of good thinking, rather own three shifts. Yong Ning younger sister stature is good, the year four seasons cannot feed. Huinong sister color good, night was like a bird, siggi Sister good eyes, have money to you , Pingluo sister craft, sewing pants up the most skillful hands, Shiochi Maiko good education, virtuous and early , Longde sister ability is good, be very careful in reckoning run every day.
Guyuan sister strength, catch husband run the streets
Ningxia Beijing, Shanghai, Ningxia Shahu..Hongkong street, the United States of America Road, as the Ningxia desert rose fragrant , osmanthus fragrance, as Ningxia mutton flavor.
Audi, BMW, Ningxia skin raft.Bud table wine, Louis wine , as the old Yinchuan of Ningxia.Raisins, dried abalone, as Ningxia wolfberry stem.Days affection, and love, as the people of Ningxia good mood.The day is heartless , ruthless, Ningxia where people.

Accompany you to arrive old, my confidante!

I know you, one's whole life is the most happy thing ,
Thank God let us meet, know each other, each other, depend on each other!Miss this life just to accompany you, accompany you to chat, listen to music!Tell each other stories!How are you? I screen each other friends.
In this way, inadvertently encounter , let us mutual care , miss each other.This feeling is a kind of touching endless ! You have touched the world exists! You are really beautiful.Every click your name, there is a kind of warmth is raided on mind.
Numerous times to look forward to, numerous times to be reluctant to part, sweet in the heart.Good hope I can hold your hand, walk together in the future, whether the flowers to pave the way , or... , never abandon all hope, together, forever.
In this quiet night, thinking of you is a kind of happiness, is also a kind of pain, is a sweet torment! There are about one billion, and I just know you, this is a kind of fate, or...? I miss you, no matter how the world changes, asks you to remember once a I, and want to accompany you slowly getting old.
I really hope, hope you and time can keep me, let us perform over the life.There is a tacit understanding is called the heart, there is a kind of feeling called too wonderful for words, there is a kind of happiness with you, a kind of longing is called life.


Siltstone         [English]:siltstone [interpretation: Is mainly composed of sandy clastic sedimentary rock is composed of siltstone [1].The particle size of 0.0625 to 0.0039 mm (mm) powder sand content of 50% in siltstone specimens of a clastic sedimentary rocks.
Powder detrital component of sandstone in general is relatively simple , with quartz , feldspar and debris rare, sometimes containing more muscovite.In addition to silt by sand, clay or other chemical sediment.
According to the particle size is divided into coarse powder sandstone (0.0625 ~ 0.0312mm) and fine sandstone (0.0312 ~ 0.0039mm).Siltstones often has a thin horizontal bedding , sediments containing water is prone to liquefaction deformation bedding and other sliding structure.
Pink sandstone by particle size is divided into: coarse sandstone (0.0625 ~ 0.0312mm) and fine sandstone (0.0312 ~ 0.0039mm); according to the mixture components are divided into: argillaceous siltstone, iron powder sandstone, calcareous siltstone.
In clastic composition is divided into quartz powder feldspar sandstone, siltstone , lithic sandstone (rare) and their transitional type.According to the cement composition into clay siltstone, iron powder sandstone, calcareous siltstone and dolomitic siltstone.
Loess is a kind of loose or half consolidation silty sediments.Siltstone formed at River floodplain, Delta , lake and ocean relatively deep part. Siltstone variety of colors, with the mixture of different components.
Siltstone is after a long distance transportation, water dynamic condition relatively quiet , deposition rate slow formed under the environment of.In the horizontal and vertical, but gradually become sand or clay, and constitute rhythmic bedding.

JJ Lin's 79 classic most worthy of taste Lyric

JJ Lin, 79 classiclyrics 1 who still remember,who said that love me forever ,the previous sentence, is our wounds ;too long ,no one remember those gentle ,you and I hand in hand ,to walk together to the end -- remember 2 originalthe expression of pain was actually no ,it turns out that the most cruel picture can speak sugared words ,I don know how to love you more ,ironically shadow following me hard to hard to leave :the original is the most lonely or so I think you, the most sad is that I can not face their own ,you receive a clean ,I would without a trace -- the original 3 youneed me giggle ,I need you ,love is so that it does not light down, I know sometimes also need ,but also to know only you to be best to me -- perfect match 4I missto the end will always stay in your heart ,because I met you like a virtual game ,I know you on the Internet a message -- elf 5toyou all night ,not to say anything ,count the respiratory fantasy ,think of the real you ,to Bottom how strong -- elf 6love issaying that can not stop ,has been strong enough to say was once -- fear of 7 as long as you at my side,all the gossip rumors completely to pay no heed -- Mermaid 8whenlove and hope meet the sunlight ,yesterday evaporate over the passing of time ,don ,will make more desire ,filled with courage, we will have more strength -- love and hope 9perhaps theman is really a man, less style ,still can ,sometimes wrong do not know wrong ,don excuses just said one day ;sometimes girls less children ,heart helpless also need care, but how can barely left turn ,again -- the big man ,little girl 10unilateralwaiting, on gentle, still less what -- Always online 11reallyis love ,tears know ,love or not love the original heart already exist, happiness is not thousands of miles away ,let me be brave to express love -- expression 12lovehate now ,sentimental easily betrayed hate ;ancient ,fate only by waiting ;hate not Come, that promise too susceptible to corruption -- evolution 13leavesstacked in several layers ,and I stepped on the youth ,who heard before in tears - in succession, a fate tie a rope ,I still waiting ,I can only have a serious -- Chibi drunk 14 ofthe time freeze ,freeze first met that day ,freeze the love ,seize the moment you -- freezing 15freeze the space,freezing the world with you ,freeze the picture ,freeze it dissolved -- freezing 16with the sky,why the world and gravity force ;there is hope ,despair or as the shadow follows the form ;with courage ,let the tears buried the past -- Black Knight 17richvanilla chocolate agate ,insensiblement quietly melt ,into the happiness taste -- found love 18excellent blossomgood wind ,as long as you in what is good -- found love 19 Istill looking for one to rely on ,and a hug ,who pray for me ,for me ,for me the downtown, happiness is beginning to have a ,fate let us slowly close ,then loneliness will be swallowed ,boring Conversations ,there are changes -- the 20small dimpleyou don how important you are to me ,you have made my life is complete -- dimple 21the lights on the groundare like twinkling stars ,what place waits for me to land stops, a gate and a bridge ,what smile is worth freezing my heart -- airport without tears 22love is thirty thousand milesalone ,flash for tears ,overlooking the possible distance ;love is always beside you, love the sight of understanding -- airport without tears in 23mylife is very sloppy, happy often at the door -- around the airport without tears 24wantto see you every day ,it started from the day -- LOVE 25 can onlylook to the East ,your world is too far away ,reached the limit of imagination ,happiness has sweet ,but darkness has swallowed me, is not into your hand -- west of 26.
mylife has been waiting for ,the empty pockets ,want to put inside a love ;why always defeated ,really good helpless ,I actually really ,no matter be handsome not handsome -- look forward to love 27 look,I expect you to find love ,free Not in ,I come very naturally care ,your presence ,telepathy ,I tell at a glance ,because love -- look forward to love 28I guess you got mylove ,around the bend a few closer to more understand ,don ,the beginning of happiness is just to love - -- look forward to love 29lights can not beextinguished through tonight, can from the book escape back to the world, I ,I don how to say this time ,read the book will make a fortune ,so stay -- read 30not everyonewill study hard to read ,no serious reading is not necessarily lose -- read 31but youknow I have missed ,spending time on your attachment -- tomorrow 32want to giveyou a bouquet of flowers ,want to accompany you to the dawn and beach ,with time to wither, only to wake up the regret -- Shakespeare day a 33from then onmy head ,just one of your name ,only one name -- don never mind 34If one day,go back in time ,back to the original me ,can you feel my word -- when you ( J Music J ) 35I want to treat you,you never know ,I want you ,can become a hobby -- when you ( JJ composition ) 36 Ito you see ,really far away, even sigh shadow heard ,is wordless ,you go ahead I see ,miss you ,you and me ,inscribed with a line never change -- the distance 37Whenlove before leaving, more bitter can much more sweet ,is the distance you pass me -- distance 38they say theysee ,I have no matter ,I as announced ,love your people will be my right, not wrong ,is ,simply, that I love you love me, don you sew -- I 39tears are drowning mewho the sorry ,who is this emotional release -- I still miss her.
40 Ifinally understand ,do not promise ,became shackles ,real happiness is always out of stock -- I still think of her 41please tell her Idon her ,sad smile of self punishment ,to terminate this struggle ,firm said that the heart really lies -- I also want him to 42don,I still think of her ,hate than Love easy to lay down ,when the tears blocked chest ,let silence replace all of the answer -- I still think she doesn me in 43 ,I am not in pain, I do not know, my heart is empty ,you talk insincerely -- I still think of her 44wind here is a sticky,stick guest miss ,rain here entangled into line ,pestering us lovers the world ;you are close to the edge ,fate written in stone above ;1/10000sweetlove ,I this point -- the Jiangnan 45corner ofthe fading rose ,forget why wither ,scattered on the ground torn out of time ,and one day a year not to feel ,scar in the heart, the hot smoke spreading ,bypassing the hair ,you said sorry ,broken strings ,played once ,walked along the route did not end, the yellow light irradiation ,old water ,.
The rose to miss the picture -- endless love 46how can I forget how long time,are you happy ?Want to replace your answer ,you know ,go away ,I can go to face ,this worried about silent sadness -- I love you 47 Iwas forgotten in the corner forgotten you -- I love you 48I did not want you,heart lose the outline ,once you move, just the mood fluctuation ,can give me not ,letting you indulge in your freedom ,trying to hide my stupidity -- I love you in 49 after the earth is destroyed ,I still love you -- the immortal 50who islove the director ,give me happiness and cloudy, the plot is belong to me, I have no way to choose -- label is a 51say goodbye,still living in the past ,I was with a lovelorn label ,no matter go who see -- label 52is notlove the hero does not read the Three Kingdoms ,if the hero can not understand how lonely -- Cao Cao 53my breatha sigh ,what I said for you ;I give up, I am in each step as you go ;at the edge of your dreams ,there is always a person you waiting for you it .
All I have ,my everything is you ;I get, I lost, I have is you ;you may not understand ,I love you have than I thought I could give -- Star 54 weare bubbles gently touched on the break it is the spark of love ,tears ,yesterday as the aircraft through my window ,I have nothing -- simple 55I spread my handsyou demand everything ,until you have freedom ,pain when I ,like leaves to spring breeze blew -- simple 56only a simple love,my or am I ;the thought of simply ,not live in vain ;simply mad ,be dream away ,when the story after the end ,heart like a lonely -- simple 57standing alone on the stage,the light with my shadows ,music repeat our common grief ,not every the concert ,you can forget tomorrow without you -- just for you 58my tears,all the love you want -- one thousand years later 59because one thousand years later,the world It is not I ,able to hold your hand ,a light kiss on your forehead ;don ,everybody will forget me ,then over a red desert at dusk ,who ,to unlock the moment the thousand years of loneliness -- one thousand years later 60the sameairport different world ,the same coffee different taste ,the same way I and I are less -- wings of 61 for you to give mewings to fly ,I know this is not sad ,then high all not tired ,we say good ;for you to give me wings to fly ,I feel enough comfort ,clouds will no longer more ,we is not for whom tears -- wings 62airreservoirs with your scent ,memories and hide your tears ,embrace the last warm some, I dragging luggage go straight ahead ,take a look over the clouds memories is one after another -- wings 63tearsthe wet clothes washed clean ,sun dried memories ,folds it up tomorrow, just and happy go out -- love laughing eyes ( JJ .
64)leave you I found myself ,eyes that love to smile ,tears like hide but storm ,wet yesterday deleted; leave you I get back from One ,that my love ,goodbye my love does not let myself, let your firm .
.. Goodbye love does not make sure you ,pretend to be very strong -- love laughing eyes ( JJ composition ) 65mummies in the heart of thebuild-up to you ,to the old, maybe I too care about being abandoned ,can the dark silence not ;the heart beating ,hope simmer ,I cry the last component to hold on ,believe love I wake up in the new century -- the mummy 66make meabout most things ,just download your memory a few hours ,sending thousands of times I love you ,full of the city into the message -- the beginning 67you turn around,a kiss ,from now on I will no longer be a man -- kiss under the starry sky 68startedevery time ,always in my heart to write your name ,you make love true ;the beginning everything ,later memories are true love forever ,never change never stops not to disappear -- a start 69enmesh street in front of me,the next step ,the shadow ,a mockery of the review ,telephone booth still keep your word ,a word drop a tear ,tonight How am I going to fall asleep -- the original 70 residues offragrance on my hands reminds me ,left in the camera every piece of the newsletter reported missing ,all say to you -- just for you 71:a lot of the time, because I am afraid of injuries ,so we choose to give up ,I more because I love freedom too ,so obviously eager to love ,but still do not know how to let anyone else in -- idiot 72I donidiot ,I wrote on the wall full of desire, I can cry ,the room was empty ,I absolutely don try to be brave, this belongs to me let it have its swing ,but I also want a sense of security ,in an appropriate plan even understand the vision, but also warm -- idiot 73without you in the morning,with the sugar and coffee is also bitter -- idiot is a 74single,love and loss, I understand .
So I use the time to prove ,this heart ,not because you have to give up and change -- the idiot 75I reallyan idiot ,miss in the happiness, we only used the time to find what we need,
let us know yourself ,also affirmed the other ,because of you, let me know what real happiness was -- idiot 76beforecrossing the red memory wounding is not cutting edge is you come from
the reincarnation of the soul -- Chibi drunk 77remember yourface ,back and forth for thousands of times ,I suddenly realize you love me -- freedom is not free 78goodbye,never see ,heart floating

He killed the dormitory schoolmate!Before his death, wrote a

Hekilled the dormitory schoolmate !Before his death, wrote a letter to Hu Jintao are tears. ( life makes a man of integrity and no guts .) knighted before his death, to write a letter to Hu Jintao are the tears &nbsp ;&nbsp ;Ma Jiajue shot the scene of Ma Jiajue &nbsp ;&nbsp ;I hope you will seriously to read .
. I hope we can see something.. 1 Ma Jiajuewon the Olympic Forest peak physical competition two prize .2 their dormitoryschoolmate urinated on his quilt in .3 in the winter temperature is lower when compared to their dormitory ,students used to give his one or two dollars ,let him wash your clothes ,wash horse no money .
4 peoplein prison in his life through the best clothes ,uniforms . This is me through the best clothes knighted today said this word to let the police put him to tears .5 Ma Jiajuebecause no shoes to wear, in the student loan no hair days barefoot ,truancy .
6 in hishome in * ironing clothes .His mother lost 100 yuan ( iron 200suit) ,who put $100 in lost in the passage to allow the mother picked up !7 people5000 yuan,from home to school by a borrowed .
The 8 whorefused to surrender ,also declined to 4 lawyersfree do not guilty ,because he expected to die .&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;9peoplealready in debt 10000 yuan,doing odd jobs to subsidize the cost of living .
&nbsp ;read university according to the legend that is Ma Jiajue shot time picture !!!&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ;Ma Jiajue last-minute letters :Spring Spring raining a little cold wind I looked rusty bars I think of my poor parents for children to read he two from early to late working in the fields with candles for ironing clothes, 5cents apiece that my mother lost one hundred dollars she loves dearly saying it two hundred clothes to earn the money ,I looked at mother sad to do cooly earned one hundred dollars lost to the ground says to the mother :Mom you one hundred bucks here !My mother smiled a forced smile actually mother know I lost I am not alone I can see me suffer hardships reading university several years I never asked the family to penny I hope parents not to me at their old hard life how to add to their burden .
But the fees are high I must own to sell cooly delay learning is no way the things I a person silently drudge I a person secretly one day only to eat two steamed winter I cold because I am from the south.
But in order to save a few bucks a hot bath my whole winter adhere to a cold bath I cold beating Shiver me smiled to my classmates we young people need to exercise that day I did not wear shoes I embarrassed to go to school until the school made a point of relief that I bought cheap pair of slippers to the classroom my family has been very poor I grew up in the poor I appreciate the family hardships young I was distressed parents hard just to lighten their burden a little by little I said :Mom and dad you hard, I made dinner ,you eat it !I have been studying hard Village neighborhood and school teacher knows I hard-working studious gentle ,honest student I won the National Physics Competition prize two I went to high school with discrimination and feel depressed but in proximity to the college entrance examination the months I withstood various aspects pressure work hard so I a the poor students get excellent results in my college entrance examination achievement than we focus on line in Guangxi province was more than 50 points can on the famous university Wuhan University ,hit ,but I consider that cost more far away from home so choose district near consumption level is relatively low and the Yunnan University with the hope of a peasant boy implication of honest honest part came to Yunnan University when I saw Chairman Mao wrote four Chinese characters of Yunnan University my heart has a sunlight ripples I definitely determined to continue to work hard to master professional to find a good job to repay their parents ,Change poor fate with their own knowledge to serve the society for national work conscientiously do a respected person to do the people who contribute to society after entering the University, I found that most people don reading every night on which girl sexy pretty girl and girl * * * * more refreshing rich classmates is bold looking for a female friend to come swaggeringly in school next to rent a house together everyone likes to play computer games all laugh at me as a country bumpkin that won that also won so I to classmates and good I also learned to play computer games play games they are more powerful than I more love to play computer games .
I also using their own money and borrowed some money to buy the old computer I am generous my computer students are ready to play and I very much hope that students live together in peace together time soon University over the years my summer vacation winter vacation is basically do not go home in Kunming labor money I comfort parents mom and Dad I in G had a very good teachers often invited me to their home .
But every time I say this was a virtual I sometimes have no money just a meal for two days often a day to eat two steamed bread is gone I do not hate who I didn because of having no money but want to steal and rob me is very strong and I am proud of myself I have my parents to play their own I have my classmates to play society but there are some students always naturally or half unconsciously discrimination sometimes I say something really hurt my heart they think I dressed strange they think I acted very strange I began to quietly work I don be as heterogeneous but I think there are a few a good fellow classmates ,so that I can pay no attention to those students with university personality discrimination disdain many boys are in bold to pursue his love of the girl very Many boys fall in love me in this atmosphere coupled with several classmates urged bold also wrote a letter to my love for a girl because of my appearance does not look good with no money people were very rustic introverted girl mercilessly when many people face to me the letter of sincere sincere ,carved into the letter to pieces I just heart pain will I do not hate who I just really feel can live up to her my parents say so I know one ,I don fall in love and college students should focus on the studies of time passed very fast the university graduated only a semester to graduate last winter I still not home still do in Kunming cooly leave a few days some students advance to the school you may have to find a job so advance back to school I was very happy because the winter I a person how lonely I don Fear of hardship but is afraid of lonely when I saw my classmates when I very enthusiastic about them to pass the time I play I am willing to accept actually we had often played cards do not hide my IQ really is relatively high so cards often win several schoolmates doubt I cheat I insist that no one knew that the three I think there is no discrimination over my classmates think that has been equal to my classmate unexpectedly words hurt me ,hurt my personality ,also expose my previous many scars ,including that girl tore my love what what what what suffering poor hard life I can tolerate other people discriminate disdain me I can stand but I this several slightly better students should be so ruthless trample ,ravage my dignity that every person has long been so fierce discrimination I cruel laugh at me my heart hurts my tears quietly dropped I was a strong man I have never been hard poverty defeated but when my dignity being destroyed is not like when my pain of the past were once again come up with irony when my heart was bleeding tread on me or even slightly better point usually between classmates and fellow !I in this atmosphere will difficult they are cruel to me is they won way they did not leave me with their most incisive insulted my even after so arrogance and happy because they had a good living condition.
They have the capital to play girl my heart can not find the place !The total surface of their most incisive insult me like I did not retreat I decided to jade are ruined my decided to discriminate against people ,who despise the poor man a lesson I decided to give the ruthless trample ,cruel ravage the dignity of the poor.
People a lesson I was accustomed to being discriminated against ,but being .This time they performed too most incisive sarcasm moment their ruthless they insulted always faces abominable I determined I finally bought a rock-hammer over several of their human life so I run I think not catch me later to a discrimination insult place to life if caught one hundred of my death is not afraid of death I just want to death I don be sentenced to life imprisonment because that would give my parents brought pressure !Many people are now saying that I homicide devil say I killed red eye actually said if I only want to kill those who trample on others I don hurt the innocent when one of my students came to me because in my hardest time did not discriminate against me instead of food for me to eat I know deeply that earth is once I said to myself: drips of Tu ,Yongquan I will repay the students but I now leave a regret forever , I did not have the opportunity to repay the classmates !But I finally want to give a word to my classmate :a good man !I heard the song, so come in like dream on what a familiar melody bell .
I think of often help my uncle ,aunt to fourteen fourteen us the home while the poor, but everybody is very caring everybody feel happy without discrimination and contempt of never knowing what is personality trample me very like and like Tao Yuanming will always live in the village where I see the clear water every day watching the curl of smoke with fresh poetry and the nice but now - - - - - had to wait to have mom and Dad ,I am sorry son unfilial son hereafter will allow you to live a good life and to bring me the total I heard outside the motorcycle voice is always so why become powerful and intransigent I miss the ten brother opened a motorcycle repair shop in my impression that is very profitable ten brother riding a motorcycle is very valiant and heroic in bearing the motorcycle sound is so tactfully clear !I feel as if I were sitting ten brother motorcycle on a leisurely walk in my lovely ,honest ,warm home.
Dear friends ,after please reproduced ,with our meager strength to the cry of society ,those living in the bottom, no matter how big differences between rich and poor ,they are people .